The First Son-in-law

C1085 What's the Most Important Thing

C1085 What's the Most Important Thing

"Confidence in business opportunities." Zhou Fan answered firmly.    


"No!" Director Zhou flatly rejected Zhou Fan's answer. "As a successful businessman, you must know something. The business world is heartless. No matter who you are with, even between father and son. There was no emotion to speak of. Qin Feng did better than you on this point. Mi Na was grateful to him, and he and Mi Na even... But he could betray Mi Na with just a flip of his hand. No matter if this was true or not, at least he could do such a cruel thing. If it was you, "Can you?"    


What's the big deal? " Zhou Fan was not convinced. After that, Zhou Fan hid his thoughts.    


Although Qin Feng had officially decided to seek refuge with Director Zhou, this incident did not cause any commotion in the company.    


Other than the person involved, no one else noticed that Qin Feng, the vice president of the company, had actually become Director Zhou's subordinate.    


Of course, to Qin Feng, the person involved, the impact was not small.    


Because on the second day, Qin Feng had gotten a list of names. He asked Qin Feng to use his power to transfer the position in the Finance Department.    


Qin Feng did not say anything about it and handed the list to Mi Na.    


"Director Zhou is really not polite. I just expressed that I want to join him yesterday, but today I actually have work to do. " What do you think we should do now? "    


Mi Na casually threw the list on the table. "Whatever you want to do. You can do whatever Director Zhou wants. Or you can show your presence and make things difficult for yourself."    


"What do you mean?" "Don't you need to remember the names on the list?" Qin Feng asked. When you return to Mishang, these people will have to be dealt with, right?"    


Mi Na laughed when she heard that. "Hahaha! What should I say? How can that old fox Director Zhou trust you so easily? This list was specially taken out by him to test you. There might be a few people from Director Zhou here. But they are definitely not important people, so it doesn't matter if you know or not."    


Ah? So that's how it is!" Qin Feng scratched his head awkwardly.    


At this time, Yaoyao pushed the door and came back with a tired face. When she saw Mi Na and Qin Feng sitting on the sofa talking, she weakly greeted them, "I am back. You guys wait a moment. I will cook right away."    


"Yaoyao, you seem to be very tired recently. What exactly happened?" Mi Na asked curiously.    


Yaoyao forced a smile. Her face was very ugly but she said stubbornly, "Nothing. I'm just a little tired. I'll be fine after I sleep."    


Qin Feng stood up and said, "I'll cook tonight's dinner. You better get some rest."    


"Then I'll have to trouble you!" Yaoyao hung her bag on the hat rack at the entrance and staggered back to her room.    


Qin Feng and Mi Na looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.    


After a few days of peace and quiet, Qin Feng could not hold back anymore. Worried, he said to Mi Na, "This can't go on! Now, Director Zhou kept making small movements every day. I am worried that if we wait any longer, you will lose the chance to regain control of Mi Shang sooner or later."    


Mi Na also said helplessly," I also understand this point. But the situation is not clear now. We have no other choice but to wait. Right, what has Director Zhou been doing recently?"    


Qin Feng shook his head with a bitter smile. "You know that Director Zhou does not trust me. He hid everything from me, so I don't know much. "    


"I see." Mi Na thought for a while and suddenly her eyes lit up. She snapped her fingers and said, "There's a way."    


Qin Feng heard Mi Na's words and his eyes lit up. He asked, "What way?"    


Mi Na looked Qin Feng up and down with a smile. "Why do you think Director Zhou doesn't believe you?"    


Qin Feng immediately thought of what Director Zhou said when he treated him to dinner and got himself drunk.    


To put it bluntly, Director Zhou didn't believe him because Director Zhou didn't have any evidence against him. Qin Feng was Mi Na's trusted aide. With Mi Na's support, he was able to sit in the vice president position in a short period of time.    


Now, he suddenly changed his attitude and wanted to join him. Even if there was a reason, Director Zhou could not be so casual as to trust someone who had just sought refuge with him.    


Trust needed time to build.    


After thinking through all these, Qin Feng probed Mi Na and said, " Because I have nothing against him?    




Mi Na snapped her fingers again and praised, "That's right. It's because you don't have a weakness in Director Zhou's hands that he can't trust you."    


She looked at Mi Na's beautiful eyes that flickered with dangerous light. Qin Feng suddenly had a bad feeling. He hurriedly left a sentence. "Well, I remember I still have some things to do. Let's talk about this in the future. " With that, he turned around and left.    


Qin Feng had just taken a step when Mi Na grabbed his wrist. "What else is more important than this now? "I just thought of a good idea. Don't you want to know?"    


"That... Can I say I don't want to?" Qin Feng saw the look in Mi Na's eyes like a leopard that had found its prey. Before this, Qin Feng had only felt this kind of look from Nangong Dia.    


Qin Feng sighed in his heart. Mi Na and Nangong Dia these two women were indeed best friends! They actually had such a similar side.    


Although the alarm bells rang in his heart, Qin Feng also knew that the important matter was more important. In the end, as if resigned to his fate, he lowered his head and sat back on the sofa. He followed Mi Na's words and said, "I wonder what kind of good method President Mi has."    


"The method is very simple." Mi Na pursed her lips and smiled. She was very charming. "The reason Director Zhou doesn't trust you is because he doesn't have any evidence against you. In the current situation, he can't completely believe that someone who could betray him could be."    


"But your existence is very important to Director Zhou. As long as you are still the person supported by my father on the surface. My father will not spend too much energy on Michan Mall to fight for time for his future plans."    


"The most important thing is that you are now authorized by my father to manage the finance department. This makes Director Zhou very conflicted. " If he wants to control Mi Shang, the finance department will not be able to avoid it. " Director Zhou doesn't dare to believe you too much, but he also has to believe you. So, he could only test you step by step. "    


Qin Feng had a splitting headache. "Alright. I know what Director Zhou is thinking now, but what's the point?"    


"Of course!" Mi Na stood up. Her perfect figure seemed to emit a light called confidence. "It's not that Director Zhou doesn't want to trust you, but he can't trust you in a short time. Then we can make some arrangements to deal with this. For example, we can hand over your weakness to Director Zhou. "    


... "" After hearing Mi Na's words, Qin Feng finally understood why this woman was smiling so dangerously. He said unhappily, "What you said is easy. Even if I go all out and cooperate with Director Zhou. If I really fall out with Director Zhou, I won't be able to explain it even if I have a hundred mouths. " Won't all my efforts be in vain then? "    


Mi Na rolled her eyes at Qin Feng and said, "Of course not. We are just pretending to give something to Director Zhou. We are not really letting Director Zhou catch something that can threaten you."    


Qin Feng felt like he had caught something, but he did not know what to do when he thought about it. He asked Mi Na, "What do you mean?" What do you mean?"    


"Stupid! Of course it's to give Director Zhou something that looks like it can threaten you, but it's actually useless! " Mi Na reprimanded him with a slightly red face.    


Aiya! Don't try to confuse me. Can't you just tell me what to do?" Qin Feng was so anxious that he scratched his ears and cheeks.    


"It's simple." Mi Na sounded tough, but her pretty face was so red that it almost reached her ears.    


Mi Na patted her chest and took a deep breath. She glanced at Qin Feng and stuttered, As long as... as long as Director Zhou can... catch... the evidence that you are with me."    


"Ah?" Qin Feng stared at Mi Na in shock. He did not expect Mi Na to come up with such an idea.    


"What do you and I have against you?"    


Seeing Qin Feng's silly look, Mi Na felt unhappy instead. She said unhappily, "What? Don't you think this is a good idea? It's not like you don't know what my dad is like. If my dad finds out about you... about me... then my dad will definitely not let you go. Director Zhou and my dad are old friends. He knows my dad's temper very well. As long as he can find evidence of you and me... He will definitely use this evidence to threaten you.    


"Besides, I am not one of those stupid women Director Zhou found. Even if he really uses this to threaten you afterwards, so what? " Can I sue you? "    


Qin Feng broke out in sweat. He finally understood what Mi Na meant. He was speechless. "Can... can this work?"    


Mi Na put her hands on her waist and said confidently. "Why not? Even if my father knows, as long as I explain to him that this is all fake, it will be fine. " It doesn't affect you at all. "    


Qin Feng said awkwardly. I am a man, "he said." I am not worried. The key is that I am afraid that it will affect you badly."    


"Pedantic! What era is it now? What influence doesn't it affect? "Do you think I am the woman who cares about what others think?" Mi Na did not seem to care at all.    


Only she knew that her heart was beating so fast that it seemed like it was going to jump out of her throat.    


Qin Feng thought for a moment and also felt that this matter could not be dragged on any longer. Although Director Zhou and Director Wang had not reached a point where they could not fight to the death yet, he had helped them both in the open and in the dark. In addition, he had a son who was the president of the company and was in charge of the most important departments of the company.    


With such a huge advantage, Director Wang would not be able to withstand Director Zhou's erosion sooner or later. Once Director Wang was no longer capable, Director Zhou would be able to control the entire Mishang in an instant. It would be too late for him to say anything at that time.    


He could only take advantage of the fact that Director Zhou had yet to succeed to counterattack. Only then would he have the chance to turn the tables.    


Most importantly, Mi Na's method was indeed good.    


At least they had taken the initiative to create a weakness. It was much safer than letting Director Zhou grasp one of his weaknesses, wasn't it?    


"Alright, I know what you're going to do. Then, what should we do?" Qin Feng frowned.    


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