The First Son-in-law

C1184 Technology Problem

C1184 Technology Problem

It was an S-turn. First, there was a small curved turn to the left. Then there was a low U-turn to the right.    


There was almost no gap between the two continuous turns. After turning left for a while, there was a huge right turn.    


So when Tong Meng turned, he subconsciously moved the outer line of the car to avoid losing too much speed when he entered the low turn ahead.    


Qin Feng saw this opportunity and suddenly sped up to catch up to Tong Meng from the outside of the bend.    


In a breath's time, the two cars had already entered the car at the same time.    


It was all thanks to the Snow Lion's engine that Qin Feng had bought that it had such strong horsepower. Otherwise, even if Qin Feng had found Tong Meng's weakness, it would not have been of any use.    


"Son of a b * tch! Don't even think about it!" Tong Meng's face turned green and black. He gritted his teeth and continued to accelerate, not letting Qin Feng overtake him.    


The two cars sped away.    


Qin Feng could not outrun Tong Meng, but Tong Meng could not shake him off.    


After two attempts to overtake the car, Qin Feng gave up the third attempt. "It's not that simple."    


Qin Feng did not give up just like that. This was just an attempt. It wasn't a big deal for him to fail. His original goal wasn't to overtake the car here.    


Although his Snow Lion had strong horsepower, Tong Meng's car was definitely not ordinary.    


In the straight road, the Snow Lion was indeed faster than Tong Meng's car. But now it was a bend. The distance between him and the car was a little bigger than Tong Meng's. This made up for the difference in power between the two cars.    


Realizing that Qin Feng was no longer accelerating, Tong Meng could not help but sigh in relief. "Damn it, what kind of monster is this car?"    


After the race started, he had gradually figured out the situation of Qin Feng's car. However, he realized that he had underestimated this car. He did not expect it to be able to move at such a high speed.    


However, Tong Meng felt that that was all there was to it.    


There was a U-turn in front of them. The opponent was at the outer line now. When he passed the wrong turn, he became the inner line. Because of the angle, the cars in the inner lane would definitely slow down before his outer lane. He would be in the lead when the time came.    


Then, as long as he blocked the enemy's path, he would be able to completely block the possibility of the enemy overtaking the car.    


The mountain road naturally could not be like ordinary roads. The width of the road was related to the terrain.    


The bend in the front was like this. Because of the terrain, the U-turn in the back was very narrow. It could fit two cars parallel to each other.    


"Wait, what do you want?" It was almost the U-turn. Tong Meng suddenly realized that the Snow Lion had no intention of slowing down.    


It charged forward with an indomitable momentum without any hesitation.    


"Are you f * cking crazy?" Although his opponent could not hear him, Tong Meng still subconsciously said "ugly.    


"You want to risk your life? "I'll play with you until the end." Tong Meng gritted his teeth and said. His hand holding the steering wheel was dripping with sweat. He knew that if he gave up his advantage at this time, with the speed of this car, he would not have the chance to turn defeat into victory.    


Qin Feng was completely focused on the track. With such a high speed, even he did not dare to be careless.    


With their speed, dozens of meters passed in the blink of an eye.    


But in Tong Meng's eyes, this fleeting distance seemed to be as long as a few hours.    


In order not to let his opponent accumulate enough advantages before the bend, he had already suppressed the fear in his heart and controlled himself not to brake too early.    


Seeing that the bend was getting closer and closer, Tong Meng's facial features were already twisted together. Damn it, what is this guy trying to do? Why hasn't he braked yet?"    


I can't... I can't... If I don't brake, I will definitely rush out of the runway. How can he still maintain such a fast speed?"    


"Madman, you madman..."    


The distance between the two cars and the U-turn was less than 10 meters. This distance was not considered close, but for racing cars, it could not be considered a distance.    


Tong Meng saw that the opponent still had no intention of stopping when they arrived at this place. He felt that his opponent must have gone crazy. He was not racing, but committing suicide.    


Creak ~    


The sound of tires rubbing against the ground rang out. Tong Meng finally could not bear the fear in his heart. He stepped on the brakes first.    


Under such high speed, the small gap immediately became apparent. Tong Meng only slightly braked and slowed down to prevent himself from rushing out of the runway when he was crossing the bend.    


However, Qin Feng's Snow Lion was half the head of the car. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of Tong Meng.    


Qin Feng was slightly surprised. "What's going on?"    


Now was not the time to think about this. Since his opponent had made way for him at this time, Qin Feng immediately launched a fierce attack without hesitation.    


Tong Meng saw that the opponent was still accelerating at this time. He gave a ferocious smile and said, "You are courting death. This time, you will definitely rush out of the track."    


In the next moment, the smile on Tong Meng's face froze. "How is this possible?"    


It turned out that Qin Feng had stepped on the brakes the moment before he entered the bend. The snow lion seemed to have hit a wall, its speed suddenly stopping.    


"Damn it!" The speed of the car in front suddenly decreased, almost scaring Tong Meng to the point of peeing.    


He was not far behind his opponent.    


Although due to the bend, his speed was not particularly fast, but it was definitely not slow. His opponent suddenly slowing down was definitely a disaster for him.    


Fortunately, Tong Meng was not a rookie. He pulled the handbrake and turned the steering wheel with all his might.    


The tires left a long black line on the ground. His car swerved in the middle of the road and stopped.    


Tong Meng, who had walked a circle around the gates of hell, moved his hands to open the window. He took out a cigarette and lit it for himself. He looked at the sky and suddenly threw the cigarette on the ground and shouted, "Crazy!"    


Qin Feng glanced at the rearview mirror and murmured in surprise, "He didn't follow me?"    


Qin Feng, who had been fully focused, did not see the scene of Tong Meng's mistake.    


The extreme braking technique Qin Feng had just used was not a racing technique, but something he had learned in the army. To put it bluntly, it was not worth mentioning. It was nothing more than courage and not fear death. It was fine as long as he could accurately grasp the limits of the car.    


This technique was actually useless in a real competition. Because this kind of braking method would cause a huge loss in speed. By the time the car accelerated again, the other party had already run far away.    


The reason Qin Feng used it here was because the road was narrow and Tong Meng could not overtake the car.    


Since Tong Meng did not follow him, Qin Feng did not speed up anymore. He slowly ran to the finish line.    


He did not feel anything during the competition. The moment he relaxed, Qin Feng immediately felt a wave of fatigue. It was as if he had just run 50 kilometers with a heavy load.    


At the top of Miaofeng Mountain, Cui Hongrui heard the report from the foot of the mountain. He said in disbelief, "Qin Feng won?"    


"Yes, boss. The person who opened the snow lion won!" The person at the finish line felt like he was in a dream.    


Sure enough, a Snow Lion won against Tong Meng modifying Fuit. This was too f * cking fantastical. It didn't make sense!    


"I know!" Cui Hongrui hung up the phone and sighed in his heart. "I did not expect him to really win."    


Qin Feng slowly drove up the mountain. If Nangong Dia was not still at the top of the mountain, he would have just left.    


When they reached the top, Qin Feng parked his car near Cui Hongrui and Lu Guang.    


Just as he pushed the door open and got out of the car, a black shadow rushed up and punched.    


Qin Feng subconsciously used his arm to block the opponent's fist. With a backhand grip, he pressed the opponent against the hood of the car, making a dong sound.    


Hearing this sound, Qin Feng suddenly felt his heart ache. This was his car! He did not know if the car had damaged anything.    


Therefore, Qin Feng quickly pulled the man up and pushed him far away. "What do you want?" he asked angrily.    


The person who attacked him was none other than Tong Meng, who had just competed with him. Qin Feng was a little confused. He did not understand why this family was so crazy.    


"What the hell? You still have the nerve to ask?" Tong Meng's face turned even uglier when he heard that. He gritted his teeth and was about to attack again.    


Qin Feng was about to counterattack when Lu Guang suddenly scolded, "Tong Meng, stop!"    


Tong Meng's expression was incomparably ugly. He glared at Qin Feng hatefully and said, "Despicable!"    


Qin Feng was confused.    


Tong Meng said angrily, "Is that also called a racing car? It was such a dangerous turn, but you didn't slow down at all? " If I didn't slow down and get out of the way, I would have crashed into the car. Is this how you compete? Is it purely a competition of life and death? "    


Qin Feng finally understood why Tong Meng lost so quickly.    


He shrugged casually. "You made way for him. Although it was narrow, it was not impossible for him to drive two cars. " Based on our situation at that time, if you didn't let us drive the route, the gap between us would be maintained at 30 centimeters. You are still thirty centimeters away from the outer fence of the circuit. "    


"This space is no longer considered narrow. As long as you can hold onto the bend, my speed will definitely not be able to keep up with you. It is you who gave up on your advantage. "    


Tong Meng's expression changed into a mocking one. "You mean I am not skilled?"    


Qin Feng nodded and said without hiding anything. "If you do not have that feeling, it seems that you are not good at driving."    


"You..." Tong Meng's face turned green. He was about to say something when Lu Guang interrupted him impatiently, "Tong Meng, shut up."    


Cui Hongrui tried to smooth things over with a smile. "Since Qin Feng has won, why don't you give me some face and let this matter go?"    


Lu Guang stared at Qin Feng silently.    


Cui Hongrui said with some dissatisfaction, "Little Lu, Miaofeng Mountain is my place after all." The competition was his suggestion. If Lu Guang still insisted, he would not give him any face.    


Qin Feng didn't back down and looked at Lu Guang. He wanted to see what Lu Guang wanted.    


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