Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C28 Misty Divine Sword Technique

C28 Misty Divine Sword Technique

Ever since Feng Qingyun found out that Zheng Zinuo's talent had become a super black martial soul, his attitude towards him had changed 180 degrees, and he was determined to cultivate his disciple into the strongest person in this world.    


After eating the food that his master had sent over, Zheng Zinuo rested for a while. He once again lifted his sword and went into the stream to practice standing and stabilizing his body. He was not in a hurry to swing his sword. Although he was young, he had the wisdom to surpass his peers. Because his soul had been restored, his talent had been resummoned. He knew that no cultivation could be rushed for a moment. He had to fight steadily...    


A day's time passed just like that. Zheng Zinuo only fell into the water once, and went ashore three times to cultivate the cultivation spell of Ethereal Divine Sword Spell.    


Although he was physically and mentally exhausted from training, every time he finished cultivating the skill, he would feel an indescribable sense of comfort from his body. It was much more comfortable than when he cut down trees to cultivate the Soul Upgrade Spell.    


In the evening, the sun was about to set. After Zheng Zinuo had finished regulating his breathing, He put on his clothes and carried the heavy sword on his shoulder as he ran along the mountain path that he had come back from. Although his soul force was sealed, he was unable to use his soul force to cast the Yu's Step. Zheng Zinuo relied on his strong physique that he had trained for the past month to carry the heavy sword and walk quickly. He was not that tired. He had only rested for three times on the mountain road that was more than ten miles long. After more than half an hour, he returned to his residence.    


"Huh? Junior Brother, you're back." The first to greet was Feng Ziyan, because she lived in the main hall. She was the closest to the mountain path, and she heard that Feng Qingyun was leading Zheng Zinuo to this mountain path. After she finished her cultivation, she had been waiting here. During this period of time, Zheng Zinuo had accompanied her in body transformation. She seemed to have gotten used to it. Suddenly, he wasn't with her. It was as if she was missing something.    


Seeing Zheng Zinuo coming back, she hurriedly came up to him and asked with a smile, "Junior brother, what did my father teach you? Huh? Isn't this one of my father's favorite treasured swords - the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword? Did my father give it to you?"    


"Senior sister." Zheng Zinuo was very grateful to this senior sister. If it wasn't for her imparting him the Soul Upgrade Spell and other cultivation techniques... Perhaps he would have died in the devil wolf's mouth a long time ago. Therefore, he had a strange feeling towards Feng Ziyan compared to the other senior brothers.    


"Master wants me to swing my sword under the waterfall. This Heavy Metal Ancient Sword is temporarily lent to me by Master." Zheng Zinuo replied.    


"Oh, waving your sword under the waterfall. It seems like you don't have much trouble. Father won't take special care of you just because you have excellent talent, right?" Feng Ziyan said in puzzlement. At this moment, she saw that Zheng Zinuo was also sweating and gasping for breath. However, his face was bright red and his physical strength was sufficient. He did not look like he had gone through overload physical exercise.    


"Hehe..." Zheng Zinuo smiled bitterly. It would have been fine if Feng Ziyan did not say it, but once it was mentioned that he was going to undergo body transformation under the waterfall, A chill rushed into his heart. On that small rock, Not only did he have to overcome the slippery rocks that were washed by the stream all year round, but he also had to constantly resist the impact of the waterfall crashing into the stream. Furthermore, he had to swing the ancient sword that weighed more than ten kilograms under such circumstances. Even if he wanted to stand firm, he had to let Zheng Zinuo practice for an entire day.    


Because of the rest and the cultivation method of the Divine Sword Technique, Although he had consumed a lot of his physical strength during this day, he was able to replenish it in time. Especially during the time he was practicing standing on the rock, it was definitely a form of training for his body's balance, coordination, heartforce, and so on. Compared to the simple heavy body labor like chopping trees, it was much more complicated and tiring. If it was replaced by a cultivation method without the Divine Sword Technique, Zheng Zinuo definitely would not be so calm at this time.    


"Senior sister, if you want to know whether you are tired or not, I will know when I have the time tomorrow." Zheng Zinuo replied, then his stomach growled. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, then walked towards the canteen.    


For the next few days, Zheng Zinuo repeated the same thing every day. He woke up early in the morning to practice the Soul Exploring Eye. After breakfast, he brought some dry food and fruits to the waterfall to undergo body transformation. This kind of cultivation lasted until the third day before Zheng Zinuo successfully swung his first sword. However, during these three days, Feng Ziyan and the others did not come to see him. It was probably because Feng Qingyun told them not to disturb him.    


After two months, Zheng Zinuo finally completed the task given by Feng Qingyun. In one go, he completed a hundred sword swings.    


According to common sense, an eight-year-old child... It was very difficult to swing a sword that weighed ten pounds on flat ground, not to mention a hundred sword swings. Moreover, he was still standing on the slippery rocks and the impact of the waterfall. This kind of difficulty was simply unimaginable.    


However, Zheng Zinuo relied on his strong will and the help of the cultivation spell of the Divine Sword Art. In just two months, he had completed this arduous task. As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. After Zheng Zinuo completed the hundred sword strikes, the following task was... He was more confident in completing it.    


What was even more fortunate was that it wasn't only him who had completed the task. The technique of the Divine Sword Technique had also made great progress. Originally, Zheng Zinuo had already stepped into the threshold of being a warrior. It was equivalent to the Foundation Establishment stage of the Divine Sword Technique's cultivation spell. After these two months of continuous tempering of the body, Without stopping the cultivation spell, his Divine Sword Technique had broken through the original realm and reached the mid Foundation Establishment realm. It had truly formed a type of soul force in his body that was different from the soul force cultivated in this world. It was a type of even stronger Genuine Qi. At this time, his strength was already equal to the strength of a level fifteen warrior in this world.    


With the Genuine Qi as the foundation, Zheng Zinuo's originally weak body was constantly being nourished and transformed by the Genuine Qi. It gradually became stronger, whether it was physical strength, speed, coordination of the body, etc. All the functions of his body had improved tremendously, as if he had been reborn. Only in this way could he complete the difficult task of completing the one hundred sword strikes so quickly. Otherwise, his soul force would be sealed. He did not know how long it would take.    


On this day, after Zheng Zinuo swung the heavy sword a hundred times, he felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders. After adjusting his breathing, he looked at the time. It was only noon. Thus, he became playful. After all, he was only an eight-year-old child. It was also very boring to carry out boring cultivation every day. Moreover, the task assigned to him by his master had already been completed. He did not have any burdens, so he felt at ease and boldly walked towards the stream.    


"The environment here is really not bad." Zheng Zinuo carried the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword and walked along the small stream all the way down. After walking for about a hundred meters, he encountered a small waterfall about ten meters tall. Below the waterfall was a round lake with a radius of twenty to thirty meters.    


When Zheng Zinuo saw this scene, he was instantly stunned by the beautiful scene in front of him. He had never seen such a beautiful environment with his own eyes, and for a moment, he had forgotten about the movement around him. He stood on top of the cliff and stared blankly at the beautiful scenery at the foot of the mountain.    


At this moment, the sound of laughter woke Zheng Zinuo, who was intoxicated by it. He turned his head and saw five naked girls walking towards the lake on the left side of the lake. As they walked, they patted the water and played with it.    


The weather in June was very hot, and these girls had just finished cultivating and had come to take a bath and play.    


The eight-year-old Zheng Zinuo did not have much of a romantic relationship, but he was curious to see so many beautiful sisters. He hid behind a big tree and watched them play happily. He also looked forward to it.    


Recalling the scene of him swimming and playing with his brother and acting spoiled with his parents, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.    


"With a click, his emotions went out of control. For a moment, the Genuine Qi did not have the confidence to control itself. A tiny branch in his hand was accidentally snapped by Zheng Zinuo, making a crisp sound.    


Although this sound was very weak, if it was an ordinary person, they would not be able to hear anything even if they stood by their side, not to mention that they were already twenty to thirty meters away from each other.    


However, they were not ordinary girls. The leader was twelve or thirteen years old. She had a slender figure and flawless skin. Her long black hair was like satin. Her pretty face was also incomparably exquisite. Together with her graceful naked body... It made one fantasize endlessly.    


"Who is it!?" The girl exclaimed and jumped out of the lake. With a wave of her hand, she put on a white silk robe. Her speed was extremely fast.    


Having been discovered, Zheng Zinuo did not panic. He walked out from behind the tree, and nodded at the young girl on the lake and shore.    


"Ah?" The five girls' faces turned pale. The four girls in the lake cried out loudly, "Little perverted thief, you actually peeped on us bathing!"    


Zheng Zinuo's face turned red when he heard this. Only now did he realize that they were embarrassed. He hurriedly turned around and apologized, "Sisters, please forgive me. I didn't mean to look at you. I'm leaving. " After saying that, he walked up the mountain.    


"How can you be so lecherous at such a young age? It's not good to teach you a lesson. What will happen in the future? " The young girl on the shore shouted softly as she summoned her martial soul. It was a level 6 blue martial soul. Then, her figure flashed. She stepped on the water and arrived at the bottom of the cliff in a few steps. His body spun a few times, he stepped on the cliff and flew up. With two to three steps, he climbed onto the cliff that was more than ten meters tall. His figure was graceful, like a fairy from the nine heavens, and he gracefully landed in front of Zheng Zinuo.    


"Wah... Senior Sister, you have great skill!" The four girls in the lake exclaimed in admiration.    


"Ah?" Zheng Zinuo was also shocked when he saw how skillful the girl was. He hurriedly took a step back and prepared to fight.    


"Little pervert! Quickly tell me, are you the disciple of senior master Feng from Xun Wind Peak?" The girl's face was cold as she pointed at Zheng Zinuo and asked. Because this was the border between the Xun Wind Peak and the Water Ridge Peak. Apart from the Water Ridge Peak, there was also the Xun Wind Peak.    


"Sister, I really didn't mean to look at you guys." Zheng Zinuo said bitterly, "I am a disciple of the Xun Wind Peak. I usually cultivate under the waterfall above. After completing the mission today, he had planned to follow the stream and look around. Coincidentally, he saw his sisters bathing. I didn't mean to peep. "    


"Hmph! Of course you would explain that we caught you on the spot. You're already so evil at such a young age. Will you be able to do it in the future? " The young girl said unrelentingly, "Follow me to meet Martial Uncle Feng. I want Martial Uncle Feng to give us an explanation!" After saying that, she stretched out her hand and grabbed towards Zheng Zinuo.    


"You..." Zheng Zinuo was furious when he heard that. He urged the Genuine Qi to cast the Yu's Step and easily dodged the girl's attack. He explained anxiously, "I really didn't do it on purpose. I just came here to enjoy the scenery."    


"Eh?" The young girl's attack missed. Her facial expression changed slightly. She couldn't help but carefully look at the child in front of her. She found that he was at most seven or eight years old. At this age, he was only at the beginner level of the Hidden Spirit Sect.    


She had just used the Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon Hand, but she hadn't managed to grab him. Although she hadn't used much of her soul power, the other party hadn't summoned the martial soul, nor did she sense any soul power fluctuations.    


"Could it be that this kid has already reached the level of a warrior? He doesn't need to summon the martial soul at all. Does he only need a little bit of soul energy to use the Yu's Step? " The young girl thought in surprise, and didn't pay attention to what Zheng Zinuo said. Her figure flashed once again, and she stretched out her left and right hands, grabbing towards Zheng Zinuo's wrists.    


Zheng Zinuo saw that the young girl ignored his words and wanted to grab him. His pupils also shrunk. When he saw the young girl coming at him, he felt a strong suction force attracting his body. It almost made him fall forward. He hurriedly lowered his center of gravity. He circulated the Genuine Qi and injected it into the Gushing Spring Acupoint on his feet. Then, he used the Yu's Step once again. Once again, he successfully dodged the girl's body.    


"Impossible!" The girl was shocked once again. She had already used her tenth level soul power in the previous attack. Not only did she not catch her opponent, she did not even force out his martial soul. This meant that the cultivation base of this brat in front of her was definitely not lower than hers.    


One should know that she was a rare genius that only appeared once every ten years in the Water Ridge Peak. At the age of twelve, she had already reached the level of a level eighteen warrior. The child in front of her was at most less than ten years old. When did the Hidden Spirit Sect have such a peerless martial cultivation genius?    


The young girl was very unwilling to accept this. A raging flame of jealousy slowly rose. She called out the blue martial soul once again, and her footsteps immediately became illusory. For the third time, she threw herself at Zheng Zinuo, determined to capture him alive.    


When Zheng Zinuo saw the young girl call out the martial soul, he couldn't help but exclaim in his heart. He stabbed the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword on his shoulder into the ground, and his body instantly became relaxed. He used all of his strength to urge the Genuine Qi to follow the path Feng Ziyan taught him in the past, and instilled all of the Genuine Qi into the soles of his feet. Following the Yu's Step's steps, he instantly took five steps back, leaving behind a faint afterimage. Then, he jumped backwards, and jumped more than three meters high. His feet lightly tapped on the thick tree, and he landed steadily on the ground with a somersault. She once again dodged the girl's full strength claw.    


"You... Who exactly are you? How can you use the Yu's Step without using any soul power?" The young girl turned pale with fright. She withdrew the martial soul and asked in shock.    


Zheng Zinuo was also overjoyed by this move of his. Ever since he started cultivating according to Feng Qingyun's instructions... He had always carried the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword with him, unless he slept. Because he knew that this sword was very precious, he had always regarded it as a treasure. Love was like life, the sword would never leave his body.    


Moreover, during this period of time, he had been focused on cultivation, so he didn't have many chances to fully unleash the Yu's Step. Today, he had no choice but to use all his strength and put down the sword. It was as if his body was as light as a swallow, and in addition to that, his body was filled with Genuine Qi. Even he was shocked by this move just now.    


"Big sister, I am not a pervert. My name is Zheng Zinuo. He had just entered the sect not long ago. " Zheng Zinuo recovered from his shock and hurriedly explained again. " It's not that I don't want to use my soul power, it's just that my soul power was sealed by my master... I just can't use them]" Zheng Zinuo answered honestly. After all, the skills that the girl displayed really shocked him. He knew that he could dodge her two or three times with his movement skill, but if he really angered the girl... She didn't simply capture him alive, but attacked him. Then he would have no chance to escape. The reason was simple. He only knew a low level Yu's Step Movement Technique. He didn't know any other offensive or defensive moves. He couldn't even withstand a single attack from the girl.    


"What?" It would have been fine if he hadn't said this, but once he said it, the young girl in front of him turned pale with fright. With her soul power sealed, she was still able to use the Yu's Step to such an extent, even with her current cultivation as a level 18 warrior. She didn't have the confidence to use the Yu's Step to such an extent.    


The girl's shock gradually replaced her embarrassment and anger. She once again sized up the child in front of her and asked, "You are called Zheng Zinuo? How old are you this year? Before you sealed your soul power, what level were you at? What kind of talent is martial soul?"    


Zheng Zinuo was in a difficult position. Although he was a child, his mind was not something that an ordinary child could compare with when the martial soul was restored. He knew that asking the other party about the martial soul's talent and soul power level was a huge disrespect. But after all, he was the one who was in the wrong first.    


Shaking his head, he replied, "Elder sister, my name is Zheng Zinuo. I am eight years old this year, and my soul power has just reached the tenth level of soul power before it was sealed. I can also be said to be a tenth level warrior." He did not mention his black martial soul.    


"Tenth level warrior?" The girl let out a sigh of relief when she heard him. She initially thought that Zheng Zinuo's cultivation base wasn't much different from hers, but now it seemed like there was a gap of nearly one level between them. This made her proud heart feel a little better.    


Just as she was about to continue asking, there was a commotion below the cliff. Then two white figures flashed past and two girls who were about the same age as the girl appeared. However, their looks were quite inferior.    


"Senior Sister Qianxun..." The two young girls called out to the young girl as soon as they came up.    


"Yes, the two junior sisters have also come." The young girl Qianxun nodded.    


"Yes, senior sister. We have been waiting for a long time and did not see senior sister come down. Thus, we were a little anxious and came up. There are still two junior sisters waiting below." The girl on the left answered and then asked, "What should we do with this little lecher?"    


Zheng Zinuo heard this and frowned. Just as he was about to refute, Qianxun replied," Forget it. I have already interrogated him just now. He said that it was not intentional. Furthermore, he was still young and looked honest. He does not look like a perverted and evil child. We will let him go this time. If there's a next time, we'll definitely not let him off lightly. " After saying that, he coldly harrumphed at Zheng Zinuo, turned around and left.    


" Oh!" It was obvious that the two young girls were very respectful towards this senior sister. They nodded, and without saying anything else, they jumped off the cliff and disappeared from Zheng Zinuo's sight.    


"Qianxun..." Zheng Zinuo looked at the three young girls who left and muttered a few words in silence. He then pulled out the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword and rushed up the mountain.    


"Master, Mistress, senior brothers, senior sisters..." After returning to his residence, Zheng Zinuo went straight to the canteen. During this period of time, due to the urgency of his cultivation, he went straight to the canteen. I haven't even had a proper lunch. Thus... Today he went straight to the cafeteria to share lunch with everyone.    


"Eh? Junior brother, why are you back so early today?" Seeing Zheng Zinuo appear, Feng Ziyan was slightly happy and asked. The other senior brothers, including Feng Qingyun and his wife, were also surprised and waited for his answer.    


Zheng Zinuo smiled and nodded at Feng Ziyan, then bowed and replied, "Reporting to master, disciple's task of one hundred sword strikes has been completed, so I came back to ask what task master has next?"    


"What?" Feng Qingyun was shocked when he heard this. He could not help but scream. He suddenly realized that he had lost his composure. He coughed a few times to cover it up and said in a serious manner. "Go and get some food. Sit and talk while eating."    


"Yes!" Zheng Zinuo saw his master's unconcealable joy and was also happy. He quickly brought some rice and sat back on the table.    


This time Feng Qingyun personally picked up a few chopsticks and put some good dishes into Zheng Zinuo's bowl and asked, "You really completed the task that your master gave you?"    


"Thank you, master!" Zheng Zinuo first thanked him, then nodded and said, "Yes, Master."    


"En, very good! Very good!" Feng Qingyun answered with a smile, then looked at his wife who was sitting next to him. Both of them looked shocked at the same time.    


According to his calculation, the task given to Zheng Zinuo by Feng Qingyun would take at least six months, which was half a year. After all, it was rare for an eight-year-old child to be able to lift a sword that weighed five kilograms without any soul power. Furthermore, he had to swing it a hundred times, and it was on that slippery rock. And the impact of the waterfall, under such a difficult environment... A hundred sword swings was a very difficult task for an eight-year-old child.    


Now, Zheng Zinuo only used two months to complete it. This was simply inconceivable. However, Feng Qingyun still trusted his disciple. He knew that Feng Qingyun did not have the courage to lie to him. However, he still did not dare to believe it. After lunch, He let Zheng Zinuo rest for a while, then brought him to the waterfall again.    


"Zinuo, swing a hundred swords on the rock for master to see." Feng Qingyun said.    


"Yes, master." Zheng Zinuo nodded and took off his clothes. He lifted the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword and stepped onto the rock. He firmly stood on his heels, shoulder down, elbow down, center of gravity down, and Dantian. His strength reached his two calves. Then, he exerted force on his right calf. He moved his waist and shoulders, waved his arm, and easily swung his first sword.    


When Feng Qingyun saw Zheng Zinuo swing his first sword, he couldn't hide the gratified smile on his face. He thought to himself that this child's learning ability was the same as his martial soul talent. Both of them were extremely powerful.    


After Zheng Zinuo swung the first sword, his body slightly leaned back. His left calf exerted force to move his upper limbs, and both of his arms drew a beautiful arc in the air. The force of the swing was instantly neutralized, and then it didn't stop at all. His right calf continued to exert force, and he moved his waist and shoulders again, waving his arms. The second sword was swung along with the momentum. It was actually a little faster than the first sword. And the power was also much stronger.    


"Eh? How did this child know such a method of dispelling force and resisting force?" When Feng Qingyun saw Zheng Zinuo brandishing his sword like this, his pupils contracted. His face was filled with joy as he looked at Zheng Zinuo with rapt attention.    


After that, the third sword, the fourth sword... Each sword was powered by the strength of the right calf to move the waist and shoulder to swing the arm. After that, his body leaned back slightly. His left calf exerted force, and he used his strength to resist the force. Each sword was faster than the last. The power of each sword was stronger and stronger, forming a beautiful cycle. The sword shadow that he swung out finally turned into a helicopter propeller that was spinning at a high speed. The water splashing from the waterfall above was blocked by the sword flower. It was watertight.    


When it was above ninety-five sword strikes, Zheng Zinuo had to use some Genuine Qi in his body to pour into his legs and arms to support his speed and power.    


"Hua..." The hundredth sword was successfully swung. When the last sword was swung, The waterfall that fell not far away was broken by the water droplets on the heavy sword in Zheng Zinuo's hand, and Zheng Zinuo himself soared into the sky. After spinning in the air for three rounds and completely removing the power of the last sword, When he landed on the rock, he was on the verge of collapsing and gasping for breath. However, he did not fall down.    


After calming his exhausted body, Zheng Zinuo barely managed to support his body. He held his sword and turned his head to look at Feng Qingyun.    


Feng Qingyun was completely shocked on the spot. His eyes were filled with heat. He really couldn't imagine that an eight year old child could wield the sword so well. Without the support of any soul power, he could unleash a powerful sword force that could only be unleashed by a Martial Master Cultivation warrior. It allowed the water droplets on the sword to have a certain amount of offensive power.    


"Is this still an eight-year-old child?" Feng Qingyun was still immersed in the scene where Zheng Zinuo had just swung his sword. He was unable to react for a long time. It was not until Zheng Zinuo could not help calling him master that he woke up.    


"Quick, come up and rest. You have done a great job. You really didn't disappoint master!" Feng Qingyun heard the shout and said happily.    


Zheng Zinuo felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders. He dragged his heavy body back to the shore and immediately crossed his legs and chanted the Divine Sword cultivation spell to adjust his breathing.    


After half a day, his physical strength slowly recovered. Seeing Zheng Zinuo open his eyes, Feng Qingyun smiled and asked, "Zinuo, quickly tell master who you learned this sword technique from."    


Zheng Zinuo was slightly startled when he heard this. He felt that something was wrong. The sword skill he used just now was from a while ago. He could not stand steadily when he swung his sword and asked Sword Spirit for help. It was the basic sword technique in the Divine Sword Technique he taught her. It was called Piercing Wind Sword Style. It meant that he could swing his sword like the wind, but it was not chaotic. He had learned the basic sword style of the Nine Techniques and Eighteen Sword Techniques of the Divine Sword Art.    


He had spent a total of fifteen to sixteen days to master this sword style, and this was mainly because he had made some progress with the cultivation spell of the Divine Sword Art. Otherwise, Sword Spirit wouldn't be willing to teach it even if she died. It wasn't because she was stingy. It was because it was stingy. This was because the Nine Techniques and Eighteen Forms of the Divine Sword Technique were too powerful. Without the cultivation spell as the foundation, one wouldn't be able to cultivate it successfully.    


Seeing his master's anxious gaze, Zheng Zinuo shook his head and replied, "Master, what sword technique are you talking about? Disciple doesn't know." Faced with something that couldn't be explained, Zheng Zinuo could only pretend that he didn't know anything.    


Obviously, Feng Qingyun trusted Zheng Zinuo very much. Perhaps it was because this disciple was too outstanding. Perhaps it was because he was too happy, but he didn't doubt it at all. Then he praised, "Did you figure it out yourself? You are truly worthy of being a peerless genius, to actually possess such a superb comprehension ability. It seems like our Hidden Spirit Sect is going to produce another genius. Hahaha... "    


Zheng Zinuo smiled, feeling delighted in his heart. Seeing his master so happy, it was as if he had seen his own father.    


"Zinuo, even your master has never seen this sword style before. Based on my experience, I think... If you make good use of it and think about it, this sword style will definitely become a blue or even purple sword skill in the future. To be able to create a skill at the age of eight, this is truly unprecedented." Feng Qingyun praised once again.    


In a situation where he didn't have any soul power, he could only rely on his own physical strength. He would be able to continuously stack sword force and sword speed, and in the end, his sword's attack power would be close to that of a Martial Master. It wasn't an exaggeration to call this sword style a top-notch purple cultivation technique. Its only flaw was that it required a lot of time to gather.    


However, Feng Qingyun did not know. In fact, when Zheng Zinuo used this sword style, In the last five strikes, he had used a Genuine Qi that was equivalent to the soul power of a level 10 warrior. Otherwise, even if he stacked the hundred sword strikes, it would not be able to achieve the effect of a Martial Master Cultivation warrior.    


If he did not use any soul power or Genuine Qi, with Zheng Zinuo's current physical strength and stamina, The attack that he could unleash with the Piercing Wind Sword Style was only at the level of a tenth grade warrior.    


But even so, the power of this sword style was inconceivable. One had to know that an ordinary person could not even defeat a Martial Disciple, let alone a Martial Disciple. And learning this sword style, under certain conditions... This sword style could even be upgraded to a blue level cultivation technique or even higher. After all, this was the sword style in the Divine Sword Technique, how could it be weak?    


Hearing this, Zheng Zinuo felt a little ashamed. This skill was not created by him in his previous life. He didn't know, but it definitely wasn't created by him in this life. Because he learned it from Sword Spirit. But in this situation, he could not explain it at all.    


"Let's go, Zinuo. I'll give you half a day off today. You don't need to cultivate anymore. I happen to have some matters to attend to in the Fire Peak. I might as well bring you out to experience the world." The more Feng Qingyun looked at Zheng Zinuo's obedient appearance, the happier he became.    


"Really? That's great!" After all, he was an eight-year-old child. When it came to going out to play, he was more excited than anyone else.    


"Silly child, how could I lie to you? I'll help you keep the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword first. Let's go!" Feng Qingyun waved his hand and kept the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword. Then, a blue sword appeared under his feet.    


After what happened last time, Zheng Zinuo jumped onto the long sword and grabbed the corner of Feng Qingyun's shirt. He stood firmly on the long sword. He was no longer as panicked as he was when he used the sword for the first time.    


However, he was still surprised by Feng Qingyun's amazing skills. However, things were different now. Zheng Zinuo was now Feng Qingyun's favorite son, and Feng Qingyun had taken good care of him. Realizing Zheng Zinuo's doubts, he explained to him while slowly controlling his sword, "This flying sword was created by master's blue martial soul. When your cultivation base reaches the Martial Immortal, you will be able to use it. You will be able to transform your martial soul into anything you want, or use it as a flying tool. The word 'immortal' in the Martial Immortal was obtained from the martial soul that can change unpredictably. "    


Zheng Zinuo was shocked when he heard this. He never thought that after a cultivator had reached the Martial Immortal, he could transform his martial soul into any kind of flying tool. However, amongst all the warriors, the Martial Immortal was a supreme existence that was only second to the Martial Saint realm. When he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel shocked. He couldn't help but look at Feng Qingyun in shock, and his heart was filled with great shock. Only those who had reached the Martial Immortal could fly, which meant that his master was at least at the Martial Immortal. This was unbelievable to a brat who had just stepped into the Martial Cultivation World. Knowing this, Zheng Zinuo couldn't help but respect his master even more.    


The Fire Peak wasn't too far away from the Xun Wind Peak. It only took a few dozen breaths of time for him to arrive on his flying sword. This was because Feng Qingyun had purposely slowed down his speed to take care of his little disciple. Otherwise, with his cultivation base, he would have arrived in an instant.    


"When we arrive at Zinuo, you have to be polite when you see the elders of the sect. Do you understand?" When he landed in front of the main hall of the Fire Peak, Feng Qingyun instructed.    


"En, I understand, master." After Zheng Zinuo received the change in his master's attitude, his mood relaxed a lot. He no longer felt like a mouse seeing a cat. Instead, he felt a trace of his father's love and respect.    


"Disciple Chang Kong greets Martial Uncle Feng!" Feng Qingyun had just walked a few steps with Zheng Zinuo when a group of Fire Peak disciples welcomed them. The leading young man, who was about twenty-five years old, bowed and said. The disciples behind him greeted him in unison.    


"En, you don't have to be polite." Feng Qingyun nodded and asked, "Where's your master?"    


"His master is waiting in the main hall." Chang Kong replied. He then looked at Zheng Zinuo and nodded at him. Zheng Zinuo nodded slightly in return, but his heart was filled with shock. The total number of disciples in Xun Wind Peak was less than ten, and there were more than ten disciples guarding Fire Peak. The gap between them was too huge.    


"Alright, let's go." Feng Qingyun said, then he brought Zheng Zinuo to the main hall of Fire Peak.    


On the surface, there was no difference between Fire Peak and Xun Wind Peak in terms of architecture. The only difference was the atmosphere of people. Xun Wind Peak was like a broken temple, no one was paying homage to it. The Fire Peak, on the other hand, was a huge temple with flourishing incense offerings. Its disciples could be seen coming and going everywhere. There was an endless stream of disciples coming and going.    


Zheng Zinuo, who had never left the Xun Wind Peak, was very curious about everything in the outside world. He looked at his fellow disciples who were walking past him. He was also looking forward to them finding their companions in the vast sea of people and having boring cultivation with him. He saw his big brothers and sisters. He couldn't help but think of his brother, who was also in the sect.    


"Sigh... I wonder if elder brother is doing well now?" Zheng Zinuo prayed in his heart. He didn't know that Zheng Zizhou, who was meditating in Earth Peak, was also thinking about his only brother. That brother who didn't have any talent for cultivation.    


"Senior disciple Feng..." After entering the main hall, a familiar face appeared in Zheng Zinuo's eyes. This person was the Peak Lord Liang Youming of Fire Peak.    


"Junior disciple Liang..." Feng Qingyun nodded his head and introduced to Zheng Zinuo, "This is your junior brother, Liang Martial Uncle. This is the first time I have seen him in the Spiritual Concealment Palace."    


"Disciple Zheng Zinuo greets Martial Uncle." Zheng Zinuo understood what he meant and hurriedly bowed.    


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