The First Son-in-law

C652 They Acted in Secret

C652 They Acted in Secret

"Brother, I'm not that kind of person. Haha." Xie Degao patted Qin Feng's shoulder. "It's mainly because I like you. You are a good brother."    


"Thank you, brother. If you need anything in the future, just tell me." Qin Feng said emotionally, but he immediately added, "But we have agreed beforehand. I won't do anything illegal."    


"You brat." Qin Feng punched Qin Feng in the chest. Xie Degao leaned close to Qin Feng's ear and said, "I don't dare to say anything else. These young masters in the province, no matter which one you can't deal with, just tell me. I promise I will deal with them well."    


As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. Every kind of people had their own circle. It was the same for these second generations. Of course. Of course, they will also be divided into three, six, nine, and so on. This three, six, nine, is very simple. They would be divided according to the size of their father's power. Xie Qiang would be in charge of the Inspection Committee. Whether it was in terms of strength or position, he had the absolute advantage. In addition to Xie Degao's personality in the past. It was not surprising that he could be one of the best in the second generation of the province.    


That's right. Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised. This might also be a way. In the future, there might be a lot of connections that could be opened up by Xie Degao. Thinking of this, "Brother Xie, we finally have a chance. How about we have a drink together in the afternoon?"    


"No, no!" Xie Degao waved his hand and said seriously, "No alcohol in the afternoon. That is absolutely not allowed to drink."    


"No alcohol is meant for others. It can even be on your head." Qin Feng said disapprovingly.    


"Brother, I'm not joking. I really can't do it recently." Since he had changed his mind, Xie Degao decided to do a good job. He would not make such a low-level mistake.    


"Then Brother Xie has to give me a chance!" Qin Feng was a little anxious. This relationship could not be established in a day or two. He had to seize every opportunity.    


"How about tonight?" Xie Degao looked at Cheung Yun. "Call Lin Xuemei over tonight. This way, you can invite your sister-in-law."    


When Xie Degao said this, Qin Feng understood everything. So this kid had other motives!    


However, she had helped him so much. It was only right for him to pay a bit. Immediately, he nodded his head without hesitation and agreed. "I will immediately contact Sister Lin and try to get her to come back at night."    


"Okay, okay." Qin Feng's reply made Xie Degao very satisfied. Everyone liked to interact with smart people, and Xie Degao was no exception. In fact, he did not lack this invitation, but Qin Feng's invitation was an exception. After changing his personality, Qin Feng was particularly concerned about his father's career. He was not stupid to begin with. Now, he had changed his personality. After a brief analysis, he knew what he should do. That was to help his father build a good relationship with the public relations department. In addition, Xie Degao wanted to build a good relationship with Cheung Yun. That was why he wanted to use Qin Feng as a platform. Qin Feng was not stupid. He immediately understood what Xie Degao meant. The two of them laughed and settled the matter.    


"Let me tell you, don't meddle in other people's business in the future." After Xie Degao left, Cheung Yun said to Qin Feng in a bad mood.    


Cheung Yun could not stay calm no matter how cultured she was.    


"Sister Zhang, do as I say! Who doesn't make a mistake? Brother Xie's performance is not bad now. " You have to give him a chance! " Qin Feng also wanted to facilitate the matter between Xie Degao and Cheung Yun. After all, this was not a small favor.    


"Let me tell you seriously. If you want our cooperation to proceed, then don't worry about me and him. Otherwise, there is no need to talk about our cooperation." Cheung Yun coldly grabbed the bag in her hand, "In addition, let me remind you. The precondition for you to run away is that there is an approval. Has your approval come down yet?"    


"I am already running away." Seeing Cheung Yun stand up, Qin Feng quickly got up to send her off.    


"You can trust those people too." Cheung Yun stopped and looked at Qin Feng. "I heard that you have a little conflict with Boss Liu's son."    


In some circles in the provincial capital, some news spread too fast, especially some conflicts. It was as if they had grown wings. Although Cheung Yun did not come into contact with that circle, she belonged to that circle after all. Naturally, she had her own information channels. In this day and age, it was very important to have a reliable information circle.    


"Sister Zhang, what do you mean?" Qin Feng was shocked. He could hear the meaning behind Cheung Yun's words. "This should be a hint.    


Qin Feng quickly took out his phone and made a call to the other side. In the end, he said he was sorry. He wanted to ask why, but the other side had already hung up and turned off his phone when he called again.    


"Let's deal with the preconditions first!" Cheung Yun looked at Qin Feng with sympathy and took her bag to make a gesture of leaving. At the same time, her impression of Qin Feng was greatly reduced. "Manager Lee, there is no order in doing things like this. I don't know what to do first. It is a good idea to build a medical city, and the prospects are good. But you have to have a reasonable plan. You can't just do whatever you think. First of all, you have to get the project. Second, you have to have all the prerequisites. This is the only way you can negotiate with them, Manager Lee. I am a straightforward person, and I might not be able to listen to you. However, everything is the truth. If you want to move in all directions, you have to have your own rights. "Yes."    


"Sister Zhang, I understand." Qin Feng felt as if his heart had been pricked by a needle, but he still nodded with a smile. He knew Cheung Yun was telling the truth, and she was thinking for him. Most importantly, she was telling the truth, but it was just a little insensitive.    


"I advise you to deal with it one by one!" Cheung Yun looked at Qin Feng and knew that the Edge Company had plans to build a medical city. Cheung Yun had done research on Lin Wanjiang after she knew that Lin Wanjiang wanted to use her civilian medicine as a gun. She was more inclined to the Edge Company. After all, the cost there was much lower. She had once examined Qin Feng and felt that he was different from the other bosses. What he did was for the sake of the common people, and not for the sake of his own interests. Just this point alone was enough for Cheung Yun to appreciate. However, Cheung Yun also had her own principles. What she did was to be safe because it was just like what she said. She did not have the capital to mess around. She had developed medicine for the benefit of the people bit by bit. Although Xie Qiang would inevitably greet her under special circumstances, it was mostly due to Cheung Yun's efforts. Therefore, she would not easily decide the future of the people. However, if a company wanted to develop, it would not be a bad opportunity at the moment. It was precisely because of this that she deliberately reminded Qin Feng. Otherwise, she wouldn't offend someone she had only met a few times. Furthermore, this person was in the circle.    


Seeing Cheung Yun leave, Qin Feng's anxious heart calmed down. Although a lot of trouble was waiting for him, Qin Feng still sat down steadily. Only now did he realize how important it was to have a reasonable plan.    


Opening the notebook again, Qin Feng drew on it and listed all the things that needed to be done. Then, he sorted them according to the priorities. In the end, Qin Feng decided to settle two things first. One was about the highway, and the other was about Liu Yu. He could tell that those hospitals had signed with him.    


However, if you didn't bring out something that everyone believed in, they wouldn't go to the Edge Company. So now, you must let them see hope, even if you are now in tatters. As long as there is hope, they can make a decision. Now that you are speaking empty words, they will believe you. In this day and age, if it wasn't for the matter of placing the nail, no one would dare to say for sure. Take the matter of the provincial bus station as an example, the previous boss would say it. From the bus station to the highway bridge, there is a separate entrance. The cars that leave the city from the bus station will go straight to the highway. They couldn't go down there anymore, and it was proven at the time. Because it was indeed a good plan, and at the beginning, it was also very generous. We'll immediately make a hole on the bridge, but when we fix it, we'll be in trouble. The bus station's traffic was really too large, and there were many people going around here from north to south. It was impossible to close the construction, so this matter dragged on. It had been through many bosses, but it was still hanging. Nobody even thought about it. People knew it now. Things in the circle are the worst to believe, and you can't believe it if it's not true. Qin Feng knew this better than anyone else. When he was with Zhong Hongtao, he went through another term. At that time, a few of the bosses of the bureau patted their chests and said that the boss had agreed to his request. If he wanted to settle his position, he would go to the People's Political Conference. There were even some people who had already started treating, and the people outside felt that this matter could basically be accomplished. After all, they were all heavyweight bosses, but they didn't realize it until the day of the announcement. All of this was their own wishful thinking. None of the bosses in the department of transportation could be promoted to deputy hall. On the contrary, there were two bosses in the farm. One of them was a big man, and the other was a member of the political conference. Qin Feng once again realized what had happened. There were many things in the circle that could not be easily believed. It could only be confirmed after the dust had settled.    


Therefore, Qin Feng made the matter of the highway the most important thing. He thought that this was the key to solving the problem of Edge Company. Of course, Liu Yu's matter couldn't be delayed, even though he knew Xie Degao's strength. But he was afraid that Xie Degao wouldn't take this question seriously, so... He decided that he had to do both things at the same time. Qin Feng found a problem. That was, if he wanted to solve these two problems, he would have to do both things at the same time. This person was Shi Yun. Whether it was the highway or Liu Yu's problem, Shi Yun was a key person. After confirming this question, Qin Feng let out a long sigh and closed his notebook. No matter what method he used, he had to take Shi Yun down first. After what happened last time, he wanted to take her down again. Towards such a person, it definitely could not be as simple as coaxing an ordinary person to solve the problem. It was even more impossible for a meal and a bouquet of flowers to change his mind. He needed to think of a very brilliant way to change his mind. However, what kind of method could be considered a brilliant method? Inviting Lin Xuemei to come forward again? Could Shi Yun buy her face? If she did not do so, The other party won't even see him if he's talking to him alone. Qin Feng was stumped. He couldn't think of any good way to deal with Shi Yun. At this moment, the phone in Qin Feng's pocket suddenly rang. He was so engrossed that he was shocked when the phone rang. He took it out and looked at it. Qin Feng couldn't help frowning. At this moment, he was most afraid of trouble, but trouble kept coming to him.    


"Hey!" Qin Feng did not want to answer the phone, but he was afraid that there would be more trouble. He could only pick it up helplessly. Of course, the phone was a little far from his ear.    


"Hey, where are you?" A slightly fierce female voice sounded from the other side of the phone. Qin Feng did not understand. She was so beautiful.    


Why does a woman always have the aura of a pugilistic world?    


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