Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C258 The Legend of the Yin Man

C258 The Legend of the Yin Man

Just when Shen Yinbing decided to give her most precious item to Wu Tie on this picturesque night, Su Beishan's sneer came from the forest.    


When Gao Fei led her into the woods, it was empty except for a pair of shoes.    


The reason why Shen Yinbing was able to recognize Su Beishan's shoes at a glance was because this pair of shoes was customized by her from a brand store on Su Beishan's birthday in March of this year. There was only this pair of shoes in the entire world.    


He sneered. Shoes were proof that Su Beishan had been here before.    


But the problem was, Gao Fei had promised to tell her that Su Beishan was dead!    


Furthermore, the strangest thing was that the toes of the shoes were facing the inside!    


Jack and Lily were both born and bred Jinnan people, and of course they both knew the local customs and some mysterious folklore.    


Legend has it that there is a special kind of person living in the mortal world: the Yin Man.    


Yin people, as the name implies, were people from the Underworld.    


However, they could live in the world like normal people. They had shadows, and they weren't afraid of the sun, because the King of Hell had bestowed them with a certain amount of mana.    


Their main mission in the world was to find the damned for Yama.    


Legend had it that the biggest difference between a Yin Person and a normal person was that after taking off their shoes at night, the tip of the shoe would be facing the brick bed, and no matter where the shoe was removed, the tip would always be facing the inside.    


Su Beishan, who had his stomach sliced open and was burning all over, walked into the Yellow River. It was terrifying enough for him to suddenly sneer, yet he left behind a pair of shoes with the toes facing the inside.    


What did this mean?    


Could it be that after his death, he became a pervert and came back to the mortal world to see his daughter, only to discover that some heartless child was bullying her, so he let out a sneer to prevent something from happening?    


After seeing the shoes with the toes facing inward, Shen Yinbing and Gao Fei both thought of the legend of the 'Yin People'.    


Of course, Gao Fei did not believe this: If Su Beishan really became a pervert, then why didn't he stay?    


But Shen Yinbing didn't think that way. Staring at the shoes, she thought of the sneer her father had just let out. The thought that arose in her mind after the fright was: Daddy doesn't want me to have any relationship with Gao Fei!    


Gao Fei also squatted down and picked up a shoe beside Shen Yinbing.    


He suspected that someone had brought Su Beishan's shoes here and imitated Lao Su's sneer to trick him.    


However, when he picked them up, he found that there was still some mud and grass on the upper, which meant that the shoes had been worn.    


The items that Su Beishan used before he died were all disposed of by the property that Shen Yinbing entrusted to the villa complex. Why would his shoes appear here?    


Even if someone had come to scare Shen Yinbing using folklore, who was this person?    


Who could avoid Gao Fei's bamboo stick?    


Could it be that Su Beishan had really revived and became a pervert?    


Gao Fei accompanied Shen Yinbing and did not say a word.    


He knew that no matter what he said, he wouldn't be able to explain his shoes and that sneer just now. He might as well think of a way to properly enlighten her and relieve the knot in her heart.    


Although it was impossible for Gao Fei to find Su Beishan to explain the weird event that happened tonight, he thought of another way.    


"Xiaobing, let's go. The weather is getting cold."    


Gao Fei embraced Shen Yinbing's waist and stood up, saying in a low voice: "I'll accompany you to the Qianfo Mountain early in the morning tomorrow. When the restaurant was open, I once heard from Liang Ming that there was a wandering monk on the mountain who was said to know how to calculate and break people's fortune. Perhaps I can ask him to give me some pointers. "    


Shen Yinbing nodded silently, but she still didn't say anything.    


She did not say a word until they were back in the new house and she went to her room.    


Gao Fei stood in front of the window, looking at the night covered by a layer of white moonlight. He sneered and muttered, "You dare to scare me like that, you better pray you won't be found by me, otherwise I'll dig up your ancestors' graves too!"    


In order to help Shen Yinbing struggle free from the shock of her father's death, Mr. Gao did everything he could. With his rebellious personality, it was already difficult for him to carry her out every day.    


Shen Yinbing had gradually gotten rid of her unfortunate past because of his meticulous care, and this was what had happened when she took the initiative to become his woman tonight.    


Who said anything? How could Mr. Gao not be angry?    


However, no matter how angry he was, the most important thing right now was to 'save' Shen Yinbing. A single moment of laziness could allow this girl to return to her tragic years.    


Perhaps, it was time to have a good talk with Lian Xue. After all, that girl was Su Beishan's subordinate and might know some of his secrets.    


Outside the window, the moonlight shone into the water. It was peaceful and peaceful, but there was an unnoticeable strangeness to it.    


The next day was Saturday. Early in the morning, Gao Fei got up and prepared a rich and delicious breakfast.    


At half past seven, Shen Yinbing came out of her bedroom.    


It was only a single night, but Shen Yinbing had already sagged away.    


Gao Fei pretended not to see him and smiled as he took off the apron around his waist: "Hey, girl, good morning!"    


In the past few days, Gao Fei would always use this phrase to greet Shen Yinbing.    


Shen Yinbing, whose personality had been influenced by him and had started to become lively, would say, "Hey, handsome Pig Head, good morning."    


But today, when Gao Fei greeted her, she forced a smile and then lowered her head as she hurried into the bathroom.    




Gao Fei sighed. He casually put his apron on the back of the chair and sat down to light a cigarette.    


About ten minutes later, Shen Yinbing walked out from the washroom.    


It was obvious that she had put on some makeup. Although her complexion looked much better than before, her eyes were still gloomy.    


After seeing that Shen Yinbing had put on her makeup, Gao Fei felt more or less at ease. Since others saw her in such a terrible state, it meant that she still yearned for beauty.    


Well, not yet.    


Gao Fei smiled and handed over a spoon to Shen Yinbing. "Here, try the wolfberry meat soup that I made personally. I'm sure you'll think of the next bowl after eating it tonight."    


Shen Yinbing smiled but didn't say anything. She took the spoon and stirred it a few times before lowering her head and drinking the soup.    


Gao Fei didn't say anything else as he accompanied Shen Yinbing to finish their breakfast.    


Just when Shen Yinbing picked up the dishes and was about to wash the dishes, Gao Fei grabbed her hand and said, "No need to wash the dishes."    


Shen Yinbing subconsciously withdrew her hand and finally said, "I know you don't like doing household chores."    


"If I don't do it, you don't either."    


"Then who will wash the dishes?"    


"Who's going to wash the dishes?"    


Gao Fei smiled and said, "When I was renting a room in the dormitory of Yanshan Cement Plant, I had never washed the dishes before. It was always the mice who washed the dishes for me at night."    


"You're just spouting nonsense."    


Shen Yinbing chuckled and said in a low voice, "Gao Fei, I know you are worried about me. "Don't worry, I know what I should do, I know what to treasure. You can leave first, I'll change into a set of clothes after washing the dishes, then I'll go to the parking lot to look for you."    


"Alright, then I'll wait for you downstairs."    


Gao Fei let go of her hand and waited for her to take the chopsticks into the kitchen before he let out a breath of air.    


After waiting in the parking lot of the new city for an hour, Gao Fei thought that something had happened to Shen Yinbing and was about to give her a call, but she finally appeared.    


Shen Yinbing wore a sun hat, a white short-sleeved T-shirt, and a pair of blue denim shorts. Her beautiful legs were bare, and her white skin was painful to the eyes. She wore a pair of silver-white one-net climbing shoes, giving her a pure and energetic look.    


Shen Yinbing opened the door and sat in the front passenger seat. When she put her bag in the back seat, she asked Gao Fei: "Why didn't you shave?"    


Gao Fei started the car and said with an expressionless face, "I just shaved it before coming down."    


Shen Yinbing was stupefied for a moment, then she thought of a joke.    


The joke was that his wife, who had finally finished her makeup, walked into the living room. When she saw the stubble on his face, she complained that he had to shave, but the husband felt wronged and said that he had shaved just before she put on his makeup, but his wife had used too much time to put on her makeup and his beard had grown back.    


"F * ck you, you only know how to speak nonsense!"    


Shen Yinbing's mood improved a little because of this joke. She rolled her eyes at him, and that guy laughed heartily as he turned on the CD in the car.    


When Shen Yinbing bought the car for Gao Fei, she had the 4S store install a set of imported CD sound equipment in the car.    


As the saying goes, a penny is worth a penny. Spending more money in exchange for more pleasure, there were almost no grievances in the atmosphere. Di Tong let out a slow sigh, and immediately, the car started to crash against each other crazily.    


Usually, Shen Yinbing didn't listen to this kind of dance music at all, she felt that this was just an unbearable noise. She frowned and was about to turn the volume down, but Gao Fei held her hand and said loudly: "Since my surname is Gao and your surname is Shen, can you be crazy with me once?"    


"What? Your surname is Gao and my surname is Shen?"    


Before Shen Yinbing could wake up to Gao Fei's nonsense, she saw his body trembling along with the explosive music.    


Just like Sperm No Borders music, it is borderless and more infectious.    


At first, Shen Yinbing was forced to slowly shake her body as Gao Fei did, but as the car sped up and both sides of the scenery flew away in an instant, her youthful passion was finally activated.    


It had to be said that for a tall and beautiful girl, her bodily functions were quite charming. If not for Mr. Gao's driving skills, Director Shen would have had to drive the car under the fence when she frantically shook her hair and her chest.    


The screeching of brakes woke Director Shen, who was reveling in the music.    


She stopped and looked at Gao Fei blankly.    


Gao Fei pointed at a nearby gate and closed the music: "Qianfo Mountain, we have arrived."    


Shen Yinbing wiped her eyes in disbelief. "You're shocked, you're here already?" "Why do I feel like it's only been a blink of an eye?"    


"Good music and good mood always make people feel like time is short."    


Gao Fei got off the car, walked around the car, and opened the car door for her. He stretched out his left hand and bowed as he said in a perfect manner, "My respected Queen, please get off."    


When Gao Fei was trying to get close to Shen Yinbing, he didn't notice that there was a pair of bright eyes coldly staring at him from a car not far behind him.    


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