The First Son-in-law

C505 She's Softhearted

C505 She's Softhearted

"What about him? What about him?" Qin Feng pretended to be confused. He was excited. It seemed that this pillar knew a lot of things. In fact, this was very normal. He had discovered it since the first day he came to the Edge Company. Xu Fenglei had often arranged for this pillar to do this and that. This meant that this pillar was trusted by Xu Fenglei. However, people like Xu Fenglei had always trusted him. No matter how much effort you put in for him, he was an absolute rooster. I guess this is the situation of the pillar. Although he had done many things for Xu Fenglei, he hadn't gotten any benefits. Otherwise, with Zhu Zi, this young man, However, he was a bachelor. This meant that Xu Fenglei cared less about him!    


"What else can I do?" Zhu Zi said angrily. "He has problems with many women in the village. Sometimes he does it on purpose. Every year, we will give money, saying that the country gives subsidies to the farmers, "Zhu Zi said. Who will give more money? Whoever gives less, that's what he calls the shots. Every time he was about to give out the money, he would wander around the streets. Sometimes he would go to other villages. Then he would say he was going to pay. If you have any ideas, go to him in advance. Because there had been such a thing before, some families were especially poor. Or rather, if you don't take that seriously, you start to look for him, look for him, or something like that, or something like that, or something like that, or something like that, or something like that, or something like that, or something like that, or something like that, or something like that, or something like that. "Then you can get more money."    


"Is there such a thing?" Qin Feng was really shocked.    


Hearing Zhu Zi's words, Qin Feng seemed to understand something. He also understood that Zhu Zi wanted to use him, but... Qin Feng wasn't angry. Let's just use him. His ultimate goal was to get rid of Xu Fenglei and return a piece of pure land to the Edge Company. It would allow the blade to develop smoothly. As for the rest, Besides, it was just a small matter. So what if the pillar used him? Wasn't he using him, too?    


Right now, he had to use him to suppress the storm. However, Qin Feng still hadn't thought of a suitable way. Seeing the Edge Company getting closer and closer, Qin Feng's heart was in a mess. The shop owners had just left, but they had injured people and caused a strike here. How could he be so unlucky? At such a critical moment, What did Lin Xuemei want to do here? Help herself? But from her tone, it sounded like she was looking for trouble.    


Looking for trouble, what could she come for? Could it be...    


"Why are you here?" Qin Feng stopped the car and ran to Lin Xuemei's side.    


"What? Can't I come?" Lin Xuemei said snappily.    


"Yes, yes." Qin Feng smiled awkwardly. "Then wait for a while. I'll go and settle the matters over there before coming over, okay?"    


"Not good." Lin Xuemei's words stunned Qin Feng. She was not such an unreasonable person. What was going on today? Why wasn't she being reasonable?    


"Sister Lin, look over there. I'll go over and take a look first. We'll talk about it later, okay?" In Qin Feng's eyes, Lin Xuemei had always been an intellectual woman.    


What was an intellectual woman? Intelligent women had meaning and opinions. They had spirituality and were both wise and brave. They would never be like some little women who would use coquettish words and coquettish looks to please men. Instead, she would use her wisdom and noble taste to move a man's heart. Intelligent women were steady and capable when they spoke, unlike some little women who would use their 'female advantage' to make a man yield to her in every way. Intelligent women's greater advantage was that it was the embodiment of a comprehensive ability. It was a kind of feeling that was beyond one's reach in the process of constantly improving oneself.    


Qin Feng always thought that Lin Xuemei was the best among intellectual women. Because she had the charm of a little girl and the elegance of a rich family. She also had the ability and ability of a woman in the circle. A series of combinations determined her unshakable position that no one could ever hope to reach. Even Hanyu and Zhou Ningmeng were unable to perfectly combine these things. Hanyu could only be called seductive. When with such a woman, what men have is a kind of passion. Zhou Ningmeng, what she wants is to be gentle. It is a kind of gentleness like a harbor. It can allow you to stop when you are tired. Lin Xuemei was the combination of these things. You can relax in bed. When you are tired, you can give you a gentle mother's embrace. In work, you can also give you unimaginable support and support. For any man, this is something he cannot refuse. It is also something that all women rush to pursue.    


Because such a woman had a clear mind and a mature mind.    


She could judge the situation and follow the pulse of the era. She has a carefree attitude towards new things that she is not used to, facing the noisy dust. She was so calm that she waited for it to settle down and smiled rationally. She pawned it with calmness, and she would never be restrained by the old habits. She would never be firm in her views. After experiencing the tempering of time, she'd already shed the arrogance she'd displayed last year. She had an indifferent personality and was arrogant and patient. I've forgotten everything.    


Such a woman, her comprehension ability, To be able to understand reason, to be able to knead all of them together, it just so happens to be a good thing. She would calmly look at the path she had walked, and at the same time as her rationality moved forward, Looking back over and over again, she would struggle to break out of the cocoon. She would mature in the process of tempering time and time again and accumulate experience. With a kind of maturity that made people bow down to her. He displayed an extraordinary charm.    


It was also because among all the women he had experienced, Qin Feng loved Lin Xuemei the most. He could not let go of her because he felt that Lin Xuemei's body seemed to have some kind of magic that attracted him to her.    


However, Lin Xuemei's arrogance stunned him. He did not understand what was wrong with this goddess in his heart. How could she be so unreasonable?    


"Open it, I want to go in." Lin Xuemei pointed at Qin Feng's modified car with an ashen face.    


"I can't open it. I don't have a key." Qin Feng shrugged.    


"You said you don't have a key?" Lin Xuemei finally lost her temper. "This is your car. This is your residence. You said you couldn't open it without a key. Who would believe you? Tell me, is there some secret hidden inside? Tell me. What exactly did you hide inside? Did you hide a vixen inside? Qin Feng, I, Lin Xuemei, am blind. Open it for me. I want to see it today. What exactly are you hiding inside? What kind of vixen can make you fall for her?"    


"Sister Lin, calm down. Let's not talk about the fact that I didn't hide any women, even if I did. " Can you say that you can lock her up in broad daylight and not let her out? " Qin Feng was getting anxious. "You used to be so calm. Why can't you calm down today? Do you think I am that kind of person? How can I wrap a woman here?"    


Then open the door and let me see, "Lin Xuemei stubbornly said." I only believe in my own eyes. "    


"I really don't have a key now," Qin Feng said helplessly. "I'll tell you later, okay? Can we talk about it later?" Qin Feng heard people shouting at the construction site. He hurried over and left Lin Xuemei there alone. He was so angry that he stomped his feet. Finally, he picked up a brick and threw it at Qin Feng's car. Not only did she not get rid of her hatred, Lin Xuemei did it a second time. The third time, until she was exhausted and had no strength left. Only then did she sit on the ground. The current her... There's no elegance, no rationality, no maturity. How could she still have the ability and experience of a woman in a circle? She could only be a little wife who had been through a lot and had been through a lot. At this moment, Lin Xuemei... What she was thinking in her heart was... It was Qin Feng's bastard. It was Qin Feng who had let her down. All the praise she had for Qin Feng had disappeared at this moment. All that was left was hatred. It was hatred that came from the bottom of his heart.    


"What's going on? What are you guys trying to do?" Qin Feng ran to the construction site and saw a few locals. They surrounded a foreigner in the middle and were all ready to kill him. If it weren't for the pillar blocking the man's way, the local would have already used the shovel.    


"Everyone, listen to me. Don't worry. This big brother is the same as me. He's from the countryside. It's not easy for him to come out. He just wants to earn more money. If you don't work or let him do it, he definitely won't let you do it." Zhu Zi stood in front of the man in a panic, afraid that a fight would break out between the two sides.    


"No, we can't do this job anymore." A young man in the crowd shouted.    


"That's right, we can't do this anymore! What kind of work is this? Let's see what kind of work this idiot has become! If we continue, it'll be the same!" The others immediately agreed.    


"That's right, we can't do it anymore!"    


"We can't do it anymore!" Everyone's emotions rose again. Some of them even excitedly raised the wooden stick in their hands and hit the person in the middle who was surrounded by them.    


"Stop!" Qin Feng took a big step forward and grabbed the stick with his bare hands. "What are you guys trying to do? Are you trying to rebel? Do you want to go to jail? "What do you want?"    


"I don't want to. Qin Feng held a stick that was as thick as his wrist with both hands and pushed it against his leg. The stick broke. It was unknown whether it was Qin Feng's Qi that had suppressed them, or Qin Feng's action that had scared them. At this moment, everyone quieted down.    


"Tell me, what do you want?" Qin Feng asked the person who had just hit someone with the stick. "Does he feel uncomfortable after earning money these few days? "Do you feel that you are still living a poor life in the past? "If you don't want to earn money, you can go home and stay. Why are you here?"    


"Then... that..." That person blushed and stuttered, not knowing what to say. People in this kind of place have a common disease, that is, they are stupid with their mouths. Sometimes, they can't say what they want to say. I really don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.    


"The second idiot was smashed like that. So what if we work and earn money?" A young man in the crowd shouted, "There's no one here. What's the use of money?"    


"Who told you that there's no one left? What happened to the idiot? " You won't be hurt if you work at home? " Qin Feng glared at him. He knew he had to keep these people in check and clean them up one by one.    


"Brothers, even if you don't trust Manager Lee, At least trust me. I've been following you all the way. " First, I bandaged his wounds in our hospital, and then I sent him to the hospital in the provincial capital. Now, his son was fine, and he was just giving him anti-inflammatory water. He estimated that he would be discharged in three or five days, and the foreman had said that he would be discharged in three or five days. What else was there... Manager Lee. What's that called?    


You are hurt, "Qin Feng said." I didn't say I would leave you alone. " I will pay for the treatment, and I will make it up to you at the end of the day, "Qin Feng said. " This compensation is like I took your land and gave you money. It is the same thing. If you get hurt here, people will take responsibility. Of course, you can't get hurt on purpose. After all, life is more important. What if they hit their heads the next time? Treatment? What treatment could they use? Therefore, everyone had to be careful when working in the future. No, reckless... "Let's take this opportunity. Qin Feng promoted safety knowledge to everyone.    


"How do we know if what you said is true? And the pillar. " You are a traitor, your conscience has been eaten by a dog, right? The young man who had been helping outsiders all day now shouted again. Qin Feng looked up and saw that the young man immediately lowered his head.    


What the hell was this young man? They all said to capture the leader first. They had to capture this young man first. They could not let him fan the flames anymore.    


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