The First Son-in-law

C368 Let's Go Together

C368 Let's Go Together

"Mr. Zhong, if we can solve this problem, I think all the problems will be solved." Initially, he didn't want to tell Mr. Zhong the purpose of this trip. However, Qin Feng thought that he might have to rely on Zhong Hongtao for his future promotion. At this moment, it was better not to get into a bad relationship with Zhong Hongtao.    


Hearing Qin Feng's explanation, Zhong Hongtao secretly regretted it. Why didn't he expect it? Qin Feng going to the provincial capital at this time should be to find that big boss. He was helping him. How could he treat him like this?    


"Ask Secretary Qi to arrange a car for you. Don't be too nervous. If you need it, you can ask the finance department to pay for it temporarily." Zhong Hongtao's completely different attitude disgusted Qin Feng. However, he didn't dare to show it. Not only could he not show his dissatisfaction, but he also had to feel Mr. Xie's relationship with him. This was the sorrow of being a subordinate.    


At the same time, Zhao Haixia had also met Xiao Yuanshan as she wished. The two of them talked for a long time in the office. It was not hard to tell from Xiao Yuanshan's face of excitement. This conversation should be beneficial to Xiao Yuanshan. However, those who could oppose them... Especially those idiots in the circle, for their actions. Some of them had already noticed it, because... According to the plan, the news of Zhao Haixia being kidnapped should have already spread. However, at this time, there was no news of Zhao Haixia being kidnapped. There was no news of the people who kidnapped her. This could not help but cause some people to be shocked.    


"Little Zhang, pay attention to that Qin Feng for me. It has always been a good tradition for our army to surround and attack reinforcements. Everyone has already used this point to perfection. The current circle is the same. If you want to know the boss's movements, you just need to know the movements of the people around the boss. As an old fox like Vice President Sun, he naturally knew. The more special the situation, the less one should pay attention to the boss. Instead, he should start from a small figure and look at the nature of the phenomenon. This way, one could understand what they were doing.    


"Yes, Dad. I will go and find out immediately." The person who answered the phone was none other than Zhang Lei, who claimed to be the son-in-law of the Sun family.    


"Don't be a father yet. If you want to pass the exam, don't be a father. Let's get this done first. Although he knew that his daughter was indeed a little rough, but... Because of his family, Vice President Sun still hoped to find a suitable son-in-law. However, those well-to-do young men... Other people's request was that Sun Lu, this kind of person, had no looks. What could a second generation who did not have any connotations be able to achieve?    


People always wanted to reach beyond their reach. However, they never thought that everything had to be practical. Grandpa Mao warned us more than once: One must be honest. Everything had to be practical, but... However, some people nowadays placed the most important thing in their hearts, what they could do or what they could do. Instead of learning the thoughts of the older generation and how to serve the people first, they might find out when they were too late to regret. The old boss's words were meant to protect the people with the greatest benefits.    


Hearing what his future father-in-law said in his heart, Zhang Lei did not think much of it. You thought I really liked your daughter, but you didn't know that what I liked was the power in your hands. If you're not a big vice president, I'll f * cking like your pig-like daughter. Go to your dreams!    


However, Zhang Lei absolutely could not say these words. He did not dare to say it out loud. I just got this vice president from someone else. If it wasn't someone else, As a grassroots person, he probably wouldn't be able to live for a few more years. He wouldn't be happy for his family in the future. Just for my future career, I'll have to serve this' prospective father-in-law 'well. As for his daughter, it was not a problem at all. Because he had already submitted to him.    


Thinking about how he would have to hug such a woman to sleep at night, Zhang Lei felt a chill run down his spine. However, thinking about how he could only rely on her to successfully obtain his position, he tolerated it. He would only get what he wanted if he had something to give up. At most, he would just keep a pet that could talk at home.    


Thinking about this, Zhang Lei felt that Vice President Sun's sarcasm did not matter. Since he had already treated the woman as a pet, then her father was also a pet. Even if he had to deal with two pets, if Sun Lu and her father knew what Zhang Lei was thinking right now, They didn't know if Zhang Lei would go crazy or not. It was right for people to find their own happiness. But if they overestimate themselves, What he gets isn't necessarily happiness. Because Zhang Lei had already made up his mind to abandon his wife after he lost her virginity.    


"Don't worry, Dad. I promise to complete the mission." Zhang Lei's straightforward answer did not make Vice President Sun happy. An old fox like him had already made up his mind. He had to keep Zhang Lei under his control. For no other reason, he didn't want his daughter to be abandoned so easily in the future.    


After hanging up the phone, Vice President Sun said fiercely to his phone, "Little bastard, you still want to take out my palm? Look at yourself!" Immediately, he pressed a few more numbers. He felt that it would be as easy as flipping his hand to deal with Zhang Lei.    


After rejecting Zhong Hongtao's good intention of arranging a car for him, Qin Feng went down to the parking lot alone.    


"Qin Feng" opened the door and was about to get into the car when a voice called out to him. He looked up and saw Zhang Lei walking over with a smile on his face.    


If he did not have anything to do, he would either be a thief or a thief.    


Before the other party had even walked up to him, Qin Feng had already come to a conclusion.    


"Haha, is something the matter?" Qin Feng asked with a smile, his hand holding the door of the car.    


"What do you want tonight? Let's sit together." Zhang Lei walked over with a smile and passed a cigarette to Qin Feng.    


"Thanks. You know I don't smoke." Qin Feng raised his hand to stop him. "I'm afraid I can't do it tonight. I have to go home now. I have something to do at home."    


"What's so important? Let's have a good chat. We haven't been able to sit together for so long. I haven't congratulated you for working with Mr. Zhong yet. Give me a chance tonight." As he spoke, Zhang Lei pretended to get into the car. "Perfect. I want to enjoy your car too."    


"Sorry, I really can't do it. I have to go home." The smile on Qin Feng's face disappeared. What he hated the most was people who took him too seriously and made decisions without his consent.    


After saying that, Qin Feng got into the car and started the car.    


"Ai, brother. What are you running for? I really want to invite you! Ever since they had gotten close to Sun Lu, "You, Qin Feng, are at most a secretary, but I, Zhang Lei, am the son-in-law of a famous boss of the city. A son-in-law is half a man, which is more important than the other. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that it was because of this relationship. Right now, Zhang Lei was getting more and more arrogant. He always felt that he was very outstanding. He always felt that he would be able to soar to the top in the near future, but he didn't know that. Whether a man's career in the circle is really going well is a very small factor. The most important thing was the inner reason, and his behavior was the inner reason. If you were a pile of mud, it would be a waste even if others had the heart to help you up the wall.    


"Let me tell you, I'm annoyed right now. Don't provoke me. I'll give you a chance now. If you know what's good for you, go down now. If you don't know what's good for you, then think of a way to run back on the highway!" As he spoke, Qin Feng suddenly stepped on the brakes.    


"Qin Feng, what do you mean? I invited you to dinner with good intentions. Is this how you treat me?" Zhang Lei didn't believe that Qin Feng could really do something like this. After all, he had intentionally spread his identity in the Inspection Team. Those who had some positions were still polite when they saw him. Zhang Lei didn't believe that Qin Feng could really do anything to him. Although he had taken care of him the last time, he still didn't believe that Qin Feng could do anything to him. After all, he had done something wrong. At that time, he hadn't slept with Sun Lu yet. Now... Everything had been settled. He had also met her parents. What he had found was just that ceremony. Therefore, the current Zhang Lei... I can't help but think of myself as a second generation. He never thought that Qin Feng would really do what he said. The car left the department door and sped towards the highway.    


"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?" Zhang Lei's confidence was built on the fact that he had a father-in-law, the boss of the department. Now it seemed that this move was of no use to Qin Feng, and he had tried it himself. At this moment, how could he not be afraid? However, his fear didn't seem to have given Qin Feng any mercy. He pressed the lock of the car door and said fiercely to Zhang Lei, "Brother. You've tasted my methods, now you... Better be honest with me, if I'm happy. I might find a suitable place to put you down, but if I'm not happy, "Hehe, I heard that there are a few sections of the highway back to Baodong County that are deserted..."    


Qin Feng's words made Zhang Lei's hair stand on end. He knew that Qin Feng was someone who could do what he said. The previous incident was an example, so... After Qin Feng finished speaking, he didn't dare to say anything else. However, in his heart, he had greeted Qin Feng's ancestors for eighteen generations, and Sun Lu's ancestors for eighteen generations. He had long heard about what Sun Lu's father did. However, when he thought about how the people in the circle would more or less use some methods for his promotion, He felt that it did not matter. It was just intentional. Zhang Lei hoped that he could avoid it, but... Now that there's a connection, can he avoid it? Besides, even if he wanted to avoid it, he couldn't. Could his future father-in-law give him this chance? If he was not firmly in control, would he be able to marry his daughter without worry? Although Sun Lu really did not dare to flatter him, But in Vice President Sun's eyes, After all, she was his own flesh and blood, right?    


He looked at Zhang Lei beside him. Qin Feng felt a wave of disdain in his heart. It's too much of a child's play to be brave enough to help the other party do things. Kid, learn well. This time, I will let you remember. If you come and find trouble with me again in the future, it won't be so simple. I will definitely teach you a good lesson.    


Although he wanted to drive straight to the provincial capital, because Zhang Lei was here, Qin Feng could only change the route. When he arrived at the Baodong County toll station, Qin Feng said, "Brother, this is the county town. You can choose to stay here for the night or take a taxi back. Of course, there is still another choice. That is to report.    


Think about what you should do. "Now, get out of the car."    


Zhang Lei was scared out of his wits. He had also learned about what Qin Feng had done in Baodong County through his own channels. He knew that Qin Feng was a good person in Baodong County. If he really let the people in the Dao teach him a lesson, he would be in deep trouble. Therefore, when Qin Feng told him to get off the car, He quickly opened the door and jumped out of the car.    


"Oh right, I forgot to tell you that the police station is less than 50 meters away. If you want to call the police, I can totally wait for you for a while." Qin Feng landed on the right side of the brick bed and looked at Zhang Lei, who was panicking and at a loss of what to do.    


"No... it won't." At this moment, Zhang Lei's words were somewhat incoherent.    


"That's good. You don't seem to be lying. I will be a good person until the end. I will tell you the number of the taxi in our county." Qin Feng's words almost pissed Zhang Lei off. This was good intentions? You brought me to your county. You should treat me to dinner as a host. Now that I am fine, you just leave me here.    


However, Zhang Lei could only think about these words in his heart. Right now, the most urgent thing for him was to find a taxi as soon as possible and get away from this place of trouble. Although it was only 50 meters from this position to the police station, it was only 50 meters. However, who could guarantee that Qin Feng wouldn't stop them if they moved in that direction?    


However, what's more, his colleague accused his colleague of kidnapping, and the defendant was the secretary of the head of Inspection Team. It's a joke. At that time, Qin Feng would at most say this: We are joking!    


What do you think those policemen can do? They don't seem to have the guts to detain the boss's secretary, do they?    


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