The First Son-in-law

C311 The Old Fox Had Many Ways

C311 The Old Fox Had Many Ways

"This..." Qin Feng hesitated. "Give it to me. I don't know if this document has a certain degree of confidentiality. If I don't give it to you, I will bring it up for my own good.    


"Hehe, what's there to be afraid of? Sister is also from this office. Moreover, this meeting material isn't any secret material. " Wang Ran seems to have seen through Qin Feng's worry.    


"Thank you for your guidance, Sister Wang." Qin Feng thought about it and decided to let Wang Ran go to the computer.    


"Yes, the writing is good. There is a certain level of basic writing. There is not a single word wrong." Wang Ran browsed very quickly. Qin Feng was a little doubtful whether she had read it or not. He would only know when he had this ability in the future. If he saw more, he would be able to see faster.    


"But..." Wang Ran's words only made Qin Feng's heart tighten.    


"Sister Wang, is there something wrong?" Qin Feng was shocked.    


"It is perfect," Wang Ran said.    


"Perfect?" Qin Feng was surprised. Was it wrong?    


"Hahaha, nothing, nothing." Wang Ran smiled and took her bag and left, leaving Qin Feng alone in a daze. What did she mean?    


"Yang, I have something to ask you." After thinking about it, Qin Feng decided to call his teacher. After all, this was his first time making materials. If something went wrong, what would he do in the future?    


"Don't say it yet. Let me guess." The other party smiled like a child and said. Did you just write down the materials that the boss wants? Then someone told you that you wrote it too perfectly?"    


Qin Feng did not close his mouth for a long time after listening to the other party's words. He stammered, "How... how did you know?"    


"Haha, I knew you would ask that. Remember what I said. The person who just told you about this. I'm not bad to you. In the future, you can ask whatever you don't understand at work." The other party took back his smile. "The reason why I didn't tell you this back then... I just wanted to see if you could meet someone who doesn't deserve to be called a noble, and since he didn't tell you the answer, Or do you wish you could figure it out yourself, remember what I said, Persist in your character and figure out your thoughts.    


After saying that, he hung up the phone. He did not give the answer Qin Feng wanted.    


Sigh, was it wrong to be too perfect?    


Qin Feng had no idea what to do with the materials he just got on the computer. He wanted to make a call, but he also thought of Wang Ran's words. Just as he was thinking, Qi Yun called him. "Qin Feng, have you got the materials?"    


"Yes, I will send them to you right away." Qin Feng said hurriedly.    


He hung up the phone. He remembered that Sister Wang said he was too perfect, so he made two or three wrong words and clicked "Print.    


After sending it to Qi Yun, Qin Feng stood there respectfully and waited for instructions.    


"Did you sort this out yourself?" About fifteen minutes later, Qi Yun looked up with obvious doubt in his words.    


"I sorted it out by combining my old colleague's materials." Qin Feng did not dare to breathe loudly. He had been holding it in for so long. It all depended on this moment. Looking at Qi Yun's expressionless face, Qin Feng did not know what the ending would be like.    


"The whole thing is fine, but there are a few wrong words. There are also some symbols that need to be noted." Qi Yun handed the revised script to Qin Feng. "Go back and sort it out. Print ten copies. Give them to me tomorrow morning."    


"Yes." Qin Feng's heart fell. Although the other party did not say whether it was okay or not, since he let the manuscript be printed, it meant that he had passed. Qin Feng suppressed the joy in his heart and returned to his office. After confirming that the door was closed, he went back to his office. Only then did he shout in a low voice, as a celebration.    


He looked at the few places that Qi Yun had changed with the red pen. Qin Feng suddenly understood. He finally understood why he couldn't organize the script perfectly.    


When the boss reviewed the scripts, he always liked to find some problems. If he could not find any problems, the boss would feel very uncomfortable. He would feel that his skills were not as good as yours. If you left a few obvious or hidden mistakes for the boss, he would feel that he was smarter than you.    


As the boss, there is no one who doesn't like people who are smarter than their subordinates. As a subordinate, you must find an opportunity to let the boss show off his skill. Otherwise, the boss will feel very uncomfortable. If the boss is uncomfortable, will you feel comfortable?    




Qin Feng sighed helplessly. This circle was really too complicated. It's just a simple matter of taking care of all aspects. I really don't know what to do with other things in my daily life.    


"Qin Feng, why aren't you leaving yet?" Qin Feng sat down and was about to print out the documents when Wang Ran drifted in like a gust of wind.    


"Ah, Sister Wang." Qin Feng jumped up in fright.    


"Don't be nervous. I came back because I forgot to tell you something. The office asked me to go up and see Zhang Lei tonight. It is not convenient for Sister to go alone. I want to invite you to come with me. I don't know if you have time." Wang Ran looked at Qin Feng apologetically.    


"This..." Qin Feng hesitated. He had beaten the kid into the hospital. It was too awkward for him to go see him now.    


"If it's not convenient, then forget it." Wang Ran sighed. There was obvious disappointment in her eyes.    


"No, I mean... I have to wait for a while. Vice President Qi asked me to print out these materials just now. Maybe we have to wait for a while." Qin Feng did not want women to be sad, especially women who were slightly good-looking. This did not mean that Qin Feng liked Wang Ran. It was a common disease among men. In front of beautiful women, he liked to show off. Or it could be said that they wanted to show off their man's charm.    


"Okay, I will help you tidy up. Then we will go out for a simple meal. We will go to the hospital around seven o'clock," Wang Ran said as she put down the bag in her hand. Her hands and feet moved swiftly to the photocopier. "I will tidy it up. You book it."    


The two of them were a couple. They were not tired from work. The two of them quickly packed the documents. They ate something at a snack bar outside and went straight to the hospital.    


"Tell me, which dog made it for you? I'll get someone to kill him!" Just as the two of them arrived at the door of the ward, a lion's roar came from inside.    


"I really fell by accident." Zhang Lei's voice was heard explaining in a low voice.    


"Sigh." Wang Ran, who was about to knock on the door, sighed. She turned around and gave Qin Feng a meaningful look. She could only see Qin Feng shiver. Could it be that the other party saw something? Impossible!    


"Bullshit!" The roar of the lion came again. "You can fall like this? Let me tell you, if you don't tell me, then get out of this ward right now. Don't think that I'll use my father's name to go through the back door, and don't even think that I'll give you the medical fees."    


Lulu, really, I really fell by accident. I just wanted to do some extra work, but in the end, I accidentally... " Zhang Lei's voice was as low as a mosquito's, but it still reached Qin Feng's ears.    


Hehe! It's good that you don't admit it, those two brats won't admit it either!    


Qin Feng laughed secretly and met Wang Ran's eyes. He was so scared that he quickly put away his expression.    


"Little Zhang, Vice President Qi and the rest have something to do today. Arrange Qin Feng and I to come over to see you." When the lion roar inside stopped, Wang Ran smiled and knocked on the door of the ward.    


"Sister Wang, thank you." Zhang Lei was rather polite to Wang Ran. It was likely that Wang Ran had an unusual relationship behind her.    


"No need to be so polite. We are all colleagues in the office." Wang Ran took out an envelope from her bag. "This is arranged by Vice President Qi. He told you to take good care of yourself. Don't worry about anything else. Oh right. This is your girlfriend, isn't it?    


"Lulu, this is our office's Big Sister Wang." Zhang Lei tugged at Sun Lu who was still angry.    


Hello, I am Sun Lu. " Although she was still angry, Sun Lu's performance was not bad. He didn't know if it was her. It was not because of the envelope on the bed sheet.    


"Brother Zhang, why are you so careless? You have to be careful in the future." Qin Feng placed the things Wang Ran arranged for him to buy next to the bed. "Vice President Qi arranged for me to prepare the ingredients for you. You can rest in peace for a few days."    


"Thank you. I will remember your kindness." When he said this, Zhang Lei's eyes wanted to spit fire.    


Who was Wang Ran? Even though she was a woman, she was still a woman. But I've been in the industry for years, and I can tell at a glance that there's something fishy going on here. Luckily, Sun Lu did not notice it because her eyes kept scanning Wang Ran's body. Women and women seemed to have enmity in the sky. Especially when ugly women saw beautiful women, they wanted to scratch each other's faces even more.    


"Little Zhang, I won't bother you guys anymore. If there is something, I can contact Vice President Qi in time. We will leave first." Wang Ran sensed that the atmosphere was not right and immediately said goodbye.    


"Thank you. Take care." Although there was hostility, Sun Lu still knew the basic courtesy.    


"Qin Feng, it is not appropriate for you to do this." They walked out of the hospital. Wang Ran looked at Qin Feng and sighed.    


"Sister Wang, I don't understand what you mean." Qin Feng laughed and tried to act calm.    


"Since you don't want to admit it, I won't say anything else. Remember one thing, sister. A man in this circle must be tolerant. Otherwise..." Wang Ran did not finish her sentence but looked at Qin Feng meaningfully.    


"Thank you, sister Wang." Qin Feng knew that his little trick could not be hidden from the other party, so he could only answer in an ambiguous manner.    


"I asked you to come tonight. I believe you know what I mean. Take care of yourself!" After saying that, Wang Ran got into her car and left Qin Feng standing there alone in a daze. Why did Wang Ran care so much about him?    


"You said that this was written by Qin Feng?" Zhong Hongtao looked at the materials in front of him in his office in disbelief.    


"That's right. Qin Feng did finish the materials himself." Qi Yun slightly bowed.    


"Yes, I know." Zhong Hongtao nodded thoughtfully. He had his own thoughts.    


"Have you found out about the Qin Feng that I asked you to investigate?" After Qi Yun left, Zhong Hongtao took out his personal phone and made a phone call. When he heard the voice inside, Zhong Hongtao found it even more unbelievable. "Are you telling the truth? He used to be a driver?"    


"That's right. In the past, he used to drive a car for a boss of the Haojiang Group branch in Baodong County... The other party's words carried an unquestionable tone.    


"Yes, I understand." After hanging up the phone, Zhong Hongtao threw himself into the big boss chair. He closed his eyes and concentrated for a while. As if he suddenly thought of something, he walked to the corridor and involuntarily stopped in front of a door. Staring at the door, Zhong Hongtao was unable to control himself for a long time.    


Although this door looked the same as the door to his office. However, Zhong Hongtao knew it. The seat in here is definitely not what my seat can compare with. And this seat was exactly what he had been dreaming about during this period of time.    


Ever since the previous owner of the Inspection Team died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, this room seemed to have become vacant. Coincidentally, both the city and the province had changed owners, and the position of the owner of the Inspection Team in Yangjiang City seemed to have been put aside just like that. However, Zhong Hongtao knew that... Such a hot spot, it's not going to be idle for long. The reason why he hadn't come to a conclusion yet was because the balance of power between the two sides hadn't been established yet. Once the time was right, those people who were ready would definitely rush forward.    


As Zhong Hongtao, he also hoped to advance a step further. However, he did not have any strong backing behind him. Would Qin Feng become a lucky general in front of him? If he really did that, wouldn't it be too obvious?    


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