Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C26 Wind Demon Wolf

C26 Wind Demon Wolf

"Okay! Everything is settled. We'll continue tomorrow! " After Zheng Zinuo was done, he clapped his hands and breathed heavily. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly saw a blue cold light staring at him. It made his hair stand on end, and all the capillaries on the surface of his body suddenly stood up. This was a reaction that could only happen when a person's life was threatened.    


Zheng Zinuo secretly felt that something was wrong. He hurriedly jumped back. He came to the original small path and ran towards the place he came from without looking back. He remembered what Feng Ziyan said, there was a defense mechanism in Xun Wind Peak. It could prevent the Devil Beast from entering. Therefore, he immediately summoned the martial soul and used his soul power to cast the Yu's Step to run back to where he came from.    


With Zheng Zinuo's current level eight soul power, when he used the Yu's Step with all his strength, his speed would definitely not be much slower than a sportsman sprinting a hundred meters.    


But before Zheng Zinuo could run a hundred meters, a strong hurricane came from behind him. It almost blew Zheng Zinuo's weak body to the ground, and then he only felt a flash in front of his eyes. It was a gray-white creature that was more than two meters long. It looked like a wild wolf. The Devil Beast, which was much stronger than an ordinary wild wolf, appeared in front of Zheng Zinuo, blocking his way back.    


"What is this?" Zheng Zinuo was shocked when he saw this. His legs went limp and he fell to the ground. The martial soul disappeared along with it. After all, he was only eight years old, let alone a devil wolf. Even an ordinary wild wolf wouldn't be able to withstand such a powerful shock.    


"Xiao..." With a low shout, borrowing the weak sunlight in the forest, Zheng Zinuo, who was lying limply on the ground, seemed to realize that the devil wolf in front of him was laughing at him.    


Seeing the devil wolf walking towards him step by step, it was as if it was treating him as its lunch. Zheng Zinuo's soul, which had already reached the brink of collapse, was even more panicky. At this moment, the only thing he could think of was his parents and brother. He really hoped that they would appear to save him in this extremely dangerous moment of life and death.    


However, things went contrary to his wishes. The devil wolf continued to slowly approach him. It was as if it had treated him as its toy. Its young reliance on him had yet to be completely independent. When the devil wolf was less than a meter away from him, he suddenly recalled the day when he had saved him and his brother. He had been willing to sacrifice his life to protect his father even though he was severely injured. How much perseverance and love did he have for his son?    


"I am Zheng Changfeng's son. I absolutely can't lose my father's face!" Zheng Zinuo gritted his teeth. He closed his eyes tightly and shouted loudly. The blue martial soul behind him instantly separated from his body and appeared behind him. It was a little taller than his original height. It lit up the area within a few meters.    


Once the martial soul appeared, Zheng Zinuo's panicked mood immediately became much better. He clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were incomparably sharp. He bent his body like a little beast, and stared fixedly at the devil wolf in front of him.    


When the devil wolf saw the limp human lying on the ground in front of it, it was preparing to enjoy its unique and sumptuous lunch. Suddenly, it saw that the weak body was emitting a shocking energy, and it couldn't help but stop moving forward. When it saw the blue martial soul behind Zheng Zinuo, it was shocked.    


"Come on, big dog! I'm not afraid of you!" Zheng Zinuo shouted in a low voice. His right hand quietly touched the back of his waist, because there was a Coal Short Sword that Eldest Senior Brother had given him.    


"Xiao..." Seeing that the human in front of him was no longer afraid of him, the devil wolf did not attack rashly. The Devil Beast had intelligence, it was not a simple beast. He saw that Zheng Zinuo had released the martial soul and was ready to fight, so he took a few steps back. He opened his big mouth and shouted at Zheng Zinuo. A strong gust of wind suddenly burst out from his mouth. It was aimed at Zheng Zinuo.    


"Big dog that knows how to breathe!" Zheng Zinuo was shocked. This was the first time he had seen such an animal. Although he knew that the dog in front of him should be the Devil Beast Feng Ziyan mentioned, he did not know what the Devil Beast was. Today, he saw it with his own eyes and thought that it was a wild beast from the ordinary people. But he did not know that the wild beast in front of him would even spit out hurricanes.    


He had already prepared for this. With a move of his soul force, he instantly unleashed the Yu's Step. Although the road here was narrow, it was fortunate that there were a lot of trees. Zheng Zinuo could easily borrow the help of a big tree in front of him. He used the Yu's Step to dodge the hurricane attack of the devil wolf.    


Fortunately, the devil wolf in front of him was only a Second Order Lower Grade Devil Beast, which was equivalent to the cultivation of a human warrior of the Tenth Order. His main attack was to pounce and bite. Although the hurricane could be considered a unique attack of his, Its attacking ability was not strong.    


However, it was still considered a very powerful opponent for Zheng Zinuo, who had not yet reached the level of a warrior. After dodging the attack, Zheng Zinuo was not in a hurry. This was his first battle in his life, and his opponent was a ferocious and inhumane Devil Beast. Therefore, he didn't dare to be careless.    


Seeing that the weak human in front of him had easily dodged his hurricane attack, the devil wolf was slightly surprised. Although its hurricane was only used to confuse the opponent's eyes, it made their eyes blur. This would pave the way for its attack.    


However, the weak human in front of it had easily dodged its hurricane. It couldn't help but make a miscalculation. With another loud roar, the devil wolf no longer used its hurricane attack. Instead, it leapt towards Zheng Zinuo.    


The huge wolf mouth made Zheng Zinuo, who was three or four meters away from the tree, smell the pungent smell of suffocation. The two huge wolf claws that were like cattail fans made Zheng Zinuo feel powerless.    


Although he had the strength of a rank eight soul, he didn't have any offensive skills. The only skill that could make him use the Yu's Step was the movement skill. There was no better way. Zheng Zinuo used the Yu's Step once again to dodge the attack. He swung the short sword in his hand to protect himself. He wanted to prevent the devil wolf from attacking him again.    


Seeing the weak human in front of him dodge his attack with a strange movement technique, the devil wolf was burning with anger. It swung its huge wolf tail at Zheng Zinuo who was not far away.    


Zheng Zinuo had just stabilized his body when he saw the wolf tail that was like a mace attacking him. He instinctively raised the Coal Short Sword in his hand to block the wolf tail.    


"Crack..." The wolf's tail collided with the Coal Short Sword with a loud sound. A huge force was transmitted from Zheng Zinuo's arm. With a scream, Zheng Zinuo was sent flying two meters away by the huge force. He was blocked by a big tree.    


But before Zheng Zinuo could recover from his shock, he heard a miserable howl of a wolf. He forced himself to calm down and held onto the tree trunk as he stood up. Fortunately, although the fall was heavy, he did not suffer any injuries. He looked up and saw that the huge and thick wolf tail had been cut in half by the Coal Short Sword in his hand. The remaining half was spurting out blood, causing the devil wolf to roll on the ground in pain. Miserable screams rang out continuously.    


"This is a good opportunity!" Zheng Zinuo did not hesitate. He went around the big tree and summoned the martial soul once again. He used the Yu's Step once again and ran towards the tree without looking back.    


However, not long after he got up, the devil wolf, who was rolling on the ground, endured the pain of its broken tail and chased after him again. This time, it did not use the hurricane attack. Instead, it jumped into the air and jumped down from behind Zheng Zinuo.    


Zheng Zinuo was shocked when he felt the devil wolf chasing behind him. He pushed his soul power to the limit and circulated it along the meridians on his upper body. He suddenly turned around on his right arm with the intention of cutting off all means of retreat. He exerted force and took out the Coal Short Sword in his hand.    


Stimulated by the soul force, the Coal Short Sword howled and pierced towards the devil wolf that was flying towards him.    


When the devil wolf saw the weak human in front of it suddenly turn around, it knew that things were not good. Looking again, a black short sword shot over. It hurriedly used the hurricane to change its position in the air. However, his speed was still slightly slower.    


"Puchi..." With a sound, the Coal Short Sword pierced into the devil wolf's right abdomen. The devil wolf once again let out a miserable cry, but at this moment, it erupted with a ruthless force as if it was unafraid of death. Even though it was stabbed, it still wanted to rush down and kill the weak human.    


"The devil wolf heavily threw itself onto Zheng Zinuo's weak body. Due to overdrawing his soul power, he was temporarily unable to use his soul power to use his movement technique to dodge the devil wolf's attack.    


He could only watch helplessly as the devil wolf fell onto his body, allowing the steel-like giant claw of the devil wolf to hit his shoulder. Two sharp nails dug deep into his flesh and blood, but due to the excessive panic, Zheng Zinuo did not feel any pain at all.    


"Roar..." He threw the weak human in front of him under his body and the devil wolf raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar. It opened its bloody mouth and bit towards the pale face of Zheng Zinuo. Although the devil wolf's abdomen was bleeding profusely, it didn't stop there. However, it firmly believed that it could kill this human before it died, and avenge itself.    


But was that really the case?    


Just as the devil wolf's bloody mouth was about to touch Zheng Zinuo's head, Zheng Zinuo closed his eyes tightly. His heart felt like it was about to jump out of his chest. He was extremely nervous. "I can't die. I can't die like this. My parents and my big brother are waiting for me! I want to live... " An incomparably firm conviction instantly burst forth, but it was as if his heart was willing but his strength was lacking. No matter how much strength he exerted, he was unable to break free from the wolf's claws in the slightest.    


At this critical moment, Zheng Zinuo's potential was ignited. A sense of emptiness struck him, and then a golden light suddenly shot out from between his eyebrows. It hit the devil wolf's huge head, and directly pierced through its mouth.    


The golden light flashed and disappeared. The devil wolf opened its huge mouth and widened its eyes. It looked at the weak human in front of it in disbelief and fell down unwillingly.    


Zheng Zinuo felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders. His entire body was drenched in sweat and he was breathing heavily. He had the guts! He felt extremely exhausted, and his consciousness gradually became muddled. At this moment, a faint red shadow suddenly rose from the corpse of the devil wolf that had fallen to the ground. The golden light that had dimmed between Zheng Zinuo's eyebrows flickered once again, and it sucked the shadow into Zheng Zinuo's forehead bit by bit. It slowly entered his body through the golden mark between his eyebrows.    


In just an instant, Zheng Zinuo felt that his soul power had recovered a little, and his physical strength had also slowly recovered. He did not dare to stay there any longer. He hurriedly got up, and without caring about the injury on his shoulder, he ran out of Devil Beast Forest.    


After a while, Zheng Zinuo left Devil Beast Forest and returned to the place where he had cut down the pine trees. He hurriedly sat cross-legged to regulate his breathing, and unknowingly entered deep cultivation.    


After an unknown amount of time, he felt as if his exhausted soul power had recovered in an instant, and it seemed to have become much stronger. The wound on his shoulder also stopped bleeding, and it did not hurt that much anymore.    


Before he could use the Soul Testing Art to investigate, a tender voice sounded in his mind. Shocked, he hurriedly opened his eyes and looked around. However, he found that there was no one. Instead, the sky had already darkened.    


Just as he was about to return to his residence at the top of the mountain, the mysterious voice sounded again. This time, Zheng Zinuo carefully observed it. He felt that this voice seemed to come from within his body. He hurriedly sat down cross-legged and tried to sense it with his heart.    


Sure enough, a weak voice was projected into his mind, as if a tiny person had suddenly appeared in his mind.    


"Master, I finally see you." The voice that sounded like a young girl said.    


"Eh? Who are you? Why are you calling me master?" Zheng Zinuo was shocked and asked hastily.    


" Master, I am Sword Spirit from your Ethereal Divine Sword. Have you forgotten about me? " The young girl asked in surprise.    


"Sword Spirit? Did you recognize the wrong person? I don't have a divine sword. And the sword can actually speak?" Zheng Zinuo asked in puzzlement. He then looked at the Coal Short Sword in his hand and thought to himself, Could it be this short sword?    


"No, master. I am the Ethereal Divine Sword. To be precise, I am the divine sword of your previous life. In our previous life, we fought side by side to deal with Mighty Old Devil. Unfortunately, we didn't kill him. We died together with him. At that critical moment, Master used a great technique. He separated his soul from his body, saving his soul from the fate of being destroyed. The Ethereal Divine Sword had also shattered. Fortunately, I had already cultivated the spiritual body. I have already possessed master's divine soul and reincarnated with him." The young girl explained in her voice.    


"The story you just told me is a bit similar to a dream I often dream about. In the dream, there was a big brother holding a godly sword. He fought against a demon covered in purple energy, and in the end, the two of them died together. I remember that there was a beautiful big sister in the dream. " Zheng Zinuo replied.    


"Yes, that's right. Master, you remember?" The young girl asked excitedly.    


"No, this is just a dream I often dream of." Zheng Zinuo shook his head.    


"Oh, master, your divine soul must have been seriously injured. After you reincarnated, not only did your cultivation method disappear without a trace, but you also lost your memory of your past life." The girl said with some disappointment.    


Zheng Zinuo touched his head when he heard her. He did not understand what she was saying. He did not know what the little girl in his mind was talking about. So he asked, "When I was about to be killed by the devil wolf, did you save me?"    


"Yes, I have already saved master twice. The first time was when Master fell from the cliff to the sea, and the second time was when he fought with the devil wolf." Sword Spirit said again, "Because my sword body was shattered, the spiritual body also suffered a huge injury. Retreat! " Here. " It's back! Sword Spirit's realm had been in a state of deep recovery. Last time, I felt that my master was in danger. Thus, I injected the last bit of spiritual energy into my master's body, hoping that it could help you overcome the tribulation. But because of this, I overdrew my spirit energy... Once again, I entered a state of deep recovery."    


" Until recently, under the stimulation of my spirit energy, Master... The originally damaged soul recovered a bit, and the soul power gradually rose. From there, I was awakened from my deep slumber, and just as my master's life was in danger... I erupted with unprecedented potential and used Master's energy to execute the Spiritual Sword Technique. After killing the devil wolf, I absorbed his soul power from the beast soul within the devil wolf. A portion was given to me, a portion was given to my master, and a portion was given to him. At the same time, it was used to repair his damaged divine soul. At the same time, I helped master recover your soul force and physical strength. "    


"Originally, because your divine soul was damaged, you basically became a useless martial soul. Later on, after your divine soul was slowly repaired, you broke through step by step. Now, Master, your martial soul has already reached the top of this world."    


"Top, purple martial soul?" Zheng Zinuo listened attentively. When he heard Sword Spirit say that his martial soul had reached the top of this world, he was immediately overjoyed.    


"No, it's black. The purple martial soul can only be said to be the limit that an ordinary person can reach. Master, your talent is an existence that surpasses this world. It's the super martial soul." Sword Spirit explained.    


"Super! Super! Martial! Soul, black? I'm not dreaming, am I?" Zheng Zinuo forcefully pinched his arm and discovered that it was very painful. He then summoned the martial soul to take a look. Indeed, it was a black, shadow-like martial soul.    


"Of course, all of this is real!" Sword Spirit continued, "And according to the recovery of the damaged divine soul, Master's physical body, five viscera, meridians, and even mind have been greatly improved. At least, it is not weaker than an ordinary adult."    


"It's true. No wonder I suddenly realized that a lot of things seemed to have emerged in my mind. It also allowed me to comprehend a lot of things that I didn't understand before." Zheng Zinuo was pleasantly surprised when he heard this. He suddenly became excited, and it suddenly affected the scars left behind by the two devil wolf on his shoulders. He grimaced in pain and calmed his mind. He asked, "Sword Spirit, I heard you say that I was very powerful in my previous life. I know many profound skills and sword skills, right? Since you have awakened, can you tell me about my past life? "    


" Master wasn't very powerful in his past life, but very, very powerful. But I do not know much about your past life, Master, because when I cultivated Sword Spirit, Master had always been in the midst of hard training. He would occasionally accompany Xiao Xianzi on a sightseeing tour, playing the zither and blowing the flute. For the past 300 years, Master has been living like this. " Sword Spirit replied with a somewhat desolate expression.    


"Three... three hundred years." Zheng Zinuo was shocked once again. He asked sympathetically, "Then you have been living very lonely during these three hundred years?"    


"Not really, I often learn Dao Arts from Master. Occasionally, I exchange cultivation experiences, and I myself am also constantly cultivating and improving. Three hundred years later, I have finally broken through to the highest realm of the sword. I became a true Divine Sword." Sword Spirit said proudly.    


"A sword can also be trained? Is there a difference in realms?" Zheng Zinuo was destined to be the most shocked person in his life today.    


"Of course. Ordinary swords can only be divided into good and bad, but for treasures above Immortal Weapons, they can be used for cultivation. Take our swords for example. They are generally divided into three realms. The first realm is the Sword Body Realm that you often see. There are no souls. It is just an ordinary sword. The second realm is Sword Spirit. This realm means that the sword has already cultivated its own soul consciousness and is able to communicate with its master. This realm was already considered very high, but it was still not the highest realm. The highest realm was the spiritual body realm, and Sword Spirit had become even stronger. She could separate herself from the sword body and exist alone. Moreover, she could transform everything in the world. Master, you often transformed me into the Growth Xiao and played with Xiao Xianzi." Sword Spirit said.    


"Sword Body, Sword Spirit, and spiritual body are three realms. This is unbelievable." Zheng Zinuo asked in surprise, "Then are you in the spiritual body realm now?"    


"I was in the past, but after suffering a serious injury, my realm dropped a lot. Now, I can only be counted as Sword Spirit, and I have also forgotten about the many cultivation techniques I learned from Master." Sword Spirit said in a dejected manner.    


"So pitiful." Zheng Zinuo said sympathetically, "Then when will you be able to cultivate the spiritual body and come out of my body?"    


"Right now, Master and I can be said to be one body and two spirits. Master's body can also be said to be my sword body. My Sword Spirit must be attached to your body in order to survive." Sword Spirit explained, "But if there are two conditions, I can leave Master's body and exist independently."    


" Which two conditions? " Zheng Zinuo was overjoyed when he heard that and hurriedly asked. He did not want to have a listening device installed in his body. It would be very awkward to let others know what he was thinking.    


"The first condition is to find a Divine level ore to forge a Divine Sword, and then let me possess it." Sword Spirit said, "The second condition is that after I cultivate to the spiritual body, I will be able to leave my body and transform into a sword body."    


"A divine grade ore, and I need to forge a divine sword. This is too difficult." Zheng Zinuo said dejectedly, "Then the second condition, how long will you have to wait if you cultivate on your own?"    


"I've cultivated this once before, and it will take me three hundred years. But it won't take that long to cultivate again, but if it's like what happened just now... If I devour the Devil Beast's soul body to cultivate, I don't think it will take that long. " Sword Spirit said with some excitement.    


"The soul body of the Devil Beast to cultivate? Are you joking with me?" Zheng Zinuo said in shock, "That's an extremely evil cultivation method. I've heard my master say it before. The cultivation that one can get from that cultivation method is extremely violent and violent. It might even turn into a devil. This is still good. If you don't cultivate it well, you will suffer from qi deviation and die without a complete corpse. "    


"Hehe... Master, you are talking about humans. Don't forget that I am Sword Spirit. Furthermore, I am the Sword Spirit of the Divine Sword. I have a very powerful purifying ability. I can purify all the evil Qi in the world, but the soul body that devours the Devil Beast is truly inhumane. Master taught me this in the past. He wanted me to do more good deeds. Thus, I have never devoured other people's soul body to cultivate. I have always relied on myself to cultivate. I tried it out for Master's sake just now, and found out that it worked wonders. Hehe... " Sword Spirit said.    


"Oh, I see. Let's talk about it in the future." Zheng Zinuo thought for a moment and asked again, "You just said that you and I stayed in my previous life for three hundred years and often cultivated together. Then you must know a lot of skills in my previous life, right? Can you teach me? "    


" I often cultivate with Master, but Master, I have forgotten many of the cultivation techniques you cultivate. The damaged memories of the spiritual body have also been lost. " Sword Spirit replied.    


"Ah?" Zheng Zinuo was disappointed, like a deflated balloon.    


"But..." Sword Spirit continued.    


"But what? Can't you say it in one breath? Don't make me lose my appetite." Zheng Zinuo said with a bitter smile.    


"Oh, got it." Sword Spirit replied, "But master's most powerful sword technique, Ethereal Divine Sword Spell, is still fresh in my memory. As for master's other techniques... I can only cultivate slowly and wait for the spiritual body to recover. I should slowly remember them. "    


"Ethereal Divine Sword Spell? What is that? Is that the skill you used to kill that devil wolf? Hurry up and teach me!" Zheng Zinuo was overjoyed when he heard this and hurriedly asked.    


" The Ethereal Divine Sword Spell is the strongest skill and sword skill that Master was most proud of in his previous life. That Spiritual Rhinoceros Sword Technique just now was only the weakest skill amongst the nine great sword skills. " Sword Spirit said proudly.    


"Good boy, even the weakest technique was so powerful. What about the strongest one? I want to learn the strongest move, quickly teach me, okay? If you teach me, I'll help you kill the Devil Beast and help you cultivate." Zheng Zinuo said naively.    


"No, Master. You have lost the memories of your past life. Losing the cultivation technique and true essence was the same as restarting a new life. Everything had to be restarted. I can only tell you the cultivation method of the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell. As for the difficult cultivation process... Master, you have to rely on yourself. " Sword Spirit said.    


"Furthermore, any cultivation technique needs to be done step by step. The more powerful the cultivation technique, the more complicated it becomes. It is not as simple as you think, Master. My body is now weak and small. Only by borrowing Master's full strength and the energy that I originally have can I use the weakest of the Spiritual Sword Technique. I don't even dare to think about that most powerful technique - the Sword Manipulation Heavenly Thunder Technique. Therefore, I can only rely on my master to slowly cultivate on his own."    


"Oh, so that's how it is. But that weakest Spiritual Rhino Sword Art of yours isn't bad either. How did you cultivate it? Hurry up and teach me. " The more Zheng Zinuo heard, the more excited he became. He hurriedly urged.    


"Alright master, when the conditions are good enough, I will find a time to teach you the entire cultivation technique formula of the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell, but not now, because someone has come." Sword Spirit said.    


Then, they heard Feng Ziyan and the others shouting from afar.    


"Little Junior Brother is there, Little Junior Brother..." Feng Ziyan rushed over with her senior brothers and asked. “ She really scared us to death. Why haven't you returned yet? Eh? Junior Brother, your shoulder is injured?"    


"Hm? What happened to Little Junior Brother? How did he get injured? " Dongfang Shenyong heard this and nervously stomped down. He opened Zheng Zinuo's torn jacket and took a look. He was immediately shocked. "It's the claw print of the Devil Beast. Little Junior Brother, did you encounter the Devil Beast?"    


"En!" He looked at Feng Ziyan, even though he did not want to tell everyone. But at this point, there was nothing he could do. He could only speak truthfully, "In there, I met a Devil Beast that looked like a big dog. It could even spit out hurricanes."    


"What? A low-grade Tier 2 Devil Beast, Gale devil wolf?" Everyone exclaimed when they heard this. Second Senior Brother Ouyang Qingqi hurriedly took out a small black bottle from his bosom. He poured it onto Zheng Zinuo's bloody shoulder. A cool and painful feeling immediately spread over. But in the next moment, the wound quickly healed, and the pain also lessened by quite a bit.    


"Little Junior Brother, you are really lucky. You were able to survive after meeting the Gale devil wolf with your strength. Not bad." Third Senior Brother Chu Sifeng said with a smile.    


"En, that's right. Why did you come to Devil Beast Forest for no reason?" Dongfang Shenyong carried Zheng Zizhou on his back and asked with some blame. He then said to the other junior brothers. " Let's go and see if the devil wolf is still there. Little Junior Brother is injured. We might have to avenge him. "    


"Thank you, Eldest Senior Brother." Zheng Zinuo leaned on Dongfang Shenyong's back and felt a warmth in his heart. He was touched and said, "That devil wolf has already been killed by me. Don't take revenge anymore."    


"What?" This time, even Feng Ziyan couldn't help but cry out, "You... You killed a Tier 2 Devil Beast, Gale devil wolf?"    


Zheng Zinuo blinked his eyes and nodded somewhat unnaturally. Although the last attack wasn't from him, it was also from his body. Although it wasn't him who killed it, it was really him who killed it.    


"Let's go! Let's go and take a look." Evidently, everyone was in disbelief, unable to understand. Although the low-grade Tier 2 wind devil wolf was not strong, it was still equivalent to the cultivation of a human warrior of over ten levels. In their eyes, Zheng Zinuo was just an ordinary kid who hadn't even opened the martial soul, and didn't know how to use the Martial Cultivation Method. How could he kill a Second Order devil wolf?    


Zheng Zinuo felt as if he had leaked something, but when he saw the curious expressions of his senior brothers, He didn't want to say anything, and just ordered everyone to come to the place where the devil wolf had died. Sure enough, he found a two meter long devil wolf lying on the ground. Its abdomen and head had been pierced by a sharp weapon. It had been dead for a long time.    


When they saw this situation, everyone was shocked on the spot. The way they looked at Zheng Zinuo became strange.    


"Let's go back." Dongfang Shenyong didn't say much. He brought everyone back to their residence. Of course, the corpse of the devil wolf was also brought back by Liu Wenyi, because not only did the devil wolf have wind attribute magic crystals in its body, it also had wind attribute magic crystals in its body. It could be used to refine weapons and equipment. Moreover, its fur and flesh were very useful.    


"Zinuo, tell master honestly, why are you back so late today?" In the canteen, everyone gathered together. Feng Qingyun held his rice bowl and asked seriously.    


"Replying to Master, I..." Zheng Zinuo looked at Feng Ziyan, who was sitting opposite him, and answered honestly. " I felt that my strength had greatly increased during this period of time. The fir tree that I grew for ten years no longer had the effect of body transformation. Thus, I went to the pine trees that grew for eighty years to cut down trees to train my body, but I was afraid that my master and senior brothers would find out... Thus, I dragged the chopped pine trees into the Devil Beast Forest and hid them. However, I encountered the devil wolf. So..."    


"A cedar tree that grows for ten years is no longer able to achieve the effect of your body transformation. Why did you go and cut down a pine tree that has been growing for eighty years? And you even cut it off? " Feng Qingyun originally didn't have much interest in this disciple of his who had an extremely poor talent, so he didn't pay much attention to him. When he heard this, he couldn't help but be shocked. It had only been a few days. This little disciple of his said that ten years of fir trees couldn't achieve the effect of body transformation.    


"Master, not only did Little Junior Brother cut down eighty years of pine trees, he also... even personally killed a low-grade Tier 2 Devil Beast, Gale devil wolf." Dongfang Shenyong answered truthfully.    


"What?! He killed a low-grade Tier 2 Devil Beast, Gale devil wolf?" Feng Qingyun put down the rice bowl in his hands, widened his eyes, and asked, losing his composure.    


"Reporting to master, this matter is absolutely true. The devil wolf's corpse is outside the house." Dongfang Shenyong replied once again.    


“ Oh? There's actually such a thing?" Feng Qingyun and Yurong looked at each other, then turned to look at Zheng Zinuo. After using the Soul Exploring Eye, their faces turned pale with fright.    


"Black martial soul? Soul power level 10! How is this possible?" Feng Qingyun suddenly stood up from the table and screamed uncontrollably.    


"What? black martial soul?" Yurong and the other disciples were shocked when they heard this. They immediately used the Soul Exploring Eye to observe Zheng Zinuo's martial soul and grade. Only Feng Ziyan was a little confused because she was still unable to use the Soul Exploring Eye to probe the depth of the opponent.    


"Zinuo, quickly tell Master and Mistress what happened to you? Why did you use the orange martial soul in just half a month's time? An ordinary child with only a third level soul power suddenly turned into a legendary black martial soul. What about the tenth level soul power? " Feng Qingyun found it hard to suppress the joy in his heart. For the first time, he asked Zheng Zinuo with an excited and excited smile.    


The other senior brothers, including Feng Ziyan, stared at Zheng Zinuo in disbelief, waiting for his answer.    


"I..." Zheng Zinuo was about to tell Feng Qingyun everything that happened to his body when Sword Spirit's voice sounded in his mind again. She reminded him not to tell anyone about Sword Spirit's existence no matter what.    


Zheng Zinuo nodded slightly and thought for a moment. He got up and knelt in front of Feng Qingyun. He kowtowed three times and said, "Master and Mistress, please promise Zinuo not to punish senior sister. Otherwise, Zinuo will not say anything."    


"Hmm? Good. You know how to threaten your elders at such a young age, right?" Feng Qingyun looked at Feng Ziyan, who had her head lowered, and pretended to be angry.    


"It's not Master. I will bear all the blame. I only ask Master and Mistress not to punish Senior Sister." Zheng Zinuo said again.    


Feng Ziyan looked at Zheng Zinuo gratefully when she heard him. She felt very sweet in her heart.    


"Alright, Qingyun, don't scare the child." Yurong got up and helped Zheng Zinuo up. She patted his knee and said with a smile, "You can say whatever you want. Masteress promised you that she will not punish your senior sister."    


"Yes!" Zheng Zinuo nodded and smiled at Feng Ziyan. He then explained the development of the matter in detail, such as the Soul Upgrade Spell, Soul Exploring Eye heart technique, Soul Testing Art, Yu's Step, meridians and acupuncture points, etc. He told everyone present in detail about the use of the intermediate Marching Pill, except for Sword Spirit.    


As for how the devil wolf was killed by him, he only mentioned it once. He said that it was a coincidence that the devil wolf was careless and used the Coal Short Sword to kill it.    


Everyone trusted Zheng Zinuo's words, but even with Feng Qingyun's high cultivation, he could not tell why Zheng Zinuo's martial soul had changed color, and it had reached the legendary super black martial soul.    


However, what surprised Zheng Zinuo and Feng Ziyan was that after Feng Qingyun found out the truth, Not only did he not blame the two of them, he even laughed out loud three times. He also decided to personally teach Professor Zheng Zinuo from tomorrow onwards. He was a martial artist.    


This made Zheng Zinuo really happy for a long time. Although the other fellow disciples were happy or envious, they were also jealous, but they also became happy when they saw that their master had not been so happy for a long time.    


Dinner was spent in such a warm atmosphere. It was also the first time Zheng Zinuo felt the joy of being noticed by everyone.    


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