The First Son-in-law

C686 This Is Hard to Explain

C686 This Is Hard to Explain

"That guy was right." Wai Hongliang patted Qin Feng's shoulder. "Brother, what can you give me? You can't give me anything. She was born in such a family. Although Old Man Lin seemed to have gotten over it, However, who could understand the thoughts and desires in his heart? You are also a father. You should be able to understand the feelings a father has for a child. So, "Think about it yourself!"    


After saying that, Wai Hongliang patted Qin Feng's shoulder and left. Qin Feng was left alone. His mind was blank. He did not dare to imagine what would happen if he lost Lin Xuemei. Although he had nothing left, Qin Feng knew. Lin Xuemei would not allow herself to continue like this, but... Once she makes up her mind to leave the other party, then her future... Perhaps Lin Xuemei will arrange a good nine-to-five job for her to earn a few thousand dollars a month due to her old relationship. That might be what Zhou Ningmeng was looking forward to, but it was not what she hoped for. After experiencing the big ups and downs in the circle, Qin Feng's thoughts had changed from quantity to quality. He was no longer willing to just be a person who lived a life of idleness. He had his own ideals and unfulfilled ambitions. Today, although he was very far away from the Edge Company, If it wasn't for Lin Xuemei using her connections and methods to force Ang Baowei to take over the position of the person in charge, his heart would still be in his heart. Furthermore, Mei was there to oversee the situation, Qin Feng would have already gone there. Even so, he still maintained three to five phone calls a day. Once someone told him that something had happened, he would be more anxious than Ang Baowei, the leader of the family. Could it be possible for him to go back to his hometown and peacefully spend his days with his wife and children?    


However, Xie Degao and Wai Hongliang's words kept ringing in his ears. If Xie Degao said this because of his own selfish motives, then Wai Hongliang definitely meant it from the bottom of his heart. After all, the relationship between the two of them was laid out here. Since Xie Degao could say such words, it meant that there were many people who had such thoughts. Most importantly, did Lin Xuemei have such thoughts?    


A thought flashed into Qin Feng's mind. In an instant, Qin Feng felt like the sky was about to collapse. Other people's thoughts were irrelevant. The key was what Lin Xuemei thought. Did she have such thoughts long ago? Did she also hope that she would be sensible enough to stay away from her?    


Such thoughts became more and more intense. Qin Feng was almost certain that Lin Xuemei had pulled him out of the circle this time to prepare for the next step. She probably didn't want him to cause trouble for her in that circle and then find a quiet corner to send him away. Then she will fight for herself, and then she will find happiness that belongs to her. However, she was still foolishly following behind her like a stalker.    


Qin Feng, show some courage.    


He clenched his fists tightly. Qin Feng gritted his teeth and told himself that he had already lost control of himself and had long forgotten about Lin Xuemei.    


"Qin Feng, how is the matter going? If it hasn't been done, then don't do it. He came to find me just now..." The phone rang and a text message came in. Qin Feng looked at the horizontal and vertical lines of words and wanted to subside? The fire came up in a flash. If it was in the past, Qin Feng could be sure that this was because Lin Xuemei was soft-hearted. But this time, especially what Xie Degao said just now. Qin Feng could basically confirm that there was a reason why Lin Xuemei was soft-hearted this time. And this reason was because Lin Xuemei had thoughts about the son of Hai Gui, the chairman. It was precisely because she had thoughts. This meant that she was already moved by that person.    


After scolding the person next door, women were indeed fickle.    


Qin Feng's face was ferocious as he punched the coffee table. The veins on the back of his hands were bulging. At this moment, it was very difficult for him to be associated with handsomeness. On the contrary, he looked like a mad bull.    


"I won't be involved in this matter anymore." Qin Feng sent a text message with trembling hands.    


Shaoqing sent a text message with only one word. There was only one word on it. There were many such text messages. If Qin Feng said something, Lin Xuemei did not know how to answer, but she would usually use this word to replace it. Qin Feng was already used to it. After all, Lin Xuemei was not a god. She could not respond to anything immediately. She also needed to understand and find a way to solve the problem. Qin Feng's thoughts were simple. He just wanted Lin Xuemei to not think of a good solution yet, but this time... He no longer felt that Lin Xuemei was just a simple response. Instead, he felt that she was too lazy to talk to him anymore. She was so lazy that she only used one word to respond to him.    


"Sister Hanyu, where are you?" Men always thought of releasing themselves when they were suppressing themselves. The person they released would not be their wife. This was probably a phenomenon that could not be tolerated. But it is a fact that one has to admit, if it is a man who does not have a confidante, He might release this inexplicable anger on an unfamiliar woman, so they would go somewhere to release their repressed feelings. And for men with certain abilities, they would look for their confidants and let their confidants heal the wounds in their hearts. Qin Feng was like this. He didn't hesitate at all. The call went straight to Hanyu's phone.    


"I'm in Beijing." Hanyu was now much freer than before. The old people on both sides already knew about the matter between the husband and wife. Fortunately, the in-laws were not unreasonable people. They only mentioned one condition to Hanyu. That was that no matter what the situation was, they could not divorce. You could choose anything else. Because they had to cover their face. Some families' children were also very sad. Sometimes, for the sake of some people's so-called interests and face, they have to sacrifice themselves to satisfy their selfish desires. To satisfy the so-called dignity that they lived above the so-called upper echelons.    


"I'm going over now." These words almost came out of Qin Feng's mouth.    


"You want to come over?" Hanyu who was lazy just a moment ago suddenly became energetic. Her voice was raised quite a bit, but very quickly, she said in a low voice, "Are you coming over with Xuemei?"    


"I will go by myself." Qin Feng suddenly calmed down and his voice became much gentler. At this moment, he suddenly realized that Hanyu really did not have any feelings for him. She treated him as well as Lin Xuemei. At the beginning, she treated him as well. Maybe she really just wanted to have a relationship with herself once, but what happened afterward wasn't just about fantasizing about the kiss of the skin, it wasn't just about getting in touch with her. Especially those few times when she tried her best to help him. If it wasn't for Hanyu, However, Qin Feng's life wouldn't have been so good. All this time, Qin Feng felt like he was eating a soft meal when he was facing Hanyu. Because of this, Qin Feng had never taken the initiative. If it wasn't because he was in a bad mood, this time, I don't think he's going to be the first to send out a signal that he wants to go.    


"Really?" Hanyu suddenly became alert. "When are you coming over? Where to? Should I drive or take a car? Do you want me to pick you up? "    


There were four or five question marks in a row. Qin Feng's heart melted in an instant. "I'll take the train. There are too many people and too many eyes. Just wait for me at home."    


"It's okay. I'll go pick you up. Are you going to the south or west station?" Qin Feng could clearly hear the other party rummaging through the cabinets. Needless to say, the other party was already preparing for this date.    


"Let's go to the west station. Get closer to your side." The matter was set. Qin Feng didn't feel happy at all. He even felt empty in his heart. After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng went out and got into the car, heading straight to the train station. With the train and high-speed rail, it was convenient for a lot of people. Especially for some people, they dared to do things that they didn't dare to do in the past. There was no need to spend the night going back and forth for hundreds of kilometers. It was hard to tell if it was really convenient or an alternative kind of sorrow.    


Meeting, hugging, speechless, surging with passion and rising and falling of the tide, it spoke of Hanyu's needs. The chilly wind was unable to resist the passion of the two of them.    


"Do you have something on your mind?" Women were usually understanding and understanding, and they didn't like to only be understanding and understanding like men.    


"Nothing much. I just feel a little annoyed." Qin Feng knew that in front of a person like Hanyu, there was no need to hide anything, because his feelings and eyes had already betrayed everything.    


"Because of that?" Hanyu already knew that Qin Feng followed Lin Xuemei out of the circle, but she did not take the initiative to ask about it. As a wild woman who did not have any qualifications, Hanyu could not openly "contend" with Zhou Ningmeng like Lin Xuemei did. All she could do was wait and wait for Qin Feng to give her the right opportunity. Waiting for her to get the other party's favor at the right time, only at such a time. Hanyu had the chance to ask the question in her heart, especially since she knew how to respect Qin Feng's "face. She knew what to say and what not to say. She knew some of Qin Feng's choices. Hanyu had never told anyone what to do. All she did was try her best to do what she could for him. As a man, it was enough for her to have such a beauty in her life. This was also one of the reasons why Lin Xuemei was always on guard against Hanyu and did not allow Qin Feng to interact with her frequently. Because she knew Hanyu's strengths and knew Hanyu's methods of capturing men.    


"No." Originally, she did not intend to say it, but Qin Feng could not help but want to tell the truth. In the end, he still told the truth. In the end, he couldn't help but ask, "What do you think I should do?"    


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