Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C241 He Is Not a Man

C241 He Is Not a Man

The uneasy feeling grew stronger and stronger.    


Hai Bo clenched his right fist and thought: "What's wrong, is there something bad happening again?" Should I inform the Enforcer s below to come up and look at Xiaobing?    


After Enforcer sent Shen Yinbing to the hospital, in order to prevent another accident from happening, the Deputy Chief of the Plaza's Liang Jiaojiao personally led two Enforcer s to guard the hospital. They were in the hall below the Inpatient Department.    


Hai Bo walked to the cabinet at the side of the bed and picked up the phone. However, he heard Shen Yinbing mumbling: "Dad, Dad, you, what's wrong?"    


Hai Bo was shocked. He raised his head and saw Shen Yinbing's long eyelashes violently trembling. However, she did not open her eyes. It seemed like she was having a nightmare again.    


After seeing Shen Yinbing's helpless look, Hai Bo's heart ached. He put down the phone, sat down on the chair Yan Hong had just sat on, held her left hand and said in a low voice, "Xiaobing, don't be afraid. With Hai Bo here, no one can hurt you again!"    


The sound of the door opening could be heard. Hai Bo looked back and his eyes lit up. Gao Fei appeared at the door with a tired expression.    


Until now, Hai Bo had no idea where Mr. Gao came from.    


However, he knew that if it wasn't for Gao Fei, Shen Yinbing would have died at least three times in the past half month.    


This was a fierce person. With him here, all dangers would cease to be dangerous.    


Some people were born with a great sense of security. At least Gao Fei gave Hai Bo that feeling.    


Therefore, when he saw Gao Fei appear, the anxiety and unease in Hai Bo's heart disappeared. He stood up and said with a smile, "Gao Fei, come here."    


Before Hai Bo could finish his sentence, he saw Gao Fei raise his right index finger to his mouth and make a "hush" gesture. He pointed at Shen Yinbing and then pointed towards the door.    


Hai Bo understood and knew that Gao Fei was afraid of waking Shen Yinbing up. He quickly walked to the door.    


When Hai Bo and Gao Fei walked out of the ward, Shen Yinbing opened her eyes.    


After she was taken to the hospital, she began to have a high fever.    


During her fever, she had many dreams.    


Nightmares. Every one of them was a nightmare.    


She dreamt of her dead mother. Her entire body was transparent, and from the outside, one could see the meridians and entrails of her internal organs.    


She dreamed about her father, saw him being hung on a tree by a rope, and Gao Fei actually cut open his stomach with a knife.    


She also dreamed that Gao Fei cut open her father's stomach, then slashed Hai Bo's throat with a backhand slash …    


Shen Yinbing seemed to hear Hai Bo's voice calling Gao Fei from a very far distance when she was doing this. She opened her eyes and happened to see Gao Fei and Hai Bo walk out of the ward.    


So, Gao Fei had really come.    


Through the Window Glass, Shen Yinbing looked at the man in the corridor in a daze. In her mind, she recalled the shout she heard when she was at the lake: "What are you doing? Don't move, grab onto my clothes at my waist!"    


Shen Yinbing could swear that even though she was in chaos, she could still hear that the ghost-masked man's voice was Gao Fei's.    


However, how could he have that kind of ability? In order to save her, he dared to jump down from Heavenly Stage Mountain and throw her into the lake in the nick of time?    


If he had saved her, why had he gone back into the water?    


Looking at Gao Fei, who was talking to Hai Bo in the hallway outside the window, a confused look surfaced in Shen Yinbing's eyes. She closed her eyes in confusion.    


Following that, she opened her eyes once again and saw Gao Fei in the corridor outside the window. She suddenly waved her hand!    


Following that, Hai Bo let out a shrill scream!    


Shen Yinbing's eyes suddenly widened!    


She saw bright red blood suddenly spurt onto the Corridor Wall across the ward and Gao Fei's face!    


Bright red blood sprayed onto the snow-white wall. It was just like how several La plums suddenly bloomed in the snow. The red was so bright and dazzling!    


"He, he wants to kill Hai Bo!?"    


Shen Yinbing's mouth was wide open as she shouted out with all her might, but she did not make the slightest sound!    


Shen Yinbing couldn't help but to let out a cry when she saw Hai Bo's bloody throat with her own eyes.    


After Hai Bo's throat was cut by the sharp blade, he didn't immediately fall to the ground. Instead, he used his left hand to cover his throat, suddenly raising his foot and heavily stomping on Gao Fei's left leg.    


Perhaps Hai Bo burst forth with all the potential in his body before he died, this kick directly stomped Gao Fei onto the opposite wall!    


After sending Gao Fei flying with a stomp, Hai Bo didn't take the opportunity to give chase. Instead, he quickly retreated, knocked open the door of the ward with a shoulder and fell into the ward.    


Gao Fei might not have thought that after Hai Bo's throat was cut off, he would be able to unleash such a terrifying force. When he jumped up and was about to continue chasing Hai Bo, Yan Hong, who was in the doctor's duty room carrying medicine, and the two medical personnel ran out after hearing the scream.    


Gao Fei saw that after someone ran out, they didn't have time to rush into the ward, so he could only snort. He turned around and ran to the corridor window. With a leap, he broke through the second floor and disappeared from the window.    


"Hai Bo, Hai Bo!"    


Shen Yinbing yelled and rolled down from the bed. She stretched out her hands to Hai Bo, who was crawling towards her on the ground, and swore that she used all her strength to yell for Hai Bo, but Hai Bo couldn't hear anything. He just covered his neck with his left hand and crawled on the ground with his right hand.    


Shen Yinbing crawled to Hai Bo's side and hugged him tightly in her arms. Tears fell like rain from her eyes, "Hai Bo, Hai Bo!"    


Since Shen Yinbing could remember, she had known Hai Bo.    


For more than 20 years, Hai Bo had been like Su Beishan, always taking care of her as his own daughter.    


However, Shen Yinbing didn't notice it before. She only treated Hai Bo as a loyal family member.    


But when she saw Hai Bo still struggle to protect her after his throat was cut off by Gao Fei, she realized that she had treated Hai Bo as her father when he had treated her as his daughter, but she hadn't realized it before.    


Hai Bo was lying in Shen Yinbing's arms with his left hand squeezing his throat.    


However, her throat was cut by the sharp blade. Blisters of blood flowed out from Hai Bo's fingers and stained Shen Yinbing's hospital gown red.    


"Hai Bo, Hai Bo, someone come!" "Hai Bo, Hai Bo, someone come!"    


If she had to imagine Shen Yinbing hugging a dying person with his throat cut, she would rather die than carry him.    


But now, she didn't have a shred of fear. She only felt the pain of losing her loved ones and the hatred towards that murderer. She tightly embraced Hai Bo and screamed while tears fell from her eyes onto Hai Bo's bloodied face.    


"Wu … Xiaobing!"    


Hai Bo opened his mouth and raised his right hand that was tightly clenched. His left hand was gripping his throat tightly. Although he couldn't stop the blood from flowing out, he could still breathe as he spat out a few unclear notes.    


Seeing the blood coming out of Hai Bo's mouth, but he still stubbornly opened his mouth wide, Shen Yinbing knew that he had something to say and nodded her head: "Hai Bo, say it, I'm listening!"    


"Sh-Gao Fei, he … Isn't he …" Cough, cough! "    


Jack's mouth dropped open, and he gasped for breath, wanting to say what he wanted to say the most.    


However, the blood had already flowed into his lungs, making him unable to say another word. He coughed a few times, then raised his right hand as if to express something, and lowered it. The divine light in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and his pupils expanded, but there was also an intense unwillingness.    


He did not say the words he wanted to say the most. He died with grievance!    


"Hai Bo, Hai Bo!"    


Shen Yinbing screamed as she cried. She lowered her head deeply and pointed her forehead at Hai Bo as she screamed crazily, "I know, I know what you want to say! "You have to tell me, tell me that Gao Fei is not a person, he is a murderer, a murderer!"    


After the last word 'hand' was spoken, Shen Yinbing's vision went black and her body collapsed limply onto the ground, fainting.    


"Xiaobing, Hai Bo!"    


Yan Hong, who led two medical personnel in, rushed over and hugged Shen Yinbing, crying as she shouted, "Call the police, call the police! Go down and call for the Enforcer! "    


The two medical staff standing at the door were scared stiff. Only then did they wake up as if they had just woken from a dream. They turned around and rushed towards the stairs.    


When Shen Yinbing woke up again, it was already noon on top of September.    


As a result of the murder of Hai Bo in the early morning, the academy had immediately helped her change her room. The Enforcer was also protected by two policewomen, led by Liang Jiaojiao.    


When she opened her eyes, she stared blankly at the snow-white ceiling. After a long time, she finally managed to struggle free from her nightmare or reality.    


She slowly turned her head and saw Yan Hong.    


Yan Hong still hadn't woken up. She was lying on the sickbed with a haggard face and messy hair. Her lips had a bloody wound. In just seven or eight hours, her eyes had sunk deeply into the bed as if she had aged several years.    


Liang Jiaojiao, on the other hand, was standing at the window. When she turned around, she saw that Shen Yinbing had woken up. Surprise flashed across her eyes. "Director Shen, you're finally awake!"    


Liang Jiaojiao's voice woke Yan Hong up. She opened her eyes and immediately looked up. "Xiaobing!"    


Shen Yinbing could hear the concern in Yan Hong's short voice. She forced a smile and replied in a low voice, "Sister Hong."    


Yan Hong stretched out her hand and stroked Shen Yinbing's forehead. She heaved a sigh of relief. "Phew, your forehead is finally not that hot anymore. That's great. Just you wait. I'll go get some water for you."    


Shen Yinbing shook her head and grabbed onto Yan Hong's hand as she mumbled, "Sister Hong, where's Hai … Hai Bo?"    


Yan Hong's eyes dimmed as she replied in a low voice, "He has already been sent to the hospital's mortuary."    


Shen Yinbing was silent for a moment, then asked, "My … my father already knows about this, right?"    


Yan Hong's mouth moved, but she eventually turned to look at Liang Jiaojiao.    


Liang Jiaojiao understood what he meant and walked to the bed. "Normally, in a body like Director Shen's, I shouldn't tell you these things."    


Shen Yinbing's lips started trembling, but her eyes were filled with stubbornness, indicating that she wanted Liang Jiaojiao to speak.    


Liang Jiaojiao lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "According to what we know, Director Su had already left the villa after you were kidnapped last night. But until now, we have no news on him." "However."    


Shen Yinbing asked, "But what? Chief Liang, tell me, even if I were to bear the consequences, I can still bear with it. "    


Liang Jiaojiao took a deep breath, "Alright, then let me tell you, we found Director Su's Mercedes-benz in the south side of the Yellow River Levee 26-27 kilometers, but not his people."    


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