The First Son-in-law

C237 Little Trick

C237 Little Trick

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Qin Feng quickly apologized for losing his composure. He couldn't help but curse himself in his heart. What are you thinking, kid? You don't appreciate the beautiful jade and think about all those messy things.    


"You go out. I will do it myself." Lin Xuemei could not tolerate this kind of thing. She was quite confident in her figure and face. She could not believe that someone would be distracted when facing her naked body. This was simply an insult to her.    


"That I... I did not do it on purpose." Qin Feng knew why she was angry. He quickly apologized. I... I was thinking, between us, that... that..." Qin Feng stuttered, not knowing what to say.    


"Thank you for what happened just now, but that was the only time between us. Don't think about it anymore." Lin Xuemei threw the towel into the bathtub in anger. She left the bathroom naked, leaving Qin Feng rolling his eyes.    


Sigh, what a troublemaker!    


Qin Feng shook his head and put some water in it. He then washed his face and went back to his room. He found slippers and changed into them to wash his feet. When he came out again, Lin Xuemei was already asleep. It was just that the snow-white bed sheet had already been removed by her. Instead, she laid down one of the sheets on the bed instead of the sheet that she had neatly folded and placed on the bed.    


Needless to say, Qin Feng could guess that Lin Xuemei was preparing to keep this sheet. Women would always have such a complex relationship. She preferred to keep the evidence she left after her first body was broken. Perhaps she wanted to take it out one day and admire it again.    


He tiptoed to the bed and gently pulled the corner of the blanket. Lin Xuemei did not react. It was as if she was asleep. Qin Feng was overjoyed. He quickly took off his clothes and got into the blanket. The two bodies hugged each other tightly. One was hot and the other was cold. He felt that Lin Xuemei was not passionate at all. Qin Feng said in a low voice, "Sister Lin, in my heart, I always have a feeling that I am not worthy of you. Now, something between us has broken through under such a special situation. However, I still feel that you are out of reach. I still feel that you are still that ethereal existence floating in the sky... "    


"Are you sour or not?" Lin Xuemei's body temperature rose a little. "It's all thanks to you this time. If that person defiled my body, I will jump off the building without hesitation. That bald guy. If I meet him, I will make him lose his son and grandson. He actually used this kind of thing to women. "    


At this moment, Lin Xuemei seemed to have restored her identity as' Sister Mei '.    


"I feel that this person should not be as simple as just picking." Qin Feng always had an indescribable feeling. "I think he is also completing a mission."    


"What are you thinking? Who would give this task to someone else?"    


"I don't know why, but I always have an indescribable ominous feeling." Qin Feng always felt something was wrong. But he couldn't say for a moment.    


He had a good feeling about it, but he never thought that this matter would involve his colleagues in Baodong County. He never thought that this matter would bring endless disaster to his family.    


"Don't think too much about it. What's so ominous about it? With my father's presence, we don't have to worry about anything." Lin Xuemei turned around.    


"Don't. Don't be like this..." Even though Qin Feng was not in the mood right now, he felt like something was going to happen.    


"What's wrong? "You don't want to? Do you dislike me?" Women always lose their way when it comes to things like men and women.    


No, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it. " Qin Feng said helplessly.    


"It's okay. As long as I can make you happy, I'm willing to do anything."    


"According to this address, I must get this person back." The so-called 'big brother' on the back of the tattoo dragon fiercely said to the person in front of him, "Damn it, how dare you make my little brother like this, I'll make him suffer a fate worse than death!"    


"Yes." The person in front of him did not dare to speak loudly. Everyone knew that if the bald man hadn't given him blood transfusion back then, he wouldn't have been the big brother today. Now that the bald man had such a thing, he, as the big brother, would definitely do everything to avenge his brother. Of course, there was another reason they didn't know. They had always thought that this big brother was only rough and could fight well. However, they didn't know that his mind was also very cautious. Otherwise, the master behind would not have given him such a big mess of things.    


Thinking of the master behind him, this big brother couldn't help but shiver. He remembered that back then, it was that big brother he followed who took charge of this big mess for that master, but... And then, for some reason, the big brother seemed to want to get out of his master's control and take it all for himself. On the same night that big brother had this idea, his big brother was executed. From the blind old lady to the three or four months old daughter that he had just been born. All of them had their heads chopped off overnight like vegetables.    


Of course, this was not too bizarre. What was bizarre was that the police's conclusion after the incident was that they had committed suicide.    


Suicide. Every time he thought of this word, he couldn't help but want to laugh. Who would choose to commit suicide by cutting off their own heads? However, things were really over just like that.    


After a short while, he became a position that seemed awe-inspiring to outsiders. Actually, only he knew. He was just a puppet. Except for normal expenses, all of it went into the account that seemed so incredible to me. And all this time, there seemed to be no news of the master behind him. But, he knew. No news did not mean that he had disappeared. If he had done anything wrong, Perhaps he would soon follow in the footsteps of his last brother.    


The background of that man and woman at night seemed to be very unclear. It did not seem like they were purely here to have fun. Moreover, he had never expected that the other party would be so imposing when he left. The other party had actually used the people in the military. This could not be denied as an ominous omen. If he couldn't figure it out as soon as possible, he wouldn't be able to explain it to his master. At that time, if the other party blames me on my head, everything will turn into ashes. I'm afraid that my head will have to move as well. Thinking of this, Thinking of this, he ordered his subordinates to get the person back to him at full speed according to the address of the owner of the car that they had just found in the public security system. Then, they quickly returned to the office and dialed the very mysterious number.    


"What happened?" A deep voice came from the other side. Although it was already the middle of the night, the other party did not seem to be sleepy at all.    


"Something... happened..." Hearing that voice, he couldn't help but stutter.    


"What happened?" The other party was still the same voice, neither angry nor angry, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.    


"Tonight. Someone is here to cause trouble..." He reported the matter to the other party one after another. During this period of time, he did not dare to mix in any lies.    


F * ck! "After hearing his words, the other party finally could not help but curse.    


"It's all my fault. It's my fault for not doing good." Hearing the other party's anger, layers of coldness rose from his back.    


"I understand. Do your job well." The other party's attitude immediately calmed down. He didn't feel anything.    


"I've already sent someone to the owner's hometown to try to get him back." Seducing him, he said what he had arranged for him to do.    


"Do you think you can get him back?" The other party said in disdain, then quickly hung up the phone.    


Although the air conditioner in the room showed that it was now 245 degrees, he still felt cold all over his body. Thinking about how his brother was beaten up until his original face could not be seen, the anger in his heart burned again. Bastard, I don't care what background you have. If I can stop you, I will kill you.    


Now that there is a highway, a few hundred kilometers is no longer a difficult matter. At dawn, a few people followed the address to Wei Dapeng's house. He was unlucky. He was the owner of the car that Qin Feng was driving.    


He was woken up by morning urine. When he got up to go to the toilet, he happened to hear the sound of the security door lock turning.    


There's a thief!    


A thought flashed into his mind, and all his sleepiness disappeared. He didn't have time to pee anymore, so he casually picked up a broom in the bathroom. At this time, he regretted living here alone for the sake of a good date with the girl he liked. If he lived with his parents, he would at least have a helper, wouldn't he?    


"Who?" Wei Dapeng mustered his courage and came to the door. Unexpectedly, the people outside did not answer. The door was suddenly pulled open, and two or three people pushed Wei Dapeng to the ground. One of them directly stuffed a piece of cloth into Wei Dapeng's mouth.    


"Give him an injection." Wei Dapeng only heard this one sentence, and then he felt dizzy and did not know anything. When he woke up again, he found himself in a strange place he did not know. His face was wet, and his entire upper body was wet.    


"Who are you?" Wei Dapeng looked around in horror at the guys standing in front of him. They obviously didn't look like good people.    


"Damn it," a man said. Then, there was a brutal beating. When he was about to faint from the beating, Wei Dapeng finally knew what was going on. He was cursing in his heart. He cursed all the mothers in Qin Feng's family.    


"F * ck you! Why didn't you say earlier that it wasn't you who drove the car?" He was tired from fighting, but this was the result. This made the tattooed man very angry. He casually gave Wei Dapeng another big slap.    


"Did you give me a chance to talk?" Wei Dapeng wanted to shout, but he could only swallow his broken teeth. Facing such a group of people, he did not dare to resist. He was afraid that if he provoked them somewhere, he would get beaten up again.    


"Find them and let you live. Damn it!" In the end, the tattooed man kicked Wei Dapeng's shoulder again.    


"I... I'll call him. Call him now. Call him immediately." Wei Dapeng trembled and wanted to get his phone, but he found that he was wearing pajamas. When they brought him here, they did not give him the chance to change his clothes.    


"Use this. Don't try to play any tricks. Kid, I'll kill you." The tattooed man threw a phone to Wei Dapeng. He took a fruit knife and cut his neck. It was possible to break his artery.    


"What's the difference between us soldiers?" A high pitched singing woke the sleeping pretty boy and girl. They suddenly opened their eyes. Qin Feng found Lin Xuemei clinging to him like an octopus.    


"I... I'll go pick up the phone." Qin Feng gently pushed Lin Xuemei's body.    


"Who is it? It's so early in the morning. Can't you let me sleep for a while longer? I'm exhausted." He muttered to himself. Lin Xuemei rolled over and fell asleep again.    


How could she not be tired? But last night, the two of them had fought for a few rounds. In the end, Lin Xuemei did not even have the strength to get up and go to the bathroom. Qin Feng carried her on his back. Of course. On the way, Qin Feng almost fell as well. There was nothing he could do. He had released too much energy. He felt like he was stepping on cotton as he walked.    


Lin Xuemei could sleep, but Qin Feng quickly went down to the coffee table and took his phone. He picked it up and looked at it. His eyelids suddenly twitched. His phone could display the area where the number was. It clearly showed the provincial capital of Y Province. And the place where he had gotten into trouble last night happened to be that place. Qin Feng couldn't help but suspect it.    


"Qin Feng..." When the bell rang again, Qin Feng pressed the answer button. A familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from inside, saying that he was familiar with the voice. It was because Qin Feng could tell that it was Wei Dapeng's voice at once. He said that he was unfamiliar because Qin Feng felt that there was something wrong with the voice.    


"Dapeng, is something the matter?" Even if he had some thoughts in his mind, Qin Feng wouldn't show it now, either. Instead, he responded with a casual tone.    


"Qin Feng, I..." Wei Dapeng wanted to shout for help. The phone was snatched away. A fierce voice came through the phone and into Qin Feng's ears. "Kid," he said. You got away last night, but... Now, this kid is in my hands. If you want him to live, then come to me yourself. If you don't come, then wait for next year to burn some paper for him today! "    


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