The First Son-in-law

C679 Boss Is Very Unhappy

C679 Boss Is Very Unhappy

"What did I do to you?" Qin Feng looked at Yang Jie innocently. "You were the one who tried to hurt me. Luckily, I told you in time. Otherwise, I would be in trouble."    


"You... you..." Yang Jie gritted his teeth and looked at Qin Feng. He wanted to say something but could not. Instead, he stomped his feet and went downstairs.    


"Unexplainable." Qin Feng followed closely behind. He still needed to discuss with Yang Jie about the candidate.    


He followed Yang Jie all the way. He did not expect Yang Jie to not go to the office. Instead, he stomped downstairs and ran to the backyard. He did not know what she was going to do. Qin Feng followed her closely and waited until they reached the fake mountain in the backyard. However, he found Yang Jie squatting there and crying. This was really bad for Qin Feng. This was because he had no way to deal with a woman's crying.    


"What's wrong with you? I didn't bully you. What are you crying for?" Qin Feng looked around. He was afraid that someone would come at this time, although it was very unlikely. A beautiful woman was crying there. He was a big man standing next to her. This couldn't be justified. Let's go, but he felt that it wasn't good enough. He didn't want to go. It was really uncomfortable here.    


Without saying anything, Yang Jie just kept crying. The more he cried, the more sad he became. It felt like the Yellow River had decided to bring it up because she remembered her sadness.    


People often see other people's bright and beautiful faces. People rarely saw other people's suffering, especially Yang Jie, who had some good jobs and had a face that made people jealous. It was easy for people to only see her. She had a better side than others, but she would never pay attention to her unknown suffering.    


Yang Jie was born in a very ordinary family. From a young age, he had a small face that other children looked up to. It was said that the further away the husband and wife's hometown was, the better the genes of the child they gave birth to. It was unknown if there was a direct reason why her beauty and her mother were bought by her father from thousands of miles away.    


It was also because of her beauty that she provoked the jealousy of other girls. However, she did not use her appearance as a capital like some girls did. Instead, she focused all of her attention on studying. As she grew older, Yang Jie's appearance became more and more vivid, and his hardware skills surpassed those of his companions around him. Everyone in the family thought that they would be able to find a decent husband by relying on her conditions, and she firmly believed it herself. She believed that she would be able to find her own Prince Charming if she wanted to have a good appearance and education. Who would have thought that she would only find him when everything was right in front of her? It's all just her imagination, and the beauty that other women dream of is a big problem for her. All her boyfriends wanted was to have fun with her. As long as she proposed to get married, They'll be far away in no time, and she'll know it's a casual opportunity. In the eyes of those men, women who were too beautiful usually couldn't marry them. Because in their opinion, this was not safe. It was better to find a woman with average looks. This way, they can live without being afraid of attracting butterflies, of course. Of course, it would be nice if they were close friends with beautiful women, and they would be more than happy to do so. Because of this, although Yang Jie had many white horses by his side, But none of them belonged to her.    


She had no choice but to find a bald 'researcher' to marry. Although her family felt sorry for her, there was nothing they could do. Although her husband was dull and emotionless, he treated her well. This made Yang Jie feel a little relieved, but... Her husband had no feelings, not to mention that he had no feelings for her. There was something that he did not do often. Most importantly, he had to do it often. In the eyes of outsiders, she was a 'slut'. A woman who likes to hook up with men, and only she knows it. Other than her dull husband, there was no other man who had touched her body until now. Even though she was in charge of the office, in other people's opinion, she was probably working for the boss. However, she is still clean. Of course, this was also due to Chen Guisheng's incompatibility with the boss. The reason Chen Guisheng asked Yang Jie to be the head of the office was to create an opportunity for the leader. He wanted to give the leader a chance to make a mistake, and the two leaders knew it. Of course, they were extra careful, even though they liked Yang Jie's beauty. Because of this, Although Yang Jie was carrying the crime of seducing a man, there was nothing substantial about it.    


However, this crime alone was not something an ordinary woman could bear. Especially with such a family, Yang Jie felt like he was fried in a frying pan every day. Doing things was more like walking on a tightrope. He had always been careful not to make any mistakes. The current situation had completely brought her grief. The past had surged into her heart. In addition, she had been misunderstood by the boss. How could she not feel sad?    


"Please, what's wrong with you?" Qin Feng lowered his voice and said, "Can you tell me what's wrong? Don't keep it in your heart. You can't keep crying like this."    


Qin Feng was so anxious. He thought to himself, "What does this mean? "I didn't do anything to you. Why are you crying? You promised the boss just now. Then we have to hurry up and take this job. The candidate hasn't been decided yet. You have become a mute here. What should we do with the rest of the work?    


"What do you think?" Yang Jie suddenly stood up. "You saw the way Chen Chief Supervisor looked at me just now. Not bad. You are someone with a background. You can do whatever you want. Can't you understand us who live at the bottom? I just want to earn a salary to support my family. I don't want to get involved in these messy things. "What happened in the end? You've made it difficult for me over and over again. What did I do to offend you?"    


"What, what, what did I do to you?" Qin Feng was confused by Yang Jie's scolding.    


"What did you do to me?" Yang Jie stared at Qin Feng with a red face. "Why did you involve me in all your nonsense?"    


"Our nonsense? Is it your messy things?" Seeing Yang Jie say this, Qin Feng became a little angry. "I should be the one who said this, right? Why did you bite me instead? "    


"I bit you? Why did I bite you?" Yang Jie looked at Qin Feng in anger. "If you don't understand me today, I won't let you go. You said you have been here for a long time. Which part of me have I let you down? Have I ever done anything wrong to you? You, on the other hand... You've been making trouble for me over and over again. What are you going to do?"    


Why did I cause you trouble? " Qin Feng stared at Yang Jie. "You are the worst woman in the world. Last time, I just casually said that you would pass it on to Chen Guisheng later. Who is it that caused trouble for you?"    


"I sent a message to Chen Chief Supervisor? When?" Yang Jie frowned. "Qin Feng, let me tell you. I have always been frank and honest. If you have anything to say, you can ask anyone in Supervision Department. So, don't put all kinds of shit on my head. If you have anything to say, say it clearly. Don't hide it from a big man. "    


"I won't hide it anymore. Just tell me what happened that day?" Qin Feng was frank.    


"I didn't say anything about it. I am not that kind of person." Yang Jie shook his head.    


"Who else could it be if it wasn't you? It was just the two of us at the time." Qin Feng gave Yang Jie a sarcastic look.    


"You forgot that the wall has ears." Yang Jie calmed down. He knew that the other party did not deliberately pick a fight with him. "I can promise you with my personality. I am not the one who told you about this. You can ask anyone in the Supervision Department about what I do."    


Qin Feng could not say anything when he saw Yang Jie's eyes. He was confident that he could tell whether Yang Jie was sincere or not.    


"I think that we are all insignificant people who are toyed with by others. Since that's the case, do you think there is any reason for us to continue being suspicious? In the end, we are still being used by some people." Pausing for a moment, Yang Jie said softly, "I think we should do what we can do. It is important to protect ourselves."    


"Sister Yang, do you have time tonight? I will treat you to dinner to apologize." Qin Feng could not help feeling pity for Yang Jie. Women were not easy, and women in the circle were even harder. " It's not easy to be a successful woman in the circle. "    


"You can apologize, but you don't have to eat dinner. A man and a woman eating together. Even if they don't have anything to do, they can get into trouble. " In such a situation, Yang Jie knew what he should do when it came to this matter. Although her clothes would be a little exposed, And the eyes are seductive, too, but... Her actions were a little unbelievable. Normally, the manager of the office should be as sociable as the head of the department. However, Yang Jie was smart enough to give the task of serving the boss to a vice president of the office. He did some updating work and tidying the documents. He would definitely go to work on time. Even if he had work to do, Yang Jie would definitely invite his husband to the office to wait for him. Of course, the most important thing was that Yang Jie found one that was not interesting. He absolutely believed in Yang Jie. Although that man looked a little bad, But to Yang Jie, there was nothing he could say.    


"Do you not believe in yourself or do you not believe in my character?" Qin Feng smiled and said, "At most, I will ask your husband to come with me."    


"No, my husband doesn't have the habit of eating outside. Moreover, his alcohol tolerance is average. Normally, he would only drink one or two cups of beer at home." Speaking of his husband, Yang Jie felt a little helpless, but at the same time, he felt a little relieved. He was glad that he had found a husband who knew him, but... Her husband's inexperience made her feel a little...    


As a woman, she needed love and affection from a man in a certain way, and what her husband lacked was precisely this aspect.    


"Then I can only say I'm sorry to you." Qin Feng smiled and said, "I don't know if I should be honored or ashamed to make a beauty cry for me."    


Yang Jie rolled his eyes at Qin Feng with dissatisfaction. He found a tissue and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. She was not satisfied with her performance. Thinking about how she had suffered so much in the past, she was not satisfied. It seemed that she had lost too much face for such a small matter.    


"It's just a fact." It seemed that flirting with women was something all men liked to do.    


"Alright, stop talking about these useless things. Let me ask you, have you really decided to accept this job? If so, then we have to quickly find a suitable candidate. Time is short, and we can't afford to delay any longer." Yang Jie said with a serious expression.    


Yes, regarding the selection of candidates, "Yang Jie said. I have two suggestions." Qin Feng immediately became serious when he mentioned the candidates. Since he had already decided, it was no longer a game. At least, he couldn't let others look down on him. Otherwise, he might as well not take the job. Of course, the most important thing was that Qin Feng had his own plans. He wanted to use this matter to do something else.    


"Firstly, you must have a good character. Secondly, you must have good business skills." Qin Feng said seriously. "This is the key to our success. Without these two things, we will not be able to accomplish this."    


"I agree with what you said. In this kind of case, the most important thing is to have a good character. If you do not have a good character, you cannot use your words." Yang Jie nodded in agreement. "Supervision Department is not like other places, especially when it comes to doing such a thing. You must be a good person and keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, something bad will happen."    


"You're a senior. You have to do this." Qin Feng had already made up his mind. This time, he had to do it vigorously. However, his plan had not been implemented yet. Lin Xuemei's phone call had completely shattered his dream.    


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