The First Son-in-law

C938 Death Has Come

C938 Death Has Come

Robber Laosi said proudly, "Bastard, go to hell!"    


He slowly pulled the trigger.    


However, to Robber Laosi's surprise, after he pulled the trigger, there was a cracking sound. There was no shooting sound.    


"F * ck! What the hell is going on?" Robber Laosi patted his gun in exasperation.    


He was confused, and so was Qin Feng. "What's going on? He had only fired six shots, so how could there be no bullets left? "    


Qin Feng did not understand. This kind of police pistol had seven rounds of loading. Qin Feng knew how important it was to calculate the number of bullets compared to the people who had never used guns before.    


At the beginning of the confrontation, one shot was fired. After the first round, three shots were fired. Then two shots were fired. In total, he fired six rounds. Why was there no bullets now?    


"F * ck!" Robber Laosi finally realized why he had no bullets at this critical moment.    


Just now, when he was chasing Qin Feng, he threatened Captain Zhou and shot him in the sky.    


Thinking about how he had wasted his chance to kill his enemy because of this guy. Robber Laosi looked at Captain Zhou with an unfriendly gaze.    


Being stared at by Robber Laosi like a wolf, Captain Zhou couldn't help but shiver. He didn't know where he had offended these robbers.    


Robber Laosan was originally following behind Lao'er the robber. But because of his body, he was the last one to arrive.    


Because of the exercise, Robber Laosan's originally pale face had a bit of blood on it. When he found that there was no trace of Qin Feng and Mi Na in the courtyard, he immediately asked anxiously, "Boss, where are those two people?"    


Robber Chief covered his forehead. He had just been hit by the wood Qin Feng threw out and was bleeding a little. He gritted his teeth and said, " Damn it, those two bastards ran away. I won't forgive them. "    


Robber Chief pointed at Captain Zhou and said to Robber Laosan, "Mo, you stay and watch this guy. I will go after him with Lao Er and Lao Si. He won't be able to run fast with a woman. Let's leave immediately after killing that guy. "    


"Understood, boss. You guys can go without worry. We must get rid of that bastard. " Robber Laosan patted his chest.    


Lao'er was a calm bandit, but he had a big problem. He could not move when he saw a beautiful woman.    


If Qin Feng was alone right now, he would have suggested leaving. However, among the people who ran away, there was also a beautiful woman, which made Lao'er very greedy. Right now, his mind was filled with Mi Na's figure. He had long forgotten about the police and whatnot.    


Robber Laosi had always been used to listening to Robber Chief's orders. At this time, he had no objections at all.    


The two of them agreed at the same time. "Okay!"    


The three of them climbed over the wall together and chased in the direction where Qin Feng and Mi Na disappeared.    


When Robber Chief came to Robber Laosi's side, he gave Robber Laosi a look of dissatisfaction and said, "Hurry up and throw this broken spear away. It's useless."    


"Haha!" Robber Laosi laughed dryly and casually threw the gun away.    


A few minutes ago, Qin Feng and Mi Na, who had rushed into the forest with great difficulty, fell to the ground at the same time. Although it was only a few dozen meters, under the threat of the pistol and bullets, this distance seemed to have become exceptionally long.    


Fear had caused both of their physical strengths to be greatly depleted.    


At this time, both Qin Feng and Mi Na wanted to lie on the ground forever and never get up again.    


Qin Feng quickly adjusted his breathing and struggled to get up from the ground. He said to Mi Na, "Mi Na, now is not the time to rest. We are not far from them. If they are determined to chase after us. We will soon be caught by them. "Therefore, we must go deeper into the forest now. The further the better."    


Mi Na heard him and gritted her teeth. She grabbed Qin Feng's hand and struggled to stand up. She said firmly, "Okay! Then let's go quickly."    


Mi Na only felt that she did not have the slightest bit of strength on her body now. Her pair of feet were as heavy as a thousand jin. She could not even lift them up.    


Especially when they entered the forest, the grass was thick and the leaves were piled up layer by layer. When they stepped on it, it was as if they were stepping on cotton. It made it even more difficult for them to move forward.    


Not long after they walked out, Mi Na suddenly cried out and fell to the side.    


Qin Feng was quick to react. When he heard the scream, he immediately turned around and hugged Mi Na's waist. Only then did Mi Na not fall to the ground.    


"Mi Na, are you okay?" Qin Feng asked worriedly.    


"I didn't..." Mi Na was just about to say that she was fine when her expression suddenly changed and her brows knitted tightly.    


"What is it?" Qin Feng saw Mi Na's expression and knew that something was wrong.    


Sure enough, Mi Na took a cold breath and said, "I... I really want to twist my ankle."    


"It can't be, right?" Qin Feng's expression changed drastically. Their situation was already very dangerous. Mi Na actually twisted her ankle at this time. This was definitely making things worse.    


Qin Feng immediately lowered his head to check on Mi Na's situation. "Did you twist your leg? Let me see."    


Mi Na said, "Right foot."    


Qin Feng squatted down and grabbed Mi Na's calf. He gently took off Mi Na's shoes. He could see that her ankle was red and swollen. She did not need to check to know that it was not light.    


At this time, Qin Feng also knew why Mi Na's foot was twisted. There was a small hole on the ground that was as thick as a bowl. Because it was covered by leaves, it could not be noticed at all. Mi Na's high heels just happened to enter this hole.    


The inside of the hole should be very dark. It was unknown what kind of animal was hiding in the hole.    


Qin Feng checked the injury on Mi Na's ankle and said with a bitter smile, "Luckily I didn't hurt her bones, but don't think about walking for a short time."    


Mi Na said worriedly. "Then what should we do now?"    


Qin Feng did not even think about it and said, "No matter what, we must leave. Come! "I'll carry you."    


"Ah?! Can this... work?" Mi Na said worriedly.    


"It has to work even if it doesn't work. I can't leave you alone, can I?" Qin Feng said seriously.    


As soon as Qin Feng finished speaking, a few birds suddenly flew in the direction of Than Hsiang Temple. Qin Feng's expression changed when he saw this. "There's no time. They have caught up. Let's go quickly."    


Qin Feng half-squatted in front of Mi Na and let Mi Na lie on his back.    


Mi Na gritted her teeth and slowly wrapped her arms around Qin Feng's neck. Qin Feng grabbed Mi Na's legs and stood up. He quickly chose a direction and ran over quickly.    


Although Mi Na was not fat, she was quite tall. Besides, she was a living person. No matter what, she weighed at least a hundred pounds.    


Carrying such a living person on her back, she crossed mountains and rivers. This was definitely a huge test of physical strength. After a few minutes, Qin Feng's face was covered in sweat, and his breathing became hurried.    


Mi Na saw Qin Feng's desperate look and could not help feeling heartache. She suddenly said to Qin Feng, "Qin Feng, why don't you put me down? If you do this, neither of us will be able to escape."    


"What nonsense are you talking about? How can I let go of my friend and run away by myself?" Qin Feng firmly rejected Mi Na's suggestion.    


"That's not what I meant." Mi Na said, "Didn't they want money? " If I really fall into their hands, let them ask my father for money. Before they receive the money, they probably won't do anything to me. "Won't it be fine if you find someone to save me then?"    


Qin Feng still shook his head. "No. God knows what those bastards can do. Don't think about it. I won't let you go and leave."    


Even though it was the current situation, as long as Qin Feng let Mi Na go, he would definitely be able to escape safely. However, if he could do such a thing, it wouldn't be him, Qin Feng.    


After running for a while, the mountain gradually tilted. The slope increased, making it harder for Qin Feng to walk.    


Sensing that his physical strength was depleting rapidly, Qin Feng knew he could not continue like this.    


Although he could not see anyone, Qin Feng could feel that the people behind him had no intention of giving up. If he kept running like this, he would only end up being chased by those people after exhausting all his strength.    


So Qin Feng thought about it and found a big tree that could only be hugged by three to five people. He put Mi Na down.    


"Qin Feng?" Mi Na was a little confused.    


Qin Feng quickly explained, "Mi Na, if we keep running like this, we will be caught by these people sooner or later. If we want to get away safely, we must get rid of them. You hide here first. I will get rid of them and come to you."    


Killing intent rose in her heart. Qin Feng's words were filled with killing intent. Mi Na could not help but hold her breath when she saw Qin Feng's appearance.    


But what followed was an inexplicable excitement and excitement. Mi Na only felt that Qin Feng was really too handsome now.    


"Damn it! What am I thinking at this time?" Realizing that she was actually a little agitated, Mi Na could not help but curse herself. She changed the topic and said, "I will wait for you here. Don't you need to hide?"    


Mi Na could not be blamed for asking. Although the wild goose mountain was lush and dense, the mountain was very gentle. Let alone the cave, there was not even a big rock to be found. Where could there be a place to hide?    


Qin Feng pointed at the big tree. "Hide here."    


Mi Na did not understand and said, "I do not know how to climb trees. Besides, my foot is injured so badly that I cannot climb up even if I want to."    


Qin Feng shook his head and said, "I don't need to climb trees. We just need to hide under the tree."    


After saying that, Qin Feng quickly swept away the dead leaves under the tree and dug out a hole.    


It had been years since he last came to this forest. There were quite a lot of leaves piled up. Especially under this giant tree, the concave part between the two well-developed roots was filled with leaves. The leaves were swept away by Qin Feng. This space could hide a person.    


Mi Na looked at the hole that Qin Feng dug out and said in surprise, "I am hiding here? Can it work?"    


Qin Feng nodded and said, "As long as you don't get discovered immediately. I will lead them away later. You just need to hide well and don't move around. It doesn't matter."    


Speaking up to this point, Qin Feng hesitated for a moment and said, " If I am not back in more than half an hour, it means... Don't wait any longer, go back to Than Hsiang Temple immediately. The police should have arrived in such a long time. It's impossible for them to have a direct confrontation with the police. "    


"Qin Feng!" When Mi Na heard Qin Feng's resolute words, tears immediately fell from her eyes. She choked for a long time but did not say a word.    


Qin Feng laughed and pretended to be relaxed. "Don't worry President Mi. I don't care about those few thieves. We don't have much time. Hurry up and hide."    


Mi Na was lying in the hole that Qin Feng had just dug out. Qin Feng used leaves to bury Mi Na and carefully arranged it. Only when he could not see that there was someone hidden here did he nod his head in satisfaction.    


After hiding Mi Na, Qin Feng turned around and faced the direction of Than Hsiang Temple. In the distance, he could already see a few figures rapidly approaching.    


Qin Feng stared at the figures and gritted his teeth. "You guys forced me to do this."    


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