Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C81 The Most Beautiful Lady of the Dynasty

C81 The Most Beautiful Lady of the Dynasty

Gao Fei stared blankly at the beautiful young woman. His eyeballs were unable to move. He couldn't even hear the noises of the customers around him. It was as if this was the only woman in his life.    


His eyes did not blink, but it was as if he could not see the woman's face at all. There was only a perfect body.    


The beautiful young woman wore a black, sleeveless qipao. Her fair and round arms were snow-white, tender and tender. Her beautiful ankles formed an enchanting arc, giving off the feeling of two small feet silently blooming like flowers.    


A woman was like a ripe peach. It was as if a gentle poke from the straw could cause water to flow out.    


Gao Fei didn't see the woman's face clearly, he only admired her figure greedily.    


The beautiful young woman just stood there, not moving at all. But in Gao Fei's eyes, her body had transformed into a snake. It twisted and coiled like no bones.    


This was the charm of a mature woman, the charm of a mature woman. Shen Yinbing was a girl that walked the path of cold arrogance. She couldn't even catch up to him with her bare feet!    


Just as Gao Fei was looking on in shock, he felt a sharp pain on his right foot, as if he was hit by a hammer.    


Then, all of a sudden, a lot of men and women holding dogs and not paying attention to buns appeared in front of him. The caw sounds came from the surroundings, as if there were five hundred ducks making a racket.    


He had come back to reality after Shen Yinbing had kicked him hard in the foot.    




He lifted his hand to wipe the saliva that was dripping from his mouth and smirked as he turned his head, "Heh, heh, what's wrong?"    


Shen Yinbing shot him a cold glance before she turned around and walked out.    


"Ai, ai, you haven't eaten yet, why did you leave?"    


Gao Fei immediately stood up from his chair and chased after her.    


When he was almost to the door of the bun house, he suddenly remembered that before he could see clearly who the girl with the familiar voice was, he turned his head in a hurry and saw a girl with her arms crossed, sneering at him.    


"Oh, so it's her. Who would do something like that to her?"    


After seeing the girl, Gao Fei was suddenly enlightened.    


This little girl was none other than the Zhang Wenwen who used the technique of 'Immortal Jump' to frame him the second time she saw him while racing on her first meeting.    


"I think she just called that beauty 'Mama'. Is that her mother?"    


Gao Fei quickly glanced at the black cheongsam young lady. His heart skipped a beat: I know, she is Shieh Hongyan, who used to be known as the number one beauty in the Holy Dynasty (Charming Girl). She is indeed charming!    


When Zhang Wenwen and Meng Fei were going to frame Gao Fei, Shi Dongpeng had told him tactfully that Zhang Wenwen's mother was very famous, and was known as the number one beauty in the Divine Dynasty 18 years ago.    


At that time, Gao Fei had scoffed at Zhang Wenwen's actions and felt that with a daughter like her, even if she was the prettiest woman in the world, she had already been turned into an old cabbage by the Pig Slaughtering Knife.    


However, when he saw Shieh Hongyan, he realized how wrong he had been!    


Just now, he was too focused on looking at her figure that he didn't even see her appearance.    


Under the influence of his conviction, Gao Fei once again looked at Shieh Hongyan, the beautiful young woman.    


At this time, Shieh Hongyan was already sitting on the chair that he had been sitting on earlier. She raised her head and looked at him with a gentle smile before lowering her head.    


As Shieh Hongyan smiled sweetly at Gao Fei, a man lost himself for a moment. No wonder she was the most beautiful girl in the entire Divine Dynasty, she was the most beautiful girl in the world!    


Not only did time not take away her youth, it instead gave her a peerless charm.    


… ….    


As soon as Gao Fei got in the car, Shen Yinbing said coldly, "How did you manage to come out?"    


"You're already out, what else can I do if I don't come out?"    


Gao Fei laughed and changed the subject: "It's too busy here, let's go eat some wok paste. I know there's a place where the wok paste is not bad, you'll want to try again after you eat it."    


"Not going."    


Shen Yinbing's tone was stiff.    


"Then what do you want to eat?" Gao Fei asked.    




"But I have to eat breakfast."    


"If you want to go, go by yourself. Get out of the car and take a taxi."    


Shen Yinbing closed her eyes after she finished speaking.    


"Fuck, you're doing fine, why are you being so magnanimous?"    


Gao Fei muttered and started the car.    


Neither of them spoke for the next ten minutes.    


Gao Fei understood, of course, that Shen Yinbing was suddenly angry because he seemed to have lost his composure in front of Shieh Hongyan.    


But can you blame him?    


Who let him be a man, who let Shieh Hongyan be so charming, who let Shen Yinbingkong have a devilish body and an angelic face, but not a mature woman?    


There was no helping it, I like mature women. Otherwise, I wouldn't have put Yan Hong on the spot!    


Anyways, I'm just your hired boyfriend, and it's not like Gao Fei was just casually whistling. As he drove past a traffic light, he suddenly heard Shen Yinbing say, "Stop."    


Gao Fei turned his head and asked: "What's the matter?"    


"I'm going down to get some change."    


Shen Yinbing opened her bag and rummaged through it a few times. Then, she stretched out her hand. "I forgot to bring my card. I'll lend you three thousand yuan."    


Gao Fei was now two millionaires, he didn't really care about three to five thousand yuan. Plus, he seemed to have angered her just now, so he should just give her three thousand yuan for free.    


Shen Yinbing took Gao Fei's Gold Card and got off the car, walking towards the ATM at the store.    


Gao Fei took this opportunity to close his eyes and reminisce about Shieh Hongyan's actions, "Damn it, no wonder the bun house business is so good. So there is such a beauty here. It seems that I have to set it as a place to eat." "Tsk, tsk. Why am I so evil? Why do I keep wanting to throw her down?"    


Just when Gao was fantasizing about having an intimate relationship with Shieh Hongyan, Shen Yinbing got on the car.    


After the car was restarted, Shen Yinbing threw a stack of money onto the front passenger seat.    


Gao Fei was puzzled and asked, "What are you doing?"    


Shen Yinbing held her bag with both hands and looked out of the window. "This is for your monthly living expenses. Three thousand yuan. It's enough as long as you save money."    


Gao Fei was stunned: "What, my living expenses?" "Hey, Shen Yinbing, I don't quite understand."    


Shen Yinbing said indifferently: "I made the decision just now, I want to take back the Gold Card that I gave you. Now, do you understand? "    




Just like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, if Gao Fei wasn't wearing a safety belt, he would definitely be able to poke a hole through the roof of the car: "You said you want to take back that Gold Card!?"    


Only then did Shen Yinbing turn to look at him with a cold smile. "What? You're not willing?"    


"Nonsense, what right do you have to take it back? That's my money!"    


Gao Fei was really angry. He reached out his hand to snatch the small bag from Shen Yinbing's bosom.    


Unexpectedly, Shen Yinbing didn't stop him, but only sneered coldly at him.    


Gao Fei took out the bank card and put it in his pocket. He sighed: "Sigh, this woman is untrustworthy. Don't ever think about getting any money from me again."    


Shen Yinbing said lightly, "I don't want to get your money, but without my permission, don't even think about getting a single cent from my bank account!"    


"What do you mean?"    


Gao Fei was stunned for a moment and then realized, "You, you changed the password of the bank card?"    


Shen Yinbing leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms. "It's not a big deal to change the password anyway. It's only a few minutes."    


Gao Fei's face turned ferocious: "Why would you do that!"    


Shen Yinbing replied without fear, "That's what I did, what do you think!?"    


"You're crazy!"    


"I'm a lunatic, so what!"    


"Because I like other women?"    


"Right, what should we do!"    


"I can't be bothered with you!"    


Shen Yinbing's fearless look made Gao Fei's teeth itch. He really wanted to leave and never see her face again.    


However, he then thought of something and could only snort, "Hmph, in the future, don't even think about me helping you."    


"Do I like it?"    


Shen Yinbing sniggered, blinked her long eyelashes, and ignored him.    


The car slowly entered the car park in front of Beishan Group headquarters.    


As soon as the car came to a stop, Shen Yinbing grabbed her purse and stomped off with her high heels.    


Gao Fei got out of the car after feeling a little depressed and walked towards the door of the hall.    


Two tall and slender ceremonial ladies wearing bright red qipao were standing at the entrance. Their hands were crossed in front of their stomachs. They smiled and nodded at every single one of the employees who came in.    


The one on the left was Lian Xue, who had just come back from work.    


Seeing Gao Fei walk up the stairs, Lian Xue's expression slightly changed. She looked away unnaturally.    


Gao Fei walked in front of her and sized her up without restraint as he said with a smile: "Sister Xiaoxue, please honor me a bit and I'll treat you to a meal after work."    


Glancing at her colleague, Lian Xue whispered, "I'm busy."    


"Oh, then forget it. We'll talk about it when you have time."    


Gao Fei shrugged carelessly and walked into the hall. He thought to himself, "Su Beishan knew I saw through her, but he still told her to come to work. It seems that old guy has nothing to fear from me." Alright, then I'll play with you. If you mess with this bro, I'll deal with your obedient daughter.    


Gao Fei went to the front desk to swipe his card, but just as he was about to go to the office, the front desk girl shouted, "Hey, Gao Fei, this morning Deputy Director Yan left a message saying that after you came to the company, you should go to her office immediately. She has something to talk to you about!"    


"Oh? Deputy Director Yan is back from the Jingdu City? "    


Gao Fei asked casually.    


The second day after Gao Fei was hospitalized, Yan Hong went to take care of business at Jingdu City. Lao Wang had told him about this before.    


"Yes, I heard he came back early in the morning."    


The front desk girl answered.    


"Thanks, I'll treat you to a cup of coffee when I'm free."    


Gao Fei snapped his fingers and quickly walked to the elevator before she could say anything.    


Soon, he arrived at the office of the Vice President on the fourteenth floor.    


Gao Fei raised his hand to push open the door, but the door suddenly opened. Yan Hong's haggard face appeared in his line of sight.    


"Deputy Director Yan, the front desk said you're looking for me?"    


As soon as Gao Fei finished his sentence, Yan Hong grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the office.    


With a bang, Deputy Director Yan didn't give Gao Fei a chance to speak and directly pushed him against the door. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaped up and wrapped her legs around his waist.    


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