Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C25 Soul Energy Increased Once Again

C25 Soul Energy Increased Once Again

The Hidden Spirit Sect lives a self-sustaining life on the rich spiritual island. Occasionally, the disciples of the Hidden Spirit Sect would cut down some trees, capture some Devil Beast, or refine some pill and equipment, and sell them in the outside world. They would exchange for some daily necessities and wait for their return.    


In the blink of an eye, a month had passed. Within this month, Zheng Zinuo persisted every day. Besides the rain, he would wake up early in the morning to practice the Soul Exploring Eye with his senior brothers. After that, he followed Feng Ziyan down the mountain to chop trees, although the increase in his soul power during this period of time was not as fast as before. However, he had also broken through to the seventh level of soul power, and the martial soul had also turned green. It seemed to be even more powerful.    


The increase in Zheng Zinuo's soul force was so fast that it kept changing color with the martial soul. Feng Ziyan, who had been practicing with him a lot, was also used to it. She no longer treated Zheng Zinuo like a mediocre person. Instead, she treated him like a genius who had the same talent as her.    


On this day, Zheng Zinuo brought a small sapling with him and followed Feng Ziyan down the mountain to chop trees. After more than a month of practice, his Yu's Step and the application of his soul power had reached the level of perfection. Now, he could totally reach the level where he could chat and laugh with Feng Ziyan, and sometimes even play and play with her. While he was casting the Yu's Step, it would not be a mess at all, and there would not be any mistakes or mistakes in using his soul power. Furthermore, his speed had already reached an astonishing level. Before Feng Ziyan could summon the martial soul, When she used her soul power, she wouldn't be able to get rid of Zheng Zinuo no matter what.    


Furthermore, she genuinely loved this junior brother of hers. From time to time, she would give him some pointers. Apart from the Soul Upgrade Spell and Soul Exploring Eye mantra, she would also give him some pointers. He also taught him how to identify the acupoints of the human body as well as the position map of the meridians where the soul force moved in the human body.    


Although he did not teach him any more profound Martial Cultivation Method, it was already very satisfying for Zheng Zinuo, who was already unable to learn any cultivation techniques. Moreover, he could tell from the acupuncture map of the human body that Feng Ziyan taught him and the position map of the meridians where the soul force moved. This was the true foundation of a martial artist. Because he found that if he used some soul power to circulate the soul power in his meridians and then condense it into a certain acupoint in his body, he would be able to do so. Then, he would unleash the soul power, which would be a lot more powerful.    


For example, Zheng Zinuo used the Soul Guiding Technique and the Soul Activating Technique to circulate his soul power according to the circulation of the upper meridians. He would pour the soul power into the acupuncture point in his palm and pour it all into his palm. Even a ten-centimeter thick wooden stick could be easily broken. This was simply unbelievable to an eight-year-old child.    


However, Zheng Zinuo relied on his level seven soul power cultivation. According to his understanding of the meridians and acupuncture points in the human body, he could achieve the best result without any martial arts techniques.    


"Little Junior Brother, in fact, according to your current soul power cultivation, you shouldn't do such a low level body transformation." Feng Ziyan said as she walked, "Now that I think about it, secretly teaching you the Soul Upgrade Spell seems to be harming you."    


"How could that be, senior sister." Zheng Zinuo smiled and said, "But now a cedar tree is no longer a challenge to me. By the way, senior sister. After you guys reach my level, what kind of body transformation task will master give you? "    


"En..." Feng Ziyan thought for a moment and replied, "Under normal circumstances, the first three months are like cutting down fir trees that grow for ten years. Three months later, it would depend on the progress of your cultivation. If your talent is better, Without the Martial Cultivation Method, you can only increase your soul power by one or two levels at most. My dad will let those disciples go to the Black Bamboo Forest where they have grown for fifty years. They will go to the Black Bamboo Festival to undergo body transformation. Then when your soul force reaches rank 7, I will let you cut down 80 year old pine trees. When you break through to become a warrior, you will be like me. If you cut down a century old pine tree, you should have already reached level 12 and no longer need to cut down trees to undergo body transformation. But my father asked me to cut down a few more until I reach level fifteen. A situation like yours is very special. Your talent was originally very poor. In the end, after a short period of cultivation, your soul power rose to level seven in a short month. According to the request, you should have chopped the big pine tree for eighty years, but because I taught you the Martial Cultivation Method in advance... Therefore, I dare not tell my dad about your situation. "    


"It doesn't matter, Senior Sister. At most, after I cut down the cedar tree... Then I will go to the big pine tree that has been there for 80 years to train my physique. " Zheng Zinuo said indifferently, "It's just that I'm afraid that Master and the others will find out if I do that."    


" Well, actually, it's not impossible. " Feng Ziyan had an idea when she heard this and said, "The Great Pine Forest in 80 years is quite far from here. It is closer to Devil Beast Forest. You can drag the chopped trees into the forest and hide them. When you can really cut the pine trees, you can bring one more sapling every day to make up for the pine trees you cut."    


"Yes, senior sister is right." Zheng Zinuo was a little happy to hear that. During this period of time, He went down the mountain with Feng Ziyan to chop trees almost every day. As time went on, The relationship between the two children had become much closer. Feng Ziyan was originally a little princess in Xun Wind Peak. Her parents and senior brothers doted on her, and most of the senior brothers were older. She could not play with her, but Zheng Zinuo was about the same age as her. The two of them had a good relationship, so they got closer and closer. Now, there was almost nothing to talk about.    


"But..." Feng Ziyan felt a little awkward, "Devil Beast Forest is very dangerous. Although the pine trees are only close to Devil Beast Forest, it is hard to guarantee that some restless Devil Beast would escape from Devil Beast Forest. So if you really want to chop the pine trees to train your body, I think it is better for you to be careful. Although there are no powerful Devil Beast in the outer perimeter of Devil Beast Forest, the current you is hard to deal with even a First Order Devil Beast. "    


"It's alright, I'll just be careful." Zheng Zinuo replied without fear. In his consciousness, Humans were much scarier than Devil Beast, and he had never seen a real Devil Beast in his life. He did not know how terrifying they were.    


The two of them chatted as they walked. With their current Yu's Step Movement Technique, they soon arrived at the foot of the mountain. As usual, they greeted each other and walked towards their respective mission zones.    


In less than one hourglass's time, Zheng Zinuo swung his heavy iron axe. Without any pause, he urged his soul power to reach his legs, waist, and wrists. After a few dozen rounds, he cut off the fir tree that the man was hugging.    


Then he sat cross-legged and rested for a while. When his physical strength and soul energy were restored to their peak state, he walked towards the nearby Nan Mu Lin.    


At this time, Feng Ziyan had just cut off a Nan Mu tree. While resting on the ground, Feng Ziyan was slightly startled when she felt Zheng Zinuo walking over. She opened her eyes and smiled, "Junior brother, your speed has increased by a lot. I really don't know what level your martial soul talent is. I keep feeling that you are not that simple. "    


"Hehe... Who cares." Zheng Zinuo smiled and asked, "Senior sister, where is the pine forest you mentioned? I am thinking of going there to train. The cedar tree really can't help with training."    


"En, alright. It's in that direction. About 200 meters ahead. You'll see. " Feng Ziyan pointed to the west and said, "But junior brother, you should be more careful and be more careful. If you encounter any Devil Beast, quickly run back. As long as you leave Devil Beast Forest, you don't have to be afraid. Because my father has set up a powerful restriction in the Xun Wind Peak, ordinary Devil Beast wouldn't dare to step into it. So, you better not go too deep into the Devil Beast Forest while hiding in the pine tree. Do you know that? "    


"En, I understand. Thank you senior sister. I'll be leaving now." Zheng Zinuo was extremely excited. He said goodbye to Feng Ziyan and quickly ran over.    


How could an eight-year-old child not be happy when he encountered something new? Zheng Zinuo followed Feng Ziyan's instructions and arrived at a pine forest in a short while.    


He saw that the thick pine trees were like big umbrellas covering the surrounding hundreds of meters densely. He could not see the clear sky when he entered. Only the sparse sunlight shone in through a small gap. It was as beautiful as the stars in the night sky.    


Zheng Zinuo saw the huge pine tree in front of him that could only be carried by at least two adult men. He couldn't help but be shocked. He murmured to himself. He said, "Good boy, what a big tree. If we really cut it down, we definitely won't be able to cut it off in less than an hour."    


Zheng Zinuo wandered around in the pine forest for a while. He picked up an axe from the ground and walked to a place close to Devil Beast Forest to chop with all his might.    


Like in the past, Zheng Zinuo summoned the martial soul, urged his soul power, and transferred it to his legs, waist, arm, and wrist. He hacked at the pine tree with all his strength.    


With a "Dang..." sound, the thick pine tree in front of him was obviously much harder than the original ten year old fir tree. If the fir tree was hard earth, then the pine tree was rock. It took a lot of effort to cut the fir tree. According to Zheng Zinuo's previous method of cutting the fir tree, He used all his strength to cut down the pine tree, just like how Zheng Zinuo cut down the cedar tree. The axe did not leave much of a mark on the pine tree.    


However, the current Zheng Zinuo was no longer the same as before. If one swing of the axe was not enough, he would use the second one, then the third. By using the method of cutting through the rope and cutting through the wood, even an iron pestle could be grinded into a needle, let alone chopping a pine tree.    


Furthermore, with Zheng Zinuo's current grade seven soul power, as long as he used it reasonably and combined it with the Soul Guiding Art and Soul Activating Art, swinging the axe a hundred times like this would not be a big problem.    


One. After the time it took for the hourglass to be cut open, a hole more than ten centimeters deep had been cut open on the pine tree by Zheng Zinuo, but he still didn't stop. His clothes had long been drenched in sweat, but he hadn't reached his limit.    


After the time of two hourglass, Zheng Zinuo's soul power could no longer continue. His physical strength gradually became weaker, and his head began to feel dizzy. He knew that this was a sign that his soul power was about to be depleted. He waved the axe in his hand a few more times, then quickly sat down cross-legged to regulate his breathing. He silently chanted the Soul Upgrade Spell.    


A comfortable feeling that he hadn't felt for a long time emerged once again, as if all the pores in his body were breathing in fresh air. Combined with every time he practiced the Soul Upgrade Spell, the blood in his body flowed along his meridians at a rapid speed. With every circulation, his soul power would recover a lot. His physical strength would also recover quickly.    


After a few dozen breaths, his soul energy and physical strength recovered a lot. But Zheng Zinuo was not in a hurry. He continued to adjust his breathing and cultivate. Only when his soul energy and physical strength had recovered to their peak state did he get up again and pick up the axe to continue chopping trees.    


After an hour, it was much slower than he had expected. The pine trees were also much harder than Zheng Zinuo had imagined. At this time, Zheng Zinuo had already adjusted his breathing three times. Every time he was at the brink of exhaustion, he would quickly cultivate. Every time he cultivated, it would take longer than the last time. However, Zheng Zinuo felt very fulfilled and satisfied. Only in this way could he truly achieve the effect of body transformation.    


He was different from other children who practiced martial arts. His goal was very clear. He wanted to cultivate the Great Dao as soon as possible so that he could leave the Hidden Spirit Sect and go out to find his parents. He wasn't like other children who practiced martial arts for the sake of martial cultivation or were forced to practice martial arts.    


With a set goal, Zheng Zinuo had extraordinary motivation. It wasn't as simple as completing a mission. What he needed was true strength. Every time he cultivated, it wasn't to complete the mission, but to improve himself.    


He adjusted his breathing again. This time, he used a longer time. He used nearly two hourglass's time. Then, he swung his iron axe with all his strength, slashing at the pine tree.    


After nearly a hundred strikes, the sturdy pine tree finally fell to the ground under Zheng Zinuo's last strike.    


As a result, Zheng Zinuo once again exhausted his soul power and physical strength. However, he was in a very good mood. He continued to regulate his breathing and silently chanted the Soul Upgrade Spell. This time, he cultivated for a longer period of time.    


After more than twenty minutes, Zheng Zinuo finally opened his eyes, and was overjoyed. It was revealed! He could not hide his joy and muttered to himself, "I finally broke through again. I have been stuck at rank 7 for a long time. Hahaha... "    


The thirst for power at such a young age was no less than those of adults, using the Soul Testing Art to investigate his own soul force. Finally, the original rank 7 soul force turned into rank 8 soul force, and the martial soul's color also changed to the same color as his brother's. It was also the blue martial soul.    


"This is great! I never thought that my talent would catch up to big brother's! I'm no longer a trash!" Zheng Zinuo was extremely excited. He really wanted to tell this good news to his parents. At this moment, he thirsted for power even more. He wanted to cultivate the Great Dao as soon as possible. So that he could go out and find his parents.    


"At this rate, I should be able to break through to the samurai realm very soon. At that time, I will be able to cultivate the true Martial Cultivation Method. If it really doesn't work, I will personally tell Mistress about my situation. I don't think she will be as old-fashioned as Master. She will only teach me the Martial Cultivation Method after I have mastered the Martial Cultivation Virtue Scripture and the Martial Cultivation World. " Zheng Zinuo became even more excited when he thought of this.    


The improvement of his strength had made his childish heart expand as well. For a moment, he forgot Feng Ziyan's warning not to go deep into the Devil Beast Forest. At this moment, Zheng Zinuo was struggling to drag the nearly 100 jin thick pine tree, walking step by step towards the Devil Beast Forest.    


Actually, he did not know where it was considered to be within the Devil Beast Forest's range. He only knew to stay as far away from the pine forest as possible. Otherwise, if other senior brothers or masters found out, they would definitely be suspicious.    


Thus, he kept walking towards the Devil Beast Forest until he was nearly two hundred meters away. He estimated that it was about time he stopped and dragged the pine tree behind him to a huge tree. He covered it with some branches and leaves to cover it up. This time, he felt relieved.    


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