The First Son-in-law

C404 Are You Leaving or Staying

C404 Are You Leaving or Staying

"It's you. What are you doing here? Walking your motorcycle again?" Everyone could see that this girl was not that friendly to Zhu Zi.    


"Hehe, what do you mean walk? That's called car practice. The manager has already said that after I finish practicing, I will bring him around the countryside!" Zhu Zi had a proud look on his face as he casually unscrewed the cap of the bottle. "Come, have a drink. This is sweet. It's good to drink."    


"Have a drink!" The girl looked at the bottle in Zhu Zi's hand. Her thoughts were similar to those of those people just now. In their understanding, water shouldn't be placed in this kind of thing.    


"It's water, drink it!" The old man spoke. It seemed that his attitude toward Zhu Zi was quite good.    


"Dad..." The girl shook her body and looked at the old man. She seemed to be very dissatisfied with the old man's attitude.    


Hehe, there's something going on here!    


Qin Feng thought with a smile. It was obvious. The pillar is interested in the girl, but the girl doesn't seem to be interested in him. However, the father-in-law seemed to think that this young man was not bad. This could be seen from the way he looked at Zhu Zi. Qin Feng finally understood why this young man said that the motorcycle was given to him by him. He wanted to use this rare species to achieve his goal.    


Little guy, isn't he stupid? I thought that the common people of Edge Company lacked something. Now, it seems like it's just a matter of concept. As long as one's concept changed, it's very easy to change it. At this moment, Qin Feng regained his confidence.    


"Zhu Zi, tell everyone to drink some water!"    


Seeing that Zhu Zi was unable to get off the stage, Qin Feng quickly found a way for him to get off the stage. "The weather is so hot right now. Please don't get heatstroke."    


"Okay, okay." Zhu Zi's mind was more flexible because he was often assigned to the county town. This was also the real reason why the girl didn't like him. She felt that he was a little unprofessional, that he was a little 'dishonest'. If people outside found out that the girl didn't like a man because of this, they might faint out of depression.    


"Come, come, come. The manager invites everyone to drink water." No one was unwilling to do human work. It was not like they were paying for it. After listening to Qin Feng's words, Zhu Zi quickly went up and picked up a box of water to distribute.    


Receiving the water from Zhu Zi, everyone's nervous expressions relaxed. They trusted Zhu Zi quite a lot. Especially when they heard that this person was the manager, they were a little embarrassed by their performance just now. That old man seems to have some prestige. He walked in front of Qin Feng and said, "Manager, we are all commoners. We don't know any rules. Please don't be angry!"    


"Nothing happened just now!" Qin Feng laughed.    


"Old man, why are you still cutting wheat like this? Have you ever thought about using a machine?" Qin Feng passed a bottle of water to Qin Feng. This time, the old man did not refuse. At this moment, he already knew that it was indeed water. It wasn't something bad that everyone was worried about. Qin Feng's question puzzled him.    


"This thing can be used by machines?" The old man looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.    


"This..." Qin Feng did not know how to answer such a question, because in his memory dictionary, It's been a child's thing to keep wheat by hand. Now, everyone was a series of machines. That kind of big harvester goes over and just harvest the wheat grains later on. Now, the old man actually asked such a question. Qin Feng didn't know how to explain this for a moment, but... When Qin Feng saw the old man's eager look, he still explained seriously, "This is okay. Now there is a machine that specializes in collecting wheat. Let's go ahead. Everyone can just collect the wheat grains later. It will save time and effort. "If you save time, you can still go out and work to earn money."    


"Going out to earn money?" Qin Feng's words made the old man confused again. Farmers are just digging in the soil, aren't they? "They can still go out and earn money.    


Seeing this, Qin Feng realized that he really could not continue communicating with them like this. The people here seemed to be still in the last century. They were still stuck in the era of farmers. They could only face the yellow soil with their backs facing the sky. They did not even dare to think about going out to work.    


Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt bitter again. Compared to the big cities, they were the kind of people who were forgotten by society.    


"Old man, I will discuss this matter with you later. Now, why don't you guys go ahead with your work? It is said that it will rain in the next few days. It would be best if you could quickly bring the wheat back home." Qin Feng knew it. Now, even if he explained himself, This... It had to be done little by little, not at once.    


"Yes, yes, yes. I saw the sky last night. It's going to rain soon, so I have to hurry up and put away the wheat. Otherwise, we'll be in trouble again." The old man panicked when he heard Qin Feng's words. He quickly called his son to collect the wheat. The pillar over there had already finished distributing the water. He ran back to Qin Feng's side. "Manager, you know where my house is. How about you go first? I'll go back and find you. I heard it's raining these days. I need to help them collect the wheat." She looked at the girl. Zhu leaned close to Qin Feng's ear and said," Manager, I like that girl. But she doesn't like me. I have to perform well. "    


"Go, go!" At this moment, Qin Feng was no longer thinking about this. He knew it was the harvest season, so he had been listening to the weather forecast for the past few days. Thinking that there would be a large amount of rain today, Qin Feng could not help but be stunned. Since he was here, He had to think of a way to do something for the people. Right now, wasn't it the right time to do something? If he could do it, he might be able to change the minds of the people!    


Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly got into the car and made a few phone calls. Then, he drove the car to the direction of the county.    


"Who are you looking for?" When he entered the gate of the Agricultural Machinery Bureau, a lazy voice came from the gatehouse.    


"May I ask if your boss is here? I am the manager of the Edge Company." Qin Feng learned his lesson this time and handed a box of cigarettes to Qin Feng.    


"If you came at this time, the bosses would have left long ago." Because of the cigarettes, the guard's attitude became much better. "Furthermore, the wheat harvest has been recently. Everyone is on vacation!"    


"The wheat harvest is on holiday?" Qin Feng was very surprised. In Baodong County, the more wheat harvest season, the busier the Staff Member of the Agricultural Machinery Bureau was. On one hand, it was to find a place for the farmers to harvest wheat. On the other hand, it was to provide some post-sales information. At the same time, it was also actively looking for people who needed help. This place, on the other hand, was on holiday.    


"There must be someone on duty, right?" Qin Feng asked relentlessly.    


"I am on duty," the guard said. Qin Feng almost fainted. He did not expect such an old man to be on duty at the bureau.    


However, it was better than nothing. Qin Feng went in and explained his purpose of coming. In the end, "Nothing like this has ever happened here. According to what I know, there are only one or two families in Lanshan County that sells that kind of thing. However, the sales aren't very good. It looks like it's just a decoration. In this era, the Lanshan County doesn't earn much money. Who would be willing to spend money to use that thing?    


"Good, as long as there is something to sell, that's good." Qin Feng finally had some clues. At this moment, he had received some replies from the phone calls he had just made. However, the contents of the replies were not optimistic.    


"Recently, there has been a large scale rain. They can't finish their local work, so they definitely won't go out."    


"I've checked online. There are no such large machines around Lanshan County that are idle."    


"Qin Feng, this won't do. The machines here are all busy. There's no way they're free. Besides, it'll take some time to get there. When we get there, it might rain down."    




The content of the few phone calls was almost the same. It completely cut off Qin Feng's thoughts of transferring the machines from other places. There was no other way. Qin Feng could only place his hopes on them. On one or two of these machines.    


According to the old man's guidance, Qin Feng had really found the agricultural machinery market. Compared to the prosperity of the agricultural machinery market in Baodong County, this place was more like a forgotten corner. Although Qin Feng didn't work much on the ground, he could tell that the machines here were much worse than those in Baodong County. However, it was better than nothing. As long as there were machines, there was hope. Ideas cannot be changed at once.    


"Boss, is anyone here? Qin Feng shouted as he walked into the yard. After a long time, a middle-aged man came into the yard.    


"What is it?" The middle-aged man looked at Qin Feng.    


"What's the matter?" Qin Feng ignored the cold attitude of the boss and walked towards the machines. "Is there any more advanced machines like this?"    


"This one is the most advanced one. Let's go first and get some wheat grains from the back." When the middle-aged man heard that Qin Feng wanted to buy a machine, he became excited. One should know that he could not sell this machine easily. Now that he had the chance, how could he not be excited?    


"The wheat grains you made are not clean and still have wheat grains. The new machine can filter out the wheat grains," Qin Feng said casually.    


"Oh?" The middle-aged man was surprised. He was doing business in this area. Naturally, he was more concerned about this. He knew that Qin Feng's words were true. However, due to the purchasing power of Lanshan County and the fact that the county didn't provide good compensation for agricultural machinery, Therefore, he was not in the mood to do that. Now that he heard Qin Feng's words, he knew that Qin Feng wasn't the 'little brat' in his eyes.    


"How about this? It's unrealistic to ask you to do that in a short period of time. I have a request. If you sell this thing, you can at least find someone who can operate this kind of machine, right?" Qin Feng knew that time waited for no one.    


"Of course." The middle-aged boss was quite confident. "I have relatives who know this. As long as you really buy it, I can provide free training."    


"I don't want any training right now. I want people who can drive this kind of car directly. Also, it's best if you can find a few more for me. " I'll take all your machines. " Qin Feng looked at them. There were only three or five of them in total.    


"All... all of them?" The middle-aged man looked at Qin Feng with a stutter.    


"Why? Can't I?" Qin Feng turned to look at the middle-aged man. "Are you afraid that others will buy you?"    


"No." The middle-aged man couldn't express his excitement. These machines were placed here. They almost crushed him. This machine can't handle it. Let's do it. There's really no profit to be made. If we can't sell it, how can we profit from it? So, we're in a stalemate. Unexpectedly, they could sell it all at once. Do you think he wouldn't be happy?    


"How do we calculate the price?" Qin Feng knew that it was impossible to pay on credit like in Baodong County. In this place, he had to pay the money and deliver the goods.    


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