Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C281 Who Is That Person

C281 Who Is That Person

Looking at Gao Fei, who was walking towards the stairs, Shen Yinbing felt a deep sense of helplessness.    


She didn't know what was wrong with her.    


He obviously dreamed of getting the book, but after getting it, he didn't have the joy of having his wish granted. He only had an even stronger bitterness.    


Gao Fei came to the stairs and instructed the two girls for them to take care of Sister Hong. Just as he was about to go downstairs, he saw Liang Jiaojiao and a Enforcer hurriedly walking up.    


"Gao Fei!"    


Liang Jiaojiao walked quickly into the corridor. She looked at the operating room and asked in a low voice, "How is Yan Hong?"    


Gao Fei replied, "The operation was a success. We are temporarily out of danger, but we haven't passed the 24 hours period of danger."    


"Oh, so it's like that. The result wasn't too bad after all."    


Liang Jiaojiao heaved a sigh of relief, pointed to the Enforcer beside her and said, "Let me introduce you to Director Wang, this is Student Dong, a branch of the Lishan District. Director Wang, this is Gao Fei. "    


Wang Xuedong looked to be thirty-seven or thirty-eight years old. He had a squarish face and pitch-black skin, but his eyes were very bright. He was clearly a very capable person.    


After Gao Fei and Wang Xuedong shook hands, Liang Jiaojiao said, "Gao Fei, the crime scene is under Director Wang's jurisdiction, so he wants you, the witness, to go back to the station and ask about the situation."    


Wang Xuedong looked at Shen Yinbing who stood dumbstruck in the middle of the corridor, smiled, and said: "When I came, I heard from Director Liang that there's also Director Shen from Beishan Group. I still have to invite her to go to the sub-bureau."    


In broad daylight, Yan Hong was assassinated. The nature of this case was very bad, if the Enforcer wanted to solve this case, they would have to interrogate every witness carefully.    


Therefore, Gao Fei and Gao Fei didn't say anything. They waited until Liang Jiaojiao went to the operation room and took out the murder weapon before following Wang Xuedong to the mountain sub-bureau.    


Wang Xuedong personally asked Gao Fei about the details of Yan Hong's assassination in his office.    


The content of the inquiry was simply about where she had been, who she had met and what she had said to someone before her accident.    


After her accident, who was the first to arrive at the scene of the crime, what did she see there, and so on?    


Regardless of whether it was Shen Yinbing or Gao Fei, they obviously wouldn't tell them that Yan Hong went to find Gao Fei just to get back that book.    


Forget about Gao and Shen, but you still can't let anyone know about the [Anggui Sutra].    


The reporter responsible for the recording recorded what Gao Fei and Shen Yinbing said.    


Half an hour later, Wang Xuedong stood up and shook hands with Gao Fei, thanking them for their cooperation.    


Even if their mission was completed, the matter of how to solve the crime would be a matter for the Enforcer.    


After they said their goodbyes to Student Wang, Gao Fei and Gao Fei walked out of the building's lobby one after the other.    


Just as Gao Fei was about to walk towards his car, Shen Yinbing said, "Gao Fei, I want to talk to you in detail. Is that okay?"    


Gao Fei was silent for a moment, then said: "Okay, let's go to the coffee shop at the door."    


Within the coffee shop, an elegant piano piece was playing. Gao Fei and Shen Yinbing were sitting on a booth in the corner. Both of them were looking outside and neither of them said a word. Ten minutes had passed.    


Outside the window, the lights were already on, traffic was flying, and pedestrians were hurrying along the sidewalk.    


After stirring the coffee with a spoon, Shen Yinbing was the first to break the silence. "Gao Fei, what did you guys say after Sister Hong found you?"    


Of course, Shen Yinbing knew that Gao Fei was like her, hiding certain things when they were questioned at the district police station, which was why she asked him.    


Gao Fei turned his face to the side and said lightly: "What else can she say? "Of course it's to ask me for a book."    


Shen Yinbing whispered, "I want to know more."    


Gao Fei nodded and recounted in detail what he and Yan Hong had told him at Sunset Restaurant.    


Finally he said, "When I gave her the book, she said she didn't want it and wanted me to keep it for her father. Perhaps, she had already expected that someone would be watching her from the shadows. Knowing that she was going to look for me, it was very likely that she would get the book.    


So before she left, she wrapped a book in plastic bags that resembled a scripture book. "    


Shen Yinbing was stunned. "Someone is secretly monitoring her?" "Who, who is that person?"    


"How should I know?"    


After drinking the coffee, Gao Fei said in a low voice: "Before we left, she told me that you were a good girl. No matter what you've misunderstood me about, you still care about me, so I have to treat you well. That way, your dad can be at ease there."    


After hearing Gao Fei's story, Shen Yinbing's heart ached. She bit her lips and said in a hoarse voice, "I understand, in fact, Sister Hong might have already predicted that something would happen and didn't want you to hand over the book, so she took out a fake book to attract those people hiding in the dark to wait for her. After her accident, she would remind me that I definitely can't touch that book, or else her day would be my tomorrow!"    


Gao Fei sneered silently: "You finally understand, but it's too late."    


The shame on Shen Yinbing's face grew even deeper. Her hands were stuck in her hair as she tugged at her hair. She choked with sobs and said, "It … It was me who harmed Sister Hong, it was me who harmed her …"    


Looking at Shen Yinbing, who laid on the table at the end with her shoulders shaking, the coldness in Gao Fei's eyes softened a little. Although this girl was sometimes quite retarded, she kicked him out of her house and destroyed her own Great Wall just because of an old bald donkey's trick.    


However, no matter what, she was just an ordinary girl who had just lost her father. In the complex affairs of the martial arts world, she was simply a rookie who was inexperienced to the affairs of the world.    


Gao Fei lowered his eyes and slowly sipped his coffee. When the waiter brought him another cup of coffee, Shen Yinbing slowly raised her head. Her eyes were bloodshot and her face was filled with sadness. "Gao Fei, what should I do now?"    


Gao Fei said calmly: "Book, I gave it to you. You can do whatever you want, it has nothing to do with me. "    


Shen Yinbing shuddered and blurted out, "You're really ignoring me?"    


After saying this, she realized that with their current relationship, she no longer had any reason or right to say such words. She hurriedly lowered her head.    


To be honest, Gao Fei really hated that old book.    


It was this shitty book that caused his relationship with Shen Yinbing to break down and allowed Yan Hong to be assassinated.    


He could be considered rich now, with 'outstanding' subordinates like Lee Decai and higher-ups like Faang Xiaotine to protect him. In the future, he would be rampant in Jinnan, and as long as he didn't go down the car intentionally, no one would dare to cause trouble for him.    




He was very satisfied with his current life and did not want to get involved in the troubles of others. Thus, he handed the book over today in order to leave this troublesome place completely.    


Of course, the night before Lao Su died, he told him that if this book were to fall into someone else's hands, a lot of people would die, including Lian Xue and Shen Yinbing.    


But what could he do?    


Some people have to seek their own deaths, and he can't stop them, so why bother doing so?    


At most, he would try his best to protect Lian Xue, or rather, the blue and white porcelain hairpin, in the future. As for Shen Yinbing's life, he had chosen it himself.    


Only then did Gao Fei harden his heart and hand over the book: "Her life has nothing to do with me!" In any case, you're not the only woman in the world. If worst comes to worst, this bro will marry Liang Jiaojiao in the future. That girl has been acting very obedient lately, having the potential to be a good wife and a good mother …    


However, when Gao Fei thought that he really could stop caring about Shen Yinbing's life, the words that the girl blurted out smashed the cold indifference in his heart like a hammer!    


Shen Yinbing had an irreplaceable position in his heart. Not to mention Liang Jiaojiao, even tying up Shieh Hongyan, Qin Chengcheng, and the others would not do.    


Why did this happen?    


How could she be more outstanding than Liang Jiaojiao and the others?    


It was because she was crazy. It was also because of what Lao Su said before he died. It was because Gao Fei was staring at Shen Yinbing in a daze. At this moment, his mind was suddenly in a mess.    


Shen Yinbing, who had been waiting with her head down for a moment, and hadn't heard Gao Fei, raised her head in confusion.    


The instant their gazes met, Shen Yinbing saw the confusion in his eyes.    


"I, I have to go back."    


Shen Yinbing quickly looked to the side, then stood up, picked up the bag on the table and walked towards the door of the coffee shop. Shen Yinbing quickly looked to the side, then stood up, picked up the bag on the table and walked towards the door of the coffee shop.    


But at that moment, Gao Fei reached out and grabbed her wrist.    


Shen Yinbing's body shuddered as she turned her head abruptly. Her eyes were already filled with tears.    


Gao Fei finally spoke: "At the very least, we are still friends, right?"    


Before Shen Yinbing could say anything, he said, "It's normal to worry about your friends, isn't it?"    


"Yes, yes. At the very least, we are still friends, friends."    


Tears flowed down her pure white cheeks. Shen Yinbing lifted her chin and closed her eyes before repeating, "We are friends. Friends."    


Gao Fei loosened his grip on her wrist, "Actually, from the moment Hai Bo was assassinated, I already knew that there was someone beside you who was watching us at all times. Otherwise, that person would not have known that Sister Hong had gone to my place and was waiting for her at the Racetrack. "    


Shen Yinbing raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face as she whispered, "Who do you think that person is?"    


Gao Fei asked, "Usually, who has the opportunity to contact you?"    


"Jiao Enzo!"    


Shen Yinbing blurted out the name and then shook her head. "No, it won't be him. I knew him since I was young. At that time, he had always protected me and helped me deal with the Shimei-ge who always bullied me. This time, when he returned to his country, he did so    


You know what it means to pursue me. Since he wants to court me, why would he harm me? "Moreover, he and Xiao Soong and I suffered that ordeal together in South Vietnam."    


"Maybe he was really nice to you when he was a kid, but after all these years abroad, who knows if he'll change?"    


Before Shen Yinbing could explain anything, Gao Fei said: "Then tell me, besides him, who else knows you so well? It's Hei Zi, Xiao Soong? "    


Shen Yinbing shook her head, "I, I don't know, I really don't know! All of them are very nice to me, and I can't believe they're going to hurt me. "    


Gao Fei nodded and didn't say anything else. He picked up his cup and slowly sipped his coffee.    


Shen Yinbing just stood there for a long time before she asked, "Gao Fei, what should we do?"    


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