The First Son-in-law

C1018 Sorry to Offend You

C1018 Sorry to Offend You

Shangjing City, White Dew's villa.    


Seeing White Dew who seemed to be able to sleep even when walking, and returning with Qin Feng's help, Brother De didn't give Qin Feng a good look.    


"I thought you guys weren't planning to come back tonight!" Brother De took the White Dew that Qin Feng was holding and handed it to the assistant beside him. He said angrily.    


"Sorry, something happened!" Qin Feng touched his nose awkwardly. He had not thought about it. He had completely forgotten that White Dew had been working hard all day. He was very tired at night.    


Although Brother De's expression was not good, he did not pester him on this matter. After all, Qin Feng was only here to help, not his subordinate. He could only express his dissatisfaction, but he couldn't really scold Qin Feng.    


He signaled his assistant to send Bai Lu back to rest. Brother De said, "It's late. You should be tired, too. I'll arrange a room for you. You should rest early. "    


Brother De looked at Nangong Dia and asked, "Is this... with you?" It was impossible that he did not know Nangong Dia, but they were just acquaintances and did not have any relationship.    


Qin Feng turned his head and looked over. Nangong Dia smiled and did not have any intention of leaving at all.    


Nangong Dia saw Qin Feng looking at her and rolled her eyes at Qin Feng coquettishly. She pointed at the clock in the living room and said, "Don't you want to see what time it is now? Let me go back alone in the middle of the night. What if something happens outside?" As she spoke, Nangong Dia put on a delicate appearance.    


When Qin Feng heard Nangong Dia's words, he only felt sweat dripping down his forehead. If he really met someone who could not open his eyes and wanted to do something to Nangong Dia... he should not be worried about this woman, but the other party, right?    


Speaking of martial arts, even he was not a match for this woman!    


Such powerful strength, what are you worried about!    


But no matter how strong she is, Nangong Dia is still a woman after all, right? Since she wants to stay, she can't chase Qin Feng away, right?    


Therefore, she could only look at Brother De with a questioning look.    


"Please come with me, both of you!" Nangong Dia's identity was extraordinary, so Brother De naturally would not chase her away without knowing it.    


Or rather, Brother De really hoped that Nangong Dia could stay. It would be very beneficial to build a relationship with someone like her in the future.    


Therefore, he brought the two of them to the guest room on the second floor of Bai Lu's villa.    


Brother De was about to say something when Nangong Dia suddenly opened the door to the room. "It's late. Go and rest early too. Don't bother about us. Good night!"    


Nangong Dia opened the door of the guest room and pushed Qin Feng into the room.    


Brother De was stunned. The door closed with a bang. He was so shocked that he could not close his mouth.    


Qin Feng and this woman... That kind of relationship...?    


Brother De, who knew Nangong Dia's identity, really found it hard to associate two people with such a huge difference in status.    


Although he had seen Nangong Dia many times before, he had never thought that Nangong Dia would be a match for Qin Feng.    


Brother De, who felt that he was being too lenient, laughed at himself. "What does this have to do with me? "That's good. At least he can't do anything to White Dew."    


If Brother De knew that Nangong Dia had said something shocking not long ago, who knew what kind of expression she would have?    


As a woman, even if she was as powerful as a monster, she was still weaker than a man in terms of pure strength. However, Qin Feng never thought Nangong Dia would play this game. Under the cold, he was pushed into the guest room by Nangong Dia all of a sudden.    


By the time he reacted, Nangong Dia had already locked the door with a click. She leaned against the door and stared at him with a smile.    


Qin Feng's hair stood on end when Nangong Dia looked at him. He stuttered, feeling very guilty. "You... You... What are you trying to do? "Stop messing around in the middle of the night. Hurry up and go to bed."    


Nangong Dia's pair of eyes were like autumn waves, as if they could make people sink into them. She just stared at Qin Feng.    


She took light steps and walked towards Qin Feng.    


Under Nangong Dia's oppressive gaze, Qin Feng felt guilty. He could not help but step back step by step.    


Suddenly, Qin Feng felt something kick his heel. He lost his balance and fell backwards. After he fell onto the soft bed, Qin Feng realized that there was already a bed behind him.    


Qin Feng was about to say something when he saw Nangong Dia did not have any intention of stopping. She walked straight towards the bed.    


She moved her waist slightly. That slender and beautiful figure made Qin Feng involuntarily swallow his saliva.    


Nangong Dia was like a dangerous female leopard, slowly approaching her prey.    


Qin Feng was just about to struggle to sit up from the bed when he was pressed back to the bed by a delicate hand pressing on his chest.    


Qin Feng, who was pushed back to the bed by Nangong Dia, felt his vision darken. Then, a pair of bright and beautiful eyes appeared in front of his eyes.    


Qin Feng realized that the position between him and Nangong Dia was not good.    


At this moment, Nangong Dia was leaning on his body with her hands on the bed. There was only one arm between the two of them, and one could hear the sound of breathing close to each other.    


Nangong Dia's beauty naturally did not need to be described. Furthermore, what kind of feelings did Nangong Dia have for him? It was not that Qin Feng did not know. It was just because of his own reasons that he couldn't accept Nangong Dia's feelings.    


However, not accepting did not mean that he could turn a blind eye to it. A person with a noble status and unparalleled beauty and I don't suppose any man would have thought of a woman who was so devoted to you?    


However, although some men have thoughts in their hearts, to be able to keep their bottom line, they are naturally good men.    


Some men were unable to stick to their bottom line. They were tempted and thus became scumbags.    


As the unique fragrance of the woman's body drifted over, Qin Feng could not help but feel his breathing quicken. He even had a little bit of anticipation in his heart.    


Even Qin Feng could feel that he had a clear reaction.    


Men were carnivores, and Qin Feng was no exception. Some things could be suppressed by willpower, but instinct was not something that could be controlled by willpower alone.    


The room was silent. Nangong Dia just stared at him, her eyes full of tenderness.    


Qin Feng did not dare to act rashly, afraid that he would accidentally touch something that should not be touched.    


After an unknown amount of time, Qin Feng felt that Nangong Dia's gaze was becoming more and more aggressive. A beautiful face gradually approached him.    


Looking at Nangong Dia at close range, her beauty was even more touching. There were no flaws on her beautiful face. Practicing martial arts did not seem to leave any regrettable scars on her body.    


For some reason, Qin Feng suddenly had a very absurd feeling. He felt like he was a girl who was trapped in an alley by hooligans. There was no way to escape.    


Qin Feng felt like he was going to be pushed back if he continued like this. He quickly turned his head away. His eyes sparkled and did not dare to look into Nangong Dia's eyes. "You... What are you trying to do? " Stop messing around in the middle of the night. "    


Disappointment flashed across Nangong Dia's eyes. She cursed in her heart," This bastard. I have already done this. Can't you do it? "    


If she could not feel Qin Feng's reaction, Nangong Dia would have even suspected that there was something wrong with Qin Feng.    


Otherwise, how could he remain calm at this point?    


Nangong Dia did not give up and knelt on the bed. She used her legs to block both sides of Qin Feng's body. She did not want this man to take the opportunity to escape. Using both hands to forcefully move Qin Feng's head, she aimed it at herself. She licked her lips seductively. He whispered in a low voice like a whisper. "Don't you know what I want to do...?"    


What the hell? Qin Feng was a normal man after all.    


In this position, Qin Feng really wished he could turn around and beat this woman a hundred times. A hundred times. However, he could only think about it in his heart. If he really wanted Qin Feng to do something, he would not be able to get past him.    


Therefore, Qin Feng pretended to be stupid and said, "That... I really don't know. You look tired like this. Why don't you come down first? " Let's have a good talk? "    


"I..." No matter how much Nangong Dia took the initiative, there was nothing she could do in the face of Qin Feng's completely inflexible behavior.    


The reason Nangong Dia was so strong was mainly because Qin Feng's performance tonight had completely captured her heart.    


The earliest reason Nangong Dia was interested in Qin Feng was because she felt that this handsome little security guard's character was very interesting. He actually showed his true colors to her.    


Nangong Dia could tell that Qin Feng was not trying to get away with it, but he really could not afford to look at her from the bottom of his heart. Who was she, Nangong Dia? A small security guard dared to look down on her? This immediately aroused Nangong Dia's competitive spirit.    




The more you look down on me, the more I want to pester you.    


In the end, a man and a woman can't win against curiosity. Once a woman is curious about a man, it means that this woman will soon fall into it.    


During the process of contact, Nangong Dia gradually discovered something special about Qin Feng.    


Qin Feng was almost the complete opposite of the men in Nangong Dia's circle.    


This man did not know what romance was at all. He was stubborn like a donkey. He could not pull back eight bulls for sure.    


However, as long as he thought it was right, he would do it regardless of the dangers. Nangong Dia even felt that Qin Feng should not appear in the modern world, but should be an ancient person.    


It was precisely the truth of Qin Feng that moved Nangong Dia even more. After all, in the circle she was in, everyone wanted to put seventeen or eighteen masks on themselves to be satisfied.    


Although as time passed, Nangong Dia got deeper and deeper into this man's body.    


Today, Qin Feng brought Nangong Dia quite a shock once again. That racing skill that shocked everyone so much that they could not say a word instantly aroused the fanaticism in the woman's heart. She could not hold it in!    


Nangong Dia gritted her teeth and cursed in her heart, "What's there to be reserved about? This old lady must get this man today. I still don't believe that he dares to eat clean and deny his debt to me."    


After seeing Nangong Dia's dazed gaze for a moment, she became firm again. Qin Feng immediately said anxiously, "Nangong Dia, don't get agitated first. Let's talk about it slowly if there is anything."    


Facing Nangong Dia's pressing step by step, Qin Feng's current heart's defense line was gradually collapsing.    


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