The First Son-in-law

C383 It Was Really Fierce

C383 It Was Really Fierce

Under the influence of the music, Qin Feng could not help but want to go crazy. He could not help but agree, "Okay!"    


At this moment, Qin Feng felt like venting his anger. He put on the mask and the two of them rushed into the dance floor.    


With the rhythm of the music, the two of them twisted their bodies crazily, hoping to forget all their unhappiness.    


Very quickly, Zhao Haixia used her unique charm to become a small focus figure. Although she wore a mask, her arrogant figure could not be concealed. From time to time, a few blondes started to approach her. Qin Feng felt that something was wrong and quickly walked to Zhao Haixia's side. He put his arm around Zhao Haixia's shoulder and made it clear that this woman was mine.    


Qin Feng also knew that in a place like this, Although it was relatively chaotic, most people were more aware of it. They normally wouldn't provoke any woman who had a male partner. Of course, there were exceptions. There were some hooligans who liked to provoke others. They especially like to snatch women from other men's hands, but... Fortunately, these blondes were quite tactful. They saw Qin Feng approaching them. Of course, The main reason wasn't because they were kind, but because Qin Feng's figure had played an absolute role. Because he was only wearing a vest, Qin Feng's two calves were exposed. The muscles on his arms were bouncing up and down, showing that he wasn't an ordinary person. This was probably the real reason why those two or three kids were so timid.    


"Sister Haixia, why don't we find a private room to rest in?" Although the three kids had gotten out of the way, However, his eyes were still on Zhao Haixia's body. This made Qin Feng very uneasy. After all, if they were outside of the city, it would be hard for them to defeat four opponents with their fists. The last time Lin Xuemei's matter happened, it was all a fluke. If something like this happened again, Qin Feng couldn't guarantee that he would be able to escape successfully.    


"I haven't jumped enough yet!" Because Qin Feng was by his side, Zhao Haixia completely let go of herself. The degree of her body twisting was something Qin Feng did not expect at all. He did not even care about how many parts of her body had gone.    


"Rest for a while and then jump again!" Qin Feng always felt that safety was the most important thing. As he spoke, his eyes looked around from time to time. However, this time, he felt much more at ease. This was because he discovered that the people who had surrounded him earlier seemed to have all disappeared. In fact, it could not be considered a true disappearance. It was just that their attention points had changed. They looked over with their own height advantage. They surrounded a long-haired woman with only a bra and a short skirt, without exception. That woman was also wearing a mask on her face, but... With her figure, Qin Feng found that she looked familiar. However, Qin Feng quickly shook his head. How could he meet someone familiar in a place like this? The so-called acquaintance was probably because the woman was wearing less clothes. Just like many women in the present day!    


With such a self-deprecating smile, Qin Feng turned his attention back to Zhao Haixia. At this moment, this was the person he should pay attention to the most. At this moment, he absolutely couldn't let Zhao Haixia get away with it. Otherwise, Qin Feng would never be able to rest easy for the rest of his life. However, when he turned around, However, Zhao Haixia stopped moving and stared at the woman who was surrounded by the crowd.    


There were times when women were jealous, hehe!    


Qin Feng laughed in his heart. This is perfect, perhaps Zhao Haixia can leave.    


However, he soon realized that he was wrong. The reason Zhao Haixia was staring at that figure was not because her heart was filled with jealousy. It was because she found out that she actually knew that woman. Most importantly... She found that the woman's mind was not very clear. As a woman, Especially when she was a boss woman. Zhao Haixia was very careful. Her sharp observation showed that she was a different boss.    


"Qin Feng," Zhao Haixia said. That woman is Hanyu! Zhao Haixia tiptoed and whispered into Qin Feng's ear.    


"How is that possible?" Qin Feng rubbed his eyes in disbelief. He firmly believed that Hanyu was not such a woman. She would never dress like this.    


"It's her. It's her. I know the mole on her thigh." Seeing the mole on her thigh, Zhao Haixia became more and more convinced. At the same time, she sneered in her heart, "Hanyu, Hanyu. Why would such a noble person like you come to such a place? I really underestimated you. I thought you were really pure and clean! Who would have thought that... You've had the day you were touched by a pig's hand.    


"Sister Haixia, take care of yourself. It is best to find a private room to hide. I have to go there for a while." At this time, Qin Feng couldn't ignore it. Of course. The prerequisite was that the other party was really Hanyu. If it wasn't for Hanyu, That would only cause trouble. Perhaps the other party was willing, but if it was Hanyu, Qin Feng knew that she wouldn't do it willingly. Although that woman had rolled off her bed after meeting him, Qin Feng firmly believed that she was willing. Hanyu was definitely not that kind of 'casual' woman, and she would not be so casual. The only explanation was that she had done something like this unconsciously.    


"Do you want a hero to save a beauty?" Zhao Haixia smiled coldly, which confused Qin Feng. "Aren't you two good sisters?    


However, Qin Feng quickly thought that Lau Xiao and Zhou Ningmeng looked like good sisters, but they were different. They were making things difficult for Zhou Ningmeng. Zhao Haixia's sneer was probably the same.    


It was this kind of smile. Zhao Haixia had lost a lot of weight in Qin Feng's heart. If it was Lin Xuemei and Zhou Ningmeng, the two of them would definitely ask him to save them at all costs. But Zhao Haixia. She wanted to stop them, which made Qin Feng very unhappy.    


"It's not a hero saving a beauty. I just don't want my woman to be hurt." Qin Feng's words had two meanings. In his heart, he hoped Zhao Haixia would understand. "I need your help. Hurry up and go to the car and start the engine. If it really is Hanyu, I must take her away now."    


"You must think carefully. We are on top. The territory above is not as simple as you think. " If you step on an ant while walking on the road, it might be the pet of some boss. Who knows whose kid he is. Can you afford to mess with him?" Zhao Haixia's words were full of sarcasm. Fortunately, the movement of her hand made Qin Feng feel a little gratified. She took the car keys from Qin Feng.    


"Like I said, my woman must not be harmed, especially in front of me." Qin Feng's words made him gnash his teeth in anger. He found that someone had already hugged Hanyu's shoulder and wanted to bite her lips. Qin Feng could not tolerate it no matter what.    


He pushed Zhao Haixia out of the dance floor and quickly squeezed over. He quickly removed the mask on the woman's face and Qin Feng froze. It was indeed Hanyu!    


It was indeed Hanyu. What was going on? Why was she here?    


"Kid, what are you doing? Do you know the rules?" Qin Feng's actions quickly attracted the public's anger. The people around him pointed at him and started scolding him.    


"I'm sorry. This is my sister. She is drunk." Qin Feng knew the principle of being polite before being polite. Especially under such circumstances, he could only hope that this group of people would be reasonable.    


"Big Sister, your mother!" The man who wanted to kiss Hanyu's lips earlier was the first to give up, because he would be able to get what he wanted very soon. He was pushed away by Qin Feng. "I have seen many people like you. Isn't it because this girl wants to take it for herself? Let me tell you, I like the girl that Brother Kun likes. Then it must be mine.    


"Brother Kun, I'm sorry. This is really my sister. She drank too much. I only found her when I looked everywhere." While observing the advantageous terrain, Qin Feng nodded apologetically at the man who called himself 'Brother Kun'.    


"Brother Kun, I saw him dancing with a horse in his arms," someone said.    


"Brother Kun, cripple him. How dare he steal your horse?"    


"Yes, cripple him."    


"Cripple him!"    


"Cripple him!"    


Among them, there was no lack of people who liked to cause trouble. There was no lack of people who liked to watch the show. Some people were eager to have a good show to watch. Naturally, they would not miss such a chance to make a ruckus.    


"Kid, be sensible and put this woman down. You and I don't mind each other's business, or else..." Through these words, Qin Feng admired this' Brother Kun 'a lot. At least he knew how to give him a way out. At least, he knew that he might really meet a' real criminal 'in a place like this. If this man was really someone he couldn't afford to offend, he would be in trouble. Brother Kun wasn't in a hurry to attack. Instead, he threatened Qin Feng with words.    


However, Qin Feng did not have much time to do this because he found that Hanyu's body seemed to be weakening bit by bit. If not for Qin Feng's strong arms, Hanyu might have already collapsed to the ground. No, he had to find a way to leave this place quickly.    


Looking around, Qin Feng clenched his teeth and held Hanyu tightly in his arms. At this moment, Brother Kun also spoke because he saw that Qin Feng wanted to leave.    


"Stop him." Just as Brother Kun finished speaking, Qin Feng kicked a hooligan beside him. Qin Feng picked Hanyu up from the waist and ran to the door.    


"Catch him!"    


"Kill him!!"    


There was a commotion behind them. Helplessly, Qin Feng reached into his pocket and took out a stack of items. He quickly scattered them behind him.    


No one didn't like money, even the little brothers who had been shouting 'loyal' to their boss all day. When they saw money floating in front of their eyes, they didn't have the mood to chase after Qin Feng. With the addition of the others, Qin Feng's back immediately became chaotic. Each and every one of them wanted to grab a few more hundred yuan bills. They hoped that they could grab more, but they couldn't. They started to grab other people's money. On the dance floor, a banknote contest began.    


This won Qin Feng some time. Unlike the last time, there were no night club members participating this time. It could be considered a fluke.    


"Hurry and get on the car." Although she was jealous, Zhao Haixia was still rational. She parked the car early and waited at the door.    


"Let's go." Just as one of her legs stepped into the car, Qin Feng hurriedly said to Zhao Haixia. A scene from the previous incident with Lin Xuemei surfaced in his mind.    


This time, Zhao Haixia showed Qin Feng a different look. The tires made an ear-piercing sound and the car sped away like an arrow leaving the bow. Even an experienced person like Qin Feng was caught off guard.    


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