Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C243 Who Is the Murderer

C243 Who Is the Murderer

"I lied?"    


Gao Fei looked at Liang Jiaojiao as if she was a retard and blew out a mouthful of smoke. "Do I have to lie to you?"    


Liang Jiaojiao stared fixedly at Gao Fei's eyes: "At around three in the morning, you went to the Central Hospital!"    


Gao Fei was puzzled: "I went to the Central Hospital at that time? What am I doing there? "    


Liang Jiaojiao sneered, "Of course you know why you went there. How would I know? But I know that you killed someone! "    


Gao Fei was stunned: "What, you said I killed someone?"    


Liang Jiaojiao picked up the phone, opened a video and threw it over, "Gao Fei, look carefully, this is a recording I made from the hospital's inpatient department. You should understand it well."    


Gao Fei took the phone and started to watch the video.    


Due to the quality of the surveillance videos, the clarity of this video was quite average. However, the person inside could still be clearly seen.    


According to the time display, it was five past three in the morning.    


Seated on a chair at the east side of the empty Inpatient Department were a few Enforcer s wearing police uniforms. The one near the door was Liang Jiaojiao who wasn't wearing a police hat.    


Liang Jiaojiao and the other two people in the video were leaning against the back of their chairs and napping.    


At this moment, a person walked into the room.    


As if afraid that no one would be able to tell who he was, the man deliberately glanced at the monitor as he entered the room.    


After seeing this, Gao Fei's pupils suddenly contracted: This person, it's actually him!    


After Gao Fei glanced at the monitor, Liang Jiaojiao stood up from her chair.    


At this time, Liang Jiaojiao spoke up, "At that time, I was under the order of Commissioner Liu (Liu Changming) to protect Shen Yinbing in the hospital. When I was napping, I felt someone enter and woke up. I asked why you were here, and you replied that you were here to see Shen Yinbing. "I didn't think too much about it, so I told you Shen Yinbing's number."    


Gao Fei didn't say anything and continued watching the video.    


Gao Fei from the video came to a ward on the second floor, opened the door and gestured inside.    


Not long later, Hai Bo walked out from the inside.    


Then, the two of them started talking at the door of the ward.    


As he was talking, Hai Bo suddenly raised his hand as if he was about to say something. However, Gao Fei suddenly waved his hand!    


A sharp knife quickly cut Hai Bo's throat as fresh red blood splattered onto the opposite wall.    


The severely injured Hai Bo raised his hand and scratched Gao Fei's hand. Then, he kicked Gao Fei against the wall, turned around and fell into the ward.    


Then, Yan Hong and two medical personnel ran out of the duty room.    


Gao Fei saw that things were not going well, so he quickly ran to the window in the corridor and broke out.    


After the video reached here, it paused and finished broadcasting.    


"F * ck, who pretended to be me and ran over to the hospital to assassinate Hai Bo?"    


Gao Fei returned the phone to Liang Jiaojiao. In his heart, he thought: He killed Hai Bo to blame me, there's no doubt about it. But who could this person be?    


According to normal thinking, the first person Gao Fei suspected was the Wry Face Woman.    


But the problem was, they had never seen Gao Fei like this before, so how could they pretend to be him?    


And most importantly, the person that pretended to be him not only fooled Liang Jiaojiao in terms of looks, but he also perfectly matched his voice.    


Otherwise, with Liang Jiaojiao's professional vigilance, there was no reason for her to still let him go to see Shen Yinbing after hearing Gao Fei's voice.    


The doubts above could only point to one problem: The person pretending to be Gao Fei, even if they weren't familiar with him, they had still talked to him face to face.    


Then, who was this person?    


Just when Gao Fei was trying to figure out who pretended to be him, Liang Jiaojiao spoke up, "Gao Fei, what else do you have to say for yourself?"    


Gao Fei replied calmly, "I have nothing else to say."    


Liang Jiaojiao narrowed her eyes, "So, you're the one who killed Tong Hai?"    


Gao Fei retorted, "What do you think?"    


Liang Jiaojiao replied, "In theory, you have no reason to kill Tong Hai, let alone kill him after talking to me on purpose. Furthermore, someone saw you kill someone and escape with their own eyes, but you didn't immediately flee to a foreign land. These series of suspicious points all indicate that you didn't kill Hai Bo. "    


Gao Fei replied in a low voice: "Also, I have no reason to kill him."    


Liang Jiaojiao sighed, "Sigh, but this is only a theory. I don't believe that you killed Tong Hai either, but the problem is that the surveillance video only recorded how you committed the crime. You also know that right now, the most important thing in Enforcer's case is evidence. Therefore, theoretical speculation is of little use to you. "    


Gao Fei asked, "Then what do you want to do?"    


Liang Jiaojiao answered straightforwardly, "Very simple. I will arrest you and bring you to justice!"    


Gao Fei sneered: "Capture me? With just you two? "    


Liang Jiaojiao frowned. "You want to resist arrest?"    


"You know very well that I didn't kill Hai Bo!"    


"But we have evidence!"    


"The evidence is false."    


"Even if it's fake, you have to return to Police Station with me right now, because you are the biggest suspect!"    


Liang Jiaojiao said sternly, "Don't worry, our purpose in this case is not to wrongly accuse a good person, and we won't let a bad person off! "Are you a true murderer or not? After our efforts, the truth will finally come out!"    


Gao Fei said sarcastically: "Then tell me, when is it?"    


Liang Jiaojiao was stunned. "I don't know."    


Gao Fei asked again: "If you can't find the real killer, will you imprison me until I die?"    


"But …"    


Liang Jiaojiao pouted, lowered her eyes and said, "Gao Fei, if you want to prove that you are not the culprit, you can find the witness that you were absent at 3 am. As long as there is sufficient evidence, we don't need to arrest you."    


Gao Fei thought about it and shook his head. "I have no witness because I was sleeping in my room at that time."    


Liang Jiaojiao sighed, "Then I have no other choice. Looks like you can only follow me back to the Police Station."    


Gao Fei refused: "I'm very busy right now, I won't go back with you."    


Indeed, Gao Fei's restaurant had just opened, and there were still a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.    


Liang Jiaojiao said stiffly, "You have to come back with me, Gao Fei. Don't glare at me, if you resist arrest, you will immediately become a fugitive. At that time, you will no longer be able to appear anywhere freely. Perhaps, this is the ultimate goal of that person. "    


Gao Fei looked at Liang Jiaojiao. After a while, he let go of his fist and said dejectedly, "Alright, I'll go back with you. But you still have to agree to a condition of mine. "    


When Liang Jiaojiao heard Gao Fei was willing to follow her, she quickly said, "Tell me, what are your conditions?"    


Gao Fei closed his eyes and leaned his head against the back of the seat: "I want to see Hai Bo's body."    


Liang Jiao Mei nodded in agreement. "That's easy to do. When you return with me to the station, I will arrange for you to visit him at the mortuary."    


After Liang Jiaojiao brought Gao Fei back to the sub-bureau, she didn't send him to the interrogation room and instead asked him to stay in her office.    


She also did not put handcuffs on him, because she knew that if Gao Fei wanted to escape, he would not be able to do so unless his legs were cut off.    


After serving Gao Fei a glass of water, Liang Jiaojiao said, "Just wait for a while, I need to report to the Town Security."    


Gao Fei raised his cup and nodded, indicating that she should do whatever she wanted. He was a suspect that could be slaughtered at any moment.    


After setting up Gao Fei, Liang Jiaojiao immediately called the city bureau chief to report that she had brought the suspect Gao Fei to the sub-bureau, but Gao Fei had a request, that is, to see Hai Bo's body.    


In Su Family Villa, Liu Changming had met Gao Fei once, but he had already forgotten who he was.    


When he heard from Liang Jiaojiao that the suspect had been apprehended, he immediately said that he needed to be looked after. He would be here very soon to personally interrogate the murder case in the hospital.    


Under the protection of the Enforcer, a criminal suspect could still kill people arrogantly, which made Liu Changming very angry.    


However, she didn't expect Liu Changming to come over, so she hung up the phone and told Gao Fei in a tactful manner, "It seems that you have to stay in the interrogation room, because Chief Liu is coming over. If he sees that I'm waiting for you like this, he'll definitely be angry at me for using my emotions."    


"Emotions? Heh heh, what feelings do we have for each other? "    


Gao Fei laughed, and just as he was about to say something, he noticed Liang Jiaojiao's expression darken. Only now did he realize that there really was some 'feelings' between them: when they were in the Jingdu City's Royal Crown Bath City, he had rudely seized her first time.    


The most important reason why Liang Jiaojiao could transfer to Jinnan was to seek revenge.    


However, due to some things happening later on, Liang Jiaojiao's hatred towards him had already changed.    


Gao Fei also subconsciously treated her as a friend and completely forgot about what happened that day.    


It was only then, when Liang Jiaojiao was somewhat embarrassed by his poor tongue, that he suddenly recalled that incident.    


Seeing Gao Fei's smile freeze on his face, Liang Jiaojiao finally loosened her lips and said coldly: "Gao Fei, don't think that just because you helped me, you can make me forget the pain you brought me! "I swear, once all of this is settled, it'll be the time for us to settle everything!"    


Gao Fei said unhappily: "Clearing out? "What is there to settle? If it weren't for you assassinating me, would I have done the same to you?"    


"I don't want to talk about it with you right now. Come with me!"    


Liang Jiaojiao scolded in a low voice before she turned around and walked out of the office in quick steps.    


Gao Fei stood up, shrugged and followed them out of the office.    


Liu Changming came very slowly. After almost an hour and a half, his Audi police car finally drove into the courtyard of the sub-bureau.    


Behind his car was a white BMW.    


Before Liu Changming even got out of the car, a tall girl walked out from the BMW behind. It was Beishan Group CEO Shen Yinbing.    


After them, Yan Hong and Hei Zi also got off the car.    


Seeing that Shen Yinbing had also arrived, Liang Jiaojiao frowned slightly.    


Of course she knew why Shen Yinbing came here. At the same time, she was also slightly dissatisfied with Liu Changming. Before the murder of Hai Bo was decided, she had brought the 'relatives' of the deceased to see Gao Fei.    


Afterwards, Liu Changming got off the car and saw the dissatisfaction on Liang Jiaojiao's face. He explained in a low voice, "Chief Liang, Director Shen's father, Su Beishan, and I are old friends. I must agree to Shen Yinbing's small request. I hope you can understand."    


As the chief of the city police, Liu Changminggui was able to explain in a "humble tone" to Liang Jiaojiao. This was enough to give her face, so of course she didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction.    


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