The First Son-in-law

C178 He's Finally Here

C178 He's Finally Here

The driver didn't say anything else. He ran downstairs and cleaned the already shiny car inside and outside, causing the other drivers to laugh. "Bro, don't wipe it. If you keep wiping it, the paint will be gone. Besides, "What's the point of wiping it so clean?"    


The driver only chuckled at this. He turned around and focused on the car in his hand. He cleaned it and examined the key parts carefully. Then, he packed his things and waited for Xiao Yuanshan's arrival. This time, he was even more nervous than when he had first joined the company.    


The secretary was no exception. He checked Xiao Yuanshan's briefcase over and over again to ensure that all the necessary things were in place. Then, he held it under his arm and waited at the door of Xiao Yuanshan's office.    


At this time, Xiao Yuanshan was adjusting his breathing in the office. After receiving Lin Wanjiang's call, Xiao Yuanshan felt his heart suddenly rise to his throat. Furthermore, he couldn't figure out what Wu Ping was trying to do. This sudden enlightenment came from Lin Wanjiang's arrival. At this moment, he was extremely excited. Lin Wanjiang's arrival meant that the day of his cold chair was coming to an end. Of course, he was thinking about how to ask the boss about his problem. He was like a child who was bullied in school and went home to find his mother. He didn't know how to explain the process of being bullied to adults. In the end, Xiao Yuanshan decided to keep his mouth shut. As his old boss, Lin Wanjiang. You don't want to see your own people getting bullied. Lin Wanjiang was no exception, but... He was afraid that Lin Wanjiang would have other thoughts. Why was he the only one being bullied? Why wasn't he being bullied? Was there something wrong with him?    


Xiao Yuanshan could not say that he was Lin Xuemei's driver. He had offended a relative of Wu Ping and then Wu Ping had cut him. Even if this was the truth, it was still the truth. This was a little unbelievable. Qin Feng had offended someone. Why did he scheme against you? This really did not make sense!    


Therefore, Xiao Yuanshan finally made up his mind. He didn't say anything. It was all arranged by the boss. Thinking of this, he went to the basin and washed his face. Then he tidied his hair and opened the door confidently. No matter what the situation was, he had to ensure that he was in good condition. But he was flattened, but he couldn't be looked down on.    


Xiao Yuanshan chuckled when he saw the secretary's expectant expression. He patted the secretary on the shoulder. "Let's go."    


In his heart, Xiao Yuanshan was quite satisfied with his secretary and the driver's recent performance. People needed to be able to maintain prosperity. They had to be able to endure loneliness. They are not qualified to be part of the circle. Although the secretary and the driver were a little impatient, the overall situation was pretty good. This made Xiao Yuanshan feel more gratified.    


"Go to the airport. Have lunch near the airport," Xiao Yuanshan ordered as he got into the car and sat down.    


The car left the courtyard under the gaze of many people in the office building. Seeing the number two car of the company drive out of the courtyard, many people began to discuss.    


"Hey, did you see that? President Xiao's car is moving!"    


"Yes, once it moved, the headquarters will probably change!"    


"Don't talk nonsense. Be careful!"    


"What are you afraid of? The heavens will always change. It's just a matter of time."    




While the people were discussing, the car drove up the highway.    


"Come on, let's play a song. Step by step..." After getting on the highway, Xiao Yuanshan's interest was piqued. He waved his big hand forward.    


The secretary quickly found the song Xiao Yuanshan wanted. The boss was happy. They were even happier than the boss. As long as the boss was rich, they would be rich!    


After having a simple meal at the airport, Xiao Yuanshan could not wait to enter the reception room. It was only at this moment that he thought he should give Lin Xuemei a call. Hence, the scene just now happened.    


"Qin Feng, go to the airport," Lin Xuemei said to Qin Feng after hanging up Xiao Yuanshan's phone.    


"Okay," Qin Feng agreed. He turned onto the highway and drove in the direction of the airport.    


When Lin Xuemei arrived at the airport, Lin Wanjiang's plane had not arrived yet. Xiao Yuanshan was pacing back and forth. Although he was already the deputy director of a provincial city headquarters, he still looked like a small clerk in front of Lin Wanjiang. In front of Lin Wanjiang, Xiao Yuanshan was destined to never put on the airs of a boss.    


"Brother Xiao," Lin Xuemei had a good grasp of how to address an occasion.    


Xuemei, you are here. "Xiao Yuanshan smiled." Mr. Lin's plane is almost here. "    


"Brother Xiao, should we..." Lin Xuemei felt that it was better to discuss with Xiao Yuanshan before her father came. She did not want to leak it out.    


"In my opinion, we should not talk about it first." Xiao Yuanshan naturally understood what Lin Xuemei meant.    


"Why?" Lin Xuemei was a little puzzled. Wasn't this the best time to seek justice from someone?    


"I think Wu Ping's doing this is a conspiracy. Otherwise, he would not do something that others think is very unwise," Xiao Yuanshan said seriously. "What I am worried about now is not that I should not tell the boss about this. I am worried that Wu Ping will ask for something."    


"He is about to retire. What else can he ask for? Could he be more powerful than the provincial boss?" Lin Xuemei said disapprovingly.    


"Xuemei, although you have been in the industry for a long time," Lin Xuemei said. But you still haven't learned the true meaning of the circle. Xiao Yuanshan sighed. Walking in the field was the most important thing to do. The Dao of balance is the best way to control people, not to mention that Mr. Lin has just arrived in Pingyuan Province. He needed to win over the hearts of the people, if nothing unexpected happened. Mr. Lin would probably agree to Wu Ping's request, but he didn't know. What kind of request will this Wu Ping make?    


"There is such a thing in the world. How dare the boss of a city make a request to the boss of a province?" Lin Xuemei could not believe it.    


"It may sound a little unexpected, but it is very normal. If a person can become the boss of the city, he must have a big shot supporting him. " Just looking at this person is not a problem, but what about the people behind him? And those who are related to him, you can't take them all down, can you? If that was the case, wouldn't the entire Pingyuan Province be in chaos? Therefore, the Provincial Party Committee's boss was asking for a person to be controlled, not a person to be treated. As long as it is a person that can be used by me, No matter which faction he belonged to, the network of Haojiang Group in the entire Pingyuan Province was just too huge. It's impossible for a single person to attract all of them together. Even if you had the ability, the higher ups wouldn't allow you to do this. They still need a balance! Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Yuanshan taught Lin Xuemei a bit of the circle path. In the few years that he followed Lin Wanjiang, Xiao Yuanshan had benefited a lot. If it wasn't for the wonderful world outside, Xiao Yuanshan really wanted to return to Lin Wanjiang's side. However, he could only think about it now. Because he was going to become the ruler of a region soon. He wanted to return to the boss and stay by his side. It's a little...    


"Flight XX has arrived, please wait at exit XX..." While the two of them were talking, a broadcast came to mind in the hall.    


"President Lin's plane has arrived, let's go over!" Like a son-in-law meeting his father-in-law, Xiao Yuanshan tidied his clothes and walked quickly to the exit.    


Although he was the vice president of a special business like Haojiang Group, he could be ignored in life. Just like now, no one knew that he was going to be the boss of Pingyuan Province. Those crowded people only treated him as one of them.    


"Mr. Lin..." Xiao Yuanshan walked a few steps and took the suitcase from Lin Wanjiang.    


"Sigh, the quality of the people needs to be improved. The traffic of the country needs to be developed." Lin Wanjiang had a myriad of feelings. In the past, he was used to enjoying privileges and did not feel that it was difficult to travel. Now, as a commoner, he knew that it was not easy for ordinary people to go out.    


"Dad." Lin Xuemei ran over to welcome him.    


"Xuemei." Lin Wanjiang's face was full of surprise and joy. To be honest, he had not completely walked out in the past. He always felt that his daughter was very far away from him.    


"I have arranged a place. Do you want to rest first?" Xiao Yuanshan's arrangement was quite appropriate.    


"Okay. I will give you my old bones now." Lin Wanjiang said with a smile. His eyes were still on Lin Xuemei. His daughter had finally returned to his side.    


"The three of us will stay in the same car. Yuanshan will drive," Lin Wanjiang said in a deep voice as he walked out of the hall.    


"Yes," Xiao Yuanshan said. Did Mr. Lin sense something?    


"Drive my car." Lin Xuemei rushed to say, "My car is not eye-catching."    


"Yes." Lin Wanjiang nodded and approved of Lin Xuemei's suggestion. Xiao Yuanshan was the executive vice president and his car was quite eye-catching. Although it did not matter in the provincial capital, it would still attract some people's attention. Since they wanted to hide, it was better to be thorough.    


"I heard that Yangjiang City isn't very peaceful recently?" After getting Qin Feng into Xiao Yuanshan's car and enjoying the feeling of being a boss, Lin Wanjiang and the other two got into Lin Xuemei's car. Xiao Yuanshan, the vice president, drove Lin Wanjiang's car in person.    


"This..." Xiao Yuanshan's heart skipped a beat. He did not expect Lin Wanjiang to be the first to operate on Yangjiang City. He did not think that Lin Wanjiang had not arrived in Pingyuan Province yet. Everything in Pingyuan Province was already in his pocket.    


"Xuemei, what's the specific situation?" Lin Wanjiang sat in the back seat and closed his eyes to rest.    


"It's Qin Feng. That Qin Feng. You have seen him before..." Lin Xuemei told Lin Wanjiang everything that happened one after another.    


Humph, this group of people is too childish. You can find an excuse like this, but your Uncle Rong is really so. Qin Feng is ignorant. As a provincial commissar, he is also so ignorant. He had thought of using the army. That thing belonged to the country, not someone else. It was for the country, not for someone to settle their personal grudges. " Lin Wanjiang said angrily. He kept tapping his fingers on the central handrail.    


With his experience back then, Xiao Yuanshan knew Boss He was angry. It seemed that Wu Ping's plan had been seen through by Lin Wanjiang. Xiao Yuanshan was glad that he did not take the initiative to tell Lin Wanjiang that he had been taken advantage of. Otherwise, he would have been scolded by Lin Wanjiang. If a person could not even handle his own position, what use would he have?    


He did not know that in this circle, power was the most important thing. Didn't he say that the higher ups were the lower ones, the lower ones were the higher ones, and the higher ones were the higher ones? If someone wanted to get rid of the power in your hands, it would be a matter of seconds. Even if you had a hundred mouths, there was no room for argument.    


"Yuanshan, you have been doing well recently. You are calm and steady. In the circle, you must always believe that the last one who laughs is the one who gets the most power. " Lin Wanjiang's words did not have the slightest hint of sarcasm. This made Xiao Yuanshan's worried heart finally relax.    


"Mr. Lin, I have embarrassed you." Xiao Yuanshan looked ashamed.    


To be honest, What he said was a classic. He didn't say he was incompetent, but he said he had embarrassed Lin Wanjiang. In other words, Xiao Yuanshan had tied him tightly to Lin Wanjiang's carriage. He was sure that he was Lin Wanjiang's man.    


"Yuanshan, why do you sound so glib now?" Lin Wanjiang's words made Xiao Yuanshan's heart rise again. Could it be that the boss was unhappy again? In this circle, the hardest job was to figure out the boss's thoughts. Perhaps he would offend the boss if he was not careful.    


However, thinking about how the boss was convinced that he was the first one to think about Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Yuanshan felt relieved again. He could not help but feel proud of himself. He felt that he had a position in the boss's heart.    


Thinking of this, Xiao Yuanshan couldn't help but think of the days when he worked for Lin Wanjiang. After graduation, he was fortunate enough to enter the Haojiang Group's headquarters. He had only been in there for a few months. He was suddenly told that his salary had exceeded five digits, which made Xiao Yuanshan feel dizzy from the meat pie falling from the sky. One should know that in his hometown, in a small county town, Someone might not be able to make it to five digits even after working hard for a lifetime. But very soon, Xiao Yuanshan was immersed in this joy. He had no background at all. It was too difficult to stand out in this kind of unit unless a miracle happened. Otherwise we'll just have to live on this salary until we die.    


However, he never dreamed that such a good thing would happen to him one day. It was a dull summer afternoon. The manager of the office walked into the office one day in a gloomy mood. He kept glancing at the people in the office who were typing or writing documents.    


Seeing the black lines on the manager's head, everyone felt as if their hearts had been scratched by a cat's paw. They leaned their heads against the table and imagined that a big hole would suddenly appear on the table and fit them in.    


Like the others, Xiao Yuanshan's heart was also beating rapidly. He knew the reason why the manager was unhappy. It was because a vice president had just arrived at the headquarters. It was said that he had already replaced three secretaries with him, but none of them matched up. Mr. Lin didn't say it, but the manager didn't give him any face. One should know that the three secretaries were all from the department. They all had a certain family background, but all of them were kicked out of the office by Vice President Lin. However, they just didn't say the reason. They just said that it wasn't convenient to use it.    


The manager was helpless. He could only continue to choose. However, there were only a few people in the office. The only person who did not have any background was Xiao Yuanshan. He did not know how to confess normally.    


With the mentality of a dead horse, the manager led Xiao Yuanshan into Lin Wanjiang's office.    


Lin Wanjiang and the manager were both exhausted. Neither of them spoke much. They just wanted Xiao Yuanshan to get used to it.    


Although Lin Wanjiang's office was only 20 square meters, Xiao Yuanshan felt like he had entered a paradise. Everything looked fresh. At this moment, the secretary came in just in time. She was holding the cup of water and the ashtray that she had just washed for Lin Wanjiang. He didn't know if he knew he was going to go down to show off his temper or if this was how it was. He placed these two things on Lin Wanjiang's right hand. Fortunately, he added some water to his cup.    


All the food was novel. Xiao Yuanshan tried hard to observe Lin Wanjiang's expression. He found that when the brother did these actions, Lin Wanjiang's eyebrows suddenly knitted together. Xiao Yuanshan's heart skipped a beat. Although he had never followed the boss, he knew that the boss's actions were a sign of displeasure.    


Then he saw Lin Wanjiang pick up the ashtray and put it on his left hand. He flicked the ash into it.    


"Xiao Yuanshan, right? Take a look!" To be honest, Lin Wanjiang was disappointed with the secretaries sent by the office. When he saw another dull young man, he helplessly put the cigarette into the ashtray. He casually asked a question and put all his energy back on the document in his hand.    


Patting Xiao Yuanshan's shoulder, the office manager left Lin Wanjiang's office with sympathy and helplessness. This was the last one. If it didn't work out, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. He had to ask the boss to find someone himself. He was also very puzzled. Normally, those three were quite smart. They had seen a lot of things, so why couldn't they enter Mr. Lin's eyes?    


When the manager left and the boss ignored him, Xiao Yuanshan felt like he was a wooden stake in the field. It was an eyesore to poke him there, but he couldn't leave because the boss didn't tell him to leave. Since he couldn't leave, he couldn't leave. Then we'll have to find something to do.    


He looked around the office. There was really nothing to do. The windows were clean and spotless. Even the rag was washed like a towel.    


When Xiao Yuanshan's eyes fell on the bookcase by the wall, he was happy. He finally found a job that could make him stop idling around.    


Xiao Yuanshan himself liked books. He found that the books on the bookshelf behind Mr. Lin were different from the other vice presidents. Those vice presidents' books were just for show, and Mr. Lin's books had obvious signs of flipping through them. However, Xiao Yuanshan found that... These books are all in a mess, and they're not really categorized. According to Xiao Yuanshan's idea, if they were divided according to their respective types, they would be categorized accordingly. You can go to the right place when you need it, that's easy.    


Thinking of this, Xiao Yuanshan rolled up his sleeves and started to work. Of course, he didn't dare to make any big movements. After all, Lin Wanjiang was there reading the documents.    


He was holding a rag and sorting it while wiping the bookshelf clean. When he was done, he realized that Lin Wanjiang had already left the room. He was so scared that he quickly went out to look for Lin Wanjiang. He found Lin Wanjiang on the tree-lined road behind the office building.    


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