The First Son-in-law

C697 A Sarcastic Joke

C697 A Sarcastic Joke

"I understand what you are trying to say. I just want to ask you one thing. Do you really want the ship to go further and further away, or do you want it to stop, or do you want it to be destroyed?" Wu Weiyi's voice was very low, but it was full of dignity.    


"Of course I want to go further and further away." No one disliked money. Even if they had more than a hundred million yuan, he hoped that he would have more and more money under his name, especially Chief Wang. His dreams were full of money, let alone in reality.    


"Jia Jia, what do you think is the most important thing for a successful business?" Wu Weiyi turned around and looked at Wu Jia with a serious face.    


"Experience, connections, and execution. Of course, the most important thing is still money. Without money, everything will be wasted." The corner of Wu Jia's mouth rose. His eyes were full of arrogance.    


"Xuemei, tell me." Wu Weiyi turned his head and looked at Lin Xuemei.    


"The most important thing is to understand what the customer needs." Lin Xuemei said lightly.    


"You see? This is the difference." Wu Weiyi looked around. "A company wants to be big and strong. It's all empty talk about honesty and management. First of all, we need to understand the needs of our customers. What should we do when we produce our products? We need to sell our products to our customers, "Wu Weiyi said. No matter how honest you are, no matter how good your management is, If your products don't meet the customer's needs, can you still sell your products? What kind of performance is there to talk about? You don't even understand the way of management. What qualifications do you have to be the general manager? "    


As Wu Weiyi said this, he glanced at Wu Jia's eyes. He could not help but shiver. Subconsciously, Wu Jia lowered his head.    


He wanted to retort, but after seeing Wu Jia's reaction, he thought that it was Wu Jia who agreed with Wu Weiyi's words. He did not know that Wu Jia saw another meaning in Wu Weiyi's eyes. It was another meaning that made him not dare to raise his head.    


"It is impossible for us not to feel sad when something like this happened in the company. This includes everyone's hard work. Next, we will ask Xuemei to tell us how she is going to deal with this matter." Wu Weiyi looked at Lin Xuemei amiably. "Xuemei, say whatever you want. Today, we are closing the door to do a review."    


"I think the best way is to ignore it." When Lin Xuemei's words left his mouth, General Wang suddenly stood up.    


"Lin Xuemei, what do you mean? If you don't have the ability then say you don't have the ability. Don't stand in the latrine without sh * t." Director Wang pointed at Lin Xuemei and his beer belly bent together.    


"Shuowen," Director Wang said. Then tell me what you can do." Wu Weiyi stared at Wang Shuowen. Although his tone sounded polite, there were two beams of cold light shooting out from his eyes. Wang Shuowen shivered and lowered his head involuntarily.    


"I... I think we should find a way to pacify those collaborators and try to get them to restore the order. After all, the order is our lives." Originally, he did not want to answer, but when he thought of Wu Jia agreeing to his conditions, he could not help it. He gritted his teeth and decided to follow the original plan.    


"That's right. The order is indeed our lives. However, can you guarantee that you will be able to keep our orders after pacifying those collaborators?" Wu Weiyi narrowed his eyes. As expected, it was just as he had expected. He didn't have the joy of seeing things through, but he had an unspeakable sorrow. The people below had done so many things behind his back but he did not know anything. He did not know whether it was because their schemes were too high or his intelligence was too low.    


"I think that Jia Jia will definitely be able to do this well. As long as he is the general manager, then... I feel that this matter can be settled." Looking at Wu Jia, Wang Shuowen decided to throw caution to the wind. There was nothing he could do about it. 60% of the shares were too tempting. The total assets of the Wu Group were worth billions and 60% of the shares. Just thinking about it made Wang Shuowen feel that his blood pressure had suddenly risen to more than 200.    


You idiot!    


Wu Jia could not help but curse, "You are indeed a simple-minded person with four limbs. Don't you know how to take a detour? Even a fool would know what we are doing if you say it so blatantly. "If you take a detour and say something like a military warrant, how nice would it be if anyone who is good could take the position of general manager? What a stupid bird. Why did I choose you back then? No wonder they said that they were not afraid of god-like opponents but were afraid of pig-like teammates. You exposed our entire plan with just one sentence. What the heck is this thing?!    


"Dad, I can't guarantee that this matter will be fine. Uncle Shuowen loves me too much. I think it's better for Xuemei to do this." She glared at Wang Shuowen. Wu Jia quickly stood up. After all, this guy's brain was more active than Wang Shuowen's. He knew that there was no need to rush things. If he really offended Wu Weiyi this time, he might not be able to accomplish anything in the future. He had endured it for so many years. It wasn't too far away from this moment.    


"Your Uncle Shuowen has raised you since you were young. I think he knows you very well. At the same time, he wants to give you a chance to train. I think I'll leave this matter to you. " No matter what, it's the Wu Group's matter. If you don't show yourself, who will? You are now the Vice General Manager of the company. You should do your best for the company. In my opinion, you should be in charge of the business. " Wu Weiyi looked at Wu Jia. His face was full of kindness.    


"Ah?" Wu Jia could not believe his ears. Before Lin Xuemei became the general manager, all the businesses were handled by Wu Weiyi himself. After all, this was the lifeline of the company.    


"What? You don't dare to take over this stall?" Wu Weiyi's words made everyone confused. Even Lin Xuemei was confused. She did not understand what Wu Weiyi was trying to do. She couldn't understand why he had assigned such an important task to Wu Jia. Thinking that he was a father and son, Lin Xuemei felt relieved. No matter how big the circle was, they were still a family in the end. Those scenes that just happened were probably for this matter. She could not help it. Lin Xuemei thought of a sarcastic joke that she saw online not long ago, saying that one day it was the peak period for work. There was a traffic jam in front of them and a police car turned around. They drove into the sidewalk. At this moment, a young traffic policeman flashed out from the front. She waved her hand and the car was forced to stop. The driver stuck his head out of the window. The traffic policeman walked up and gave the driver a standard military salute. "Comrade. "You have violated the traffic rules. Please get out of the car and receive punishment. I am from the municipal bureau. The driver said arrogantly. No matter where it is, Anyone who violates traffic rules must be punished. The driver snorted and shook his head. Director Wang is in the car. The traffic policeman took a step back. He saluted. Alright, the driver said impatiently. The director is in a hurry for an emergency meeting. That's why it's against the rules. Let's go. No, no matter who it is, Anyone who violates the traffic rules must be punished. You, the driver is angry, why don't you give him face? The young traffic policeman is still calm: executing the law is my responsibility. Which team are you from? What's your name? the driver asked loudly. I'm from the third team, my name is Dan. What's your captain's number? You're asking for his office number. Or his phone, or his phone? The driver couldn't do it. You can punish him. The traffic policeman took out his ticket. He wrote the ticket and deducted two points from the driver's license. Then he looked up. Comrade, as the driver, You must strictly follow the traffic rules, especially as a police officer, you should follow the traffic rules more strictly. You can't violate the traffic rules just because you are a bureau chief or even a bureau chief. We, the traffic police, can't not punish you for violating the traffic rules just because you are a bureau chief or even a bureau chief. The law is set for everyone. There are no special citizens. For the safety of you and others, I hope this is the last time you violate the law. After he finished speaking, After she finished speaking, she took a step to the side and made way. The driver plunged into the driver's seat. He turned his head and glared at the traffic policeman. I'll remember you. Director Wang arrived at the bureau and went straight to the meeting room. The staff in the conference room were all present. Comrades, Director Wang said seriously after he sat down. I'm late today because I'm late. Because I was intercepted by a small traffic policeman. Because I was in a hurry, I ordered the driver to go against the traffic rules and drive onto the sidewalk. This small traffic policeman knew that I was the director. Knowing that I was going to have a meeting, he didn't give me any face. He insisted on punishing me. The director slammed the table. Because she knew that everyone was equal before the law and regulations, because she knew where her responsibility lay. She was not afraid of officials or power. Good job. I have been the director for four years and have broken the traffic rules many times. I haven't been punished for speeding or running a red light. Some of the traffic police even saluted me when they saw that it was my car. Only this time, I was punished well. If our traffic police could be like this young traffic police, Her name is... Oh, she's from the Third Brigade. Her name is Dan. If our traffic police are as strict as she is, the traffic order of our city will definitely have a huge change; if our officers are like her, Our traffic police force would have a large group of strict law enforcement examples. Director Wang stood up excitedly. We are going to use such officers. The three regiments still lack a deputy captain. The little traffic policeman was promoted to deputy captain. As he spoke, Director Wang was the first to raise his right hand. Looking around the four seats, everyone raised their right hand!    


At this point, perhaps everyone's blood would boil. However, the outcome was beyond everyone's expectations.    


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