The First Son-in-law

C502 She's Not a Vase

C502 She's Not a Vase

Xiao Yuanshan was the same. He was just an ordinary man. Nothing was different from others, especially when it came to power. He was also afraid of losing it, so... Xiao Yuanshan didn't dare to contradict Lin Wanjiang's scolding. He didn't dare to contradict Lin Wanjiang, but that didn't mean that he could accept it. No one was born to like being reprimanded. Unless this man was really a fool, and since he didn't want to be reprimanded, So we have to find a way to release the depression in our hearts, so... Of course, it was the Great Universal Teleportation. It was you, Qin Feng, who caused me to be unhappy. If I am not happy, then you want to be happy? There was no way. So, I have to think of a way. I can't let you be too happy.    


After thinking for a while, an evil thought flashed in Xiao Yuanshan's mind.    


He looked at the arrogant Qin Feng and then looked at Lin Wanjiang, who cared a lot about him. Xiao Yuanshan thought evilly, Don't you all think that it is very powerful? "I'll let you all have a taste of disappointment. If you don't taste the bitterness of life, you won't understand our desperate pursuit of happiness.    


Xiao Yuanshan didn't dare to speak anymore. He just watched Qin Feng perform. The dinner table became the moment for Qin Feng to perform again. However, he had to admit that Qin Feng was performing. What Qin Feng said really impressed Xiao Yuanshan. It didn't matter if it was an apology or not. Or are you looking for your flaws? That's the truth. He didn't try to hide anything like most people did. He wanted to show his most brilliant and beautiful side to others. As for those things that were easily used by others as a joke, They would always hide it. People always didn't like others to open their scars, but Qin Feng wasn't like that. People with long and short hair would always tell the truth. No matter if you were joking or not, he always told the truth. Whether you think it's inappropriate or not.    


This kid dared to use medicinal Overt Conspiracys at this time. It was not something that an ordinary person could do. medicinal Overt Conspiracys and conspiracies were opposing. The so-called conspiracy was actually setting up a trap. It was creating something out of nothing, and this was something that most people liked to use. To put it bluntly, it is to see if the trap you set is good enough or not. However, no matter how good the trap is, it still has a fatal injury. That is, as long as someone sees through it, Then this plot is worthless, so, If it was a plot, there would be a flaw, and the Overt Conspiracy would be different. The Overt Conspiracy placed everything in front of you, allowing you to see what he was thinking and what he was doing with just a glance. He didn't have any secrets, nor did he have any secrets. It was the truth. Everything was transparent. It was a fact, and since it was a fact, it was a fact. Therefore, he had no flaws. As long as the perpetrator could grasp the direction and achieve his ultimate goal. It could be said that he was taking advantage of the situation to push forward all the inevitable developments to achieve his own goal. It was like a flood breaking out, and everyone knew that people would die. But those in front of it still had to die. They couldn't leave even if they wanted to. Let me give you a simple example. In the past, the great man fought with Boss Jiang for power. He clearly knew that the great man fought against the rich and divided the fields to win the hearts of the people. However, there was nothing he could do. Because if he did as he was told, he would only die faster. In the end, he suffered a crushing defeat and escaped.    


Although Qin Feng was not as powerful as he was now, he was speaking the truth. From his own mistakes and the needs of the Edge Company, everything was based on facts. His words were flawless, leaving no room for rebuttal. This was the thing that gave Xiao Yuanshan a headache the most. Because no one could break this Overt Conspiracy. In other words, No one could do anything about it.    


"Mr. Xiao..." Before Xiao Yuanshan could recover from his thoughts, Qin Feng came over with a glass of wine.    


"We don't have much here," Xiao Yuanshan said. "We don't have much here. " This wine is brewed by us. " Although it is not comparable to the Maotai Five Grain Liquid, I feel that my heart is quite at ease when I drink it. Don't worry about being told how to eat and drink, of course. This is all my own money, even if everyone says so, it doesn't matter. Because the Edge Company's finances are just here. They really don't have much money! "    


"Qin Feng, I know why you're talking about this. Don't worry. I will help you do what I said. Since I promised to help you with the economy of Edge Company, I won't go back on my word," Xiao Yuanshan said with a smile. In his heart, he really wanted to cut Qin Feng into pieces.    


"Mr. Xiao, I really don't want anything from you." Qin Feng shook his head. The Edge Company is poor, it needs a lot of development. However, it's not a development without a goal. I don't want to be like those places that say 'I'd rather die than die of hunger'. I want all kinds of enterprises. I can try any kind of development. The Edge Company wants a stable and healthy development. Secondly, it won't pollute the company.    


"Your idea and original intention are good, but... "Yes." Xiao Yuanshan looked at Qin Feng with interest. "Our basic national situation is here, in a remote place like this. There won't be any good companies here. There won't be any good companies. You don't like those polluted enterprises. Do you think Edge Company can develop? "    


"Maybe it won't work in a short period of time, but I can't gamble the lives of the people of Edge Company with the future. My goal is to be fair," Qin Feng said firmly. Lin Wanjiang nodded firmly when he heard Qin Feng's words.    


In the era of heroes, no one dared to treat development as a child's play. It was because sometimes, development was a child's play. It is also a concrete reflection of the boss's standards and political achievements. It is also an important basis for the various political achievement assessments. It was precisely because of GDP that it had formed a "GDP complex" and "GDP worship" in the pursuit of political achievements in Staff Member for a long time. There was a "only GDP" way of evaluating a hero's political achievements, and one could not conduct scientific evaluations on Staff Members.    


And those regional chiefs were all scrambling to think of all sorts of ways to raise the local GDP, taxes, and even... At the cost of the future of the local people, they were pulling in some highly polluted enterprises. At the cost of the local resources, they improved their political achievements, even though the new boss had clearly pointed out that... In the promotion of officials, one must fully understand the positive role and limitations of GDP. He could no longer use GDP as a benchmark, because... If one focused solely on GDP, one could create false, boastful, short-term actions. "If one's political achievement is insufficient, numbers can be gathered. Officials can give out numbers. The problem of numbers to produce official figures could cause some local officials to only care about the immediate interests in front of their eyes. Ignoring the deteriorating ecological environment and the cost of investment, They would do a lot of "political achievement projects," "image projects, and so on, resulting in the appearance of" former political achievement debt, "" one political achievement and a few other burdens, "and so on.    


However, even so, most of the officials still did not dare to do as they pleased. They would still put in effort in economic growth and still vigorously develop the local economy. Because this concept could not be changed in an instant. It required a process, a process of understanding.    


Especially this kind of thin line medicinal Staff Member, it was even more so trying to think of all ways to flatter its own face. How? That was development, hard work, and development. It wished that it could develop Poyu Market into Wall Street all of a sudden. Hence, So, he tore it down at all costs and built it. He was both a businessman and a fundraiser, completely disregarding his own strength. It looked prosperous, but in the end, it ended up in a pot of porridge. There were very few people like Qin Feng who dared to face reality, or even basically none. No one could be so picky unless it was a relatively developed area. No one would reject the presence of a company in an ordinary place like this. Unless they're out of their minds, so... Lin Wanjiang admired Qin Feng's courage. He couldn't help but think back to when he was young. It was good to be young. He could do whatever he wanted because he felt that there would always be a chance for him to do so. But now, everything was moving forward steadily. He was afraid that if he did not do well enough, he would lose everything.    


This was the gap between them. Lin Wanjiang seemed to have seen his own reflection. He couldn't help but think, How nice would it be if I could have such a son? He didn't know if it was because of the common nature of the people of Tian Dynasty, even if it was someone as powerful as Lin Wanjiang. It seemed that this idea had been deeply ingrained in everyone's heart. It was as if only a son could retire. It was unknown whether it was the bad root of human nature or the sorrow of human nature.    


After sending Lin Wanjiang and the others away, Qin Feng came to the construction site in a daze. He felt great watching the bustling scene, especially when Lin Wanjiang had said in private that he would let the highway start as soon as possible. Although it was not the season for construction, it was still... The key was... Qin Feng knew that as long as he started the construction, he would be able to do it. This was because high-speed work was different from other jobs. If he was rich, he would call the money first.    


As long as they have that amount of money...    


Qin Feng seemed to have seen the scene of the wide highway crossing the Edge Company. However, the aftertaste of the pleasant surprise had yet to subside. A bad news came. A pillar came running over from not far away. "Manager, manager, something bad has happened..."    


"What's wrong? What are you nervous about?" Qin Feng was still drunk. He wanted to imitate Lin Wanjiang when he thought about how steady Lin Wanjiang was.    


"Er... Er... Er was smashed under the pole." The pillar said breathlessly. He pointed at the construction site and looked along the pillar's hand. Qin Feng found that there was a large group of people gathered there.    


"What's going on?" Qin Feng was half sober. He felt cold sweat. It was not easy to sweat in such a season. He wanted to run to the place where the accident happened, but he found his legs were weak. He did not seem to have any strength.    


"Quick, send him to the hospital." He pointed at the military vehicle that Mei drove. "Carry him to that vehicle. Quick, quick!"    


At the end of his sentence, Qin Feng almost cried. Although there were cases of injuries at the construction site, this was the first time he had experienced such a thing personally. No matter how calm he was, he was at a loss of what to do.    


"Why aren't you going over yet?" Mei also heard the noise and ran over. She looked at Qin Feng angrily.    


"I... I can't move my legs anymore." Qin Feng hit his legs hard but found that he did not feel anything like two pieces of wood.    


"What an idiot," Mei said snappily. She grabbed Qin Feng's arm and went to the side of the car to push him into the passenger seat.    


"How is it? How is it?" Qin Feng turned to look at the two idiots in the back seat, and Zhu Zi and Ren Huaixing beside him.    


"I'm fine," the manager said. I'm fine. I was careless." Er Dazi said in a panic, as if it was his fault that he was hit.    


"It hit the foot." Zhu pointed at the badly mutilated foot.    


"Manager, no one is willing to take money to see a doctor if something like this happens. I can make the decision about this." Ren Huaixing looked at Qin Feng firmly.    


Now, the migrant workers' sense of power had become stronger. It was impossible to fool them like they used to. They wanted them to work for them and not pay them. It's impossible to push people out of your construction site if they get hurt. It doesn't matter if they have a conscience or not. Whether it's a policy restriction or not, there are still such things. But much less than before.    


The incident where the workers fell and smashed a luxury car was the same as the incident where the workers accidentally kicked a wrench behind them. The worker hit a car that had just passed by. The worker quickly came down to apologize. When he saw a finger-sized dent on the spot where he was hit, he immediately expressed that he was willing to pay full compensation because in his opinion, This small place was probably a few hundred or a few thousand things. However, he never would have thought that... At that time, the workers' faces turned green with fear. They thought that the owner of the car was lying to them, so they called the police on the spot to deal with it. The police came to the scene to take a look. That was a new Rolls-Royce, and it was worth more than 7 million yuan. The maintenance fee isn't a little less than a hundred thousand dollars. Fortunately, the construction workers had taken into account the accident caused by the workers' unintentional loss. In addition, the workers did not have the ability to compensate the workers when they had just come out to work. In the end, the person in charge of the construction workers came forward to negotiate compensation with the owner of the car.    


At the moment, Ren Huaixing's determination was exactly like this. He could tell that these people were not easy to deal with. He also knew that he could not shirk responsibility for such an accident. Since he couldn't shirk responsibility, he had to take responsibility for it. Besides, Ren Huaixing was touched by the words of this worker who blamed himself. If it was any other worker, he might have already thought of how to extort him. This was also the main reason why Ren Huaixing took the initiative to ask for compensation.    


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