The First Son-in-law

C1187 Conspiracy

C1187 Conspiracy

Director Wang walked into Mi Na's office with a cold face. He seemed to be suppressing his anger and said, "President Mi... no... she should call the chairman now. I am one of the shareholders of the company. Shouldn't you give me an explanation?"    


Mi Na pretended to not understand. "What explanation?"    


"Mi Na, I am not joking with you. Why is Mi Shang's recent business situation so unstable? As far as I know, A few days ago, Mi Shang's daily sales were even at the lowest point in history. " With this kind of situation, you are the highest person in charge of the company. Don't you have an explanation? "    


Director Wang had been missing for such a long time and did not care about the company's matters at all. Now that he had just returned, he wanted to denounce Mi Na. Qin Feng retorted in a bad mood. Director Wang's news is a bit out of date, isn't it? That was in the past. The situation in Michan Mall has returned to normal. It has even surpassed what it used to be. "What's there to explain?"    


Director Wang glanced at Qin Feng with disdain. He snorted. "Who do you think you are? "I am talking to the chairman. When did you interrupt?" She then said to Mi Na, "Eldest niece, your subordinates have to be properly disciplined. Why don't they know any manners?"    


Mi Na did not invite Director Wang and did not invite him seriously. "Director Wang, Qin Feng is the vice president of the company. He has the right to speak about our Mishang's business situation."    


"Besides, what Vice President Lee said is not wrong. Our business has returned to normal. It is even better than before. " I don't think there's anything wrong with that. "    


Director Wang's expression changed. He argued. "Although it seems like the result is good now, your previous actions have affected Mishang greatly. " For you to make such a big move and not discuss it with me, the director, I'm afraid this isn't appropriate, right? "    


Mi Na heard this and said with a cold smile, "Director Wang! I wanted to discuss it with you, but you were not in the company at all, right? We Mi Shang face the opponent's suppression at all costs. If we do not make a prompt decision, do we still have to wait for you to come back? "By then, I'm afraid that our Michan Mall will have changed its surname a long time ago."    


Director Wang's breathing stagnated as he argued forcefully. "Even so, you should at least let me know, right? It was such a big thing. " I didn't know until now that I am still Mishang's director. "    


Mi Na snorted. "If I remember correctly, I have already informed your assistant. Did he not report to you?"    


It was impossible for Director Wang to not know such a big thing.    


He was obviously pretending to be confused. Seeing that Mi Na's plan had a very good effect, he came back to pick the peach.    


Therefore, Mi Na bluntly made it clear.    


Director Wang could not deny that he really did not know. Could it be that his assistant did not tell him this kind of lie that he could think of with his butt?    


He said awkwardly, "This... I seem to have received the news, but at that time, I also had something important that I might have overlooked. Haha... Hahaha!"    


Mi Na stood up and looked down at Director Wang. "Uncle Wang, after all, I am your junior, so there are some things that I do not want to say too clearly, lest I lose your face."    


"But! You are, after all, a shareholder of Mishang. Previously, Mishang was in such a critical situation, but you, as one of the most important shareholders of the company, could not be present. I am afraid this is not appropriate."    


Director Wang narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Is the chairman beating me?"    


Mi Na admitted directly to Director Wang's question. "That's right! I hope that something like this will not happen again in the future. Otherwise, Director Wang, don't blame me for being heartless."    


Director Wang was so angry that he laughed. "Good... good... good! Old Mi really gave birth to a good daughter!"    


The conversation between the two ended unhappily. Director Wang left Mi Na's office in anger.    


Qin Feng noticed that Mi Na had always been on the winning side. However, after Director Wang left, her face was still solemn.    


"What's wrong? Why is your face so ugly?" Qin Feng asked curiously.    


Mi Na smiled bitterly and sat back in her chair. "I have a feeling Director Wang is not coming with good intentions this time. We just recovered and he just happened to come back. No matter how you look at it, it is too coincidental. In the future, we will probably not have peace again. "    


Qin Feng said nonchalantly. "What's there to worry about? No matter how difficult Director Wang is to deal with, there shouldn't be any trouble for Director Zhou, right? " We have already dealt with Director Zhou, so what can he do? "    


Mi Na nodded. "You are right. After this crisis, my control over the company is completely different from before. Under such circumstances, Director Wang shouldn't be able to do anything."    


Although she said so, Mi Na could not relax. Even she herself did not know what to worry about.    


In Long Sky Mall, Leh Ruohai looked at a financial report with admiration. "I always felt that I have attached great importance to Mi Na, but I did not expect to still look down on this little girl. What brilliant means and great ambition!"    


Li Jingrong said worriedly, "Chairman, now is not the time to praise her, right? According to Mi Shang's current development speed, I'm afraid it will not take five years for him to catch up to our Long Sky's scale."    


If Mi Na or Qin Feng were present, they would definitely be able to see it. The financial report in Leh Ruohai's hand was actually the financial report of Michan Mall.    


Leh Ruohai did not mind and threw the financial report on the desk. He smiled and said, "Jingrong, you are wrong."    


Li Jingrong asked curiously, "Do you think Michan Mall can't catch up to us in a short time?"    


Leh Ruohai shook his head and said, "Yes. "On the contrary, if Mi Shang's current momentum continues, it won't take five years, three years, or even less. Mi Shang's scale will surpass our current scale."    


"What?" Li Jingrong was stunned. "How is this possible?"    


Leh Ruohai sighed. "Mi Na is not a simple girl. She is still young. If he let her continue to grow like this, it would really be amazing. The key is that after this incident, the Michan Mall has become a major power. It is no longer just a subsidiary company under the Michan Group."    


"What shocked me the most was Mi Na's courage. She actually dared to let a person without any experience and qualifications become the director of the Finance Department of the company. "    


Li Jingrong sneered." Chairman, I think you think too highly of her. It is precisely because of this that we were able to grasp Mishang's financial situation so easily recently. This proves Mi Na's mistake."    


Leh Ruohai shook his head in disappointment. "Jingrong, you have always been steady. This is your advantage, but it is also your weakness. You have to think twice before you can do anything."    


"Indeed. Mi Na's life is a person who came alone to be Minister of Finance. In a short period of time, we have gained a lot of benefits. It allows us to easily grasp Mi Shang's financial situation."    


"But haven't you thought about it? It is because this new Minister of Finance does not have any seniority or connections that he is more suitable for such a position where the company's interests are the most complicated?"    


"As long as this person can sit firmly in Minister of Finance's position, it will give Mi Na a huge say."    


Li Jingrong thought for a while and said fiercely, "In that case... Chairman, should we...?" Li Jingrong made a gesture of wiping his neck.    


Clearly, he wanted to get rid of Minister of Finance, Yaoyao.    


To Li Jingrong's surprise, Leh Ruohai rejected his suggestion. "No need."    


Li Jingrong said urgently, "But chairman, are we just going to sit by and watch Mi Na consolidate her power? "We should take advantage of the fact that Mishang's Finance Department is still full of problems to quickly solve this problem."    


Leh Ruohai smiled mysteriously. "Because this may not be a good thing for Mishang."    


Just as Li Jingrong was about to say something, his phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and listened for a while. He said to Leh Ruohai in surprise, "Chairman, Mishang's Director Wang is here. He wants to see you."    


Leh Ruohai stood up and tidied up his suit. He seemed to be talking to Li Jingrong, but also seemed to be talking to himself. "The more Mi Na consolidate her power, the greater the threat to Mi Shang's other shareholders. In the past, it was Director Zhou, now... it is Director Wang. "    


Director Wang had just entered Leh Ruohai's office when Leh Ruohai welcomed him warmly. "Wang! "What brings you here?"    


Director Wang's expression was extremely ugly as he said impatiently. "Leh Ruohai, I am not here to listen to your nonsense."    


Leh Ruohai was not angry. He waved his hand gently.    


Li Jingrong immediately understood and left Leh Ruohai's office.    


After Director Wang and Leh Ruohai were the only ones left in the office, the anger on Director Wang's face disappeared. He found a sofa and sat down. He poured himself a glass of water. "Why did you bring Li Jingrong with you? "I told you that this kid has a bad brain. He is not a quiet person."    


Leh Ruohai smiled bitterly. "Jingrong is my nephew after all. You did not come to me to talk about this, did you?"    


Director Wang said angrily, "What do you mean? "Why can't you even handle a little girl like Mi Na? " Let me tell you, if you delay my matter, you won't be able to bear the consequences. "    


Director Wang's words implied a warning. Leh Ruohai looked unhappy. "Wang, I helped you on account of our past friendship. I have already washed my hands. It has nothing to do with you."    


Director Wang sneered. "Old Li, when did you become so naive? Have you ever done anything that we did before? Now that you mention washing your hands in a golden basin, you think it has nothing to do with you?"    


Leh Ruohai's expression changed. He argued forcefully. "That's why I helped you, but you'd better not go too far. Otherwise... I am not a vegetarian."    


Director Wang lit a cigarette for himself. "Old Li, don't play games with me. If this doesn't benefit you, will you help me? I'm afraid that it's exactly what you want me to find you, right?"    


Leh Ruohai's expression changed, and he said, "Everyone knows what's going on. Let's not waste any more time. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"    


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