The First Son-in-law

C545 A Bunch of Lunatics

C545 A Bunch of Lunatics

"Don't!" Qin Feng laughed. "It's not easy to get the chance to be the boss of the Supervision Department. " How could I miss it? "    


"Be honest, it's the office!" Lin Xuemei kicked the floor and moved her chair back a meter. She used the distance between them to dodge Qin Feng's second attack.    


"Are you tired? Don't make yourself so tired. If our lives are a balance, then... Then on one side of the scale is health, on the other is career and money. " Any side is too heavy or too light. It affects the quality of our lives. In today's increasingly competitive social environment, the pursuit of career success and the accumulation of money had become a universal social wish. But health problems are often buried by strong professional and material desires. Little did he know that once health problems arose, Not only do we have to suffer physically and mentally, but the wealth we have accumulated over the years will also be given to the hospital.    


Didn't you hear that health was "1," and wealth was "0.. Without the "1 health," no matter how many "0" wealth was, it was useless. What he said made sense! Living healthily was not only his own happiness and his family's happiness, but also his family's responsibility and social responsibility.    


I remember reading a story on the Internet: A person was careful and kind, never did anything bad in his life. Unfortunately, he had died unexpectedly when he was just thirty years old. After he died, he went to report to the Yama. He asked the Yama, "Should I go to heaven for the good deeds I have done in my life? The Yama King said angrily, "Although you have never done anything bad, you have never done anything bad. But look, your white-haired old father and mother... Because of your death, they still need you to take care of them. Then look at the crying child in your wife's arms. He's still so young, and he needs you to take care of him. But you went to them so early, are you worthy of them? You should go to hell instead of going to heaven. When we were middle aged, there were old and young. We carry a huge responsibility on our shoulders. We had to take care of the old people in their later years. They had worked hard for their whole lives. What they want is for their children to live happily in their later years. The greatest sorrow in life is to see a white-haired man go black. So for our parents, we must live a healthy life. Then look at our children. They need us to raise them. They need us to give them a good family environment, a happy family. But we leave them, so it's not just a family problem. It's a social problem, too.    


A person's life is limited, and we can't ignore it. Health is really important. A person's life is not only about creating, but also about enjoying life. Only with health can one enjoy life and wealth.    


There was a famous saying: "Smart people invest in the rise of health, smart people save health and health, ordinary people ignore the depreciation of health, stupid people overdraw health and die ahead of time. "Especially in a situation like yours, the old people are getting older and the children below are still so young, they all need you..."    


Lin Xuemei suddenly choked when she said this because she thought of her son and her son with Qin Feng. Although this was an unchangeable fact, her son could not enjoy fatherly love. Thinking of this, her eyes moistened. Soon after, tears fell down like broken pearls...    


"Sister Lin, I..." Qin Feng understood the reason why Lin Xuemei suddenly cried. Immediately, he tightly pulled Lin Xuemei into his embrace. "Sister Lin, I have let you down."    


"Don't say anymore." Lin Xuemei covered her face and cried. As a woman, How sad must it be that the child he had with a man could not be admitted, that he had never enjoyed the fatherly love he deserved? What kind of pain was this?    


"Sister Lin, I came to find you this time with two meanings. Qin Feng held Lin Xuemei tightly in his arms. "I'm sorry for the two of you. Although it was fate who messed with people, my responsibility is not.    


You can shirk it, I... "    


"Don't say anymore." Lin Xuemei gently pulled away from him. She pulled a tissue on the desk and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Let's not talk about the past anymore," Lin Xuemei said. I'll ask Mr. Xiao to see if he has time."    


"Yes." Qin Feng nodded and did not say anything. He was afraid that Lin Xuemei would be upset again.    


"Okay. I will try my best to arrange it." After receiving Lin Xuemei's call, Xiao Yuanshan replied. He could not agree to other people's matters, but he had to agree to Lin Xuemei's matters. Even though he knew that Lin Xuemei was actually asking for a guest for Qin Feng, he could only helplessly agree. Who asked her to be Lin Wanjiang's daughter? Who asked him to rely on her father to do things for him!    


"Sister Lin, it's almost the new year. Can you promise me something?" After Lin Xuemei put down the phone, Qin Feng suddenly thought of something.    


"What is it?" Lin Xuemei walked to the door and washed her face. Her eyes were so red. Those people might have thought of something after going out. As a boss, You have to keep an eye on your image. Especially the female boss, she was even more attentive. Firstly, makeup couldn't be too gorgeous. If you're gorgeous, people will say that you're like a demon. It doesn't match your identity. I'll say I don't pay attention to my image. The female boss deserves to be said. If you dress well, people will say that you are showing off. And she might expose it to you, like the bags, belts, watches and so on. You're dressed poorly. People will say you're poor. They will say you're being pretentious. No wonder they always say that it's hard to be a person. It is hard to be a woman, but harder to be a woman. One sentence was enough to tell a woman's difficulties.    


"You have to promise me first!" Qin Feng said with a smile.    


"You look like a child." Lin Xuemei knocked on Qin Feng's head. The two of them did look like brother and sister at the moment.    


"Do you agree?" Qin Feng did not give up.    


"Yes, I do. Tell me, what is it?" Lin Xuemei really couldn't do anything to Qin Feng. Although Qin Feng was a big man in bed, Lin Xuemei was still a big sister in most situations. She still took care of Qin Feng as if he was a junior.    


"Let me give you something." Qin Feng looked at Lin Xuemei with deep affection.    


"No need. I don't lack anything." Lin Xuemei was touched when she said that. It had been so long. Lin Xuemei had never received any gifts from Qin Feng. Women were romantic and would fantasize about how men could surprise her.    


"No, you promised me just now." Qin Feng said in a serious manner.    


"Okay," Qin Feng said. However, Qin Feng did want to see Qin Feng give him something, so he agreed immediately. "Let's go out for a walk."    


The boss only had this little bit of benefit. He could leave whenever he wanted. As long as there was no special situation, he would not be controlled by others.    


Carrying Lin Xuemei, Qin Feng went straight to the biggest shopping mall in Yangjiang City.    


"Let's go upstairs and take a look!" Women liked to shop. Even if they didn't buy clothes, they liked to walk around. This might be the nature of women. If a man is going to buy a dress, he's going to buy it and leave, maybe ten minutes. But if a woman bought a piece of clothing, she might look at it three times and then look at it three times.    


Lin Xuemei's taste was picky. Even the waiters in the special cases praised their own products like a flower. But Lin Xuemei was still unmoved and followed behind Lin Xuemei. Qin Feng pinched the wallet in his pocket. This was the first time he bought clothes for Lin Xuemei. It was cheap and he felt that he could not take it out. It was expensive. Qin Feng pinched the wallet in his hand. This thing was not too big! Although he had the bank card to back him up, it was still too expensive. Qin Feng did not want to use Hanyu's money to buy things for Lin Xuemei. This made him feel uncomfortable.    


After walking around for a few times, Lin Xuemei did not stop. Finally, she stopped in front of a cashmere coat. In the past when she was in the Inspection Team, she always followed the leader. Therefore, he had studied the material of the clothes. The boss's clothes aren't cheap, even if they don't look fancy. But the price was definitely not something ordinary people could accept, so... Qin Feng immediately felt that the clothes in front of him were different.    


"This coat of ours is the latest model this year, and it's a mink fur collar. With your figure and temperament, you will definitely be of a higher grade when you wear it." Seeing Lin Xuemei interested, the waiter quickly took off the coat. "If you like it, you can try it."    


"Let me take a look first." Lin Xuemei was a little hesitant. To be honest, She liked this dress very much, but... The price on the label made her hesitate. She was confident in her looks and figure. She knew that this dress would look very good after wearing it, but... Thinking about the price of the five-digit figure, she hesitated. She knew Qin Feng's situation. It would be unrealistic to ask him to buy something so expensive for her. Lin Xuemei did not seem like the kind of woman who would fall in love with her. That kind of woman only wanted men to buy her expensive clothes. But a woman like Lin Xuemei who had already lived a solid life would not think like that. Furthermore, Lin Xuemei was a woman who thought for others, so... She hesitated, but... Her love from the bottom of her heart made her unable to move her feet. She just stared blankly.    


"Let's try it. It looks good," Qin Feng said while the waiter was hanging up.    


"It's too expensive," Lin Xuemei said softly. "Don't buy something so expensive."    


"As long as you like it. You can pay for it later." Lin Xuemei knew what Lin Xuemei was thinking. Qin Feng said with a smile. What he was thinking was to let Lin Xuemei wear it first.    


Lin Xuemei was moved by Qin Feng's words. She immediately asked the waiter to take it off and put it on. That's right. At most, she would pay the bill later. "That's right. It's just a few tens of thousands. I can still afford it.    


"It's so beautiful. This dress seems to be specially made for you." When Lin Xuemei put it on, Qin Feng said sincerely. The waiter beside her also praised repeatedly. There was an envious look in his eyes.    


Qin Feng did not lie and was not complimenting her. This dress was indeed very beautiful on Lin Xuemei. It made her look even more noble and elegant.    


"Is it pretty?" Lin Xuemei flirtatiously looked around in front of Qin Feng.    


"It really looks good." Qin Feng swallowed his saliva. He had never thought that it would look good. It was true. This dress was like a prop, but it was taken alive by Lin Xuemei. You said that a person can wear a dress alive. What kind of concept was that?    


"Let me look at the other styles." Lin Xuemei searched for other styles of clothing, hoping to find one that would move her heart. Furthermore, the price was moderate, but... She was disappointed when she looked around. She had this dress. All the other styles are eclipsed, and this dress is like a crescent moon on the horizon. The others were just the night that helped it.    


"Password six one, swipe your card." Taking advantage of the time when Lin Xuemei was looking for clothes, Qin Feng quickly took out his bank card and stuffed it into the waiter's hands. Nowadays, it was good to have a card.    


"Let's go!" Lin Xuemei took off her clothes. She thought for a while and decided not to buy it. She did not care about the money, but she wanted to take care of Qin Feng's face. She was afraid that if Qin Feng did not bring enough money, she would have to make up for it.    


It must be known that men only cared about their face when they were outside. If a woman loved reputation, it would be embarrassing. Then men love face. The reason why men love face is because they are influenced by tradition. People in China often give men high expectations - men have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of "developing a rich family," and this heavy responsibility increases their sense of self-esteem and desire for achievement. They developed a personality that loved face. In the fierce competition for survival, many men had physical wounds and felt wronged in their hearts. However, for the sake of their face, they could only hide the pain and grievances and suppress them. And they had to constantly show the world their bitter smiles. If a man was said to be 'like a man', it would undoubtedly be the highest praise.    


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