The First Son-in-law

C947 I Got Another One

C947 I Got Another One

Although Robber Laosi was strong, he was still alone. Even though the snake poison on the withered branch had been greatly weakened, it didn't die as quickly as Lao'er. However, it was also greatly affected.    


The snake poison of the five-step snake could paralyze the nerves and destroy the circulation of blood. Perhaps Robber Laosi himself did not feel that his body had almost been emptied by the poison.    


Although the sudden attack was fast, it was still fast.    


However, when Robber Laosi's fist landed on Qin Feng's chest, it had already lost the force it should have. The attack seemed fierce, but it didn't hurt Qin Feng at all.    


"It seems like I was worrying too much!" Under Robber Laosi's shocked expression, Qin Feng casually pushed Robber Laosi's hand away and knocked him to the ground with a backhand punch.    


After Robber Laosi fell, he opened his mouth and spat out a large amount of black blood. He crawled forward with difficulty. He slowly turned around and forced himself to sit up. He leaned against the big tree behind him. Holding his chest, he said indignantly, "You despicable person who uses poison."    


The current Robber Laosi was in a miserable state. Anyone who saw him now would probably not be able to bear it.    


Qin Feng actually didn't think it was a big deal when it came to his fighting techniques. He wasn't like these robbers who practiced martial arts.    


He, Qin Feng, was a soldier.    


When a soldier was on the battlefield, he did not need to talk about rules. Sooner or later, he would turn into a cold corpse. As a soldier, completing missions is the first priority. A person's death, It might not change anything. However, the failure of a single mission might affect the lives of thousands of people. Facing such a situation, Is it really important what means?    


Although Robber Laosi was in a miserable state, Qin Feng didn't have the slightest bit of pity.    


This was not because Qin Feng's heart was as hard as steel, but because he suddenly thought of something.    


He had been injured and hospitalized by these robbers because he had saved Bai Lu. When the sentence was announced, Mi Na had shown him the criminal records of these robbers.    


Qin Feng still remembered one of the cases clearly.    


These four guys had kidnapped a mother and daughter. The mother was 28 years old and the daughter was three years old.    


However, because the ransom was not settled, the four of them had cruelly killed the mother and daughter to silence them. In the end, they had even buried their bodies at the bottom of the river.    


Two months later, they were already eaten by the fishes and shrimps in the river. Only then did the police find the deformed body. At that time, the body's original appearance could not be identified at all. Finally, it was verified by DNA that the victim's identity was confirmed.    


The victim's lover couldn't bear the news of his wife and daughter's death and eventually collapsed to commit suicide. The victim's parents had gone crazy due to the intense stimulation.    


However, these murderers didn't leave any clues because they were extremely strong. Even if the police wanted to solve the case, they could not find any clues about them.    


They had done more than one such case.    


Qin Feng had only looked at the file, but he was already very angry. However, the file was not direct enough, so Qin Feng did not make up his mind to kill at first.    


But now, Qin Feng, who had just killed a robber with his own hands. Seeing this crazy guy, he actually dared to be so arrogant in front of him.    


For some reason, an evil flame surged from the bottom of Qin Feng's heart.    


Qin Feng's face was a little twisted. He took a step forward and kicked heavily on Robber Laosi's chest, cursing. What the fuck are you pretending to be tough for me?    


Bang! Another heavy kick.    


"Who the fuck do you think you are?"    




"A scumbag like you, I wish I could rip you into pieces!"    




"I'll just use poison, what can you do to me?"    




"Don't worry, I won't fucking kill you! Just sit here and wait for death!"    




Qin Feng kept kicking Robber Laosi as he spoke. The more he talked, the angrier he got. The more stubborn this scum was, the more he hated him.    


By the time Qin Feng stopped, Robber Laosi had already vented his anger.    


As long as Robber Laosi regretted it a little, Qin Feng would not be so furious.    


However, he did not feel that he had done anything wrong. Just because he was strong, he did not take other people's lives seriously. This was what Qin Feng hated the most.    


After cursing for a long time, Qin Feng still couldn't vent his anger. So he didn't want Robber Laosi to die so easily.    


What was the most terrifying way to die in the world? Perhaps everyone had their own opinion.    


However, Qin Feng believed that waiting for death was actually the most terrifying thing.    


Every minute and every second counted the time of his death, but he had no way to stop it. This kind of helpless fear could definitely drive people crazy.    


Qin Feng squatted next to Robber Laosi, grabbed his hair, and pulled his head to his eyes. He glared at Robber Laosi with killing intent and said, "Don't worry, I will send your brothers down to reunite with you soon."    


Then, he pushed Robber Laosi's head. The back of Robber Laosi's head hit the tree trunk he was leaning on heavily.    


At this moment, Robber Laosi no longer felt much pain. It was as if he was soaking in water. He was very slow in his surroundings.    


Sometimes, the pain in his heart was far more torturous than physical pain. Robber Laosi said with difficulty, "Kill me if you can, you devil!"    


Haha! Devil?    


Qin Feng let out a cold laugh that made people's hair stand on end. "Thank you for your compliment. I am indeed a devil now. No matter what you say, I will not kill you. You are not poisoned by many snakes. But it was deadly enough. "Stay here and wait for death to arrive."    


Qin Feng was provoked by Robber Laosi.    


At the beginning, Qin Feng was even hesitating if he should kill someone. After all, he was just an ordinary person. He didn't have the right to judge someone else's life or death.    


Killing the robber Lao'er made Qin Feng's heart undergo a transformation. However, under the abnormal will of Qin Feng, who could be called a robot, this change was forcefully suppressed.    


When facing Robber Laosi, even though Qin Feng's subordinates were merciless, most of them still wanted to protect themselves. Only by dealing with them could he and Mi Na be safe.    


However, as Qin Feng thought back to the few brutal cases that these robbers had committed. Not only did Qin Feng not reject the idea of killing them, he was also a little... excited about killing them.    


Before Qin Feng left, he even placed a watch in front of his brother-in-law, Laosi. According to my estimation, you can still live for about five minutes. You can watch for yourself." Qin Feng counted the time on the watch.    


After killing Robber Laosi, the killing intent in Qin Feng's heart had been completely drawn out. He had become a cold hunter.    


Picking up the dried branch that was smeared with poison, Qin Feng looked in Robber Chief's direction with a cold expression. "Now, you are the only one left."    


Just as Qin Feng had thought, even someone like Robber Laosi was still afraid of death.    


However, some things in the world wouldn't come just because of fear. As time passed, Robber Laosi, who had been poisoned, finally welcomed his death.    


Robber Laosi, who welcomed his death, felt a sense of relief instead.    


In the distance, Robber Chief, who had gradually calmed down, suddenly felt a strong sense of fear after dodging a trap. He subconsciously looked back. Seeing that Laosi still did not follow him, the gloominess in Robber Chief's eyes flashed. "Could it be that Laosi..."    


"Damn it!" Robber Chief cursed loudly.    


It was broad daylight, but Robber Chief suddenly felt that the forest had become very cold. A few unknown bird calls made the forest seem even more strange and quiet, making people go crazy.    


"Go back? Or continue forward?" The inexplicable fear made Robber Chief hesitate.    


Should he keep moving forward?    


Robber Chief had no doubt that there were countless traps ahead waiting for him.    


Turn around and go back?    


Putting aside the hatred from before, the fact that Lao'er killed Lao'er was the truth. Could it be that this revenge would not be avenged?    


While Robber Chief was hesitating, a rustling sound suddenly came from a bush in front of him. The bush swayed rapidly. It was obvious that something was inside.    


Robber Chief was overjoyed when he saw this. He roared loudly. "Let's see where you can run to this time!" Then, he rushed over without hesitation.    


When Robber Chief finally reached the bushes, the bushes had calmed down.    


Robber Chief was on full alert. He shouted to the bushes, "Come out. Don't hide like a mouse. That one will make me look down on you."    




Absolute silence!    


It was as if there were no creatures in the bushes. No matter how much Robber Chief threatened or mocked him, he did not make a sound.    


Robber Chief looked left and right for a long time, but he could not tell if there was anyone in the bushes.    


He did not dare to enter the bushes, afraid that he would fall into Qin Feng's trap. But Robber Chief was not willing to just turn around and go back, so he could only stay in a deadlock.    


After a while, Robber Chief felt that he could not wait any longer.    


After all, their identities were not to be exposed.    


Robber Chief was very clear about one thing. Once the police confirmed their true identities, they would not let them off easily.    


He could not care less about three or five police officers.    


Five or six police officers could be barely dealt with.    


What about ten or eight policemen? Or even ten or twenty? Although they were experts in martial arts, they were still not out of the category of humans. No matter how good their martial arts were, they could not match up to the long spear and cannon.    


There was not much time left. Robber Chief was extremely careful. He carefully moved towards the trees.    


Rustle! Rustle!    


Suddenly, the bushes started shaking again. Apparently, the people inside also felt threatened.    


Robber Chief's heart tightened. He stopped approaching and said coldly, "Little brother, it's better not to play any tricks. Why don't you come out like a man and have a good fight? Only when you die vigorously can you be considered a man!"    


Hearing Robber Chief's words, the swaying of the bushes stopped again.    


Robber Chief's face was livid as he cursed, "You coward... Coward... coward!"    


The opponent had stopped moving. Robber Chief, who did not want to waste any more time, moved forward bit by bit.    


If it wasn't for the fact that he knew how to use poison, Robber Chief wouldn't have feared anything. Unfortunately, no matter how powerful his martial power was, there was no way he could be immune to poison. As long as his skin was cut open, what awaited him would not be a wonderful ending.    


He slowly took a step forward, but his feet seemed to have stepped on something sharp. Robber Chief lowered his head and saw that he had stepped on a rock.    


Robber Chief's eyes lit up. He laughed hideously and said, "Kid, let's see how you can hide this time." He picked up a few stones and estimated the size of the bushes. He calculated the hiding place of the people inside.    


Robber Chief threw a few stones into the bushes. The stones were thrown. Robber Chief smiled proudly. With his strength, even if the stones he threw out with his bare hands couldn't compare to bullets, they were still very powerful.    


What was a trap? This was it. How could he hide in such a place?    


That annoying guy in the bushes was dead for sure this time.    


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