The First Son-in-law

C948 He Was so Angry That He Spat out Blood

C948 He Was so Angry That He Spat out Blood

Pop, pop, pop!    


Four or five stones were thrown into the bushes at the same time. To Robber Chief's surprise, the stones did not hit anything.    


Immediately after, a gray rabbit the size of a basketball jumped out from the other side of the bushes and ran away.    


"F * ck!" Robber Chief spat out a mouthful of blood.    


He was shocked and scared for a long time, but in the end, he was competing with a rabbit?    


Thinking of his nervous look, Robber Chief couldn't help but blush.    


Later, he thought of himself in the forest and let out a long sigh of relief. It was fortunate that he had been seen by others. Otherwise, he would have been thrown to his grandmother's house.    


Before Robber Chief could rejoice, a gloating voice sounded, "Sir, you are in a good mood. Now, you are still interested in playing with rabbits."    


Robber Chief turned around at lightning speed. Qin Feng had already stood behind him. He crossed his arms and looked at Robber Chief with a mocking expression.    


"You..." Robber Chief was a little puzzled. He always felt that the person in front of him had changed. However, Robber Chief could not tell exactly what was different.    


"Didn't you call me out? "I've already come out. " Let us see the truth now. " Qin Feng said and slowly walked towards Robber Chief.    


Robber Chief couldn't figure out what Qin Feng was up to, so he couldn't help but take two steps back.    


Realizing that he was scared by this guy who was weaker than him, Robber Chief could not help but become angry from embarrassment.    


"I don't believe that you can still play any tricks now. Go to hell!" Robber Chief's thunderous fist heavily smashed towards Qin Feng.    


Robber Chief was actually playing a trick. This punch seemed to be extremely powerful. But in reality, Robber Chief only used 30% of his strength. As long as Qin Feng dodged, he would be greeted with a storm of attacks prepared by him.    


"Good!" Qin Feng did not dodge. He charged at Robber Chief's fist.    


Robber Chief's fist hit Qin Feng's lower abdomen. It hurt so much that Qin Feng's face twisted. However, Qin Feng clenched his teeth. He did not retreat even half a step. Instead, he reached out and hugged Robber Chief.    


Initially, Robber Chief had thought it through very well, but he could not resist Qin Feng completely going against the plan. Suddenly being hugged by Qin Feng, Robber Chief struggled to pull away from Qin Feng. "Bastard, let go of your father."    


Qin Feng did not reply. He hugged Robber Chief with both hands and pushed him hard. Both of them fell to the ground and rolled on the ground.    


In just an instant, the battle between experts turned into street thugs beating each other up.    


At such a close distance, he could not use his fist technique at all. To put it bluntly, there was no set of fist technique. It was a fight on the ground, right?    


At such a close distance, Robber Chief could not use any of his exquisite moves. He could only roll around and keep hitting Qin Feng.    


Qin Feng was no pushover. With one punch from Robber Chief, he immediately kicked back at Robber Chief.    


Robber Chief hit him once. Qin Feng did not hesitate to return the favor.    


The two of them kept rolling on the ground. One moment, I'll crush you, the other time, you'll crush me. One punch, one kick, each punch hit each other.    


Naturally, there was no way to immediately decide life and death in this kind of fight. Because the distance was too close, the fists of both sides couldn't display the greatest power at all, unable to cause fatal injuries.    


However, this kind of fighting style was definitely the cruelest, because at such a close distance, even an expert like Robber Chief wouldn't have any room to dodge.    


Both sides were really going to take the opponent's attack head on. It all depended on who was the first to be unable to withstand the attack and collapse.    


This kind of situation was once again the result of Qin Feng's meticulous planning.    


Although he won the battle with Robber Laosi, it also made Qin Feng feel very depressed. At this time, he needed to vent his anger. He needed a battle where every fist hit flesh to calm the anger in his heart.    


On the other hand, this kind of battle did not depend on the physical strength of the two sides, but on willpower. As a former special forces soldier, Qin Feng was very confident in his willpower.    


Robber Chief was a little scared. It was not like he had never encountered a crazy and ferocious enemy. However, this was the first time Robber Chief had encountered an enemy like Qin Feng, who was as fearless as a dog's skin and was not afraid of death.    


Most importantly, because both sides were tightly pressed together, Robber Chief was unable to use any of his powerful moves. At most, he could only use 20-30% of his abilities.    


How could he continue like this?    


Therefore, Robber Chief gritted his teeth and hit Qin Feng's head with a headbutt. Qin Feng felt dizzy.    


While Qin Feng was still in a daze, he pushed Qin Feng away with both hands, trying to push him away from him and regroup.    


"Trying to run? No way!" Qin Feng was shocked. However, he knew very well that he would be in danger if he kept a distance.    


Therefore, when Robber Chief pushed him, Qin Feng hugged Robber Chief's hand like a scoundrel to prevent himself from being pushed away. At the same time, he forcefully flipped over and rode on Robber Chief's body. He raised his fist and gave Robber Chief a fierce beating.    


Robber Chief roared and used his knee to hit his back.    


Qin Feng could not help but fall forward. He wanted to hug Robber Chief's head, but Robber Chief dodged it.    


When he missed, Qin Feng lost his balance and rolled forward. In the end, he still pulled away from Robber Chief.    


Robber Chief wiped the blood off his face and a carp jumped up from the ground. He took a stance and stared angrily at Qin Feng, not chasing after him.    


Qin Feng thought it was a pity that no matter what, he had already lost his best chance. So Qin Feng took advantage of the opportunity to roll two rounds forward, then turned around and looked at Robber Chief warily.    


Seeing that Robber Chief did not chase after him, Qin Feng let out a sigh of relief. If Robber Chief had attacked him just now, it would have been hard to say what would have happened.    


The dazzling battle just now seemed like he had gained the upper hand.    


But Qin Feng knew very well that he actually did not gain much advantage. In terms of physical fitness, he could not compare to these guys who had practiced martial arts since they were young. It could be said that killing eight hundred enemies would result in self-destruction of a thousand.    


However, considering the difference in strength between the two, Qin Feng felt that it was still acceptable.    


Bah! Robber Chief spat out his teeth that were stained with blood after being beaten by Qin Feng. He said with a cold smile, "Boy, I admit that your strength is not bad. Although he had used some underhanded methods, it was still not enough. But you're a great man to be able to make me so miserable. "Before I die, do you have any last words to say?"    


Qin Feng disdainfully turned away. "It's not certain who will die and who will live. Just like your two brothers died in my hands."    


"Laosi..." Robber Chief was shocked when he heard that. He said in disbelief, "What did you do to Laosi?"    


Qin Feng said casually, "Don't you think this question is unnecessary? Since I am here now, what else can he do? Don't be angry. I will send you to meet them soon. "    


"Courting death. I want you to die with my junior brother! " Robber Chief attacked in a frenzy.    


The three of them chased after their enemies, but not only did they not take revenge, they even lost two of them. Under such circumstances, how could Robber Chief not be angry?    


"What's going on?" Qin Feng was puzzled.    


He knew how strong these robbers were. But now, Qin Feng suddenly felt that Robber Chief's strength wasn't as strong as before.    


What was strange was that Qin Feng could clearly feel that the difference in strength between him and Robber Chief hadn't shrunk. However, he felt that Robber Chief wasn't as powerful as he was before. He was so powerful that it made people despair.    


Robber Chief's fists were incomparably powerful, but Qin Feng was not afraid at all. He took out his dagger with a calm expression and aimed it at Robber Chief's fist, piercing his throat.    


"F * ck!" Robber Chief cursed and could only forcefully change his move.    


Although his fist could easily beat Qin Feng half to death. But at the same time, Qin Feng's dagger could easily pierce through his throat.    


Robber Chief wanted to take revenge for his two junior brothers, but he did not want to lose his life.    


Robber Chief changed his move, and Qin Feng also changed his move. It was still a suicidal move, but this time, the target became Robber Chief's eyes.    


"Damn it!" Robber Chief really wanted to lose his eyes. He really wanted to fight this bastard in front of him until both of them were injured.    


However, he didn't dare to do so. Just based on his opponent's speed. If he really didn't care, it would probably not be as simple as piercing his eyes.    


In the blink of an eye, the two exchanged seven or eight moves.    


In terms of moves, Robber Chief was indeed much better than Qin Feng. However, he had never been able to deal any fatal damage to Qin Feng.    


The more Qin Feng fought, the more confident he was. His trump card was still useless. The dried branch that had been smeared with poison was hidden behind his back. He was ready to give Robber Chief a surprise at any moment.    


Robber Chief rolled his eyes and suddenly stopped attacking. He said to Qin Feng with some reluctance, "Little brother, you are too kind. You can't kill me anyway. I can't do anything to you now. Why don't we just give up?"    


Haha! Sure! Then please do as you please." Qin Feng pointed at the forest behind Robber Chief and said.    


"Ugh! Are you going to let me go just like that?" Robber Chief was stunned. He did not expect Qin Feng to agree so quickly.    


"The reason I dealt with all of you is purely to protect myself. I really don't want to offend experts like you guys." Qin Feng sighed. "Since you said you don't want to fight, this is the best."    


"Okay! Little brother is really quick. Our green mountains do not change the flow of water... we will meet again if fate allows it!" Robber Chief cupped his fists at Qin Feng, turned around and left.    


Just as Robber Chief turned around, Qin Feng suddenly attacked. The dried branch that was smeared with poison had been held in Qin Feng's hand at some point, and was thrust straight at Robber Chief's back.    


However, Robber Chief seemed to be prepared. He dodged Qin Feng's attack with a sliding step and threw a backhanded punch at Qin Feng's chest. Clearly, he was prepared for this.    


After discovering the intention of the other party, Qin Feng and Robber Chief cursed at the same time, "Despicable. I knew you would do this."    


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