Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C17 Initiation

C17 Initiation

The brothers followed Elder Fang out of the courtyard, and what appeared before them was a wide bluestone path. They walked along the path and passed by an arch and a pillar. It was only then that they realized that each arch was filled with similar courtyards. It seemed like this was the living quarters of the Hidden Spirit Sect's disciples. Putting aside everything else, just from the scale alone, there were probably no less than a hundred courtyards like this. It could be seen how many disciples there were in the Hidden Spirit Sect.    


After walking a little further and leaving the courtyard, the two brothers finally knew how huge the island was. Looking from afar, there was a tall mountain peak every so often around the big island. It towered into the clouds, a total of eight mountains, and in the middle was a vast forest. The entire island's environment was very beautiful, and it emitted an ancient aura everywhere.    


After walking for a while, they finally saw the end of the wide passageway. There was a white arched stone door with a diameter of five meters. It was much bigger and more majestic than any other house. In front of the arched door, Two different shapes of Devil Beast were carved into the marble door. They were similar to the Devil Beast of a lion.    


When they first passed through the arched gate, the two brothers held their breaths at the same time, looking at everything in front of them in disbelief.    


This place was practically the legendary fairyland.    


It was an extremely huge plaza, the ground completely paved with white marble. It was bright and shiny, and at a glance, it made one feel tiny. In the distance, the white clouds were like fine gauze, floating beneath their feet. In the center of the square, there was a huge stone statue every few hundred feet. There were a total of seven of them, and they were arranged neatly. It was very majestic, and there was a huge cauldron in front of each statue. From time to time, there was smoke rising from the cauldron, and the smell was clear and did not dissipate.    


"Let's go this way." As if he understood what the two children were thinking, a smile appeared on Elder Fang's face. After letting them watch for a while, he woke the two of them up and continued to walk forward.    


The two of them gazed into the distance and saw that at the far end of the plaza, at the end of the misty mist, there seemed to be something sparkling behind it. They quickened their pace and walked forward.    


Gradually, the sound of water could be heard. They walked closer and closer. The mist was like a gentle fairy as it gently surrounded their bodies. It gradually pulled open the veil and revealed their clear faces.    


At the end of the plaza, there was a stone bridge. There were no seats or pillars, and it soared into the sky. Its head was placed on the square, and it stretched up diagonally into the depths of the white clouds. It was like a dragon leaping into the sky, proud and aloof. The sound of water could be heard, and under the sunlight, the entire bridge was emitting a rainbow-colored light. It was like a rainbow in the sky that fell into the mortal world. It was gorgeous and beautiful.    


Zheng Zizhou and Zheng Zinuo were stunned by what they saw.    


Elder Fang smiled and said, "Follow me." After saying that, he took the lead and walked onto the stone bridge.    


Upon stepping onto the stone bridge, the two of them realized that there was water flowing down from both sides of the bridge. It was extremely clear, but the middle part of the bridge was completely unstained. Sunlight shone on the bridge through the clouds, refracting the water flow and turning it into a beautiful rainbow.    


After walking for a while, the white clouds gradually thinned, and they actually walked out of the sea of clouds. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw that the long sky was clear, and the blue sky was transparent. The four sides of the sky were boundless, and there was a vast sea of clouds below. He gently floated up and down, and when he looked over, his heart instantly became wider.    


And right in front of him was the location of the Spirit Concealment Hall on the peak of the Heaven Rising Peak.    


The green mountains contained verdant greenery, and the palace was majestic and majestic. The Spirit Concealing Palace was located on the peak of the Heaven Rising Peak, and it was surrounded by clouds. At times, there were auspicious cranes flying by, and they let out long cries as they flew past, circling in the air. It was like an immortal spirit realm, and it caused one's heart to be filled with reverence.    


They continued forward, and as they walked past the stone steps, they saw a golden plaque in the distance. The words' Spirit Concealing Palace 'were written on it. When they arrived at the majestic hall, the door opened wide, and there was sufficient light inside. There were two huge divine thrones worshipping "Heaven" Earth "and below them were a dozen or so small red tablets. The bearing was solemn.    


In front of the Deity Positions, there were nine people sitting in the hall. Left, right, two. The two in the middle were seated at the front, an empty seat. There were seven men and two women in total, and there were dark blue clothes and yellow clothes. It seemed like they were all disciples of the Hidden Spirit Sect. Although they were tall, short, fat and thin, all of them had extraordinary bearing.    


As soon as he entered the main hall, a solemn and oppressive feeling rushed towards him. Zheng Zizhou hurriedly bowed and stood behind Elder Fang. At this moment, Zheng Zinuo was looking around mischievously. All of this seemed very curious in his eyes.    


"This subordinate brings the Zheng brothers to pay respects to Sect Master." After Elder Fang entered the hall, he bowed and said.    


"En... Elder, please take your seat." A dignified voice came from the back of the hall. Zheng Zinuo curiously raised his head and looked at the old man sitting on the green wooden chair opposite of him. He had white hair and a youthful face, and he looked dignified without being angry.    


On his left was an old man wearing a dark blue robe. He was unusually tall, but he was very thin. He had a pair of small eyes, and they were lined up in a row below him. There were five middle-aged men sitting there. They were tall, short, fat and thin, and they all had their own unique characteristics. However, they were all dressed in earthen yellow robes, and there were two middle-aged women sitting opposite of them. One of them was about forty years old, and he still had his charm. She smiled, and the other was slightly younger, about thirty years old. He was extremely beautiful, and he looked slightly cold.    


"Plop..." While Zheng Zinuo was observing the crowd, Zheng Zizhou suddenly grabbed his hand and knelt down. He said respectfully to the people in the hall, "Zheng Zizhou and younger brother Zheng Zinuo pay their respects to the seniors and thank them for saving our lives."    


The seven people in the hall, including Sect Master and the two elders beside him, couldn't help but feel delighted when they saw Zheng Zizhou. They thought to themselves, "What a good piece of unpolished jade!"    


Sect Master looked at the two of them sympathetically and waved his hand. A gentle force lifted the two of them up and said kindly, "My two friends, don't stand on ceremony. I have already heard about your background from Elder Fang. At the same time, I have also sent my disciples to City B to inquire about your background. However, there is no useful information. "    


"Thank you, Sect Master and your sect for everything you have done for us. We brothers have little strength and can't repay you. If we have the ability in the future, we will definitely repay you for today's kindness!" Zheng Zizhou said confidently.    


As Zheng Zinuo was younger, he had never seen such a situation since he was young. He could not help but feel a little frightened.    


However, when the people who were sitting saw that although Zheng Zizhou was young, he was still able to speak confidently and calmly in front of so many senior experts, they couldn't help but praise him.    


When they heard Zheng Zizhou's words, everyone revealed a smile. Even the cold-looking beauty couldn't help but smile and nod her head. If it wasn't for the fact that the Water Ridge Peak was dominated by female disciples, she and Sect Master would have taken this sensible and talented child into their sect.    


"Child, how do you plan to repay us?" Tao Wuyang asked in a teasing manner. Subconsciously, he was also testing Zheng Zizhou's reaction ability.    


"Replying to senior, if your sect doesn't mind our humble background and low aptitude, we are willing to join your sect and do our best to contribute to your sect." Zheng Zizhou replied.    


"Hahaha..." Tao Wuyang laughed heartily and said, "Zheng Zizhou, the martial soul is blue. Eleven years old this year, a level fourteen warrior. Am I right?"    


"Yes!" Zheng Zizhou was not too surprised and nodded his head.    


"Okay! Reaching such a cultivation base at eleven years old is indeed extraordinary." Tao Wuyang smiled and nodded, his eyes full of admiration. He then looked at the somewhat shy Zheng Zinuo and said, "Zheng Zinuo, eight years old this year. Orange martial soul, Third Grade Innate Heavenly Soul Power, right?"    


"En!" Zheng Zinuo nodded weakly. In terms of dealing with such a big scene, he was obviously not as good as his brother.    


"Okay!" Tao Wuyang smiled and nodded his head once again. He then said to the five Peak Lord below him, who were wearing yellow robes. "This Sect Master and the two elders are already old, they are not suitable to take in disciples anymore. Which Peak Lord of your five peaks is willing to take these two children as disciples?"    


"Sect Master, in my opinion, it's best not to let the two of them join the same sect. Their origins are similar. If they stay together, every time they see each other, Such ruthlessness will never end. I'm afraid that it will not be good in the future!" A tall and robust figure with a cold expression could be seen. This man was the Peak Lord Wan Qianjun of Earth Peak.    


The Peak Lord Wan Qianjun of the Earth Peak was the number one peak outside of the Gan Tian Peak. He also had nearly a hundred disciples under him. His cultivation was ranked in the top of the seven great Peak Lord, and his words carried a lot of weight.    


Tao Wuyang looked at the two children and pondered for a moment. He said, "Martial Nephew Wan's words make sense. The two of them are so young, yet they have suffered such a huge change. We should properly resolve the resentment in their hearts. This is indeed not suitable for them to live together. Then we will need the two Martial Nephew to come and take them in. " As he spoke, he looked towards the crowd.    


"We'll meet Sect Master and Martial Uncle. One of these brothers is big and the other is small. Their innate talent is also strong and weak. How were the five senior brothers going to choose? " A cold and beautiful woman in a light yellow robe stood up and said. She is the Peak Lord of Water Ridge Peak, Li Qiushui.    


"This..." Tao Wuyang frowned and looked at the five princes.    


The other five mountain Peak Lord were led by Wan Qianjun. The five of them looked at Zheng Zizhou almost at the same time. They were walking around, unwilling to leave, but no one paid attention to their younger brother, Zheng Zinuo.    


The path of cultivation was very important to one's talent. There were always so-called geniuses who comprehended Dao in this world. It was better than a hundred years of cultivation. As for the people of the Hidden Spirit Sect, they had a deeper understanding of this. When the Hidden Spirit Sect was at the end of its road, it only relied on a brilliant Ancestral Master. Although he was young, his talent was outstanding, and he had broken through the ancient records of his predecessors. His cultivation base was far superior to that of his predecessors. He had made a small Hidden Spirit Sect full of life and prosperity. Now, he was the leader of all the sects in the world.    


Besides that, although it was hard to find a master teacher, it was also hard to find a disciple with excellent talent. Zheng Zizhou's talent was outstanding, and his roots were extraordinary. Naturally, he had taken a fancy to the Peak Lord of every single mountain in the Hidden Spirit Sect.    


After a short period of silence, the attractive figure beside Li Qiushui also wore a yellow robe. The slightly noble and wealthy woman stood up and said, "Since that's the case, I have a plan. I wonder if I should tell you about it?" This person was precisely Dui Ze Peak's Peak Lord, Tang Haixia.    


" Oh? Martial Nephew Tang, there's no harm in saying it." Tao Wuyang said upon hearing this.    


"En!" Tang Haixia first bowed to Sect Master and the two elders, then said. “ Since the two young men had different aptitudes, and the five senior brothers were all highly respected people, They won't fight for the rights of the two children... Not only would it damage their reputation, but it would also hurt their relationship as fellow brothers. Therefore, little sister thought that it would be better to turn the selection around and let the two youths choose their master. What do all the senior brothers think? "    


"This..." The five of them looked at each other in dismay. They had been sitting there for a long time without moving. Their faces were full of tears. The tall and sturdy middle-aged man who looked like Zhang Fei stood up and said: "Junior Sister Tang, since ancient times, it has always been the master who chooses his disciples. There is no reason for the disciple to choose the master. I don't think this plan will work. " This person was none other than the Thunder-Shaking Edge, Peak Lord, Skycloud.    


"Junior apprentice-brother Heavencloud's words are incorrect." A slender, handsome, refined, and dignified middle-aged man stood up and said. "Since ancient times, it has always been a master who chooses a disciple. That's because most of them are good teachers who have encountered many disciples. Today, we will take five more people. To these two children, all of them can be good teachers. Right now, there are many masters and fewer disciples. Why don't we give him a try? What about letting your disciple choose your master?"    


"What Martial Nephew Feng says makes a lot of sense. This Grandmaster also believes that Martial Nephew Tang's idea is not bad. What about the others?" Tao Wuyang stroked his long beard and said.    


The moment he opened his mouth, he was basically certain of this plan. Asking everyone was just a way of being a guest. Why would anyone object? Everyone looked at each other. Everyone nodded, even Tianyun who had opposed earlier could do nothing about it. He could only sit down again.    


The Five Peak Lord displayed its might.    


"Alright, since none of you have any objections... Then, in the way of Master Tung, The two youths will choose two out of the five of you as their masters. " Tao Wuyang smiled and continued," It's just that this selection cannot be randomly chosen. I wonder if Martial Nephew Tang has any good suggestions? "    


"This..." Tang Haixia pondered for a moment upon hearing this, then stood up again and said. "Since it's a choice, then the five senior brothers can each perform a move. If the two young men like you, they will naturally choose you. How about this? "    


"Good, this is a good idea!" This time, before anyone could reply, Tao Wuyang and the two elders nodded in agreement. The five people who were led by Wan Qianjun looked at each other in dismay, as if they had been schemed against. However, there was nothing they could do except nod their heads in agreement.    


"Haha... It's been a long time since I've seen all of you display your skills. My two friends, it's a blessing to see you. Let's go! Let's go to the square in the front yard and watch the performance. " Tao Wuyang stood up and laughed.    


Hearing this, the five of them shook their heads and smiled bitterly. They looked at Tang Haixia and Li Qiushui, who were laughing secretly. They all had bitter expressions as they followed Tao Wuyang and the two elders. Zheng Zizhou and Zheng Zinuo, on the other hand, were a little nervous and surprised. They didn't know how to make the decision later.    


When they arrived at the white marble square that was half the size of a football field, seven Peak Lord were lined up in a row. Sect Master, Tao Wuyang, and the two elders stood on the other side of the square with Zheng Zizhou and his brother. Tao Wuyang said, "The performance will begin now. The five of you will perform one thing each. Who will go first?"    


The five of them gave way to each other. Finally, Wan Qianjun was the first to stand out and greet Sect Master and the two elders. "I will go first!"    


"Alright, this is the Peak Lord of Earth Peak, Wan Qianjun. Both of you, watch carefully!" Tao Wuyang explained to the two brothers. It was estimated that for hundreds and thousands of years, Perhaps it was because they had been cultivating for a long time. It was too boring and boring. They might even find some fun to play with.    


Wan Qianjun glanced at the two brothers and said, "I'll perform a profound movement technique for you to see. Take a closer look!" As his voice fell, a blue martial soul appeared behind him. It was a sculpture that was nine meters tall and was sparkling. It was like a bright moon at night. Then, with a "Sou..." sound, the two brothers did not even see a shadow. They only saw a flash of blue light, and in the next moment, it appeared behind the two of them. It shocked the two of them.    


"Alright... So powerful!" As the saying went, those who knew how to watch would see the trick. Those who didn't know how to watch would watch the show. After all, Zheng Zizhou had been cultivating martial arts for three years. Although he was unable to grasp this profound movement technique, Moreover, that Ten Thousand Peak Lord was definitely an extreme expert. Just from the intense soul power fluctuations he felt from the huge blue martial soul, one could tell.    


However, Zheng Zinuo didn't have much of a feeling about it. The only feeling he had was, why was this old man running so fast? He was much faster than me.    


The other six Peak Lord, the two elders, and Tao Wuyang all had serious expressions on their faces. They nodded their heads in admiration. It was obvious that they could tell that Wan Qianjun's cultivation base had improved once again from this attack.    


After that, Wan Qianjun quietly gave Zheng Zizhou a hint. After that, he took a step back and said, "Next, let this Peak Lord perform. The two of you, watch carefully!"    


Although Tianyun looked like a rough person who killed pigs, he was as meticulous as a grain of dust. With great intelligence, he walked up and shouted loudly. The martial soul appeared behind him. It was also a blue martial soul, and its height was almost the same as Wan Qianjun's. Then, he crossed his hands and suddenly waved them. Two green crescent moons circled in the air and collided with each other in a semicircle. A deafening sound was heard. The powerful energy wave almost made Zheng Zizhou and his brother fall to the ground. * Bang * It really scared them.    


"This uncle knows magic, he's really amazing!" Zheng Zinuo thought to himself in shock, but Zheng Zizhou's heart began to beat violently. He thought to himself, This group of people is really too scary. He estimated that even if they didn't have a Martial Immortal cultivation base, they would at least have the true form of a Martial Emperor Stage martial soul. This is truly unbelievable. This is indeed a rare opportunity for me. If I can really choose a good teacher amongst them... Then, my revenge plan will surely be realized in the shortest time possible. I have to open my eyes wide and watch.    


"How is it, kid? Hehe..." After using this skill, Tianyun retracted his martial soul and gave Zheng Zizhou a knowing look.    


Next, the third person went on stage. He had a bloated body and white skin. At first glance, he looked like the owner of the cloth shop, Boss Chen.    


"This is Liang Youming, the Peak Lord of Fire Peak. Both of you remember this well." Tao Wuyang introduced him at the right time.    


Seeing the two of them nod their heads, Liang Youming walked to a place not far away from Zheng Zizhou. The martial soul behind him appeared. It was also 30 meters tall. The glittering blue martial soul was followed by Liang Youming's hand forming a strange hand seal. A green halo appeared in front of him, and wrapped around him. He said, "Zheng Zizhou, is it? Come! Use your full strength to attack me."    


"Attack you? Oh." Zheng Zizhou was slightly stunned when he heard that. Then, he reacted and urged the soul force in his body. A blue martial soul also appeared behind him, but it was much weaker. He then shouted loudly, and the martial soul behind him dimmed. He threw a punch at Liang Youming's halo.    


"Dong..." A muffled sound was heard, and the green halo only rippled slightly.    


"Aiyaya..." After five consecutive punches, Zheng Zizhou was gasping for breath. His soul power was almost exhausted, but the halo still did not budge.    


"So powerful! Phew..." Zheng Zizhou kept the martial soul and did not continue to attack. He was very shocked in his heart. Zheng Zinuo, who was standing at the side, did not seem to feel anything. He was still looking around.    


"En, it's good that you know how strong you are. I hope you can join our Fire Peak. When I saw you, I felt that you were very compatible with me. I think I have an affinity with you. Do you understand what I mean? " Liang Youming smiled complacently and said.    


Right after Liang Youming finished speaking, the Peak Lord "Gen Mountain" Zhang Xiren strode out and said, "Junior Brother Liang, you already have close to a hundred disciples under your tutelage. If all of them have a destiny with you, then your destiny is a bit too much."    


"Hahaha..." Hearing this, the rest of the Peak Lord burst into laughter. Liang Youming couldn't help but blush. He looked at Zhang Xiren angrily and didn't say anything.    


The Hidden Spirit Sect had a long history, and although the various branches looked friendly on the surface, they all had the intention of competing with each other. Looking at Zheng Zizhou's extraordinary talent, no one could say for sure whether he would be the next ancestor. Besides, the worst disciples they could take in were only a few disciples, and none of the other peaks would have the chance to take him in. Originally, with Tao Wuyang's prestige, no one would dare to compete with him. However, he had said that he wouldn't take it. How could they miss such a good opportunity? Therefore, the five Peak Lord used all of their abilities in order to attract him to the bottom of their mountain.    


"I am Zhang Xiren, the Peak Lord of 'Gen Mountain'. I hope to become the master of one of you brothers." Zhang Xiren introduced himself without waiting for Sect Master to introduce himself.    


The two brothers looked at the tall and thin man in front of them. They felt that he was very forthright and had a good impression of him.    


"The senior brothers and junior brothers in front have all performed the attack, defense, and movement skill of the Martial Cultivation Method. Then I'll perform the Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon Hand." Zhang Xiren said. Then, he gave Zheng Zizhou a look and took a few steps forward. A green martial soul emerged behind him. It was a very tall martial soul. However, it was slightly inferior to the blue martial soul in front of him.    


"Ya!" With a low shout, Zhang Xiren's expression turned grave as he pushed out both his hands. An invisible lightning bolt shot out from his palm towards the huge incense cauldron not far away. An unbelievable scene happened to Zheng Zizhou and his brother. The huge incense cauldron was dancing with Zhang Xiren's hands. It floated in the air as if it was not affected by the gravity. It slowly floated in the air, then returned to its original position.    


"Is this still done by humans?" Zheng Zizhou was very shocked in his heart. This method of controlling objects through the air was really too brilliant.    


Zheng Zinuo was also very shocked. Although he did not know martial arts, it was beyond the scope of magic for a person to be able to control the movement of such a huge object through the air.    


"This person must be very capable. If I follow him, I should be able to learn a lot." Zheng Zinuo thought.    


"Hahaha... Junior disciple Zhang's performance is really good!" That handsome and handsome looking Peak Lord of the Xun Wind Peak, Feng Qingyun, walked up and introduced himself.    


Then, the blue martial soul appeared behind him. It gradually shrunk, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a magic flying sword that was two meters long and half a foot wide. Its entire body was emitting a dazzling blue light as it floated in front of Feng Qingyun.    


"Rise!" Feng Qingyun waved his hand seal. His body slightly swayed, and he arrived above the blue divine sword. Then, with a "whoosh..." sound, he soared into the sky, and hovered in the air for a while before landing.    


"Oh god!" Zheng Zinuo couldn't help but shout. Zheng Zizhou was also amazed. To the two children, any profound movement technique or powerful offensive and defensive cultivation technique wouldn't be able to bring them any shock. However, Feng Qingyun's flying sword had really shocked the two brothers. Who wouldn't want to fly? Who didn't want to travel across the sky? Guan Shan had arrived in an instant. How shocking was that? It seemed like Feng Qingyun had a very accurate grasp of a child's mentality.    


"Senior disciple Feng is too shameless to use such a move! Humph!" The other four people were indignant, but since Tao Wuyang was here, they could only mutter a few words.    


"Hahaha... It seems like the cultivation base of the five junior disciples has improved a lot. In the near future, all of us old fellows will have to retreat into the mountain forest." After watching the performance of the five of them, Tao Wuyang said to the two elders beside him with a smile.    


"Martial Uncle, you flatter me." The five Peak Lord said in unison.    


"Hehe... Alright, alright, don't be modest." Tao Wuyang smiled and turned around to continue, "Now that the five Peak Lord have made an exception and performed, the two of you can choose."    


"Zinuo, have you decided who to choose?" Zheng Zizhou asked in a low voice.    


"Yes, I have. Where is brother?" Zheng Zinuo said somewhat nervously.    


"Uh, who did you choose?" Zheng Zizhou asked.    


"The uncle who looks a little like father, who knows how to ride a sword and fly." Zheng Zinuo whispered into Zheng Zizhou's ear.    


However, they were all top experts in the world. Not to mention whispering, even the sound of a mosquito flying within a hundred meters could be easily heard as long as they were willing to pay attention.    


Feng Qingyun's expression changed drastically. He looked at the other four Peak Lord and saw that their faces were filled with joy. They looked at him with ridicule, as if they were laughing at him.    


"Hmph!" Feng Qingyun snorted coldly and kept winking at Zheng Zizhou.    


Zheng Zizhou also had a bitter look on his face. In fact, his first choice was also Feng Qingyun, but he had been chosen by his poor brother, so he had to choose another person.    


Seeing Feng Qingyun's look, he could only smile. Then, he swept his gaze across the other four Peak Lord. He first eliminated the Thunder-Shaking Sharp Peak Lord, Tianyun, and the Peak Lord of Fire Peak, Liang Youming. It wasn't because their performance wasn't spectacular, but because their appearances were too poor. Imagine a burly man who looked like he was selling pork, no matter how high his cultivation base was. For a child, he was still a little afraid, but for the other Peak Lord in the Fire Peak, he was even more disgusted. Because he actually looked a little like the Boss Chen who sold cloth. Boss Chen was a treacherous, cunning, and hypocritical person. He had the complete image of a profiteer, so he directly excluded him. It was also because of these two people's bad luck. It seemed that their natural appearance was also very important.    


The remaining two people were the Peak Lord Wan Qianjun of Earth Peak and the Peak Lord of Gen Mountain, Zhang Xiren. Although the two of them didn't have much of an outstanding appearance, there wasn't anything that Zheng Zizhou disliked. However, after comparing the two of them, Zheng Zizhou finally decided to choose Wan Qianjun. Because in terms of martial soul talent, Wan Qianjun was indeed a grade higher than Zhang Xiren. His cultivation base was definitely not low either.    


"Master, please accept three kowtows from your disciple!" After making up his mind, Zheng Zizhou took a few steps forward and knelt down in front of Wan Qianjun, kowtowing.    


"Hahaha... Alright, alright, please get up!" Wan Qianjun laughed three times and took a step forward to help Zheng Zizhou up. He, who usually kept a straight face, surprisingly laughed out loud today. It was imaginable that he was in an extremely good mood after taking in Zheng Zizhou, this talented disciple.    


"Master, please accept three bows from your disciple!" Zheng Zinuo saw what Zheng Zizhou did and imitated him. He went in front of Feng Qingyun, knelt down, and kowtowed.    


"Sigh... I failed to steal the chicken, but failed to gain the rice. I took in a kid with such poor talent. It seems like he is just a burden." Secretly sighing deeply, Feng Qingyun said with an expressionless face, "Please come!"    


Although the other three did not receive Zheng Zizhou's favor, they did not take in a burden. They were not happy nor sad, and deliberately teased, "Congratulations to Senior Brother Wan, Senior Brother Feng, and Junior Brother for taking in a high disciple!"    


"Yes, congratulations to the two junior disciples for taking in two beloved disciples. When we return, we must teach them well, and not disgrace our Hidden Spirit Sect." Tao Wuyang said, then nodded at the two children. He led the two elders towards the main hall.    


"Farewell Sect Master and the two elders!" The seven Peak Lord bowed and said.    


After his figure disappeared, loud laughter suddenly came from the square.    


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