Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C32 Strange Animals

C32 Strange Animals

A day's time in constant cultivation passed quickly. Zheng Zinuo dragged his tired body back to the shore. After the time it took to regulate his breathing for two hourglass, Only then did he fully recover. Seeing that the sun was about to set, he got up and put on his clothes. Carrying the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword, he ran towards the residence on the mountaintop.    


With his current physical strength, he did not need the support of any Genuine Qi. Just the strength of his physical body alone was enough for him to run for more than ten miles without any rest. Moreover, he was carrying an ancient sword that weighed five kilograms on his back. This was simply unimaginable to an eight-year-old child. However, this was the result of Zheng Zinuo training with his unyielding character.    


When they returned to the main hall, Feng Ziyan waited in front of the main hall as usual. Seeing Feng Ziyan's petite and beautiful body, coupled with her unique and cute smile, made Zheng Zinuo's tired body feel like a spring breeze. He quickened his pace and went forward to greet her with a smile. He called out, "Senior sister..."    


"Yes, I'm back. Silly girl, are you tired?" Feng Ziyan acted like an elder sister. She took out a pink handkerchief and wiped Zheng Zinuo's forehead a few times to help him wipe his sweat.    


"Thank you, senior sister. I am not tired." Zheng Zinuo felt very warm. It was as if he had eaten honey in his heart. He then asked, "Senior sister, do you know Qianxun?"    


"Yes? Senior Sister Qianxun? What's wrong? Do you know her? " Feng Ziyan was slightly stunned when she heard that. She put down the handkerchief in her hand and asked.    


"Uh..." Zheng Zinuo's face turned slightly red when he heard that. He remembered the awkwardness he felt when he first met Qianxun and the others. He coughed lightly and said, "Senior sister, let's talk as we walk. I'm so hungry, hehe..."    


He continued, "We met once. It was under the waterfall where I was cultivating. They seemed to have gone to the waterfall to play, so we met. From your tone, senior sister, you seem to know her?"    


"Yes, I've heard of her" Feng Ziyan nodded and replied, "Senior Sister Qianxun is the disciple of Martial Uncle Li of Water Ridge Peak. I heard that her talent in martial arts is very outstanding. She is outstanding among the younger generation, even better than me. She is deeply loved by Martial Uncle Li, but I have never seen her before. I wonder how powerful she is. Why did she bully you? "    


"Hehe... I didn't. I just found it strange that I used the waterfall to undergo body transformation. We just chatted for a bit. " Zheng Zinuo replied, "But from the looks of it, her cultivation is really not bad. Moreover, she is only a few years older than you, senior sister. She is indeed very good. "    


"Hmph! You've learned to be lustful at such a young age, right?" Feng Ziyan heard Zheng Zinuo praise other girls in front of her and was instantly displeased in her heart. She said angrily, "Quickly say it! Is she very beautiful? Do you like her?"    


"Ah?" Zheng Zinuo was shocked when he heard that. He said in a serious manner, "Senior sister, where did you say she went? I just envy her high cultivation level. There was nothing to be happy about. Besides, I'm only good with you, senior sister. I don't care about other people. "    


"Hehe... That's more like it." Feng Ziyan immediately laughed when she heard that and said, "Speaking of cultivation, actually senior sister has not been idle during this period of time. She broke through to level fourteen ten days ago and now she has improved again. It won't be long before I can enter the level of a level twenty martial master. What do you think? It shouldn't be too bad, right?"    


"Good boy, that's really amazing!" Zheng Zinuo said enviously. Due to his soul power being sealed, he still did not know what level his soul power was at. What kind of realm had he reached? It was just that the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell cultivation technique was constantly improving. However, he still hadn't broken through to the realm of Illumination, so he couldn't compare it with his soul power. He could only roughly feel that his cultivation was not even at the level of a level twenty martial master.    


"I was still stimulated by a top-notch genius like you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to improve so much under such great pressure!" Feng Ziyan thought to herself. The two of them exchanged words and soon arrived at the canteen. Everything was ready. They ate and went back to their rooms to sleep.    


After nearly two months of study, Zheng Zinuo had also finished reading one-fifth of the Martial Cultivation Virtue Scripture. He had also learned a lot of theoretical knowledge about martial arts from it, and had a deeper understanding of all aspects of martial arts. There was also an obvious improvement, which was that he had learned a lot of words that he didn't know before. He also learned a lot of things that he didn't know before. These were the results of Zheng Zinuo's diligent questioning. Of course, it was also inseparable from Dongfang Shenyong's frequent visits to give him pointers.    


The next day, it was drizzling and the sun didn't set. Although the people who were used to waking up early didn't continue cultivating the Soul Exploring Eye, they didn't relax at all after breakfast.    


As usual, Zheng Zinuo brought along his rations and did not even bring an umbrella as he continued running towards the waterfall.    


The visibility of the rainy mountain peak was extremely low, and the road was very slippery. However, it was not a big deal for Zheng Zinuo, who often practiced on slippery rocks. His speed did not decrease at all, and he continued to run down the mountain.    


Just as Zheng Zinuo ran halfway up the mountain, a green lightning bolt suddenly streaked across the sky. Immediately following that, a deafening explosion startled Zheng Zinuo, and he hurriedly stopped running. In the direction of the lightning bolt. The sound of the explosion was heard.    


He saw ashes rising from the forest less than a hundred meters away, accompanied by the smell of burnt wood.    


Zheng Zinuo was confused. He looked up at the sky and thought to himself, "Could it be that some Devil Beast in the forest has offended the gods of the heavens? That's why it was attacked by lightning."    


Thinking of this, he mustered up his courage, grabbed the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword on his shoulder, and strode towards the place where the smoke came from.    


With the experience from the last time he met the Gale devil wolf, Zheng Zinuo learned his lesson. Although his current cultivation was no longer the same as a month ago, even if he was facing a Tier 2 Devil Beast now. He was completely confident that he would be able to fight it, but there were variables in this matter. He still raised his vigilance and carefully advanced towards the place where the smoke was coming from.    


He walked onto a small fork and passed through a small forest. In front of him, there was a cloud of fog, as it was still raining. The place where the lightning struck had long been extinguished, and even the thick smoke had completely dissipated into the air, forming a faint fog.    


Slowly approaching the fog, Zheng Zinuo was about to wave his hand and push away the fog to see what the place that was struck by the lightning looked like when a weak sound was suddenly heard, like the cry of a baby.    


Zheng Zinuo carefully listened and was immediately shocked. He hurriedly retreated. He thought that it was another Devil Beast coming and going, but after a while. He realized that the sound was getting weaker and weaker, as if it was not there at all. However, there was no energy fluctuation or unusual Qi coming from it. Zheng Zinuo calmed his emotions. He summoned his courage and waved the ancient sword in his hand, carefully dispelling the fog.    


After the strong wind, the fog gradually disappeared, revealing the truth of the matter. Under the tree that had been struck by lightning, there was a black and white alternating. It looked like a newborn puppy, a small animal that was only a foot long. It was curled up, shivering, and moaning in a low voice. It seemed to have suffered a great injury and was on the verge of death.    


Zheng Zinuo was shocked and felt sorry for him. He hurriedly jumped over the broken wood. He put down the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword in his hand and reached out to pick up the poor little animal. He took off his wet coat and covered the little animal's body, helping it block the wind and rain in the outside world.    


Feeling the warm embrace, the trembling little animal continuously crawled into Zheng Zinuo's arms, causing goosebumps to rise all over his body. However, he could only bear with it and let it wreak havoc as he ran towards the waterfall.    


As soon as he arrived at the waterfall stream, the rain in the sky gradually stopped. The rain in summer came and left quickly. Zheng Zinuo found a relatively clean rock and sat down. Just as he was about to carry the little animal out of his arms, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. He hurriedly held the little animal with one hand and lifted his clothes with the other. He couldn't help but turn pale with fright.    


He saw the strange little animal with its eyes tightly shut. It opened its small mouth and used its fine teeth to bite Zheng Zinuo's chest. It was slowly and intoxicated sucking the blood that flowed out from the wound, just like a baby sucking its breast milk. However, the milk was replaced by Zheng Zinuo's blood.    


Seeing that the little animal was sucking his blood, Zheng Zinuo was initially shocked. He was about to forcefully move it away, but he saw the little animal was dying. Zheng Zinuo's heart softened when he saw that the little animal was sucking his blood to restore its vitality. Seeing such a pitiful little animal, losing its parents and family... It was as if he had been separated from his parents and loved ones from the pain of being unable to talk to them.    


"Sigh... I was lucky enough to meet a good master, mistress, and the others, but this puppy is even more pitiful than me. I lost my family, and I couldn't meet a good master. Forget it. I'll just be your brother from now on." Zheng Zinuo usually looked very strong, completely exceeding the maturity of his peers. But now that he saw a small animal whose fate was similar to his, he seemed to have become an eight-year-old child. He maintained a kind and childish heart.    


"Drink it, slowly drink it. Big brother will let you drink enough. In the future, when Big Brother is around, you will have a good life." Zheng Zinuo endured the pain of his blood being sucked. He looked at the little animal in his arms. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he had grown up a lot.    


The small animal was still small after all. After sucking for a while, it let go of its small mouth. Its face revealed a satisfied smile and it fell asleep sweetly.    


Zheng Zinuo carefully put it down. At this time, the rain had passed and the sun had broken through the clouds. The weather gradually became hot. He found a dry and comfortable place and wrapped the little animal with his shirt and put it down.    


After looking at the little animal with concern for a few times and feeling that it did not seem to be a big problem, Zheng Zinuo felt at ease and boldly carried the ancient sword to practice under the waterfall.    


Because of the concern in his heart, Zheng Zinuo wasn't able to wholeheartedly devote himself to body transformation. As a result, today's condition wasn't as good as yesterday's, and the amount of time he could last on that rock wasn't even half of yesterday's time. Thus, he simply replied to the shore and looked at the sleepy little animal.    


Sensing strangers coming over, the little animal that was sleeping slowly opened its eyes. With great difficulty, it crawled up and staggered towards Zheng Zinuo. It rubbed its furry head against Zheng Zinuo's calf with its black and white sides. It seemed very intimate.    


"Hehe... How sensible." Zheng Zinuo stepped down and picked up the little animal. He looked at it carefully and said. " He didn't know whether it was because he was scared by the lightning or because he was hurt by it. It seemed weak, but fortunately, my life wasn't in danger. But what kind of animal are you? Or is it some Devil Beast? "    


The little animal seemed to be able to understand Zheng Zinuo's words and shook its head. It whimpered a few times, but Zheng Zinuo could not communicate with it. It continued to talk to itself, "You look like a little dog, but your fur is a little strange. It's half black and half white, and it's surprisingly symmetrical. It's like someone drew it specially, and your fur is also very special. I don't know if you're a rare breed of dog, but I'll bring you back in the evening to show Master, Mistress, and the others. Let me give you a name first. "    


"Wuwuwu..." When the little animal heard Zheng Zinuo's words, it cried out excitedly.    


"Seeing that you are half black and half white, I will call you Yin Yang, how about it?" Zheng Zinuo thought for a moment and asked.    


"Wuuuu..." Yin Yang nodded, feeling that he really liked this name.    


After that, Zheng Zinuo played with it for a while and found that although Yin Yang was very weak, It seemed to be different from ordinary small animals. Its recovery ability was very strong. Moreover, its speed and strength were surprisingly great, even greater than Zheng Zinuo's current speed and strength. One had to know that this small animal was only a foot long, just like a puppy that had just been born not long ago. Zheng Zinuo couldn't help but be shocked by its astonishing ability.    


A day passed. To Zheng Zinuo, this day basically didn't bring him much progress in his cultivation, but he was very happy. Because of the company of Yin and Yang, his lonely and childish heart seemed to have become much happier.    


When they returned to the main hall of Xun Wind Peak, Feng Ziyan saw Zheng Zinuo carrying an animal that looked like a black and white puppy back. She was immediately pleasantly surprised. Most girls liked small animals. She quickly went up and asked, "Junior brother, what is in your arms? It's so cute."    


"Hehe... This is a small animal I picked up and named it Yin and Yang." Zheng Zinuo handed the Yin and Yang over and said, "Senior sister, do you know what kind of animal this is?"    


"Hmm... it looks like a small dog, but when you look closely, there is a big difference." Feng Ziyan reached out her hand to take it and studied it carefully. She shook her head and said, "I also don't know what this is."    


At this moment, Yin Yang found that he had left Zheng Zinuo's embrace and immediately made a whining sound. His facial expression was very dissatisfied. If it was an ordinary little animal... There was absolutely no expression on his face, and he definitely wouldn't laugh. However, this little animal was surprisingly sensible. Not only could it understand human language, but it also understood human language. It also had the typical way of thinking, knowing how to express emotions.    


"Eh? It seems like it doesn't like me very much." Feng Ziyan touched Yin Yang's little head and saw that it was baring its teeth and was very unfriendly to her, so she frowned and asked Zheng Zinuo.    


"Oh, maybe it is afraid of strangers. I saved it today. It is familiar with me, so it is close to me. Let me carry it." Zheng Zinuo took over Yin Yang and immediately found that it was in a better mood and looked happy.    


"It's really a strange little animal. What did you name it?" Feng Ziyan said with some indignation.    


"It has black and white fur. I call it Yin and Yang. I learned it from the Martial Cultivation Virtue Scripture. Hehe... Not bad, right?" Zheng Zinuo said arrogantly.    


"Tsk, when I catch a Devil Beast and use it as a pet, what's there to show off about an ordinary puppy?" Feng Ziyan said unhappily.    


The two of them talked as they came to the canteen. Everyone saw Zheng Zinuo hugging a strange animal and was somewhat puzzled.    


Feng Qingyun looked carefully and found that the animal that was similar to a puppy had exceeded his scope of knowledge. He could not help asking in surprise, "Zinuo, what is the animal in your arms? Where did you get it done?"    


"Master, I picked it up on the way up the mountain. I don't know what it is, but I thought it was a puppy at first, so I brought it back. Don't tell me even master knows it?" Zheng Zinuo replied with a question.    


"Cough cough... It was just a mutated dog. How could I not know an ordinary puppy? " Feng Qingyun wanted to save face, even if he did not know it, he would still pretend to know it. Being a master is indeed not easy.    


Fortunately, none of the people present recognized what it was. After hearing Feng Qingyun's words, they all thought that it made sense. It was indeed like a mutated puppy.    


From today onwards, a mutated puppy appeared in Xun Wind Peak, but was it really a mutated puppy?    


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