The First Son-in-law

C641 Women Need to Know What's Good for Them

C641 Women Need to Know What's Good for Them

At the end of the day, Xu Fenglei was still a man of uncertainty. He wanted to maintain his original personality, and at the same time, he wanted to build a good relationship with Qin Feng. This was an opposite party to begin with. How could they be together?    


It seemed impossible to merge the water and fire together.    


"Even if it's just a coincidence, the water nature of the vice president of Wind and Thunder is obvious." Qin Feng said with a smile.    


"Manager," Qin Feng said. "I... I..." Xu Fenglei initially wanted to decline, but he thought that he might lose his position as the head of the office due to his hesitation this time. He gritted his teeth and agreed. At most, he would spend some money to find someone else to go down the river.    


"Changchun, give Vice Wind Lightning a total of 50 yuan. Remember this well. "Seeing that Xu Fenglei agreed, Qin Feng turned his head to look at Tian Changchun. He knew that dealing with people like Xu Fenglei... This sweet taste wasn't that great. However, he had to give him 50 yuan. For ordinary people, it might not matter, but for someone like Xu Fenglei, it was already a huge temptation. As long as there were benefits to Xu Fenglei, it was fine. No matter if it was fifty or five yuan, as long as you could give me money, it would be fine. Then I feel good.    


Qin Feng had grasped this mentality of his, which was why he asked Tian Changchun to give him fifty yuan in advance.    


According to Qin Feng's instructions, Tian Changchun took out a handkerchief from his pocket. After opening it, there were crumpled notes inside. Most of them were 5 yuan and 10 yuan. Qin Feng really wanted to laugh when he saw it. Who didn't have a hundred yuan bill from the accountant cashier? Unlike his own accountant cashier, who took out such small notes. Furthermore, the wallet that contained the money was indeed impressive, just like those little old ladies in the village. He took a handkerchief and picked up the wallet, but... Qin Feng thought that this was his idea for Tian Changchun. At first, he had thought of giving one of his briefcase to Tian Changchun. He wanted to act like Tian Changchun, but after thinking about it, he decided to let it go. To Tian Changchun, it was not a good thing to be in contact with good things too quickly. One should know that accounting was not as simple as just settling accounts. He had to save some money and learn how to live. If you let him go to waste, he'll think it's okay to throw some flowers. If you don't have a strong grip on the money, the consequences will be unimaginable. It wasn't like there were no examples of this. Qin Feng had seen this before when he was in Baodong County. It was also the finance department of a company. Every time they ate with him, they would be very arrogant. The people around him also agreed, 'Let him treat, this can be reimbursed when we go back.' He was the God of Wealth himself, and the Vice-Chairman of the Finance Department was also generous. Every time, he would wave his big hand and sign his name on the list. At that time, everyone else was full of envy, jealousy, and hatred. Only Qin Feng felt pity in his heart. He knew that... He knew that the other party was not far from bad luck. Sure enough, not long after, someone reported it to the Inspection Team. In just a few days, the previous generous God of Wealth had become a prisoner. One should know that this God of Wealth wasn't that easy to be. Don't think that everyone can do this job, so... Qin Feng had given Tian Changchun an early warning. He was afraid that Tian Changchun would walk that path one day. There were a lot of things that couldn't be stopped because they couldn't really happen. It's just that we need to be ready for this before it happens.    


"Using the least amount of money to do the biggest thing. Wind and Thunder, it's been hard on you." Qin Feng patted Xu Fenglei's shoulder with a smile. "I believe you will give us a surprise tomorrow, won't you?    


"Don't worry, Manager. I will definitely satisfy you." He pinched the bill in his hand. Xu Fenglei said with a smile. He had already made up his mind. He would leave the work of digging wild vegetables to his wife. He would do the work of catching fish by himself. If that was the case, all fifty yuan would be in his hands. Xu Fenglei smiled even more happily, as if he could already see the votes of the Township Government flying towards his house.    


"Boss Caiyun, I need to arrange some work for you!" Qin Feng really did know how to use his money. "In a while, you can bring a few people and fix the roads from our village to the county town along the way. Just fix those big potholes and big potholes..."    


Normally, only men could do this kind of work well. However, thinking about the last time Lee Caiyun took the lead, Qin Feng felt that it was better to leave this job to Lee Caiyun. He felt that Lee Caiyun was very provocative and could take the initiative to take the lead. This was something that Xu Fenglei could not compare with.    


"No problem." With Xu Fenglei's 50 yuan first, Lee Caiyun agreed very quickly. She knew that Qin Feng would not mistreat her. He could give her fifty yuan for such a small task like arranging meals. She should have at least a hundred yuan for such a big project.    


"Changchun, how much money do you have left?" Looking at Lee Caiyun's eager look, Qin Feng really wanted to laugh, but in the end he held back. He had to have a certain standard of doing things.    


"There's less than 100 yuan left." Tian Changchun clicked on the crumpled notes.    


"Less than 100 yuan? This isn't enough, is it?" Qin Feng's words made Lee Caiyun happy.    


Manager, I really only have this money, "Tian Changchun said with a sullen face. And here's my ten bucks.    


"Boss Caiyun, look at this..." Qin Feng tried his best to hold back his laughter and looked at Lee Caiyun.    


"It's okay. Even if I don't have money, I have to get the manager to do his job well." Lee Caiyun's words were out of Qin Feng's expectations. It was at this moment that Qin Feng realized that he should think about Lee Caiyun properly. From his words, he could feel that Lee Caiyun was not as' stupid 'as he had imagined. It was because she had a certain amount of intelligence. Moreover, this brain was definitely not as simple as turning a corner...    


However, Qin Feng did not have the time to think about Lee Caiyun anymore. The task of receiving Wan Quan'an was pressing. There were many details that needed to be carefully analyzed. Although Qin Feng already knew that Wan Quan'an's arrival wasn't because of the attraction of the Edge Company or himself, he still didn't want to be looked down upon by others. He didn't want Wan Quan'an to treat him as a person who earned something without doing anything. Most importantly, he didn't want to be looked down upon by others. Qin Feng felt that he should straighten his back. As a man, You have to have your own pride.    


"Manager, it's not good to eat wild vegetables, right? I have a sheep at home. It's a good time. How about we get someone to kill it tomorrow?" After Lee Caiyun and Xu Fenglei left, Ang Baowei said worriedly. In his opinion, In his opinion, wild vegetables were for domestic animals. Now, they were used to entertain such a big guest. It was a bit unreasonable!    


"Don't worry. I know what he likes." Qin Feng patted Ang Baowei's shoulder with a smile. "I have something more important for you to do..."    


Qin Feng whispered into Ang Baowei's ear.    


"Don't worry, I will do it well." Ang Baowei nodded heavily after hearing Qin Feng's words. He knew that this matter was much more important than Xu Fenglei and Lee Caiyun's work.    


"Baowei will tell you the truth. Even if we are not prepared, President Wan's investment will still come one by one. " But... "Qin Feng paused for a moment." I still want to show the best side of our Edge Company to the other party. We can't lose face at all. "    




"Manager, I understand what you mean. In a moment, I will give you a plan." An Baowei nodded seriously. He could understand Qin Feng's hard work. He knew Qin Feng was not easy to deal with. An Baowei was a man who had gone out to see the world. He knew Qin Feng's ultimate goal, and he also knew that Qin Feng wasn't doing everything for himself. He was doing everything for the common people of Edge Company so that they could live a good life. Thinking of this, An Baowei felt ashamed for his own thoughts. Although he was standing on the side of the common people just now, from the bottom of it, Ang Baowei was still from his own perspective, because his family had a large population. Qin Feng suddenly said something about mortgage the land. Of course, he was very unhappy about it, but now that he was facing Qin Feng, Especially when he saw Qin Feng's tired eyes, Ang Baowei knew he had wronged him. He had come all the way here not because he had taken a fancy to your few acres of land, because it was just like what he had said. The land was still in Edge Company, and no one would be able to move it away. He came here for the development of the entire Edge Company, not to gain any benefits from you.    


"Have you seen the plan I gave you a while ago? Don't touch the land that is going to be used to build the Medical City. " Don't move anymore. " Qin Feng nodded. "Baowei, I hope you understand my hard work. Now that there are no outsiders around, I will naturally not speak to anyone else. I will leave the Edge Company sooner or later. Sooner or later, I will return it to you. Perhaps, I will never see the day when it fully developed. So, I have to tell you everything. I hope you'll be able to pick it up when the time comes. As for the others, I am not at ease now.    


If it was any other place, the people in the police station would not be able to work here. After all, they belonged to two different systems. However, it was different in a special place like the Edge Company. Besides, Qin Feng had already done something to them. In a place like the Lanshan County that wasn't open to the public, it was relatively easy to do something to someone. After all, all the units were similar, and the good ones weren't much better. If it was worse, it would be the same. If one didn't have enough, one wouldn't be able to starve to death. In addition, Qin Feng had used some tricks, so he had gotten Ang Baowei's relationship from the police station a long time ago. Although Qin Feng wasn't sure if he could get Ang Baowei to be in charge, he had a way to get Ang Baowei to work in the police station. There were too many ways to get Ang Baowei to have full control of the situation. Sometimes, the leader couldn't really control all the power in his hands. Of course, this had something to do with the policy. Qin Feng didn't want Ang Baowei to mess things up like some other people, but judging from the current situation, Qin Feng didn't want to give his hard work to someone he didn't trust. Although the future development of the Edge Company wasn't something he could decide. However, this person often had a special characteristic, which was that he wanted his power to continue.    




Why were there many bosses who were unwilling to leave when they were at the peak of power, even if they were to go to the second line of power? The reason was that they hoped that their power wands could be used as much as possible. There were also many bosses who strongly promoted people around them or their trusted aides and whatnot. Do you think he really took a fancy to the silver that his subordinates gave him? Wrong, they wanted the continuation of their power. This was especially true for the secretaries around the boss. The fact that they trained their own secretaries was equivalent to depositing money in the bank. This was so that they could make some money when they needed it. This was so that they could use these people to continue sending out their orders. Although it was very unlikely that Qin Feng would use Ang Baowei to give out his orders in the future, after all, he wouldn't be in Edge Company anymore. However, there were some similarities between the two. Because the current blueprint of the Edge Company was drawn by Qin Feng, the future path of the Edge Company was decided by Qin Feng. This was like treating his own child. As his parents, they had already planned everything for him. Naturally, they hoped that he could follow their plan step by step. If he didn't reach his hand into the whirlpool of power, This future path was very likely to turn, and it was very likely that he wouldn't follow the path he had set up. However, if he could hand all of this to Ang Baowei, it was very possible. Of course, it was also very likely that everything would continue according to his wishes. That was why Qin Feng had tried everything he could to push Ang Baowei to the top. Of course, he would try his best to push Ang Baowei to the top. The only thing he could do now was to leave some of the more important things to Ang Baowei. As for Xu Fenglei and the others, Qin Feng was just trying to coax them to eat a piece of candy, because it was very likely that the suppression would rebound. Although he seemed to have full control of the situation, he was still a foreigner after all. Xu Fenglei and the others' ideals couldn't be underestimated. Once they joined forces with the local people to put pressure on him, He really didn't have a chance of winning, so... Qin Feng still felt that it was better to use some power and schemes. I just like to take advantage of you, so let him take it. Giving him a little bit more or less made him happy to listen to him, even though it looked like a child's play. But it was a good idea, like Lee Caiyun. Qin Feng had found out that Lee Caiyun still needed to be researched deeply. However, judging from the current situation, she liked to make a big deal out of herself. If she liked to show off, he would let her go. It was true that he had arranged for her to do all the work before the fight. At this moment, Qin Feng had even predicted that Lee Caiyun would come out tomorrow to propose a toast to him. This woman must be quite good. She was able to show the simplicity of a villager.    




Initially, Qin Feng did not plan to tell Ang Baowei his plan so early. After all, it was too early to say anything now. Ever since Shi Yun had instilled in him the idea that he needed to improve quickly, Qin Feng suddenly felt that... He looked at those people who ascended faster. Which one of them was not in a hurry to make a plan in a place? And then finish it at lightning speed, even if it can't be done. It's still okay to blow it up, when the time is right, Then use this springboard to move smoothly. As for the messy follow-up work, He would leave it to the next unlucky person to deal with.    


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