The First Son-in-law

C438 There Was Something Fishy about It

C438 There Was Something Fishy about It

"Come in." A deep and powerful voice pierced through the door and came to the corridor. Qin Feng was surprised by the familiar voice. "Is the secretary not here?    


There was no time to think. He pushed the door open and went in. When he raised his head, he happened to see the familiar back. For a moment, there was something sparkling and translucent in Qin Feng's eyes.    


"Mr. Zhong!" Qin Feng shouted with a trembling voice.    


"Qin Feng!" The figure suddenly turned around and looked at Qin Feng with joy. "It really is you. Why do you have time today? "Come, come, come, sit down."    


"Mr. Zhong, sit down." Zhong Hongtao's enthusiasm moved Qin Feng. Seeing that Zhong Hongtao did not have any intention of going to the office, he quickly pulled a chair over.    


"Why are you free today?" Qin Feng asked. Are you here to do something or not?" Zhong Hongtao took off his reading glasses.    


"I am here to take care of something. I am here to see you," Qin Feng said respectfully. His initial unfamiliarity had disappeared.    


"Yes." Zhong Hongtao nodded. "Judging from your current appearance, you must have suffered a lot over there, right? " Can you hold on? "    


"Nothing much. It's just that the working environment is a little bad. We are working hard to improve it now." Qin Feng smiled and said, "If you have time, you should go and take a look. It is really a nice place."    


"Brat, are you trying to find me?" Zhong Hongtao said with a laugh.    


"No, I am sincerely inviting you." Qin Feng felt really depressed. "Is this invitation to ask you for something? "You think too much, don't you?    


"Haha," Zhong Hongtao said with an unnatural smile. "It seems I was thinking too much."    


"Hehe, it's not your fault. It's mainly because it's popular now." Qin Feng knew that he must not let the boss down. It was the current trend that misled you. "But don't be happy too early. "Maybe I'll come to you one day. It's just that I haven't thought of what I should ask for yet.    


"You brat." Zhong Hongtao scolded him. "I heard you did well there. You got some results in the wheat harvest work a while ago. However, there are still flaws in beauty! You have offended many people because of this, right?"    


They are all old foxes indeed. This kind of thing can be seen through at a glance. I can only count on myself not having any schemes.    


That's right. It's all because I'm too lacking in considerations. " Qin Feng had to admit that this was a fact. "You must pay attention to your work in the future."    


"It's not like the past. You must think twice before doing anything. You have to think about the pros and cons of this matter in advance. You have to think about it carefully. " Whether I can do this or not, what should I do? "Unknowingly, Before he knew it, Zhong Hongtao started lecturing again. This was a common problem among the bosses. As he spoke, he would subconsciously put himself in a superior position. Of course, if the other party was a boss that was bigger than them, It was an instinct. An indescribable instinct.    


"Yes." Qin Feng could not say anything else. He could only nod in agreement.    


"In the circle, if you want to do something, you have to do it. You have to learn to be a human being first. It's not as simple as establishing quality, it's about how to be a smooth person. In the circle, people with sharp edges would never be able to hold a high position. Only those who have lost their edges and are familiar with the way of the world. As Zhong Hongtao spoke, he reached out his hand to get the cup. At this time, Qin Feng happened to put the cup in his hand. This sudden coincidence made Zhong Hongtao sigh in his heart. His current secretary... His current secretary was definitely not as good as Qin Feng's look. He could take all the advantages of being obedient and sensible. However, he could not keep up with the look in his eyes.    


"In the current circle, if you want to do something, the first thing you need to think about is not how you should do it, but whether you will offend others if you do it." Zhong Hongtao took a sip of tea and continued, "That's why you need to think twice before doing anything. Don't be reckless."    


"Yes, I will follow Mr. Zhong's instructions." Qin Feng nodded sincerely. He knew that Mr. Zhong was doing it for his own good. If it was anyone else, they might just laugh at him. They wouldn't have said this at all, even though Lin Xuemei and Xiao Yuanshan had already told him about it. However, when they heard it from Zhong Hongtao's mouth again, Qin Feng once again realized the mistake he had made. It was definitely not an ordinary mistake. It seemed like he was still too young to consider the problem. It was too one-sided. He always felt that as long as he was fully devoted to serving the people, he could not consider anything else. Now, it seemed that his idea was wrong. It was absolutely wrong. Even if you serve the people wholeheartedly, you have to pay attention to the opinions and opinions of others. You can't touch other people's cheese, otherwise... They will do everything in their power to make you unable to do anything even if you want to. In the same environment, you absolutely can't do anything that doesn't fit in with the environment. The best way was to collude with others and do whatever they did.    


However, if everyone thinks this way and does this, then how will society develop and how will the common people get benefits? How would he realize his goal of being a rich person? How was he going to implement the grand plan of the country to run a healthy and healthy life?    


Qin Feng felt angry when he thought about this. Some people only knew how to share the same class, but they didn't want to think about what the position given to them by the country and the party was for. They just wanted to have fun in their current position. Why didn't they think about working for the people?    


He didn't know whether it was because he noticed Qin Feng's strange behavior or because Zhong Hongtao was really concerned about Qin Feng's career. He paused for a moment and changed the topic.    


"Qin Feng, do you have any thoughts about the development of Edge Company?" Zhong Hongtao gently knocked on the table. Qin Feng knew that the boss had some thoughts in his mind. Since he had thoughts, and it was possible that he was targeting the development of the Edge Company, Qin Feng naturally did not want to miss it. He quickly said.    


"Mr. Zhong, I came here to see you. Secondly, I want to ask for your advice on how to develop the Edge Company." Qin Feng took the cup of water and added it to Zhong Hongtao's cup.    


"Edge Company is a poor and backward village. For a painter like you, the Edge Company is a poor and backward village. It's a blank sheet of paper. " You have the final say on how to draw it. " Zhong Hongtao had already organized his words. "What I said is only a suggestion. It is definitely not an opinion. You have to understand this. Everyone has their own opinions, and they can't let other people's thoughts take over their minds. First of all, you must have a reasonable plan, but... This plan must be practical and must ensure that it will not be outdated for ten or eight years. To be bold, he had to look far ahead. Right now, small towns are being accelerated everywhere. At present, this is also a big trend. Although the Edge Company didn't have the economic strength yet, You have to consider this point, a town... The most important thing is to plan. Only by planning properly can we make better use of resources and conserve them better. "    


"Yes, I will keep this in mind." Qin Feng nodded heavily and took out a small notebook to write it down.    


Seeing Qin Feng take out the notebook, Zhong Hongtao became more talkative. "With the rapid development of the rural economy and the increasing living standards of the people, The requirements for residential construction also changed greatly. It was too comfortable to go from a sheltered environment to a modern one. Not only did they require electricity, telephones, and limited television, but they also required running water. Connecting the public bus, so... When considering the new residential community, you must consider this. A new residential neighborhood, preferably along the road. In the past, most of the rural self-built houses were self-demolished. It was messy and messy. There was no planning or design at all. Not only did it occupy a large area, but it also caused the waste of land resources. So, on this point, You have to spend more time planning and planning properly. The high utilization rate in the soil itself is a point of economic growth. Most importantly, this design... The most basic point is to make use of the development of the follow-up work. Most of the villagers like to raise something. Cattle and sheep, but... In the absence of a planned construction, it can only make everyone a mess. It can't be shaped into a scale, and for breeding, A small scale would never make money. So, the best way is to concentrate on construction. Concentrated management can form a scale. Most importantly, the advantage of concentrating on building is that... Waste water from animals and birds can be treated uniformly to change the flow of sewage in the past. The foul and foul appearance of the poor, this... This was the central meaning of the rural residential design. How could it be changed by changing the rural model? It was not something that could be done simply by going upstairs. It required that the follow-up measures must be followed and a cycle of conscience must be formed. "It can't be said that simply repairing a few roads and building a few houses will solve the problem."    


Qin Feng's pen quickly drew across his notebook. Zhong Hongtao's words were definitely a good word. If they were not his own people, he would not tell them to you.    


"Mr. Zhong, I have a request." Qin Feng looked up and said sincerely after he finished writing quickly.    


"Haha, you brat. Don't be so serious. Just say what you want to say. As long as it is something that an old skeleton like me can do, I will do my best." Zhong Hongtao sounded like he was joking, but Qin Feng felt warm in his heart when he heard it.    


"Mr. Zhong, if you can spare some time, can you go to the Edge Company to take a look? Your suggestion is too precious for the development of the Edge Company." Qin Feng said sincerely.    


"Haha, you brat!" Zhong Hongtao was overjoyed. However, he pretended to be normal. "I can actually find these words in books. It's just some instructions from my superior. I only added a little personal opinion to convey them. As for how to understand and implement it, it's still up to you. After all, you are the true leader of the Edge Company!    


"Second leader, second leader, there is still a boss up there!" Qin Feng said with a smile.    


"Don't try to be sneaky in front of me, kid. I know that boss. He used to be a popular man in front of Old Xie. " But now, he should no longer have any power, right? "Although he was still the vice president of the branch office and also the head of the Edge Company company, However, anyone with discerning eyes knew that... There were many internal tasks that Old Xie would no longer arrange for him to handle. To put it bluntly, it meant that he had been marginalized. Old Xie, that kind of person, is this kind of bad temper. Everything was self-centered. He always felt that he was awesome. But he doesn't know that he is the frog in the well. He could only see the sky above his head. Zhong Hongtao spoke very casually. It sounded like thunder in Qin Feng's ears.    


Listening to Mr. Zhong's words, it sounded like something out of the ordinary. What he saw in the past was all superficial. Xie Yun was definitely not as simple as he looked on the surface. Otherwise, Zhong Hongtao wouldn't have said something like this. Qin Feng suddenly realized a problem. Judging from the meaning of Zhong Hongtao's words, he seemed to know Xie Yun very well. Could it be?    


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