The First Son-in-law

C653 I'm Not Idling Around

C653 I'm Not Idling Around

"I'm in the provincial capital. What can I do for you?" Qin Feng said coldly.    


"Of course. I haven't finished my work before the New Year. Of course I have to continue supervising now. " Mei on the other side of the phone said seriously, "Let me tell you. Don't think that I have forgotten about this matter just because I have not contacted you for so long. Let me tell you, I remember those millions of things clearly. If there is a single cent that cannot match the bill, I will not let you off."    


"Don't worry, even if I die of poverty, I won't touch a single cent of your money." Qin Feng said snappily.    


"What do you mean?" Qin Feng was angry. How could he not know what Qin Feng was talking about? He was unhappy. Why did I run all the way to that sh * tty place? "You have no conscience. Now you are talking to me like this. Are you still a man?"    


Alright, alright, I'm busy right now. Do you have anything else to do? " Qin Feng didn't want to get entangled with this woman, even though he felt she was his lucky star. Speaking of which, No matter how beautiful a woman was, as long as there was a flaw in her personality, it was hard for men to admit it. This was an indisputable fact.    


"I will go to the provincial capital in two hours. You go to the airport to pick me up," Mei said in a commanding tone.    


"I am busy here!" Qin Feng was really annoyed. He did not have any clue about Shi Yun's matter. He knew very little about Shi Yun and did not know what to use to move her. Now that the situation had become like this, he was at a loss. He did not know where to start.    


"No, you must come and pick me up. Otherwise... I will not give you what Hanyu gave you." When she thought of the scene of Hanyu and Qin Feng fighting on the bed that night, Mei felt a fever on her face.    


"Hanyu? What did Hanyu give me?" Qin Feng was confused. He thought to himself, "Why didn't she greet me in advance?    


"Humph, you are so passionate when you mention this fox. Believe it or not, it's up to you." Mei hung up the phone after she finished speaking.    


"Hello, hello, hello." Qin Feng shouted at the phone a few times. He was so angry. "You have to explain the number of cars to me.    


When he called back, the other party had already turned off his phone. Qin Feng was so angry that he wanted to smash the phone in his hand. In the end, he held it in. This was an elegant occasion, although he was a little old-fashioned. The two roars just now had already attracted many people's attention. If he smashed his phone again, it might cause a commotion.    


After settling the bill, Qin Feng hurriedly got into the car and went straight to the train station. The plane from Beijing to here only took thirty to forty minutes, but it would take him more than an hour to get to the airport from his current position. Qin Feng didn't dare to delay.    


The airport was lively and quiet. It was lively because there were a lot of people. The cold was because the people who came here were very cold. Most of them were bowing their heads. They were all holding their phones and playing with them.    


"Handsome, do you want to go in and have a seat?" Just as he found a place to sit, a sweet looking girl came up to him.    


"Ah?" Qin Feng did not react for a moment. Only when he saw the direction the other party was pointing at did he realize that the other party was inviting him over to wash his feet.    


Nowadays, washing one's feet was no longer just washing one's feet. It was mixed with soaking one's feet, massaging the bottom of one's feet, and even some sort of ambiguous service.    


"We have proper foot treatment here. We can get the right to rest inside for free at 88 yuan." The woman deliberately straightened her body. Business nowadays is not easy. Even if it was this kind of serious business, you had to be willing to give up. There was nothing to be done about it. The competition was too fierce.    


In the bustling hall, it was really too difficult to rest well. It was not impossible to soak your feet and squint for a while inside, but... Thinking of Mei's suspicions, thinking of the word 'foot treatment' made one's imagination run wild. Qin Feng felt that it was better to not do this kind of thing too much. In this day and age, it was better to not do this kind of thing too much. In this day and age, he might stumble somewhere, even though there might not be anyone here who would know him. He was afraid that if that happened, the boss who was reported on the Internet doing bad things overseas would be recorded and uploaded to the Internet in China. This thing, it's better to be careful. However, he never would have thought that... By the time he thought about it, it was too late.    


"Handsome and beautiful are having a good chat!" A cold voice sounded, and Qin Feng's heart skipped a beat.    


"Why are you here first?" He turned his head and saw Mei standing in front of him with a face full of anger.    


"Did you ruin your plan?" Mei asked. Mei threw the bag into Qin Feng's arms and looked at the woman beside Qin Feng. "Hey, how much is it? How do you plan to spend the night?"    


"What are you talking about?" The woman next to Qin Feng suddenly stood up. The reason why she was so tough was because she had confidence. Firstly, she relied on her boss's backing. Secondly, what she did was not to sell herself. Plus, she was in her own territory, so it was understandable for her to be a little unreasonable. Furthermore, women had jealousy in their hearts, especially when they saw that Mei was prettier than her. This woman felt that she had to suppress Mei's arrogance in some way. She had a good idea. The key was that she had found the wrong person. She had chosen the wrong person when she chose the wrong person. She did not realize it at all. She was not a heavyweight player with Mei. This could be seen from her aura. Mei looked down on her completely, but when this woman looked at Mei, she had an inexplicable fear. Very quickly, this fear became reality.    


"That's what I said." Mei leaned forward and suddenly attacked without any warning. With a loud slap, she gave the other party a slap.    


"You little hoofs." The woman who was hit did not want to be outdone. She went forward and grabbed Mei's hair with one hand and grabbed Mei's cheek with the other. This was a trick that women used to fight, but she neglected one point because Mei was not an ordinary woman. So this ordinary trick did not work on her at all.    


It was more than enough to deal with an ordinary man, let alone a woman. Things happened too suddenly. By the time Qin Feng moved to stop her, Mei had already knocked this woman to the ground.    


"Are you crazy?" Qin Feng stepped forward and pulled Mei away from the woman. At this moment, the people around had gathered. A few police officers rushed over not far away. They shouted something into the walkie-talkie as they ran.    


"What's going on?" A few security guards pushed the crowd aside and went forward.    


"It's a misunderstanding. It's fine. They're quarreling!" Qin Feng quickly explained to Mei while nodding to her. He hoped that she would understand his hard work and quickly reconcile with that woman. However, things were usually not controlled by others.    


"This woman is selling herself to seduce my husband." Mei's words made Qin Feng feel like the sky was falling. He thought, Can't you just stop?    


"Take her away." Seeing that more and more people were gathering, the leader waved at the two people behind him. It was better to go to the police station to deal with this kind of thing.    


"Don't touch me." Just as the two were about to attack, Mei captured the other person and held him back. The other person probably did not expect to suddenly come here. The face of the young man who was held back immediately turned red. He was a big man and wore police uniform. He was also in a public place. How could he feel good about this thing?    


"What are you doing?" Qin Feng was very angry. What the hell? "If he gives you peace, I'll give you peace. What about an assault on the police? Don't think that your family's influence is great. If someone tried to get all of this online, you would be finished.    


At the moment, Qin Feng didn't care about anything else. He quickly stopped Mei.    


The leader was even more decisive. He directly pulled out his gun. He was not a fool. Whether it was Mei or Qin Feng just now, it did not matter. It's not something a normal person can do. At first, he thought of a terrifying incident. After all, too many people had been exposed on the Internet. Especially in a situation like an airport, he couldn't help but think about it.    


"Those who are not involved, step back!" The leader pointed his gun at Qin Feng and shouted at the people around him. After he was done, he called for backup from the walkie-talkie.    


It was over. It was over. Qin Feng glared at Mei fiercely. This was good. A small matter had become a big deal.    


"Misunderstanding. Misunderstanding. We are really just a small misunderstanding." Qin Feng smiled and said to the leader, "We can solve it ourselves. We can solve it ourselves."    


"She has a gun. I am here. " What is there to be afraid of? What is there to be afraid of in this world? The girl who was just beaten up by Mei is now energized. Speaking of which, she is able to get along well with these police officers all day long. It was just that because Mei had beaten her up too badly, the few of them could not see her real face clearly now. Now that they had a closer look, they knew that she was in the airport's interior store. Plus, she said "there is a gun," which made everyone's nerves tense up again. The leader even started to move his left hand to his left side of his waist. Qin Feng knew this move very well. If his guess was right, It must have gone away.    


"Listen to me, don't move." Qin Feng whispered into Mei's ear, "Do as they say."    


"I really have a gun in my bag." Mei's words almost made Qin Feng faint. "F * ck, you are trying to kill me.    


"You are crazy." Qin Feng really wanted to strangle Mei to death.    


"What are you afraid of?" Mei said indifferently, "I have legal procedures."    


The two of them were brought to a room and closed the door. Before the two of them could react, they were handcuffed. They could not be blamed, be it the fight just now or the 'gun'. Either way, they had the right to do so.    


"Tell me, what's going on?" Especially after they found the gun from the bag. After they found the gun in the bag, they looked as if they were facing a great enemy. Qin Feng saw it clearly. This was definitely a great opportunity to make a contribution. This thing caught a gunman causing trouble. Moreover, there were no casualties. This thing might even add beans! Thinking of this, However, before he came in, he received another call. He knew very well that if he took this opportunity to show off...    


He seemed to have seen the promotion and salary waving at him. Without saying anything else, he looked at the two policemen who were waving at Qin Feng.    


"Tell me, what's going on?" The leader knocked Qin Feng on the cheek with the butt of his gun. Mei's beauty was too stunning, even when she found the gun in her bag. Even though she had embarrassed one of the police officers, they still gave the beauty enough face. At this moment, other than the disrespect in her eyes, she didn't do much, because the leader knew that... The boss behind the footbath loved women, especially beautiful and energetic women. He liked women the most, with the help of this incident. If he were to send another beautiful woman up...    


"You guys are abusing your lynching!" Qin Feng had never been in such a sorry state before. He was already out of breath after being beaten up.    


"Abandoning lynching? Hahaha, what a joke!" The leader of the police officers pointed a gun at Qin Feng's face. "With a gun, do you really think you are special police?"    


This brother's words reminded Qin Feng. Since Mei could bring a gun to the plane, she must have her own special channel. It shouldn't be a problem to explain this, right? Maybe a phone call could solve it.    


"Go and ask that woman. She will explain it to you. In addition, let me give you a piece of advice. " Don't think that you don't know your last name just because you have some power in your hands. Some people are not people you can afford to offend." Qin Feng's words were very clear. Unfortunately, his brother was already in a state of extreme excitement. He had already forgotten himself and could not hear what Qin Feng was saying. He was just trying to figure out how to maximize his benefits with this matter.    


"Call him well. This is a terrifying incident." The leader signaled to the other two people with his eyes. He immediately determined the nature of this matter.    


Knowing that no matter how he tried to justify himself, Qin Feng simply shut his mouth. He hoped that he would be able to see the light in the dark and fall into someone else's hands. He could only say that he was unlucky.    


Mei, who was in the other room, did not seem to care. Although she was controlled, she did not care. She still looked carefree and did not take this matter seriously at all. She knew that such a matter must be reported. As long as the higher ups knew about it, the rest of the matter would be much easier to handle. However, she had overlooked a problem. Since ancient times, it was always easy for Hell King to see ghosts but hard to avoid them. The bigger the boss, the easier it was for him to talk. The more these little ghosts were, the easier it was to cause trouble.    


"Brother Liu, you are definitely strong. Do you want to come and take a look?" Finding a quiet place, this brother called someone.    


"Well done, well done." The person on the other side of the phone was very excited, but he didn't say anything on the spot. "Business is business. Business is business. It's not a small matter to publicly commit murder with a gun."    


"It's all under our control." The man smiled and said, "Brother Liu, please come over and check your work."    


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