The First Son-in-law

C406 He Knew Everything

C406 He Knew Everything

"Boss Wang, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." Qin Feng had such benefits. No matter who he was facing, he would change immediately if he was wrong.    


"Brother, you just came. There are a lot of things that you don't know yet. It's not your fault." Wong Ning patted Qin Feng's shoulder. "Boss Ji and Mr. Xu are from the same town. The town they live in is one of the best towns in Lanshan County. It's because of their strong support, and also because of their endless support. Now, The other town mayors were already very unhappy. If they let this bad wind continue to rise, We won't be able to do the work in Lanshan County!"    


Wong Ning's words almost made Qin Feng faint. He thought, What kind of theory is this? Not bad. It was a bit unreasonable for them to only focus on developing their hometown. However, this was human nature. Who wouldn't want to use their influence to do something for their hometown? When he was in Baodong County Company, didn't the boss always help his hometown? He also replaced the furniture with the village committee of his hometown. He also helped the villagers sell their products. He even asked the bosses to help his hometown when he was choosing someone to help. Because that was why they cared so much, so... This could not be done for personal gain. It could only be said that they were a little selfish. However, Qin Feng still agreed with this kind of selfishness. After all, it was for the sake of the common people. After all, it was for the development of a place and not to take advantage of this to take advantage of it.    


However, since Wong Ning had said so, He was just a small manager. He wasn't the boss of Lanshan County, let alone Wong Ning's boss. He naturally couldn't tell what Wong Ning was doing. However, in his heart, he couldn't help but think of Wong Ning as someone he couldn't be trusted. A person who had such thoughts was not what Qin Feng admired.    


"Vice President Xu, where are you now?" He said goodbye to Wong Ning. Qin Feng drove the motorcycle towards the Edge Company. In the car, Qin Feng dialed Xu Fenglei's phone.    


"Manager, is something the matter?" Xu Fenglei was a little unhappy. He muttered to his broken phone that he had picked up from Dong Dawei. He wiped the sweat off his head with his other hand and hit his sore waist. Damn, this job of cutting wheat is really not easy.    


"Inform the bosses of each district immediately. Ask them to call the branches of each village to the Township Government for a meeting." Qin Feng, who was excited, did not hear the dissatisfaction in Xu Fenglei's words.    


"Manager, we are all busy with farming now. Who has the time for a meeting? There weren't many bosses in the Edge Company. As for the credentials of the villages, Xu Fenglei tried his best to suppress his anger. In his heart, he muttered, "You are so free. Don't you know that these people are sweating on the ground?    


"Then call all the existing town Staff Members and we'll temporarily distribute them." This time, Qin Feng could hear the dissatisfaction in Xu Fenglei's words. However, in order to complete the task better, Qin Feng did not challenge him.    


"I'm busy. I'm busy." After saying that, Xu Fenglei hung up the phone.    


Qin Feng was surprised. He had never thought Xu Fenglei would talk to him like that. This didn't sound like a deputy director of the Party Administration Office, but more like a county boss. What Qin Feng didn't know was that... The reason why Xu Fenglei was so angry was partly because Qin Feng asked Zhu Zi to ride back to his motorcycle. If this motorcycle could satisfy Xu Fenglei after he got it back, he probably wouldn't be too unhappy. The reason why Xu Fenglei could explode was because of this. It's because the manager said, Nobody can move except me. Even if it was Staff Members from your town, it was just like that. It ignited Xu Fenglei's nameless fire.    


Aren't you just a little brat who just arrived? You actually touched my authority! Although the Edge Company was poor, they were still considered a grade one yamen. In the past, I was the one in charge of everything. Now that you're here, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to overturn this fact. Especially when you're using your boss to pressure me. Dream on!    


People will always be unable to recognize the truth. Especially those people who thought themselves to be arrogant. Xu Fenglei was like this now. In the past, he relied on his relationship with Dong Dawei. In addition, there wasn't anything special about the Edge Company, so... Even if it was a small matter, he handled it. He had regarded himself as the unique boss of the Edge Company, completely forgetting that he was actually just a vice president of the political office.    


Looking at the phone that had been hung up, Qin Feng had the urge to beat Xu Fenglei up. What the hell are you doing? Aren't you just a vice president of the Party Administration Office?    


He wanted to beat him up again, but he remembered that he had a lot of important work to do right now. Moreover, he was unfamiliar with the Edge Company, so he had to rely on Xu Fenglei for a lot of things. Therefore, it was not a good time to make things difficult for him now. However, Qin Feng couldn't help but want to get rid of Xu Fenglei.    


That was why it was said that the Son of Heaven was the Son of Heaven, and the Son of Heaven was the Son of Heaven, and the Son of Heaven was the Son of Heaven, and the Son of Heaven was the Son of Heaven.    


Since there was no guide, Qin Feng could only look for that pillar. Now, the pillar was someone he trusted more.    


From a distance, Qin Feng saw the pillar sweating in the wheat field. He smiled. It was the same for all the men in the world. Before they got married, they had to do everything they could to please their mother-in-law. As a village person, it seemed to be a law to give gifts during the holidays and go to work when the wheat was collected.    


"Zhu!" Qin Feng shouted from far away.    


"Manager," Zhu raised his head to wipe his sweat and responded loudly. However, when he saw the few farming machines behind Qin Feng's car, he was dumbfounded. What? Why are there so many of these things all of a sudden?    


While Zhu Zi was in a daze, Qin Feng had already arrived in front of Zhu Zi. "Tell your father-in-law to go home and get a big bag. Then, get more burlap bags. Do you see this machine? First, cut the wheat for his house."    


"You... you said to use this thing to cut the wheat?" The old man pointed at the machine and said tremblingly. His eyes were full of fear. The old man had lived for a long time, but he had never seen using this kind of iron to cut wheat. He was excited but also confused. He wanted to see it. Such a big guy cut wheat.    


"Uncle, don't worry about whether this thing can cut the wheat or not. Get the pillar to bring you home to get something. This thing will cut the wheat in your house in a while. After it is done, you have to go to another house. Isn't it going to rain in the next few days? You must collect all the wheat that you can before you do so.    


The villagers finally sent the old man away. Qin Feng took the loudspeaker he just bought and stood in his car. "Everyone, listen. Now, you guys go home and get your woven bags. Then, he came back to his place and waited. Did you see the machine? From now on, we'll use the machine to cut wheat. And those that have been cut off on the ground. It would be best to put them all on the still standing wheat. With that, we will be able to get rid of the wheat grains... "    


Qin Feng was shouting at the top of his throat. The people in the field looked at Qin Feng as if they were looking at the Monkey King. Except for the old man who was pulled into the car by a pillar and went home to get the woven bag, the others still didn't believe him. They didn't believe that such a big iron guy could get rid of the wheat grains, it wasn't enough. When they saw the machine rumbling into the old man's field and saw the wheat grains being rolled into the machine, When they saw the big wheat field quickly turning into straw, At this time, By then, they had realized how powerful this iron man was.    


"Come, come, come, come!" Qin Feng waved at the girl in the pillar. "Help me watch here. Tell them not to worry. Tell them to wait in their own fields in order. If anyone doesn't listen, they won't take the wheat."    


"Yes, Manager." The girl winked at Qin Feng mischievously. "I'll help you. What can you give me to thank me?"    


"Uh..." At this moment, Qin Feng realized that the people here didn't seem to be as he had imagined. Except for their bad ideas, their thinking didn't seem to be any worse than the people outside.    


"How can I thank you? Wait until I have thought it through. Besides, this is helping big guys. What's there to thank? Let me tell you. If you do this well, then I recommend you to be the village head of your village. "When she saw the girl's eyes, The admiration in her eyes scared Qin Feng. "I have to go somewhere else. You stay here and watch. Finish cutting this piece. Then go over there.    


Qin Feng found that there was another benefit to the fields here, which was that they were in large swathes. It did not seem like there were places here and there. This way, the work would be much easier.    


"I guarantee that I will complete the mission." The girl jumped and left. However, when she left, Qin Feng inadvertently saw the girl's little hand gently patting her little chest.    


Sigh, you must not cause any trouble between men and women! Qin Feng shook his head and walked ahead with another machine. His current idea was to find a large plot of land. That way, it would be easy for the machine to work, and he would not have to run around.    


Although there were no modern communication tools, the news of the new manager getting several wheat collecting machines quickly spread throughout the entire village. On the village road, many people were running, shouting and waving their hands as if they were celebrating the new year. Many people had brought water and dry rations to drive the car.    


Looking at this scene, Zhang Wenha was happy from the bottom of his heart. If nothing unexpected happened, this year's wheat season should not have to worry about the heavy rain.    


Xu Fenglei was woken up by the rumbling of the machine. After hanging up Qin Feng's phone, He ducked under the shade of the trees and lay straight on the ground. He kept cursing. He didn't know who to scold. However, he couldn't accept it. He felt that Qin Feng had taken his seat. However, when he thought about how he hadn't gotten any benefits in the past few years, he felt that it didn't matter. What could such a lousy character do? He had been working for almost his entire life. Wasn't his family poor?    


As he thought about it, he suddenly heard the roar of a machine. When he finally understood what was going on, he regretted it immediately. He staggered to his feet and ran to the car. "Let's get my family first. Let's get my family first."    


Xu Fenglei ran to the machine like crazy. He gasped for breath.    


"What are you doing? Get out of the way!" The driver shouted angrily. Machines were nothing compared to other things. One careless mistake could kill someone.    


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