Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C43 Shen Yin Bing Is in Trouble

C43 Shen Yin Bing Is in Trouble

The fact that the villagers of Sha Gou Village were making trouble at the Racetrack was far beyond Shen Yinbing's expectations.    


When he was building this Racetrack, the Beishan Group was very strong. Su Beishan had a lot of connections before he finally got the approval document.    


As for compensating the villagers, the compensation given by Beishan Group was also very reasonable. At that time, the villagers of Sand Valley Village were not dissatisfied, after all, that piece of land was a wasteland, so being able to sell it for a high price already made the villagers excited.    


However, Shen Yinbing didn't expect that just when she was about to arrange all the funds and make preparations for the upcoming war, the villagers of Sha Gou Village started to stir up trouble, demanding an additional 10,000 yuan per mu of land.    


In the midst of her shock, Shen Yinbing immediately realized that someone was targeting her.    


As for who that person was, Shen Yinbing didn't have the time to care about that. As for who that person was, Shen Yinbing didn't have the time to care about that person.    


In order to pacify the villagers, they had to find Chief Zhang Zimou.    


Because of this, Shen Yinbing invited Zhang Zimou to dinner at the Quan City Hotel.    


Originally, Shen Yinbing wanted Gao Fei to accompany her here, but that brat nearly pissed her off to death today, so she let Huang Ming come with her.    


Since it was a banquet, Shen Yinbing naturally had to come to the hotel in advance.    


After waiting for about half an hour, Chief Zhang Zimou finally arrived late with Vice Village Head Wan Shikang, the female accountant Ma Chun Hua and a driver.    


Including Shen Yinbing and Huang Ming, there were a total of six people for dinner tonight.    


Even though Shen Yinbing was very cold and proud in the group, and she didn't really think much of Zhang Zimou and the others, she seemed to have changed since they started drinking. She was smiling all the time, and she didn't dislike the dirty stories Zhang Zimou and the others told.    


There was no helping it, no matter how cold and arrogant Shen Yinbing was, she was still a businessman after all. Currently, the most important thing was to get rid of all her problems. For this, she even prepared a generous red packet.    


Shen Yinbing usually did not drink much, but not tonight. She had to drink because the Village Head had spoken. If she did not drink, then she would not be sincere.    


On the surface, Shen Yinbing looked like a fairy that didn't eat much, but she was also a normal person. She knew that if she didn't drink with him tonight, there would be something wrong with her Racetrack.    


Helpless, she could only forcefully muster up her spirits and feign allegiance with Zhang Zimou and the others, hoping that they would be satisfied and come up with their bottom line.    


As for Huang Ming and the driver of the village, Zhang Zimou didn't encourage them to drink. It was the rule of the wine table that the driver was not allowed to drink.    


Soon, under the fierce attacks of Zhang Zimou and the other two, Shen Yinbing drank an entire bottle of red wine. Her charming face became even redder and more enchanting.    


Zhang Zimou glanced at Wan Shankang as Shen Yinbing started to wave her chopsticks.    


Wan Shikang understood and pulled Huang Ming up, "Class Rep Huang, come, come with me to the bathroom. I'm not used to solving problems in the toilet in a private room, but I don't know where the bathroom is in this kind of high class hotel."    


"I'll go too."    


The driver of Sand Valley also stood up.    


Tsk, a bunch of bumpkins Huang Ming felt a bit of disdain in his heart, but on the surface, he just smiled and left the room with Wan Shishi and Kang.    


The moment they walked out of the private room, Wan Shankang patted Huang Ming on the shoulder and said drunkenly, "Huang Ban, I beg of you, please do me a favor."    


"What is it?" Huang Ming asked.    


Wan Shankang's body swayed as he burped, "I … I have a niece who is studying in a normal university. When I came to the city, her family's old man asked me to bring her some things … uh, you know, I'm a farmer. I've never seen the world before."    


"I didn't know where the normal university was, nor did I know if they would let me in, so I wanted to ask them to come with me. At least you're from the city."    


Huang Ming was very pleased with himself after getting a good look from Wan Shishi. He looked at the private room door and said, "But I still have to …"    


Wan Shikang raised his hand and cut him off, "Huang Ban, don't worry. We will meet my niece and come back soon. Little Li, do we still have game in the trunk?" Hurry up and get it for Huang Ben, I can't let him help out for nothing! "    


After hearing that there were benefits, Huang Ming's eyes lit up. He thought that helping him would only help Director Shen, so after hesitating for a moment, he agreed. "We have to hurry back so that Director Shen won't be anxious."    


"Alright, then I'll lend you my phone. Hur Hur, my phone just ran out of battery."    


Wan Shikang nodded in agreement.    


… ….    


When Wan Shankang pulled Huang Ming out of the box, Zhang Zimou gave Ma Chun Hua a light kick with his foot.    


Ma Chun Hua stood up and said with a smile, "Director Shen, Village Head Zhang, we still have some game in our car. I'll bring some down to the bar."    


Shen Yinbing was just about to say no, Zhang Zimou shouted: "Since there's something good, then go get it! Remember, get more. When we leave, ask Director Shen to bring them back for a taste! "    


"There's no need, there's really no need. Village Chief Zhang, I appreciate your kindness."    


When Shen Yinbing refused, Ma Chunhua had already left the box.    


"Director Shen, come. Let's drink slowly."    


Zhang Zimou raised his glass and looked at Shen Yinbing with greed and fanaticism.    


Shen Yinbing drank too much, but it did not mean that she could not see Zhang Zimou's gaze. She quickly waved her hand, "Village Chief Zhang, I'm sorry, but I really can't drink anymore. We've had quite a bit to drink already, shouldn't we talk about the land? "    


Zhang Zimou narrowed his eyes. He scanned Shen Yinbing's face and chest brazenly, "Director Shen, in this business, you have to express your sincerity by drinking. I believe you know this very well, Director Shen."    


Shen Yinbing frowned. "I know that, but I really can't drink anymore. If I drink anymore, I'll get drunk."    


"Drunk? That's even better."    


Zhang Zimou stood up, raised his glass and walked around the table towards Shen Yinbing. "Hehe, Director Shen, in fact, if you agree to a small request of mine while drunk, land is nothing at all!"    


"You, don't come over here!"    


Shen Yinbing saw that Zhang Zimou was here for a bad reason, so she stood up and held onto the table as she looked at him nervously.    


Zhang Zimou didn't care at all, "Ha, Director Shen, don't be nervous, I was just talking, just giving a suggestion..."    


"I already told you not to come over!"    


Shen Yinbing pulled out her chair and quickly retreated to the toilet in the private room. Leaning on the door, she yelled out, "If you come over again, I'll call for help!"    


Zhang Zimou came over lecherously: "Ha, just shout, I'm not afraid! That silly driver of yours has long been taken away by my men. This private room is so soundproofed that no one else could hear it.    


"You, you scoundrel, lowly scum!"    


Shen Yinbing raised her hand to block Zhang Zimou's outstretched hand. She pushed open the bathroom door and rushed in, locking the door from the inside.    


Zhang Zimou should have seen that Shen Yinbing had a phone when she rushed into the washroom. As long as she called the police, the Enforcer would be able to bring him to justice very soon.    


But he didn't seem to care about that at all, he just kicked the door: "Director Shen, Shen Yinbing! Come out, as long as you submit to me, we can discuss anything! "Hehe, stop acting like a lady to me. In fact, even if you strip naked, you still won't be able to …"    


"Scoundrel, why do I have to bump into so many bad guys these days!"    


Shen Yinbing was scared and angry when she heard Zhang Zimou kicking the door open and speaking such vulgar words. She quickly put her shoulder against the door and started to make calls.    


Since he came with Huang Ming, of course Shen Yinbing called him first.    


However, when Shen Yinbing dialed Huang Ming's number, a robotic female voice came from the other end of the phone, "The number you have dialed is currently in the process of being called. Please try again later."    


"Damn Huang Ming!"    


Shen Yinbing cursed and quickly made another 110 calls.    


The call to the police was answered immediately. After asking for Shen Yinbing's address, the police officer on duty immediately replied that she wanted to protect herself. The local police would arrive in a few minutes.    


After she made the call to the police, Shen Yinbing felt more or less relieved. She hurriedly called Yan Hong to tell her to hurry over.    


Zhang Zimou, who was kicking the door, didn't seem to care that Shen Yinbing would call the police at all. He was still kicking the door as if he was speaking vulgar words.    


Perhaps it was because Village Chief Zhang had truly drunk too much. As a man, he was actually unable to kick open a door that was not much thicker than paper.    


… ….    


When Gao Fei, who intended to borrow money from Shen Yinbing, walked into the lobby of Quan City Hotel, Huang Ming, Wan Shikang and Li Zi walked out from the elevator.    


However, Huang Ming didn't notice Gao Fei, and was chatting and laughing with Xiao Li while Wan Shankang called people.    


When he saw Huang Ming, Gao Fei was about to say hello to him and ask Shen Yinbing which room she was in when his phone rang.    


Gao Fei took out his cellphone and checked the caller ID. He frowned. He was about to hang up, but he hesitated and then answered: "Hello, Deputy Director Yan, is there something you need me for?"    


Gao Fei's tone was flat and even cold. However, Yan Hong didn't care and just shouted anxiously, "Gao Fei, where are you?"    


Gao Fei retorted, "Where am I? What are you going to do with me? I'm off work, and this is my free time. "    


"I …"    


Yan Hong paused for a moment and continued, "Gao Fei, I don't care what you think of me, but I need your help right now. To be exact, Director Shen needs your help!"    


Jack was surprised. "Sofia? What can Lily do for me? "    


Yan Hong said anxiously, "Director Shen is currently in room 707 on the seventh floor of the Quan City Hotel. A bad guy is trying to molest her now, but I just entered the city, so I will need half an hour to get there. Your hotel is not far from there, you should hurry over there!"    


"Someone wants to molest Shen Yinbing? "Ha, who is so uninterested? Even women that don't have any taste for fun are rare, it's truly unbelievable."    


Gao Fei burst into laughter. Without waiting for the elevator, he quickly walked towards the stairs, "Aiya, I'm talking about Deputy Director Yan. I'm eating with a beauty right now. You can't possibly ask me to abandon a beauty and go help her out, right? "Sigh, that would be too outrageous …"    


"Gao Fei!"    


Yan Hong interrupted Gao Fei with a stern voice, but continued to beg with a soft voice: "Gao Fei, I'm begging you. Hurry over, Director Shen is really in danger!"    


"What does it have to do with me if she's dangerous or not?"    


As Gao Fei said this, his footsteps got faster and faster as he went upstairs. In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the seventh floor.    


"Gao Fei, how, how can you be like this!"    


Yan Hong was so angry that her whole body started to tremble.    


"I'm just like this, what can you do about it?"    


Gao Fei snorted and arrived in front of room 707. He hung up the phone without waiting for Yan Hong to say anything.    


"I wonder if that chivalrous hero wanted to molest that 'lunatic'. Let's wait and see when I enter!"    


When Gao Fei put down the phone, he turned around and looked to the left. He saw a handsome guy in a grey suit walking out of a distant room.    


However, he did not mind. He raised his foot and stomped on the door.    


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