The First Son-in-law

C667 It's Very Particular

C667 It's Very Particular

But, so... All along, he had been carefully nibbling away at Chen Guisheng's base. Qin Feng's arrival had ignited some hope for Liu Yong. In his opinion, In his opinion, Qin Feng was definitely Xiao Yuanshan's man. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come out for him like this. As long as he could establish a good relationship with Qin Feng, it would be the same as steadying the tree, Xiao Yuanshan. When the time came, he would have a new magic treasure when he fought with Chen Guisheng. Therefore, Liu Yong really wanted to get Qin Feng here as soon as possible. It would be best to transfer him over, but... However, Xiao Yuanshan only asked for Qin Feng's help. Although he wasn't willing to accept it, he still wanted to get Qin Feng to come over as soon as possible. However, Liu Yong didn't dare to disobey Xiao Yuanshan.    


"I still have some matters to take care of. What do you think will happen in three days?" Although the Supervision Department was good enough, Qin Feng didn't want to go early. In his opinion, it would be better if he didn't go early. In the Edge Company, he had the final say. He couldn't just do whatever he wanted, but he couldn't do it in the Supervision Department. When he arrived there, even if he was a manager, he would still be a newbie. He was definitely a newbie. Even an ordinary staff member would be able to tell him what to do. You are a new boss, as long as you are not of the same level. No one wanted to be a grandson. From such a person who had the final say in becoming a newcomer, do you think Qin Feng would be able to enjoy it?    


"Good, good, three days. It doesn't matter if you can't stay for a few more days." Anyway, it was not just one or two days since he was so angry. So what if he waited a few more days? At this time, Liu Yong was not stupid enough to force Qin Feng. He still wanted to build a good relationship with Qin Feng.    


"I will contact you when the time comes." Qin Feng was not polite. Three days might be too long for those in charge. However, it was too short for Qin Feng now. It was so short that he wished he could have two hundred and forty hours a day.    


After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng could not care less about what Mei said. Immediately, Huohuo said anxiously, "We'll talk about that later. Now, help me do a few things..."    


"What happened to you? Are you going to be transferred?" Mei frowned. "It looks like you are arranging a funeral."    


"You want me to die!" Qin Feng said angrily. "What do you mean arranging a funeral?"    


"It's like arranging the funeral arrangements," Mei said. "Let me guess. Did you get promoted or something?"    


"Alright, alright. Stop talking nonsense. Hurry up and help with the work. I only have three days left." Qin Feng waved his hand. He was in a bad mood. He left immediately and drove Xu Fenglei crazy. This was an episode that he had never thought of. He thought that it was just to agitate him. He never thought that he would be so unprovoked. He was a little delirious just by casually saying it. If Ang Baowei really became the leader of this thing, it would not be a big deal. Then, wouldn't Xu Fenglei commit suicide by looking for shortsightedness?!    


"It's not very likely that you want the Edge Company to be like you in three days. Let me tell you, don't ruin the happiness of the people just because of your selfishness." Mei said seriously. "I was just about to tell you about this. Look at that house. Is it suitable to live in now? You let them move first, it's irresponsible of you... Mei listed a few of Qin Feng's faults.    


"That's right. I arranged everything you said. But let me tell you, this is not what you think it is." Qin Feng looked at the busy civilians. Their move couldn't be compared to those families outside. There was no moving company here for the time being. Besides, even if there was one, they wouldn't be able to use it. They just had to move all the junk in their house upstairs with a wheelbarrow or something. The conditions were a little better. He didn't want the junk anymore. He would buy it after he earned some money. If the conditions weren't good, he felt that those who didn't have the ability to make money would bring all the bottles and cans in his house upstairs. The crowd gathered like they were rushing to a temple fair.    


"Have you thought about it? Once I leave, What if the higher-ups send a new boss to change the policy?" Qin Feng looked away. "That's what I'm most worried about right now. I promised to let the civilians go upstairs without spending a single cent. But what if the new boss doesn't do as I said? Do I have to come back? Even if I come back, do you think they will listen to me? It doesn't matter if I scold him or not. Anyway, I don't care if I see him or not. But in the end, the people who suffer are still the innocent people. Originally, it was a good thing that they had to cause their families to be ruined and homeless. Just like how the news of people burning to death because of the expropriation of land had just been released online not long ago. "Do you think the people who did that have any humanity? I don't want to end up like this."    


I understand what you mean. " Mei nodded. "But there is something that you really need to pay attention to."    


"What is it?" Qin Feng was most afraid of something. He could not take it anymore.    


"Since you want to leave, don't interfere too much with the Township Government's matters. Don't leave too much trouble for the next generation." Mei sighed. "Don't be like some medicinal Staff Members. When they are about to leave, they will promote or adjust a large number of medicinal Staff Members. It will make it very difficult for the people who come after them to do so. So I advise you not to do this. Leave all your autonomy to them. Don't let them scold you behind your back. "    


"I thought it was something big. I've already noticed that." Qin Feng sighed. Mei had scared him when she said something. Now he let out a long sigh. "Tell me about what you said. What was going on? It's only been a few days. Why did it suddenly change?"    


"I haven't figured out the details yet. I'll inform you as soon as there's news." Mei was also more confused. She did not know the details of what happened. She did not know that Lin Wanjiang went to Beijing to report to the main boss. She was surprised that she had received an order from her grandfather that she could purchase the goods. However, she didn't want to ask about the reason behind her good tutoring. She could only investigate it privately through her own means.    


Three days passed very quickly. In a flash, it was over. Finally, it was time to report. Qin Feng was still unwilling. Especially after knowing that the person who reported him didn't do anything else, Qin Feng even felt that this matter should be over. Since it was over, it didn't matter if he left or not. However, Lin Xuemei did not agree with him. Moreover, she reprimanded him for delaying the report.    


Although the office building of the Supervision Department in the city was not grand, it was absolutely domineering, especially the two big lions squatting at the door. If it was not for the sign of 'Public Governance for Citizen' hanging on the office building, Qin Feng would have thought that they had entered the ancient residence of the Prime Minister.    


"Who are you looking for?" Just as he walked to the main entrance, the old man on the guard post asked cautiously. He looked at Qin Feng as if he was looking at a class enemy. He looked at the old man. Qin Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. This was the kind of treatment he enjoyed. What would happen if ordinary people came?    


Qin Feng did not know that he had misread the old man this time. The bad attitude today was mainly because he had been reprimanded by the boss not long ago. That day, the old man did not shut the door. In the end, he let the undercover people in. After going in, he took a series of photos and caught a few people in one go. Some of them even had real power bosses, and something like that happened. Do you think the boss will forgive him? If it wasn't because the old man came here to greet the boss, he might have lost his job. Now that he saw a stranger entering, the old man naturally had a hundred hearts. In his opinion, he would rather offend a thousand people outside than offend one person inside.    


There was no helping it, his spoon was inside!    


"I'm here to look for Liu Chief Supervisor." Thinking that he would have to work here in the future, Qin Feng decided to put down his attitude. Don't look down on the guards. They were also very important. There were many rumors that could stop here. There were also many rumors that could spread from here. Even if one could sit upright, the rumors could make the stool under one's butt tilt.    


"Liu Chief Supervisor?" The old man narrowed his eyes. The last time something happened, the old man had also said that he wanted to look for Liu Chief Supervisor. He didn't expect that after he went in, he would take a bunch of random photos with a mini camera. Now there was another Liu Chief Supervisor. The old man naturally wanted to interrogate him properly. "Why are you looking for Liu Chief Supervisor?"    


"I..." Qin Feng wanted to report, but he felt that it was better to bear with it. Don't make too much noise. It was better to keep a low profile on the first day of work. Immediately, he said, "I have some private matters with Liu Chief Supervisor. Why don't I give him a call?"    


As he spoke, Qin Feng dialed Liu Yong's number. Not long after, a hoarse voice came from the phone. If it wasn't for the presaved number, Qin Feng wouldn't have been able to confirm that it was Liu Yong.    


"Brother Liu, what's wrong?" Qin Feng asked with concern.    


"I have a cold. My throat hurts so much that I can barely speak." Liu Yong said with difficulty on the other side of the phone, "Are you here to report today? I have already informed the office. You can just go and find Vice President Yang and ask her to arrange things for you."    


"Okay, okay. Supervisor Liu, please tell the gatekeeper that I won't let you in." Qin Feng handed the phone to the old man. "Supervisor Liu's phone, take it."    


"Hello." To Qin Feng's surprise, the old man did not bend his back as he had expected. Instead, he straightened his back and looked arrogant.    


There was something going on here!    


Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the old man on the guard post. If a person who looked at the door received a call from the boss, he would not be as bent as a prawn. At the very least, his expression was one of absolute respect. But now, the old man didn't seem to take Supervisor Liu seriously at all. Could it be that he thought that the call was fake?    


He didn't know what the other side of the phone said. Qin Feng heard the voice on the other side of the phone. "You said Supervisor Liu is Supervisor Liu. Don't think that you can fool others through the phone. Who are you trying to scare?"    


The heavens. Qin Feng was speechless when he heard what the old man said. Although Liu Yong's voice was different, the old man shouldn't be like this, right? Do I really look like a person who likes to lie?    


"Old Yang, who the fuck are you talking to?" Liu Yong, who was on the other side of the phone, was completely furious. After all, he was the leader. Now, even the old man on the gate guard dared to shout at him. He really didn't take him seriously.    


"Liu... Supervisor Liu, it really is you!" The old man paused for a moment and said to his phone in surprise, "I... I didn't hear it."    


Didn't he say it? Some people just needed to be taught a lesson. They were the kind of people who led people back and forth. They had to scold them before they could be honest. They had to be scolded before they could be obedient like dogs.    


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were really Supervisor Liu's guest. Didn't you go to see Vice President Yang? I'll take you there." After returning the phone to Qin Feng, the old man changed his face. Although it wasn't too hot, it was no longer as cold as before. However, Qin Feng could clearly see a hint of hatred in the old man's eyes. A hint of hatred that made him, a burly man who used to be a soldier, a little afraid. Sometimes, fear is very simple. Perhaps you won't panic when facing a ferocious beast. But when facing other people's grudges against you, you will lose your mind because a ferocious beast is something that can be seen and touched. His danger is known, but other people's resentment is different. Other people's resentment is an unknown item, an irregular bomb. And its power was not predictive at all. It could be the power of a grenade. It might very well be the power of an atomic bomb, which is the most terrifying thing. Especially in the circle of cunning people, what people feared the most was that others would set up an ambush for themselves. Because if you were not careful, you might fall into someone else's woven thorns and injure yourself.    


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