Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C250 The Blank Liang Jiao Jiao

C250 The Blank Liang Jiao Jiao

Now, Liang Jiaojiao's hatred for Gao Fei had become very thin. She didn't even know why.    


Especially after coming into contact with Gao Fei multiple times over the past few days, she was at a loss on this matter. She started to wonder if coming to Jinnan was the wrong decision for her.    


Although she was born in a big city, she was a very conservative girl. Some of the ladies of ancient times would wake up in the middle of the night with the thought that they could only marry him after being bathed by the coachman.    


However, after these few interactions, Liang Jiaojiao realized that Gao Fei had a concern for Shen Yinbing that even he himself did not realize.    


In other words, when Liang Jiaojiao found out that Gao Fei only had Shen Yinbing in his heart, she didn't have that kind of long-lasting thought towards Gao Fei just because the first time Gao Fei snatched her away, as if the two of them never had that kind of relationship.    


Therefore, Liang Jiaojiao felt at a loss.    


However, she could truly feel that every time she met Gao Fei, there was no awkward atmosphere. Instead, it was as natural as meeting an old friend.    


Sigh, maybe that time between us was just an evil misunderstanding. After all, we are not the same kind of people.    


Liang Jiaojiao sighed inwardly, but she maintained a normal smile on the surface. "Mmm, let me tell Director Shen about the development of the case. "Alright, I've finished my work. It's about time I go back. Director Shen, goodbye."    


Shen Yinbing made a gesture of sending him off. After being stopped, she said apologetically, "Goodbye, Chief Liang."    


Liang Jiaojiao walked to the door and nodded to Gao Fei. She rubbed his shoulder and quickly left the ward.    


Just as she stepped out of the door, she heard Gao Fei whisper, "Liang Jiaojiao, thank you."    


Liang Jiaojiao's feet paused for a moment, but she did not say anything. She turned right and walked towards the elevator. She did not see Xiao Soong greet her at all. She did not even take the elevator as she quickly walked down the stairs.    


As she walked down the stairs, Liang Jiaojiao suddenly felt a chill on her face.    


She raised her hand to wipe it away and unexpectedly, there were tears that flowed down her face.    


"Why should I cry? Why should I cry? "Since when have I become so fragile? Because of his one word of thanks, I've become so confused!"    


Liang Jiaojiao bit her lips as she staggered down the stairs.    


"Eh, Director Liang, what's wrong? Your face looks a bit pale."    


Xiao Soong looked towards the direction of the stairs, feeling a little baffled …    


Jiao Enzo, who was standing in front of the ward's window, coldly glanced at the cabinet beside Shen Yin's window.    


The paper cup he had used just now was gone.    


Lifting his wrist watch, Jiao Enzo looked at Yan Hong, who was sitting in a daze on the chair at the door of the ward. He smiled and said in a low voice, "Deputy Director Yan, I'll be going first. Please tell Xiaobing that I'll come see her tomorrow."    


Deputy Director Yan looked down at her toes, not saying a word.    


She didn't hear Jiao Enzo talking to her at all.    


Jiao Enzo smiled awkwardly and nodded at Xiao Soong and Wu Tie. Then, he turned around and walked towards the elevator.    


When Jiao Enzo took the elevator to the hall on the first floor, Liang Jiaojiao still hadn't come down.    


He looked around and walked to the water dispenser in the corner of the hall.    


This water dispenser was provided to the patients' families when they were resting. Next to it, there was a stack of new disposable paper cups, as well as a wastepaper basket. Inside the cup, there were a lot of paper cups used by others.    


Jiao Enzo took out a transparent glove as thin as a cicada's wing from his pocket and put it on. He picked up a paper cup from the wastebasket and walked out of the hall.    


Shen Yinbing stayed in the ward on the thirteenth floor. It took her, who seemed to have lost her soul, at least seven or eight minutes to arrive at the hall on the first floor.    


Standing on the steps of the hall, she looked up at the dusky night sky and let out a long breath of air. She murmured, "Liang Jiaojiao, that was just a dream, dreams have no end. You should wake up as soon as possible and start a new life for yourself!"    




Liang Jiaojiao raised her hand and punched the air viciously, her footsteps once again becoming lighter as if she had obtained a new patient.    


When they were walking towards the parking lot, Liang Jiaojiao took out the paper cup Jiao Enzo had used before. She lowered her head and took out a plastic bag specially used to hold evidence. When she was about to put it in, she felt a strong wind blowing towards her.    


Liang Jiaojiao was alarmed and subconsciously dodged to the side. However, someone bumped into her right shoulder and dropped the paper cup on the ground.    


"Aiyo, I'm sorry, Comrade Police Officer. My wife is sick. I was anxious to see her, so I left in a hurry."    


As he spoke, he bent down and picked up the paper cup for Liang Jiaojiao and passed it to her.    


It was a middle-aged man with black framed eyes and a small beard. He looked very gentle. There was anxiety in his eyes. It seemed that he was worried about his wife's condition.    


Liang Jiaojiao didn't mind. She took the paper cup and waved it away. "It's alright. Go back to your work."    


"Thank you, thank you."    


The middle-aged man thanked him again and then left in a hurry.    


Turning her head to look at the man's back, Liang Jiaojiao shook her head and put the paper cup into the plastic bag.    


Although there were at least three fingerprints on the paper cup (Liang Jiaojiao, Jiao Enzo and the middle-aged man), fingerprints were not too important to DNA testing. All that was needed was to test the saliva on the cup.    


"How is it? Are you feeling better?"    


Gao Fei walked to the sick window and placed a handful of flowers on the cabinet.    


This bouquet of fresh flowers was bought by Yan Hong and placed in the car for him. She told Gao Fei that Shen Yinbing would be in a much better mood when she saw him bringing fresh flowers to visit him.    


Sure enough, after seeing the flowers, Shen Yinbing's eyes had an expression of gratitude.    


No wonder young people like to send flowers these days. Hmm, that's right, in the future when the holidays come, should I let little Zhuang sell flowers in the restaurant, or simply open a flower shop?    


In the blink of an eye, Gao Fei had thought of a lot of things and felt ashamed. It seems like this brother has the potential to become a cunning businessman.    


"I feel much better, but I don't have any strength left in my body."    


Shen Yinbing leaned her elbows on the bed and looked like she wanted to lean against the headboard.    


"Don't move, let me help you."    


Gao Fei walked forward and hugged Shen Yinbing's shoulders naturally. He put a pillow behind her head and helped her roll up the sick bay window. With a look of concern on his face, he asked, "How is it, are you still going to work?"    


When Gao Fei hugged her shoulders, Shen Yinbing's pale face was suffused with a layer of red. She felt a sense of security, like her father had held her in his arms when she was young. She even forgot to answer Gao Fei.    


Gao Fei didn't ask any further questions. He sat down on the chair, picked up an apple from the fruit plate and started sharpening it with a fruit knife.    


Gao Fei had never peeled an apple before, so he would often grab one and wipe it on his sleeve before biting it.    


Scientists have already said that apple skin is rich in all kinds of nutrients the human body needs, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, functional beauty care, nourishing Yin and Yang only those idiots can peel.    


Although he had never peeled an apple before, his peeling skill was still rather high. The knife danced nimbly in his hand as if it was alive, and the peels were thin and unceasing. The width was measured with a caliper, and the apple was' stripped 'in the blink of an eye.    


Taking the apple from Gao Fei, Shen Yinbing finally spoke: "You are an expert."    


Gao Fei's eyes flashed. Just as he was about to say something, he heard her say: "An expert at peeling apples. The peeled apple looks so good that I can't bear to eat it. "    


Gao Fei smiled and asked straightforwardly, "Liang Jiaojiao told you all the results of the investigation?"    


Shen Yinbing didn't answer, instead, she asked, "Do you need me to apologize to you?"    


Gao Fei shook his head, "Apologizing is not a good idea. It's best if you come to my restaurant often and take care of me."    


A smile appeared on Shen Yinbing's face. "Sure, but you have to give me a discount card that's at least 10% off."    


Gao Fei hesitated for a moment and then haggled: "You are a billionaire, so just give me a 50% discount."    


Shen Yinbing raised her hand. "Twenty percent off!"    


"Sure, deal."    


Gao Fei raised his hand and patted her lightly. Just as he was about to retract his hand, Shen Yinbing held his five fingers with her five fingers.    


Gao Fei subconsciously looked out of the window. Seeing that Yan Hong and the rest didn't look inside, he shrugged and chuckled, "To be honest, I'm not used to you treating me so well."    


"Gao Fei, I'm sorry."    


When Shen Yinbing said the three words, "I'm sorry," her tone was extremely sincere.    


"I'm fine."    


Gao Fei pursed his lips: "Anyway, I didn't lose anything."    


Shen Yinbing held Gao Fei's fingers tightly and said softly like a lover: "Gao Fei, can you tell me, how is my dad?"    


Gao Fei didn't seem to be used to being held by Shen Yinbing. He pretended to be tickling his ears and pulled back. He scratched his ear with his little finger: "Right now, the most important thing for you is to rest well. I'll tell you about it tomorrow."    


Shen Yinbing slowly shook her head. "If it was me, would you be able to rest well?"    




Gao Fei was silent for a moment, then let out a breath and said, "Okay, then prepare yourself."    


Shen Yinbing smiled sadly. "You don't have to worry about that. I've been kidnapped three times in the past half month. My mentality has improved a lot and I can accept any unfortunate attack."    


"You're right. "Okay, then let me tell you, if this is not a dream, then your father, Su Beishan, is already dead."    


Wu Tie paused for a moment, then took the initiative to hold Shen Yinbing's hand. He told her in detail about that night when he saw Su Beishan at the mobile big building, found a monster in his stomach near the Yellow River, and finally saw him and the other four ghost-masked men walk into the Yellow River 'revived from the dead'.    


Gao Fei said these things very slowly for half an hour. It was also the first time he came up and said something from an objective point of view. He didn't hide anything and he didn't exaggerate anything.    


Of course, Gao Fei did not mention Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang's presence, nor did he mention Shieh Hongyan's mysterious disappearance. It had nothing to do with Shen Yinbing.    


When Gao Fei mentioned Su Beishan's stomach, Shen Yinbing's face turned extremely pale.    


When she heard that Gao Fei had cut open her father's stomach and killed that monster, her teeth began to make "ge ge ge" sounds. The fingernail held by Gao Fei deeply pierced into his palm.    


However, when Gao Fei mentioned that Su Beishan and the other four corpses had actually 'revived' and walked into the Yellow River, she suddenly calmed down.    


Just like a little girl who was hugged by her father right after she finished listening to a ghost story, other than her face still being pale, her pulse and breath had returned to normal.    


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