Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C210 Say Something Good

C210 Say Something Good

The next day, Han Ziming came to Chen Xiao's office and said that the matter was almost done. In addition to the approval of the government, he also looked at a piece of land.    


"I have also contacted the government. They also value this project and want to support it." Han Ziming continued to say to Chen Xiao.    


"Really?" Chen Xiao was a little happy. Since the government was able to provide support, that would be the best.    


Han Ziming's expression changed slightly. "But the government said that the grandmasters also want to take this project, so they are in a difficult position."    


Chen Xiao heard this and paused. He looked at Han Ziming and said, "Then we will talk to the government later."    


When Han Ziming heard this, he immediately nodded.    


After dinner, Chen Xiao brought Han Ziming to the department.    


Chen Xiao went straight to the person in charge of this project and just arrived at his office. I saw a middle-aged man drinking tea there named Liu Kai. He was the person responsible for the integration of the project. He was in charge of the investment and the development of large projects!    


Liu Kai stood up. First, he stared at Chen Xiao. Then, he glanced at Han Ziming, who was standing beside Chen Xiao. He immediately understood that this young man was probably the Chen Xiao that Han Ziming had told him about yesterday.    


Liu Kai walked towards Chen Xiao and Han Ziming with a smile on his face. He looked very refined. It was obvious that this man was a man of great attainment. He walked up to Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao smiled warmly and stretched out his right hand. “ Hello!"    


Chen Xiao saw that Liu Kai was very hospitable, so he stretched out his right hand and shook hands with Liu Kai, "Chief Liu, hello. I have heard of your great name for a long time. Today, I have come to see you."    


Liu Kai smiled when he heard that. He then let Chen Xiao and Han Ziming sit on the sofa.    


After Chen Xiao and Han Ziming sat on the sofa, Liu Kai walked in front of them with two pots of tea.    


It was the freshly brewed Turquoise Conch Spring. A sweet fragrance slowly drifted out from the lid of the teapot.    


Chen Xiao and Han Ziming took two sips of the tea from Liu Kai's hands. At this time, Chen Xiao said, "I think Chief Liu already knows about the project that Lee's Group is going to build the entertainment city."    


Liu Kai smiled faintly when he heard this, then nodded his head. He said to Chen Xiao, "En, Brother Ziming already told me about this yesterday. I am very optimistic about this project. Once this project is launched... The government will fully support you."    


Hearing Liu Kai's words, Chen Xiao nodded, "In that case, thank you very much, Chief Liu. After the project is successful, I will definitely pay you a visit personally."    


"But." Liu Kai changed the topic. "The executive president of Xin Yuan Group also told me about this matter. Now that I am stuck between the two of you, it will be a little difficult for me to do it."    


Chen Xiao looked relaxed when he heard that. He looked at Liu Kai and said, "Chief Liu, how is the strength of Xin Yuan Corporation compared to our Lee's Group?"    


As soon as Chen Xiao said this, Liu Kai's face turned stiff. He shook his head at Chen Xiao and said, "Xin Yuan Corporation can't compare to the Lee's Group."    


At this moment, Chen Xiao continued, "If the Lee's Group and the Four Seas investment corporation combined, what is the Xin Yuan Corporation?"    


"It's just a child standing in front of the adults." Liu Kai smiled and said.    


Indeed, the overall strength of the Xin Yuan Corporation couldn't be compared to the Lee's Group. How could they be a match for the combined strength of the Lee's Group and the Four Seas investment corporation?    


"What does Chief Liu think?" Chen Xiao took a sip of tea, looked at Liu Kai and said slowly.    


Liu Kai heard Chen Xiao's words and sat there without moving. He lowered his head and thought for a while. It seemed like he had made a decision. Finally, after a while, Liu Kai had made up his mind. He looked up at Chen Xiao and said, "Chen Xiao, between you and the grandmasters, who will make the first decision? This project will belong to whoever. Is that okay? "    


Chen Xiao heard him and smiled calmly. He nodded and said with a calm and experienced face, "In that case, thank you, Chief Liu. Let's go back and do this as soon as possible."    


Liu Kai stood up when he heard that. He shook hands with Chen Xiao with a smile on his face. Then, Chen Xiao and Han Ziming left.    


When he returned to Lee Jiajia's apartment at night, where Lee Yinyin and her sister lived, Chen Xiao avoided Lee Yinyin and prepared to dash into Lee Jiajia's room.    


Just as they reached Lee Jiajia's room, a cold wind blew past Chen Xiao's back. Lee Yinyin's voice rang, "Brother-in-law! What are you doing?! Shouldn't you be sleeping on the sofa?"    


"Cough cough!" Chen Xiao coughed dryly and turned his head to look at the mischievous Lee Yinyin. He said, "I have something to talk to your sister about. Something big is going on!"    


Lee Yinyin heard him and looked like she did not believe him. She pouted and crossed her arms in front of her chest. She stared at Chen Xiao with her beautiful eyes. "Brother-in-law, did you have an affair outside again today?"    


"Uh..." Chen Xiao helplessly spread his hands. This little girl had been thinking about the word cheating for the whole day. He was pale white!    


Chen Xiao shook his head and looked at Lee Yinyin. He said, "Yinyin, be good. Go to sleep with me. Your sister and I are going to spend a good night together. Don't disturb us!"    


Hearing Chen Xiao's words, Lee Yinyin immediately became angry. "Go in and wait for my sister to kick you out of bed. I will take all the sofa mat outside later. I will let you sleep in an empty bed!" Lee Yinyin smiled mischievously and immediately disappeared from Chen Xiao's eyes.    


Chen Xiao took a long breath and entered Lee Jiajia's room. He saw Lee Jiajia lying on the bed and watching TV.    


She acted as if she didn't see Chen Xiao coming in and didn't even look at him.    


Chen Xiao slowly walked to the bedside. He grabbed Lee Jiajia's white shoulders and began to massage her. He said, "Jiajia, I have good news for you. Do you want to hear it or not?"    


Lee Jiajia turned around and glared at Chen Xiao. She pushed Chen Xiao's hand away and said, "What is it? Tell me."    


Chen Xiao smiled and took out a document from his back. He handed it to Lee Jiajia and said, "I have settled the matters in the entertainment city. Chief Liu has agreed to the project first. Furthermore, I plan to buy the piece of land around the Entertainment City to prepare for the film studio in the future. This is the information on that piece of land! "    


Hearing Chen Xiao's words, Lee Jiajia's eyes stared intently at the information for a long time. Then she nodded and said, "This is quite good. If both projects are done, That will be a big project! If you do well, then your name will definitely rise! " Chen Xiao could tell that Lee Jiajia had a trace of excitement in her voice.    


Chen Xiao nodded and said, "Then let's go buy land tomorrow."    


Lee Jiajia nodded, her eyes still staring intently at the television.    


At this time, Chen Xiao slowly climbed onto the bed. "Jiajia, can I sleep in the bed today?"    


Chen Xiao smiled and looked at Lee Jiajia with a pitiful look.    


Lee Jiajia put down the remote control in her hand and turned her head to look at Chen Xiao. "You! Get out of here!"    


As she spoke, Lee Jiajia kicked towards Chen Xiao.    


" Ah?! " With a scream, Lee Jiajia successfully attacked the area below Chen Xiao's abdomen. Someone immediately fell out of bed from the pain.    


Lee Jiajia saw this and immediately covered her small mouth with a face that said, I didn't do it on purpose.    


"It's over, it's over, it's mine..." Chen Xiao immediately covered his lower body and started rolling on the floor.    


Lee Jiajia was also scared badly. She thought that Chen Xiao was really beaten up by her, so she got off the bed and walked in front of Chen Xiao. She squatted down and looked at Chen Xiao. "Chen Xiao, are you alright?"    


She saw Chen Xiao's fierce face. "Jiajia, I can't take it anymore. Hurry up and massage me!"    


Lee Jiajia's face immediately turned red when she heard that.    


"Sis, what's the matter?!" At this moment, Lee Yinyin's voice sounded from outside.    


When Chen Xiao heard it, he immediately became furious. It seemed like he would be finished this time.    


At this time, Lee Jiajia walked in front of Lee Yinyin and pointed at Chen Xiao to Lee Yinyin. She said, "Yinyin, quickly call 120. I was careless just now..."    


"Huh?" Hearing Lee Jiajia's words, Lee Yinyin was stunned. She looked at Chen Xiao who was still holding onto the sofa. She immediately laughed out loud, "Sister, look at me!" Lee Yinyin smiled mischievously at Lee Jiajia and then walked towards Chen Xiao.    


"Ya, Brother-in-law, what happened to you? You broke that meridian? Do you want me to fix it for you?" As she spoke, a needle suddenly appeared in Lee Yinyin's hand!    




Chen Xiao was shocked when he saw this. He naturally knew that Lee Yinyin would do anything. "Yinyin, what are you doing? Don't mess around! Jiajia, hurry up and save me!" At this moment, Chen Xiao had long forgotten about the kick he received from Lee Jiajia. He ran towards the door, afraid that Lee Yinyin would really cripple him.    


Seeing Chen Xiao's actions, Lee Jiajia could only see her arms crossed in front of her chest with an indifferent expression. She must have seen that Chen Xiao was putting on an act just now.    


"Chen Xiao, get out of here!" Lee Jiajia shouted again.    


"Uh..." Chen Xiao helplessly sat on the bare sofa. He did not know where Lee Yinyin had hidden the cushion. He muttered, "Sigh... Women are narrow-minded. Everyone is the same. Even Lee Jiajia, this cold beauty, is the same."    


Chen Xiao spent the whole night alone on the sofa. He still did not find the cushion Lee Yinyin had hidden on the sofa.    


The next day.    


In Chen Xiao's office.    




Chen Xiao's phone rang.    


Chen Xiao picked up the phone and took a look. It was Lee Jiajia. He immediately picked up the phone.    


"Hello? Jiajia, what is it? Did you miss me?" Chen Xiao said.    


No one spoke for a long time on the other end of the phone. It was very quiet.    


After a while, "Chen Xiao, come to my office. I have something to discuss with you!" Lee Jiajia's voice came from the other side.    


Chen Xiao heard it and agreed. Lee Jiajia was probably looking for him for work. Chen Xiao thought about it and walked to Lee Jiajia's office.    


Dong Dong Dong!    


Chen Xiao knocked on Lee Jiajia's office door.    


"Come in!" Lee Jiajia said without looking up.    


Chen Xiao heard her and smiled. He walked in and stood in front of Lee Jiajia's table. He looked at her and said, "Jiajia, what is it?"    


Lee Jiajia looked up at Chen Xiao and then stood up. She walked to the sofa and said, "Sit down."    


After saying that, Lee Jiajia also sat down.    


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