The First Son-in-law

C676 Taxi Trouble

C676 Taxi Trouble

"Who else could it be?" Qin Feng said angrily. "I've been thinking about it. I suspected that he just didn't have any evidence at first. Now that I heard you say so, I'm even more certain. However, I still don't have any evidence."    


"No wonder he cares about you so much. However, we can't talk about things without evidence. What if it wasn't him?" Zhou Ningmeng was still more cautious.    


"Basically, it is him. But it is as you said. Things without evidence cannot be said randomly, especially at this time. " If anything goes wrong, it'll be troublesome. " Qin Feng nodded. At this time, he was not too reckless. He knew that he had to think twice before doing anything. "After you finish your studies, pay attention to his actions and find a suitable opportunity to ask him."    


"Can you ask him this casually?" Zhou Ningmeng's brain was working at a high speed while she was talking. She was wondering how she could get Wei Dapeng to ask her.    


"Didn't I just say that we should find a suitable opportunity and tell him? I don't have the heart to fight with him right now. Moreover, he has served the old master before. " Although he is heartless, I will not be unjust. The past is over, and I will do whatever I have to do to let him down. If he insists on fighting, I will make him regret coming to this world. "Unconsciously, the bandits in Qin Feng's heart started to rise again.    


Don't worry about this matter. If it is really him, I will find a way to get it out for you. If it is not him, then there is nothing else I can do. " Zhou Ningmeng said confidently.    


"I hope it is him." Qin Feng hoped it would end as soon as possible. He preferred to stay in the Edge Company. After all, he was the one who started it. Now that he had finally seen the results, he was unwilling to let go just like that. Especially when he thought that he was just a transfer. Although he knew that Zhou Ningmeng's transfer was because she was afraid that getting transferred would cause more trouble. However, he still had a lot of expectations.    


"If it is really him, he can indeed save a lot of trouble." How could Zhou Ningmeng not understand Qin Feng's thoughts? "However, I advise you not to think about going back to the Edge Company anymore. You know your own identity very well. You are destined to be the one behind the scenes due to your special identity. It's not advisable to go forward and show your face like other people. Just do as I said and live this peaceful life. Don't think about anything else, your age is already very good under us. What else do you want? "Some people will never be able to make it through their entire lives!"    


Zhou Ningmeng was used to her father's deception in the circle. She only wanted a peaceful life. She firmly believed that her father's illness was largely due to his hard work and social interaction. If it wasn't because there were endless things to deal with every day, if it wasn't because there were endless social interactions every day, Her father's body shouldn't have collapsed so quickly. In her memory, her father had always been a mountain-like existence, and had never been bothered by these diseases. He wouldn't even have a common cold, but who would have thought that... A body like this collapses, and it turns out to be terminal. This was something she had never thought of, and was even more unwilling to believe. She had always wondered if the hospital had made a mistake, but the truth had mercilessly destroyed her final fantasy. In the end, her father had not been able to defeat the disease. From then on, she had felt that living a normal life was a very blissful life, so... All along, she had always hoped to have a calm life without any disputes. She didn't want to fight for fame and fortune. She just needed a warm environment. Helpless, this kind of life could only appear in her dreams.    


"I also want to live an ordinary life. It's just that... I have already embarked on this path of no return, wanting to turn back is too difficult. " I have already reached this step. Do you think I can still retreat? " Qin Feng's eyes were firm. "Since I have the opportunity to serve the people now, Since I have the opportunity to punish evil and to do good, I cannot give up easily. I have to use my current power to do something. Otherwise, I will be sorry for this opportunity. As you can see, if I don't go to the Edge Company, It may still be like old society, but what about now? I can't say it's the best company in the city. But at the very least, they are ranked among the top in Lanshan County. They are even better than Lanshan County City. No one living in the county can live in a small two-story villa! But in Edge Company."    


When Qin Feng said this, he felt an indescribable sense of pride. He had just spoken to Ang Baowei on the phone. Now, Edge Company had become a well-known company. Many places had already started organizing people to observe and study. Although he could not personally feel all of this, he could not. However, Qin Feng was still very happy when he thought that he was the one who created this legend.    


"That's right. Everyone knows about the development of the Edge Company. And it was indeed very famous, but don't forget it. It's not just one or two people who have contributed so much to the Edge Company. If those people didn't help you from the back... Do you think you can reach this point by yourself? Don't put all the credit on yourself. Also, the most important thing is that the happiness of the people isn't just a little bit better. The key is that the welfare is good. At the very least, you need to be able to retire. This is still a big problem, as far as I know. Most of the people in Edge Company don't have any culture. When they were young, they could still do some work to support their families. "But what should we do when we get old? What ability do we have to earn money? In today's society, we can't do anything without money." Because of the special relationship between the two of them, Zhou Ningmeng did not hold back when she spoke. She even had the intention of revealing the short story.    


"I know all of what you said about me. Sigh. Unfortunately, I am unable to continue staying there, so I am unable to continue my plan. There is only one thing in my plan. If you don't believe me, you can go to the Township Government and see the plan I left for them. And there's also the plan. I left a piece of land in the best area of the village. That place was used to build a nursing home. At that time, my idea was that the Township Government wanted to take over those old people who didn't have the qualifications to retire. " When he said this, Qin Feng couldn't help but think of that snowy day. He couldn't help but think of those old men who were sitting in their rooms waiting for the heavenly burial. At that time, he swore to himself that he must change this bad but helpless custom with actual action. However, before he could implement this plan, he left the Edge Company. This was also one of the knot in his heart.    


"Haven't you heard of a common saying? What do you mean by 'nine out of ten things'? There's still one more thing that I haven't done yet. "It says that one must not pursue perfection too much when doing things. " Moreover, there is no such thing as perfection in this world. Everything has flaws. Nothing can be perfect. At this moment, Zhou Ningmeng came over to comfort her," What you did not do is left for the people below to do. To them, it will be a new achievement and pride. I can't let you take the good things by yourself, right? "    


"I hope so. It would be fine if Ang Baowei could hold on, but he was afraid of Second Master. That would be terrible! Qin Feng said helplessly, "At that time, if he doesn't follow my plan, he will have to find another way to mess up the Edge Company."    


"You're wrong again. Everyone's way of doing things is different. No one can say that what others did must be wrong. It can only be said that what he did was not what you expected. So, no matter what the others do, it can only be said that they have their own thoughts. You can't say that it's wrong that they didn't follow your train of thought. You have to know, No one wanted to be led by someone else's nose. "Zhou Ningmeng guided Qin Feng to think backward. If it were you, you wouldn't be able to completely follow your example, just like Baodong County. The previous boss was busy with the development area. He wanted to hire all the drivers from all the units. But what happened after that? When he left the next boss, he immediately changed his style. His target was tourism. He swore that he would turn Baodong County into a big tourist county. As for what his boss did in the past, Now, he didn't take it at all. The whole county is busy with tourism, can you say they're wrong? They have their own reasons: developing tourism protects the local environment first. Next is renewable, I have to say. Under the current development, what they say is right. However, what about the questions left behind by the previous boss? Of course. This is not a problem that we are considering, I just want to tell you. Don't always look ahead and back, no matter what you do, As long as you do your best. "    


"Okay, I got it." Qin Feng nodded. "By the way, there is something I need you to give me an idea."    


"What is it?" Zhou Ningmeng stood up and poured a cup of white water into Qin Feng's hand. From the perspective of a wife, Zhou Ningmeng was very qualified, or even very outstanding. Unfortunately, she was facing a man who liked to help others. Of course, he helped some lonely and beautiful women who needed help.    


"I have a very important case on hand. Help me analyze it and see if I should help." Qin Feng told Zhou Ningmeng what he and Liu Yong had planned.    


"I have no idea what to do with this case." Zhou Ningmeng shook her head. "But I advise you to think twice before you act. You know better than me what kind of person Chen Guisheng is. He has been in Supervision Department for so many years. The connections he has accumulated are beyond the imagination of small figures like you and me. Who can guarantee that Liu Yong has never acted before? Who can guarantee that he has never acted before? If not, then he is sincere to you. If he did, but the situation was still the same. What did that mean? If that was the case, then one of the terms used by you soldiers was... "You are now a sharp soldier, you should know better than me what a sharp soldier means, right?" Zhou Ningmeng's words made Qin Feng's back turn cold. He could not help but shiver. If Liu Yong had really done it before, But it still couldn't change this fact, then this time, he wasn't just a matter of the sharp soldiers. What was a spearman? To put it bluntly, he was using his own flesh and blood to open up a path for his companions behind him. Although a sharp weapon is indeed excellent, at the same time, it is sad. Right now, it is not just a matter of a sharp soldier. It was the bait that Liu Yong threw out. It was the live target that he had set up. It was like a scene in a novel that he had read before. The protagonist was ordered to attack the base of the enemy. When he was captured, he suddenly realized that he was just the bait thrown by the man who he regarded as his father. The bait was delivered to the man's mouth, and he himself had used other tricks. Although the end result of the bridge was victory, the pig's feet had paid a heavy price. That was to die together with the enemy.    


In the eyes of outsiders, this kind of bridge section was very touching. It could even be said that it was somewhat hot-blooded. However, what Qin Feng understood was Pigleg's disappointment and sorrow after knowing that he had been betrayed.    


Everyone had their own thoughts. No one wanted to be controlled by others. Moreover, In Qin Feng's opinion, if it was because of the country's supreme interests, If it was because of the defense of the territory and the need to be betrayed because of the war, it would be an honor. Under such circumstances, Qin Feng wouldn't have any complaints. It was a mission given to him by the motherland and the people.    


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