Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C58 Flying Sickness

C58 Flying Sickness

Gao Fei could swear that when he was chased by more than 30 local rebels in the Middle East, his escape speed was not as fast as it is now.    


This time, he could be said to have reached a superb level, becoming a real ghost. He felt as if he had run several kilometers in the blink of an eye, until he heard a bellows of snoring coming from his lungs. Then, he slowed down and ran towards a tree, supporting himself with his right hand and pressing his knee with his left hand.    


Sweat dripped down his forehead and into the underbrush.    


After swallowing a mouthful of spittle, Gao Fei covered his heart with his right hand, leaned against a tree, and slowly slid down to the ground. His legs stretched out horizontally as he looked at the way he came, and his eyes were filled with fear that even he himself could feel.    


Gao Fei had crossed at least three roads during his sprint and was constantly changing directions. Even if it was the most professional hunting dog in the world, they still wouldn't be able to find any trace of him.    


He stared blankly at the direction where he came from for an unknown amount of time. After Gao Fei felt that his sweat had started to turn into cold water, his chest calmed down and his brain started to run at a high speed: "That white thing, is it really a ghost?"    


But how could there be ghosts in this world?    


But if it wasn't a ghost, then what was it?    


Other than ghosts, what other thing could be so fast?    


Thinking about the scene of that white shadow pouncing towards him, Gao Fei couldn't help but shiver. He subconsciously touched his chin: when he was about to stab down, if he was even a fraction of a second slower, that white shadow would have grabbed his throat, injuring him at the very least.    


"Su Beishan, are you really a ghost? Otherwise, why would there be such a damned thing in your room? "    


Gao Fei closed his eyes and started to carefully recall the scene when he met Su Beishan.    


Gao Fei could guarantee that Su Beishan, who had a long chat with him, was definitely a living person. Like many rich people, he was refined, confident, and also anxious when in trouble.    


These were the normal reactions of normal people. If anyone dared to tell Gao Fei that Su Beishan was a ghost, Gao Fei would definitely slap him hard on the face. What the hell are you talking about?    


But now, after experiencing a thrilling escape, Gao Fei only wanted to slap himself: If Su Beishan didn't change into a ghost, then what was that white ghost just now?    


Gao Fei didn't understand it, nor did he understand it. However, he finally realized the reality. Su Beishan was very mysterious. Even Shen Yinbing might not know what that white ghost was.    


If it was anyone else, after the scene just now, they would have definitely killed the heart to assassinate Su Beishan. It was too scary.    


However, Gao Fei was Gao Fei. Although he was scared, at the same time, it piqued his curiosity: Whether I assassinate Su Beishan or not, the three million dollars doesn't matter anymore.    


The important thing was that he had to figure out what that white ghostly figure was.    


The night wind blew, startling a Night Bird on the branch. After a few cackling sounds, it spread its wings and flew off into the distance, adding a few weirdness to the warm night sky of the Jinnan.    


… ….    


When Gao Fei opened his eyes, it was already around 9 in the morning.    


He had been awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.    


Gao Fei went into a daze after opening and closing his eyes. Only then did he touch his phone, press the answer button beside his ear and ask lazily: "Hello, who …"    


As soon as Gao Fei said those three words, he opened his eyes abruptly because he heard his own voice. It was hoarse and weak.    


Yan Hong's concerned voice came over the phone, "Gao Fei, why haven't you come to work yet? "Ah, your voice doesn't sound right to me. Have you caught a cold?"    


"Have you caught a cold?"    


Gao Fei touched his forehead and was shocked: his forehead was burning hot.    


I have a high fever?    


How could I have a high fever?    


Gao Fei touched his forehead, his eyes were full of disbelief.    


From the day he became a soldier, no matter how bad the weather was, there would be no fever even if he switched from the inside of the sauna to the snow and ice.    


Because of his robust physique, it was impossible for him to be immune to poisons. However, all these years, he had never had a high fever, that was certain.    


Now he had a fever, and his voice was hoarse.    


Without hearing Gao Fei's answer, Yan Hong asked again, "Gao Fei, say something, what happened to you?"    




After exhaling a long breath, Gao Fei said, "You're right, not only did I catch a cold, but I also had a fever."    


"Ah, then hurry to the hospital to have a look. "Oh, just you wait, I'll go right away, I'll accompany you to the hospital!"    


Yan Hong's voice was filled with sincere love and concern.    


"No need, I'll go by myself. It's just a fever, so it's not a big deal. Alright, that's it. I'm hanging up. "    


Without waiting for Yan Hong to say anything, Gao Fei hung up the phone and sat up on the bed.    


"Damn, I actually have a fever. How strange."    


After rubbing his face, Gao Fei got off the bed and felt as if he was stepping on clouds.    


Gao Fei walked into the bathroom feeling a bit dizzy. After he finished filling the tank with cold water, he held it up and was about to wash his face when he was startled: "Who is that guy in the mirror above the tap?" His eyes were dark, his face was haggard, his lips were pale, and he had a very lifelike appearance.    


"This must be me, right?"    


Gao Fei stared at the person in the mirror for a long time before realizing that the person who looked at him in the mirror was himself.    


"I became like this in just a few hours?"    


Gao Fei muttered as he lowered his head and held the cold water in his hands.    


A few minutes later, Gao Fei, who had finished his personal hygiene, walked into the guest room with light footsteps. He squatted down on the sofa and closed his eyes again.    


Just as he closed his eyes, he stood up again. "No, I can't go back to sleep, or I'll have to collapse. "I'm numb to it, how can I be so sick?"    


Realizing that he had a severe fever, Gao Fei didn't dare to slack off anymore. He quickly put on his clothes and hurried out of the guest room.    


… ….    


At 2 PM in the afternoon, Shen Yinbing dialed Yan Hong's number. "Deputy Director Yan, could I trouble you to call Gao Fei and have him come to my office?"    


As she said this, Shen Yinbing began to ponder: I have to get that guy's cell number, or else I'll have to call him through Yan Hong every time I find him.    


Yan Hong hesitated for a moment: "Director Shen, I have Southern Mountain now and if you need Gao Fei for something, I probably need to go to the small carriage class to find him."    


Hearing Yan Hong's somewhat hesitant voice, Shen Yinbing frowned and said indifferently, "What, I saw him. I still have to personally go find him. Who is he, he has such a high profile."    


Yan Hong quickly explained, "Director Shen, it's not that Gao Fei is arrogant, it's that he's sick."    


Shen Yinbing was stunned. "What? Is he sick?"    


Yan Hong replied, "Yes, I have a high fever. It's 39 degrees Celsius. I went to the car class when I came out at one o'clock, and he was still sleeping there, groggy. "    


Shen Yinbing blurted out, "Why didn't he go to the hospital to take a look?"    


"He went and said that he went, and he seemed to have taken some medicine as well. However, the results weren't that good."    


Yan Hong replied.    


"Oh, I understand. Go back to your work."    


Shen Yinbing nodded and put down the phone. She looked at the door thoughtfully and muttered: "Sister Hong seems to be very concerned about Gao Fei."    


… ….    


Today was a great day for Lao Wang's promotion. He was officially promoted to the position of a deputy director of the logistics department.    


He wanted to treat his former colleagues to a lunch at the staff cafeteria, but Gao Fei was sick and had been sleeping on the sofa.    


Gao Fei was now regarded as his' benefactor 'by Lao Wang. His benefactor was sick and didn't want to eat lunch. How could he be willing to celebrate with someone else? That would be too heartless …    


After finishing the work at hand, Lao Wang walked into the small car class again.    


Little Li and the others politely greeted him, "Wang Ke, are you here to watch the high school again?"    


From being addressed as Lao Wang to being addressed as Wang Ke, the difference of a single word could make people feel different.    


With a reserved smile, Lao Wang waved to everyone and walked up to the sofa that Gao Fei was lying on. He put a thermal container on the desk and said softly, "High class, wake up first."    


Actually, when everyone greeted Lao Wang, Gao Fei had already woken up from his daze. However, he didn't want to open his eyes. He only vaguely said, "Yes, Lao Wang, you came."    


"Ah, I've come. After knowing that you're sick and don't want to eat, I had my daughter boil a pot of chicken soup for you. "Hehe, she just brought it over. The soup's still hot, you have to get up and eat something before you can resist the virus."    


As he said that, Lao Wang opened the thermos and a appetizing fragrance filled his nose.    


Look at Lao Wang's fawning look, could it be that he has taken a liking to the high school and wants them to be his daughter's son-in-law?    


Xiao Li and the others looked at each other but did not say anything. They continued to read their newspapers.    


Gao Fei finally opened his eyes, wrapped the coat around himself and said weakly, "Lao Wang, thank you. I don't want to eat yet."    


Lao Wang shook his head and reproached with concern: "Ah, how can that work? The more you don't eat when you're ill, the more miserable you will feel. "Get up, how much do you want to eat first, then I'll send you to the hospital for a good diagnosis."    


"Cough, cough cough!" "Fine."    


Gao Fei coughed twice and sat up from the sofa.    


Just as he sat up, there was another violent cough.    


When he was almost done coughing, Lao Wang handed him a tissue in time.    


Gao Fei took the tissue and wiped his mouth. When he was about to thank him with a smile, he was suddenly stunned: there was blood on the tissue.    


He had coughed up blood just now!    


The bright red blood stuck to the white paper towel, making it look exceptionally eye piercing.    


Lao Wang's face changed. Just as he was about to say something, Gao Fei crumpled the tissue into a ball and gasped, "Lao Wang, you, you let everyone go out first. I want some peace and quiet."    


Coughing, coughing up blood, especially when the fever is high, what does this mean?    


As long as one had some common sense about pathology, it was possible for one to think of something that would cause one to tremble in fear. For example, tuberculosis, or the H7N9 that had become popular a while ago …    


Especially for the latter, it caused everyone's expression to change!    


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