The First Son-in-law

C402 It Is a Great Test

C402 It Is a Great Test

It's been a long time since the afternoon ban was issued, and they've been sending people around. However, these people don't think it's a big deal. Less than ten people had arrived. It was unknown if it was because there was no more white wine, or if everyone felt that it would be better to drink some more beer and wash it. Thus, the beer in the two or three cartons quickly dried up again. At this time, some people's tongues had already started to not listen to their commands. Both of their hands were waving in the air. They really couldn't stand this kind of atmosphere. Qin Feng poured another round of water and left the room.    


"Can you cook me a bowl of noodles?" Qin Feng asked when he saw the waiter at the door. Seeing that there was no one in the room, he said, "Put them here later and bring me two mantou. If you have green chili, bring me two."    


The waiter looked at Qin Feng as if he was an alien. Although he was confused why this man didn't drink in the room, he still nodded and agreed to Qin Feng's request. Then he went downstairs to prepare Qin Feng's noodles.    


"What's wrong? I'm a little surprised, but still a little disappointed?" Qin Feng took a piece of promotional paper and fanned it. Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him.    


"Boss Ji." Qin Feng quickly stopped what he was doing.    


"Turn on the air conditioner." Ji Feng pointed at the remote control on the table. "Anyway, this is the room we booked. There's no need to use it for free."    


"Mhm." Qin Feng picked up the remote control and turned on the air conditioner. He then poured Ji Feng a glass of water.    


"I wasn't used to it when I first came here, but I slowly got used to it. If you live here, you have to blend in with this place. Otherwise, you will become a different person. In the circle, being different will never work." Ji Feng seemed to have seen his previous self in Qin Feng's body.    


"Boss Ji is also an outsider?" Qin Feng asked in surprise. According to what he knew, before he came here, there didn't seem to be any medicinal Lanshan Countys from outside Lanshan County. They were all native people of Lanshan County.    


"I went to school outside. My parents only have one child like me. And they don't want to go out with me, so there's nothing I can do about it. " I can only come back. " Ji Feng sighed. Originally, I thought that I could do something when I came back. Unexpectedly, reality completely shattered my dream. Originally, I didn't have any backing. In addition to the overall atmosphere of Lanshan County, sigh...    


His words were filled with sadness. Ji Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. "There's nothing I can do. I can only live like this."    


"I feel that it is still possible to do things if you really want to." Qin Feng felt that Ji Feng was still somewhat depraved. He couldn't help but interject.    


"If you want to do something, you must first have the capital. For example, I am the one who is ranked the last. I don't have any real power in my hands, even though I have been trying to get close to the boss. Ji Feng shook his head. "It is still not ideal. In Lanshan County, everything is decided by Mr. Xie. "Even Mr. Xu can't do anything about it."    


Hearing what Ji Feng said, He had just arrived, so he had to be extra careful. When he recalled Lin Xuemei's warning that he should not only look at the surface of the matter, he was even more determined about this. He had just met her, yet she had already told him all this. What was she trying to express?    


Was she trying to tell him that she wanted to do something, or was she trying to tell him that Xie Yun was in charge of everything in Lanshan County?    


Qin Feng could not tell the real purpose of this. Therefore, he could not say anything, nor did he dare to say anything. He only prepared a pair of ears.    


After all, he had seen the world outside. He saw that Qin Feng did not interrupt him. Ji Feng immediately understood what Qin Feng meant. He thought to himself, It seems like... He had underestimated this man. No wonder he dared to be the manager of the Edge Company. He must have come prepared. He should have gotten closer to him. Mr. Xu's guess was right. The boss of the city would definitely not let a county continue to be poor forever. There would definitely be changes, and what he needed to do would be changed. Just now... He was indeed testing Qin Feng to see if this man could successfully take the bait. If Qin Feng expressed his opinion on what he just said, it would prove that he had misjudged the man. The other party wasn't a powerful person. Now, it seemed like... The energy of the other party wasn't something he could imagine. To be able to have such a scheme at such a young age... Indeed, it was extraordinary!    


Thinking of this, Ji Feng hurriedly explained, "Comrade Qin Feng. I just want to tell you. Even a county boss can't do anything so easily. So, you must be mentally prepared. Of course, if you find me here, I will not hesitate to help you. I will definitely help you. Then I can only say that there's nothing I can do.    


"Thank you, Boss Ji. If there is a need, I will definitely look for you." It would be bad if Qin Feng did not answer the call.    


While they were talking, the waiter had already brought the noodles in. It was unknown whether it was because Ji Feng had given them another order or because the waiter had a good eye for them. In short, it was not a bowl that was brought in. Instead, it was a small bowl with two bowls. There was even a small bowl with two stir-fried buns at the back.    


"Hehe, I'll eat together. You don't have any objections, right?" Ji Feng chuckled and said, "I was only focused on drinking two cups of wine over there earlier. At this moment, I'm hungry."    


"No objections, no objections!" How could Qin Feng have any problem with that? The waiter had obviously prepared it for them!    


While they were eating, Qin Feng asked for some general knowledge about the Lanshan County circle. Ji Feng naturally told them everything he knew. It was a simple sentence. The distance between the two of them was shortened. When they left, Everyone was already drunk. No one came looking for them. They closed the door and had another long conversation. Through Ji Feng's words, Qin Feng had gotten some inside information. It wasn't that Lanshan County didn't have any potential for development. It was because these people were unwilling to develop under the current circumstances. It was because these people were tired of doing things. They always felt that it was a good thing now. Especially some of the major bosses in the county, they didn't have to worry about food and drink. There was no hope of promotion, so naturally, they didn't want to develop. Just like that, they worked day by day.    


Through his conversation with Ji Feng, Qin Feng found that he had easily completed the mission Xiao Yuanshan had given him. Didn't he want to find out the root cause of the unfavorable development of Lanshan County? Now, he had found it. That was, Lanshan County lacked the courage to move. The most important thing was the Staff Member. If the city or the department could interfere, Whether the Staff Member went out or the outside came in, as long as it could move, the Lanshan County would be able to move. However,... At the same time, Qin Feng also knew that this so-called 'moving' seemed very simple. However, it was very difficult to implement it. Looking at the current development level of Lanshan County, No one outside wants to come in. There should be people inside who want to go out. However, because they couldn't talk to the people above, they could only spend their energy in Lanshan County for generations. Fortunately, there was also a benefit to this. The number of official duties in Lanshan County was gradually decreasing. Unlike other developed companies, which were recruited by the yamen every year, There were also a lot of people from other places who were recruited by the yamen. There were even a lot of temporary workers hired by many units that were more likely to be hired than the official Lanshan Countys developed in Lanshan County.    


Because the bosses had drunk too much, Qin Feng gave up on the idea of continuing to visit. He thought to himself that it was best to hurry back to Edge Company and observe his working environment.    


"Qin Feng, do you know why we only have two tables to eat but have three tables to eat?" When they went downstairs, Ji Feng said with a bitter smile.    


"I don't know." Qin Feng really didn't know about this. Although he was puzzled and had wanted to ask about it before, he couldn't find a suitable reason.    


"Because this way, we can settle the bill for an extra table." Ji Feng's words almost made Qin Feng laugh. What era was this? Even when he was driving in Baodong County, he wouldn't use such a low-level method to gain benefits for himself. As the vice president of a branch office, he actually wanted to do this. Wouldn't that make people laugh their teeth out?    


"There's no need to laugh. This is true. You might not believe it if you say it out loud." Ji Feng said seriously, "The purpose of my words is not to say bad things about Vice President Dong behind his back, but to tell you the current situation of Lanshan County. Although Vice Chairman Dong looks like he is the Vice Chairman of a branch office, and he is also the Vice Chairman of a branch office... However, what he is doing... In fact, he was no different than a small office manager of a developed company. It's not as good as the heads of offices in one of those companies, although those heads of offices don't hang deputy county heads. They don't hang a branch executive, but... He definitely had more power than the head of an office. He must have experienced and dealt with a lot more things than him. I only said this for one purpose, and that is, I hope you can recognize the form of Chu Lanshan County. If possible, I hope you can change the current situation of Lanshan County. After all, it's a county. It's not as good as a town in another county, sooner or later. It will be completely eliminated by society.    


Qin Feng could tell that Ji Feng's words were filled with desolation. However, was it really that easy to develop a county? Putting aside the fact that he didn't have this ability right now, even if he did, It wasn't something that could happen in a day or two. There had to be a process!    


However, looking at Ji Feng's expectant gaze, Qin Feng couldn't say anything. He could only nod his head forcefully. "Don't worry. I will definitely work hard. In fact, Lanshan County has the ability to develop. It all depends on whether our boss has the confidence to do so."    


"I believe that no one wants to see their family fall day by day. I believe that all the bosses in the county still want to develop." Ji Feng knew that he absolutely couldn't mention Xu Bing anymore. Otherwise, it would definitely arouse Qin Feng's suspicion. To be able to do this, Ji Feng felt that it wasn't easy anymore. Although he said that he didn't have any bad intentions, he did want to do something with Qin Feng. However, one's suspicions were destined to lead to one saying too much about certain things. So, Ji Feng didn't dare to continue. Instead, he accompanied Qin Feng as they walked towards the branch compound. Although the weather was hot, the hearty conversation between the two of them had washed away all of this. This had also allowed the two of them to form a deep friendship.    


When he found his car, the scene in front of him made Qin Feng feel very uncomfortable. In the morning, the two security guards who stopped him were wiping his car with a rag under the hot sun. His wet clothes were tightly stuck to his body, and his face was covered in sweat.    


"Masters, brothers, what are you doing? Why are you wiping my car on such a hot day?" Qin Feng quickly opened the door and took out two bottles of drinks.    


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