The First Son-in-law

C435 He Was Stunned

C435 He Was Stunned

"You said this car!" The security guard smiled slyly and said, "Don't just look at the license plate, you still have to look at that woman. That woman looks like a celestial being and only recently came in. I heard that she seems to be the boss of some company."    


"She's still the boss!" Although he really wanted to go up and punch the security guard's wretched face a few times, in order to achieve his goal, he could only temporarily endure it. "She bought a house here!"    


"No, I rented it." The security guard pointed at a watch on the wall. "It's upstairs. I heard that the owner of the house is a big boss in the city. There are other houses in other places. This place is temporarily put aside."    


"A big boss in the city?" Qin Feng looked at the piece of paper that the security guard had pointed at. After memorizing the number, After basically confirming the target, Qin Feng stood up with his bag. "Brother, where is your toilet? I have to go to the toilet. She can do whatever she wants."    


"Yeah. Sometimes, women can't get used to it. Otherwise, they can't control it." The security guard was hoping that Qin Feng would leave as soon as possible. Qin Feng was too much of a hindrance here. He could not go out even if he wanted to.    


"Alright then. You can keep busy. I'm leaving." Qin Feng got up and left the guard's post. When he was out of the security guard's sight, he looked at the number of each building. The soles of his feet were windy. He rubbed his feet and ran towards the floor he had just chosen.    


When he arrived at the door of the room Lin Xuemei rented, he was just thinking about how to enter when the door was suddenly opened. Suddenly, something came down from the front, and Qin Feng was not prepared at all.    


He was suddenly pulled into the door and heard the anti-theft door behind him slam shut. Only then did Qin Feng realize that the top of his head was covered with the gallbladder of a pressure cooker.    


"You're quite capable." He removed the gallbladder from the pressure cooker on his head and saw Lin Xuemei with her arms akimbo.    


"Hehe, you've moved into a new house. I have to come and take a look, right?" Qin Feng smiled and placed the bile back into the kitchen. He pretended to look around. "Ah, I didn't expect it to be quite complete here, but I still need something."    


"What do you need?" Women are often not calm. It's very easy to be led by the nose. Even someone with absolute brain like Lin Xuemei would not be an exception.    


"I need a male master." Qin Feng swaggered on the sofa and sat next to Lin Xuemei. "I think it is appropriate for me to be the male master."    


"Suitable for you, big head." Lin Xuemei suddenly hit Qin Feng on the head. "Didn't you just say you need something? You said you are suitable, so you are the thing."    


"I am not a thing." Qin Feng regretted it after he said that. He had jumped into Lin Xuemei's trap. "Bah! Bah! I am a man, not a thing!"    


"Yes, you are not a thing." Lin Xuemei leaned back and forth. At this time, she could not help showing a little girl's attitude.    


"Let me circle around me and see how I deal with you." Qin Feng jumped at Lin Xuemei with both hands. Soon, the two of them rolled on the wide sofa.    


"Stop messing around. Stop messing around." Lin Xuemei was the first to lose.    


After some exercise, Qin Feng was exhausted.    


He leaned against the sofa and fell asleep in a daze. He did not even bother to take a bath when Lin Xuemei asked him to. Helplessly, Lin Xuemei could only get up and go to the bathroom to get warm water. Lin Xuemei asked herself, "This man, what exactly do you like about him? What does he have to be sacrificed for him like this?    


In terms of family, he was not very prominent. In terms of ability, he was not a high-level boss. However, why do I have to fall in love with him?    


Lin Xuemei gently wiped Qin Feng as she muttered softly. Could it be that his heart was different from the others?    


Different from some men, he would not deliberately belittle himself to gain the favor of a woman. When he saw someone with a high position, he would not lower himself to curry favor with them. No matter how great an official was, in Qin Feng's eyes, Only respect, absolutely no charm, Even in front of his father, Lin Wanjiang, Qin Feng was still able to sit firmly on Mount Tai. This should be his uniqueness.    


A wisp of rice fragrance woke Qin Feng from his dream. When he opened his eyes, Lin Xuemei was looking straight at him.    


"Aiya, why did I fall asleep?" Lin Xuemei struggled to sit up and gently reached out to pull him.    


"Seeing you sleep so soundly, I did not call you." Lin Xuemei pulled Qin Feng up. "I made some supper. You eat some."    


"Yes." Qin Feng looked at Lin Xuemei lovingly. He reached out and gently stroked her hair. "It's been a long time since I ate the food you cooked."    


"I'll let you eat enough this time." Lin Xuemei got up and went to prepare the food.    


After washing her hands and sitting on the table, Qin Feng's saliva could not help flowing down. Although it was just a supper, it was still full of color, fragrance, and taste. Although it wasn't a big meal, it was just two bowls of porridge and a few side dishes. However, Qin Feng's appetite was greatly increased. Without caring about his image and courtesy, he picked up the bowl and started to eat. Lin Xuemei held the bowl and watched quietly from the side. She enjoyed this warm moment very much. However, she knew that this kind of warmth did not belong to her. At the very least, she could not have it for a long time.    


"Awesome!" After eating his fill, Qin Feng rubbed his bulging belly and stood up. "It's been a long time since I ate such a good supper."    


"Sit down for a while. I'll wash the dishes." Lin Xuemei was like a virtuous wife. She put on an apron and quickly cleaned the bowls and chopsticks into the kitchen.    


"How about I go and take a bath first?" Qin Feng walked to the bathroom with his arms bare.    


"Do you have any specific thoughts about what Mr. Xiao said today?"    


"I do." Qin Feng thought about it. He did not have any thoughts at the moment. " Didn't Mr. Xiao say that I need to get an expert to evaluate it? I haven't done anything yet. How can I think about other things first? "Qin Feng asked.    


Your idea is wrong, "Lin Xuemei said seriously." Some of the things you said at the table can be used. Some can't be taken seriously. Since Xiao Yuanshan knows about this, there must be other people who know about this. If we didn't know about it before, we wouldn't think about it. Now that we know about it, we should find a way to grasp it. Do you know, there are many places now... They set up a running team, even... They catch this as a political mission, and they get it. If it's done well, it'll be your political achievement. Many places would rather have a special transfer project than a company. The reason is very simple. To the municipal finances, it would attract a million yuan special transfer project. That means there is a million dollars available, and it takes a lot of effort. Introduce a company that pays an annual tax of $1 million. Removing the relevant welfare policies, leaving the taxes to the municipal finances, Three hundred thousand was good enough. Under the current assessment system and political performance view, it was easier to run a specific project than to pull a single project. It came faster. Furthermore, many bosses in many places would use this as a benchmark for inspecting medicinal Staff Members. The more funds a department could get, the more money they could get. The more you get praised, the more you get praised.    


It can also be used, but... If a department doesn't get enough money, or doesn't get it, Then there might be a chance of passivity, and the seat under the ass wouldn't be stable. Take that piece of news we saw a while ago and say it's a company in a city. As for the cheap housing subsidy, it was strictly monitored. Within a year, the number of people in the city who received the cheap housing subsidy was reduced by thirty to forty percent. With the low indicators, the financial subsidies of the country naturally decreased. This caused dissatisfaction between the boss in charge of the boss and the upper management of the business department. The boss's position was soon changed. Therefore, the number of people who received the subsidy for cheap housing decreased by 30 to 40%. "The degree of importance that other people attach to them is definitely not something that you can imagine!"    


"As for you, you are just a small Township Government. Compared to those old fogeys who specialize in running projects, you definitely won't have an advantage in this aspect. " Therefore, you have to be prepared for a long-term battle. Okay, let's get a rake first. It's a good thing that you can't hold onto it. After pausing for a while, Lin Xuemei continued, "I think... Don't look for any experts in this field. Just look for a DV machine. Take a picture of the current situation of the Edge Company. It would be best to add a picture. Let people see it clearly, and then... You can go to the relevant funds, and the Agriculture Award will be good for you as well. It doesn't matter if it's poverty relief money, it doesn't matter what it comes to. First get the money, then we'll talk about it. It's like opening up a way to get the money in the next few years. As you develop yourself, you must also pay attention to the care of the people above.    


"So you're saying that I'll start acting now?" Qin Feng trusted Lin Xuemei more than Xiao Yuanshan did. Now that Lin Xuemei had said it, Qin Feng had to take it seriously.    


"En, let's start now. It's better not to delay things like this early." Lin Xuemei nodded. "Tomorrow, I will look for the television station and try to get them to produce a specialized cameraman. This way, you can save a lot of trouble."    


"Thank you Sister Lin." Qin Feng's words made Lin Xuemei pull her face down.    


"What do you mean? Are you treating me like an outsider?" Lin Xuemei said unhappily, "When you are outside, you must keep your distance from me. But at home, what do you mean?"    


"Nothing, nothing." Qin Feng quickly raised his hands and surrendered. "It is all my fault. I admit my mistake. I admit my mistake."    


"Apologize to me and kneel to an ant. You can't kneel to an ant or kneel to an ant," Lin Xuemei said angrily. She casually brought out a joke that she had seen on the Internet not long ago.    


"This... This ant is not easy to find!" Qin Feng was speechless. "How about I kneel on the washboard?"    


"What era are you still kneeling on the washboard? Here, kneel down for me." Lin Xuemei casually threw the hair clip over. "If you dare to kneel down in front of me, I will teach you a lesson."    


"Goddess, my goddess. Please forgive me!" Qin Feng hugged Lin Xuemei and cried when he saw the hair clip.    


This thing could change shape with just a pinch of two fingers, not to mention kneeling down. This thing was going to break in an instant.    


"F * ck you. I'm not in the mood to argue with you. I have to go to sleep. There is still a lot of things to take care of tomorrow." Lin Xuemei yawned and stretched. She casually pulled the blanket over her body and fell asleep. She looked like a married couple who had lived for many years.    


Looking at Lin Xuemei's tired face, Qin Feng gently tidied her hair with his hands. He held his head with one hand and looked at her without moving until Lin Xuemei's breathing became well-proportioned and she fell into a deep sleep. Qin Feng then gently got up and walked to the study room. At this moment, he could no longer control himself. He wanted to quickly go online and check the information he needed. Lin Xuemei's words just now were like thunder that kept wandering in his ears. Thinking about how the people who came to the capital every day were like a flood in the Three Gorges, Qin Feng became more and more impatient.    


According to the actual situation of the Edge Company, Qin Feng had found a large amount of information. Although he was from the army, he had stayed in the office for a while and had learned from a master teacher to sort out the materials. Now, all of this had been used. He couldn't help but think of what the platoon leader had said when he was a new recruit.    


The so-called quality was what a person would forget after learning it.    


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