The First Son-in-law

C326 I Finally Got Rid of It

C326 I Finally Got Rid of It

"Now you're happy, aren't you?" After the matter was settled, Fung Baihe said angrily.    


"Hehe, girl, don't worry. I won't mistreat you." The coach said contentedly, "I will definitely make your driving skills improve by leaps and bounds. If you can't do anything else, it's not a problem for you to do something in private."    


Just like that, this price was exchanged for excellent results. Fung Baihe only used a few months of time to master the driving skills skillfully.    


"Bastard, it's not something." After listening to Fung Baihe's words, Qin Feng was about to go crazy. He even regretted giving Fung Baihe money to learn how to drive and hoping that she could make a good decision. He thought that if he did not encourage her to learn how to drive, perhaps she would not have to be insulted by that beast.    


"Brother Qin Feng, the matter is already over. I will just treat it as a nightmare." Fung Baihe regretted telling him about the past. Every time she was raped by the coach, she would cry and find a bath. If she hadn't thought that she promised Qin Feng that she would learn how to drive well, she would have given the coach two big slaps. It wasn't like she hadn't reported to the driving school or switched coaches, but... In the end, she gave up on both ideas. If you report to the driving school that the first thing you do is ruin your reputation, and you can't guarantee that the driving school will take it out on you, If the driving school and the coach wear a pair of pants to protect each other, then I'm finished, and it doesn't seem like I can change the coach either. Because the coach was the captain, and the coaches had to listen to him. Even if they changed the coach, they probably wouldn't be able to get rid of the bad luck of being molested. Rather than being tortured in a corner, he might as well just quietly do it!    


"Lily, it was all my fault in the past. I won't let anyone bully you in the future!" Although she knew that it was inappropriate to say these words, He said it with such decisiveness.    


"Brother Qin Feng, sob, sob, sob. Please don't say it like this. I... I will not be able to take it." Fung Baihe's tears immediately flowed out, scaring Qin Feng all of a sudden. Lily, Lily, don't be like this. This is on the highway!    


Just when he was getting goosebumps, he realized that the other party seemed to be stuck in a traffic jam. Qin Feng was in a hurry. "Lily, Lily, hurry up and brake!"    


"Huh?" Fung Baihe felt her hair stand on end when she heard Qin Feng's roar. She did not know which one to use, but she stepped on it randomly. On one side was the gas pedal while on the other side was the brake. It was a scene that happened at the same time. Fortunately, Fung Baihe's left foot was not accurate because of her physical condition. She stepped on the brake with one foot.    


However, it was not as dangerous as that. When Qin Feng was about to let out a sigh of relief, he suddenly realized that a big car was flashing lights at his car from behind. His experience and intuition told Qin Feng, The car behind could not be stopped.    


At this moment, Fung Baihe was flustered and her mind was blank. Although she was very skilled in driving the car, she did not have enough experience in dealing with sudden situations. Especially on this kind of highway.    


One must know that things like cars were easy to learn when learning, but it was not easy to truly master it. If one did not have a certain amount of time, it would definitely not be possible.    


For a newbie, he felt that his driving skills were very impressive when he was driving. He dared to overtake any car and not allow any car to pass. They felt that they were the biggest in the world, and the road was their home. But after a long time, you'll experience all kinds of accidents. The speed of driving was not the fundamental factor that determined one's driving skills. Only when one was unafraid of danger and could effectively deal with all kinds of emergencies in time could one be considered a qualified driver.    


To Fung Baihe, all of this was unfamiliar. Although the devil coach gave her good driving skills, he did not give her any experience. In other words, experience was not handed over, but it was his own conclusion. It was said that one would only gain wisdom after suffering a setback, and those who had never suffered a loss would not gain experience.    


However, at this moment, Fung Baihe did not seem to have any regrets. In her opinion, if she could have Qin Feng by her side, it would not matter even if she lost her life. It was worth it to lose her life with someone she liked.    


Fung Baihe smiled and looked at Qin Feng. She actually let go and closed her eyes.    


F * ck!    


Qin Feng was about to go crazy. This girl actually gave up at this time. As the car behind them got closer and closer, the horn started to ring. Beads of sweat appeared on Qin Feng's forehead. It would be better if he was in the driver's seat. But now, this car was out of his control. There was a big car in front of him. If they were to play with it, it would be over. No matter how big your car was, it would be a meat pie if it was caught by these two big guys.    


In desperation, Qin Feng grabbed the steering wheel with one hand and hit Fung Baihe's left leg with the other. When she felt the pain and raised her left foot on the brake, that hand pressed Fung Baihe's right leg that was stepping on the gas. A series of actions were completed in an instant. The car hit the high-speed rail.    


"Ah..." Fung Baihe was really scared this time. She screamed and covered her eyes.    


Seeing that the front of the car was about to hit the guardrail, Qin Feng suddenly turned back. The right side of the car brushed against the guardrail, and the mirror on the left side of the car had run off to an unknown place.    


"Step on the brakes, hurry up!" Qin Feng shouted. At this moment, he did not dare to pull the brake. If the car had a big swing, it would be troublesome. The whole car would have to rush off the highway. At that time, he wouldn't be able to control it.    


"Ah..." At this moment, Fung Baihe did not listen to anything. She just kept screaming. Helplessly, Qin Feng could only use the same tactic as before. With one hand holding the steering wheel, the other hand first hit Fung Baihe's right leg, which was supposed to be braking. Then he pulled her left leg and stepped on it, because he found that Fung Baihe seemed to like to use her left leg to step on the brake. Moreover, she stepped on it very brightly.    


Feeling the car slowing down, Qin Feng quickly pulled his hand back and pulled her up. He did not care what was bad for the car. After he pulled the handbrake, he pushed the gear to the parking gear.    


"Lily, Lily, Hurry up and get out of the car!" Qin Feng knew that he was safe for the time being. But you can't have it in the car, because there's bound to be another car coming in the back. If he couldn't stop the car, it would be the same as sending him to the chopping board. In this kind of traffic jam, he could only get into the car to rest after a certain number of cars were exhausted. Otherwise, you'd better hide as far as you can.    


After getting out of the car, Fung Baihe immediately threw herself into Qin Feng's arms. Her hands tightly wrapped around his waist. Although she did not want to, However, thinking about how Fung Baihe had just been frightened, Qin Feng could only let her carry her just like that. He even patted her back from time to time, but what made Qin Feng feel a little awkward was... The two of them were pressed together, slightly bent back. Qin Feng observed the situation behind them.    


Fortunately, Qin Feng's worries did not happen this time. However, the big car behind them could not stop the car. He could not be blamed for this. He was carrying a hundred tons of goods. With that kind of emergency brake, not many people could do it safely.    


With a bang, the two big cars collided. The driver seat of the car in the back immediately turned into a Transformer. Qin Feng was frightened. He thought that he had taken emergency measures just now. Otherwise, he would be finished. Looking at the momentum, even if he wasn't in danger, he would have broken his legs and arms.    


At this moment, Qin Feng... He was grateful to the driver, who would never have been able to do that if he'd kept reminding him. Perhaps he was the one stuck in it now.    


He had to help when he was in trouble. Moreover, it was all thanks to the other party that he was able to escape successfully.    


"Stay here and don't move. I will go and take a look." Qin Feng patted Fung Baihe, who was crying in his arms.    


"I don't want you to go over." Fung Baihe was still in shock at this time. She felt like she had walked around the gates of hell. In the past, she always felt that the car accident was very far away from her. She did not expect that this time, she really felt it. Moreover, it was under her driving condition.    


"It's fine now." Qin Feng patted Fung Baihe's back gently. "When you see that there is a car parked behind you, you can enter the car. We were able to avoid the danger just now, thanks to the driver who gave us an alert number in an emergency. Otherwise, we might not be able to do anything right now, so... I have to go over and see if I can help. "    


"Then you can go! But you must be careful. If you can't do it, don't do it. Safety first. " Fung Baihe was not an unreasonable person. She stood up and wiped her tears.    


At this moment, Fung Baihe looked like a little wife. Qin Feng's heart was stirred when he saw her. He wished he could close his arms and kiss her. But reason told him that he must not do this. He absolutely must not provoke this person who he recognized as his sister.    


When Qin Feng arrived at the driver's seat of the big car, the owners of the surrounding cars had already run over. Everyone opened the door and carefully carried the driver out.    


Because Qin Feng had dodged the car and made some distance away, coupled with his good operation, he used a switch of gears to reduce the speed of the car. Then, he used a brake effectively. Although they inevitably collided, the force was no longer as strong. Therefore, although the driver's seat had inevitably changed shape, he was only slightly injured in the driver's seat, which was why it was inevitable that the driver's seat would change shape, but he was only slightly injured in the driver's seat.    


"Thank you, everyone. Thank you, everyone." After coming out, the man in his thirties kept cupping his hands at the people around him.    


"It was all thanks to you just now. To be honest, I still need to thank you." Qin Feng was sincere. Qin Feng would not have been so lucky if Qin Feng had been so focused on lowering the speed of his car and not caring about the car in front of him.    


"Hehe, it's an instinctive reaction," the middle-aged man said. Qin Feng felt warm in his heart. Nowadays, it was rare to see a driver like this. Otherwise, news like "bus drivers suddenly fall ill and become passengers at critical moments" would not attract so much attention. In such a cold and indifferent society, everyone should still have a more caring feeling for them.    


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