The First Son-in-law

C1160 Negative Marketing

C1160 Negative Marketing

Liu Qing seemed to be in a good mood. He could not help smiling and said, "Director Li, don't worry. I will explain to you slowly."    


Qin Feng said angrily. "Okay, I want to hear it. It's already this time. Why are you still smiling? "    


Qin Feng was not polite at all. In his heart, he was still looking forward to Liu Qing's suggestion this time.    


He had always been optimistic about this young man.    


Liu Qing smiled confidently and said, " Manager Li, actually, I feel that the crisis our company is facing this time is not completely a crisis. "On the contrary, this might be an opportunity for us..."    


As Liu Qing spoke, Qin Feng's expression became more and more serious. Liu Qing's plan was a little too bold. He did not know whether Liu Qing's plan would work or not.    


Liu Qing finished his thoughts and looked at Qin Feng expectantly, waiting for his answer.    


Qin Feng stood up without thinking and said to Liu Qing, "Come with me to see the chairman." He hurriedly took Liu Qing to see Mi Na.    


If he remembered correctly, Mi Na would hold a high-level meeting this morning to discuss how to deal with this crisis.    


Although Liu Qing's method was very risky, Qin Feng was not sure if it would work. However, Qin Feng felt that he should let Mi Na know about Liu Qing's method before the meeting.    


So before he went out, Qin Feng took out his phone and awkwardly sent a text message to Mi Na. "I have something to do. Wait for the meeting in the morning."    


As Qin Feng and Liu Qing had already greeted Mi Na in advance, her assistant was already waiting at the door. She warmly greeted Qin Feng and said, "Director Li, you are here. The chairman ordered you to go in immediately when you are here."    


"Yes!" Qin Feng nodded and walked straight into Mi Na's office.    


In the office, Mi Na looked at Qin Feng with a faint smile and said, "What is so important that you want me to postpone the meeting? "If you can't make any sense," Qin Feng said. Then I will not forgive you."    


Although it was easy to say, Qin Feng could see that Mi Na's smile was a little forced.    


Perhaps in other people's eyes, Mi Na was as calm as if nothing had happened. But Qin Feng, who had more contact with Mi Na, could sense her true thoughts through some subtle changes.    


What happened yesterday had already been reported. It could be seen how fast the opponent moved and how ruthless his attacks were. But until now, they still didn't know who the enemy was.    


Under such circumstances, it would be strange if Mi Na's mood could be good.    


Qin Feng did not have any interest in selling the lawsuit. He directly pulled Liu Qing over and pushed him onto the chair in front of Mi Na's desk. "Liu Qing has some ideas about the current situation. I don't know if his ideas are useful. " So, let him tell you. "    


Mi Na's eyes were full of surprise, "Oh? Liu Qing thought of another way?"    


It was obvious that she was worried about something else, but Mi Na was thinking about something else. "I don't know what kind of luck Qin Feng has. Before Yaoyao knew him, she did not know what kind of luck Qin Feng had. But it's just us, Michan, an ordinary shopper. Now that she was gradually taking over the management work, she did not expect her ability to be quite good. I just went to the advertising planning department to preside over the work. He would be able to find another talent like Liu Qing. "Why is his luck so good?"    


This thought flashed across Mi Na's mind. She quickly stopped her wild thoughts and asked," Liu Qing, do you have any ideas? Tell me and I will listen."    


Liu Qing naturally did not dare to neglect the chairman's words. He quickly told Liu Qing what he was thinking. "Chairman, I think so. Our company is being slandered like this. Someone must be deliberately targeting us, right?"    


Mi Na said snappily, "As long as you are a person, you can see that. Say something useful and don't waste my time."    


Qin Feng did not know whether to laugh or cry. He patted Liu Qing's shoulder and said, "What are you trying to do? Hurry up and be serious." He really did not realize that Liu Qing, who had a low EQ, actually liked to find out.    


Liu Qing rubbed his shoulders and said, "If that's the case, then the problem is simple. Chairman, you said that if we could work properly, what the other party did would be equivalent to advertising for us."    


Mi Na was different from Qin Feng. As a business elite, she instantly understood what Liu Qing was thinking. "You mean, negative reputation marketing?"    


Liu Qing nodded. "Chairman, you are right. That is what I mean. The other party is against us. Everyone will definitely know. This is a blow to us, Mishang, but it will also attract a lot of attention. Many people who didn't know about our Mishang didn't know about it. And it will know us. Under such circumstances, it's not impossible for us to take advantage of the fire. "We can turn bad things into good things."    


Mi Na frowned and said, "It is not that I did not consider your suggestion. It is just that if the operation is not good... Furthermore, you must be clear that if it is not handled well, we Mi Shang may very well fall into an irrecoverable state. "    


Liu Qing said confidently. "President, I don't think you need to worry about that. The existence of the Internet was already predestined. The way of publicity in this era had undergone a drastic change. Because the information they came into contact with was different, it was easy to raise a topic on the Internet. When there was an argument, there was naturally a preference. This is beneficial for us Mishang. "    


Mi Na interrupted Liu Qing's words. "I am also very clear on this point. But Liu Qing, you should know that online publicity is not omnipotent. Negative publicity and marketing are accompanied by corresponding risks. It's fine to hype up products, but it might not be a good thing for a company. "    


Liu Qing clapped his hands and said, "President Mi, this is the key problem. This time, it is completely the case. Someone is deliberately targeting us. "Perhaps it's because the other party is too anxious to deal with us, so their actions are a little too big."    


"They've gone too far and gave us a good chance. People always sympathize with the weak. As long as they can make good use of it, it's not impossible to reverse public opinion. " You should know that ordinary people don't care about the topic itself. They just want to show their presence. "    


"A conspiracy is obviously more exciting than a black-hearted company."    


Mi Na's eyes lit up and she said in a low voice. "What you said makes sense. I was afraid that I would lose out because of the other party's aggressive approach. " But now, it seems like the other party's thunderous methods are an opportunity for us. "    


Liu Qing continued to nod his head. "Chairman, you are right. I think this is our chance."    


Mi Na raised her head and looked at Qin Feng.    


Qin Feng waved his hand. "Don't look at me. I can understand what you guys are talking about. But I don't know if this is good or not. After all, you're the chairman of the company. It's up to you to decide. "    


Mi Na rolled her eyes at Qin Feng. "You really know how to throw away a burden."    


Qin Feng sweated. "This kind of important decision should have been made by you, the chairman, okay?"    


"Humph!" Mi Na was still dissatisfied.    


After teasing Qin Feng for a while, Mi Na calmed down and thought about the feasibility of Liu Qing's suggestion.    


Negative reputation marketing was definitely a double-edged sword. If it succeeded, it would certainly bring great benefits.    


But if it failed...    


The consequences are almost unbearable.    


A mall that is not trusted by customers is not far from closing down.    


If it was in the past, it would be fine. After all, with the support of the Mi Merchant Group, Mi Shang could slowly recover.    


But now, the company's main company could not take care of itself and did not have the strength to take care of Mi Shang.    


Actually what made Mi Na hesitate the most was that the method of promoting negative reputation marketing was considered a success. It was a blow to Michan's image, too. That was why Mi Na did not dare to make a decision so easily.    


Mi Na's heart fought for a long time but she did not make up her mind.    


Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, being the chairman of a company was very easy. As long as she decided the direction of the company, there would naturally be people to do the rest of the things.    


But if they did not sit in this position, they would not know how difficult it was. As the highest decision-maker of the company, every move and action would affect the future of the entire company. Under such pressure, any decision was not simple.    


Mi Na lowered her head and did not say anything. In her heart, she constantly weighed the pros and cons.    


Qin Feng and Liu Qing stared at Mi Na together, neither saying anything.    


Mi Na subconsciously looked at Qin Feng again.    


Perhaps Mi Na herself did not realize that her attitude towards Qin Feng had unknowingly changed.    


Before this, she had at most treated Qin Feng as a capable subordinate. After returning from Yaoyao's hometown, she had unconsciously regarded the unconscious Qin Feng as a man she could rely on.    


Qin Feng shrugged helplessly. In this matter that concerned the life and death of the company, he did not want his thoughts to affect Mi Na's judgment.    


After all, he was far worse than Mi Na when it came to business.    


Liu Qing saw Mi Na hesitate and was extremely anxious. To be able to personally execute such a plan, it would definitely be the proudest achievement of his career.    


Therefore, Liu Qing urgently said, "Chairman, what we just said was not completely right. Our plan this time is also not completely a loss of reputation marketing."    


"We are not just trying to hype up the scandal, but we are trying to reverse the situation at the moment we are locked up. At that time, not only will our Mishang's reputation not become bad, but it will also become better because of the previous and current comparisons. "    


Liu Qing's words dispelled Mi Na's last worry.    


How could business not take a little risk? Mi Na had considered that once some bad ideas were formed, it would be detrimental to Mi Shang's future development.    


Since it did not affect Mi Shang's future development, Mi Na did not have so many taboos in her heart.    


Nodding, she said, "What you said has a certain amount of logic. In principle, I agree. In the afternoon, I will convene the board of directors. If the board of directors can pass your proposal, then this matter will be settled."    


"Chairman!" Liu Qing was very excited.    


At this moment, Qin Feng, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly said, "Chairman, if I were you, I wouldn't do that."    


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