The First Son-in-law

C172 There's an Emergency at Work

C172 There's an Emergency at Work

"Qin Feng, do you like me? Do you love me? " Hanyu whispered.    


"I don't love you. I just treat you as a tool." Qin Feng himself did not know why he would say such a thing.    


"Qin Feng, call me sister. Tell me you like me, okay? Say you love me?" Hanyu kept murmuring and teasing Qin Feng.    


"I don't want to." Qin Feng said fiercely.    


"Qin Feng, just say that you love me!" Hanyu's body twitched.    


"No, no." Qin Feng did not care about Hanyu at all. He still gritted his teeth.    


"Qin Feng, big sister wants to give you something. Promise big sister that you will accept it." After she finished packing and putting on her clothes, Hanyu hugged Qin Feng tightly.    


"That depends on what it is. As long as I can accept it, I will definitely accept it," Qin Feng said thoughtfully.    


"You even want my sister's body. What else can't you accept?" Hanyu said shyly. She turned around and walked to the wall to take off the bag she had hung on the wall. She took out a card from it.    


"Qin Feng, promise me. Take care of your body. I am still waiting for you. " I didn't bring you anything. The password for this card is six six, "Qin Feng said. Take it and buy something. Do you have a house? If you don't have a house, I'll give you money and buy a house while it's not too expensive yet. "As he spoke, Hanyu stuffed the card into Qin Feng's pocket.    


"You are trampling on my dignity." Qin Feng looked at Hanyu like a black-faced god. He took out the card and threw it on the bed. "What do you think I am? A male prostitute? A duck for you to play with?"    


"No, no." Hanyu quickly explained. "I only hope that you can live a better life. I really don't mean anything else. You know that."    


"I don't know. I know that you are trampling on my dignity by giving me money." Qin Feng said snappily and pushed Hanyu away. Qin Feng lifted his leg and was about to leave.    


"Qin Feng, Qin Feng." Hanyu hugged Qin Feng from the waist. "Big sister really didn't mean that. Don't go. Can you listen to what big sister has to say?"    


"What else do you want to say?" She wanted to pry Hanyu's hand away, but she could not do anything about it.    


"Qin Feng, listen to me finish. Wasn't it circulating on the Internet? It said that a farmer who wanted to buy a 100-square-meter house in Beijing would have to work for a thousand years without eating or drinking. A worker who didn't eat or drink would have to work continuously for a hundred years. The average income of a lady was 200 yuan per day. On average, she would work for more than ten years without eating or drinking. And a civil servant who doesn't eat or drink will work for at least 33 years, even though you are not in Beijing. I think the price of the house will not be too low under such circumstances. It will at least be around four or five thousand yuan. I remember you said that your family is ordinary farmers and your brother is in school. If you buy a house, your family won't be able to support you. If it's just your salary, when will you be able to afford a house? " Hanyu tightly hugged Qin Feng's waist. She wanted to prevent Qin Feng from leaving.    


"You don't need to care about this." Qin Feng was extremely annoyed when his sore spot was exposed. "I don't need you to care even if I go to live on the road."    


"Qin Feng, you know that's not what I meant. You know, my sister saw that you were in a bad mood last night. I think you must have gotten into a fight with your family. A man. Without his own house, he wouldn't be able to raise his head at home, regardless of whether you admit it or not. This was an indisputable fact. Nowadays, when a man doesn't have a house, a girl won't befriend you at all. Sister doesn't mean anything else, she just wants you to stand up. If you don't want to, this money will be lent to you by your sister, okay? "When you have the money, return it to me." Afraid of making Qin Feng angry again, Hanyu tried her best to avoid using words to provoke Qin Feng.    


Qin Feng's heart was bleeding when he heard Hanyu's words. Because Hanyu's words were true, and they were facts that could not be disputed. It was a dream. Qin Feng even wanted to have his own house in the county, but... It could only be a dream. In reality, Qin Feng could only look at the house and sigh.    


Seeing that Qin Feng didn't say anything and didn't insist on leaving, Hanyu knew her words had entered Qin Feng's heart. She hugged Qin Feng's waist and slowly moved to the side of the bed. She took the card and stuffed it into Qin Feng's pocket. "Qin Feng, it is my honor to meet you in this life. Without you, I am afraid I will have to live my life as a widow. This is a small token of my heart. If you don't think it's good, "Qin Feng said. You can take it and use it first, and then return it to me when you have the money. I won't set a time limit for you here. Also, sister will give you a piece of advice. Your job is stable now, but it's just a dead salary. Unless you're the leader, you won't be able to earn any extra income. So, you should think about what you can do while you're at work. Now that there are so many people working and doing business, why can't you? You're still young, you should take a break. You can't just limit yourself to two thousand dollars a month, two thousand a month. Twenty thousand a year, five or six hundred thousand a house. What era can you afford it? Now, women's demands are getting higher and higher, to live in a house, to live in a house, to live in a house, to live in a house. Driving a car, you need clothes that are more beautiful than high-end cosmetics. Men need diplomacy, but luckily you don't smoke. But there's always a relationship. If there's a relationship, you have to spend money. You can't always let your friends pay for it... "    


Hanyu's words made Qin Feng's heart tremble. That thin bank card seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. The pressure made him unable to catch his breath, but... He did not have the courage to take out that card. He thought about Hanyu's house in Jing City. Thinking about how the swimming pool in that room could be a three-bedroom one, Qin Feng's heart was bleeding. They were both people. Why was there such a big difference?    


"Qin Feng, I know you are a strong man. But men are strong enough to do what they can. You need help from the outside. Perhaps one day you will become a millionaire. At that time, At that time, you will have to turn around and take care of your sister. " Hanyu slowly turned to Qin Feng and kissed him on the cheek with her head held high. She murmured, "Elder sister is willing to do everything for you. You don't need to feel guilty. Big sister doesn't treat you as a toy. Big sister treats you as my man, Qin Feng. He promised his sister that he would buy a house. Become a real man. Only then can you raise your head in front of a woman. Qin Feng, his sister loves you. I really love you... "    


Feeling Hanyu's lips brush past his ear, Qin Feng stood there like a puppet and let Hanyu play with him.    


What's the difference between us soldiers?    


The sudden explosion of his phone startled Qin Feng. He hurriedly took out his phone. Lin Xuemei's name was jumping on it.    


"President Lin..." Qin Feng picked up the phone weakly.    


"Qin Feng, come and pick me up. There is an urgent matter at work." Lin Xuemei's anxious voice sounded on the other side of the phone. "Right, this time there is a chance. The matter that I told you last time may be solved this time. Quickly come and pick me up."    


The matter from last time? What happened last time? Qin Feng's brain was short-circuited for a moment, but Lin Xuemei could not wait for him to ask and hung up the phone.    


Hanyu was still a woman who knew the general situation. Knowing that Qin Feng had an urgent matter, she did not have time to enjoy it and hurriedly went into the bathroom to call warm water. She cleaned Qin Feng up and stopped cleaning. She hugged Qin Feng and kissed him hard before letting him go.    


He walked down the stairs. Qin Feng felt that his body was light. At the same time, he felt a faint pain coming from a certain part of his body. Qin Feng knew that it was caused by excessive indulgence. However, he didn't have time to think about this anymore. What he needed to do now was to go to the office and pick Lin Xuemei up in a car.    


Qin Feng walked out of the hotel. He wanted to go to the office, but after thinking for a while, he decided to take out five yuan and hit one. After getting into the car, Qin Feng realized that his waist was a little sore. It seemed that although he was young, he was still young. He kept ploughing the fields. He would really tire the cows to death.    


He drove out of Passat and checked it from beginning to end. After confirming that there was no problem, he started the car and drove towards Lin Xuemei's house.    


When he arrived downstairs, he saw Lin Xuemei pacing around. Qin Feng stopped beside Lin Xuemei beautifully.    


"Go to the cadre school." Lin Xuemei opened the door and got into the car. She gave the order.    


"Are we from the provincial capital?" Qin Feng yawned and asked.    


"We are here." Lin Xuemei looked at Qin Feng with dissatisfaction. "Where did you go last night? Why are you so listless so early in the morning? Look at your swollen eyes. Didn't you sleep last night?"    


"Yes, I slept well." Qin Feng quickly covered his mouth, which was about to yawn again.    


Qin Feng was telling the truth. If a man asked him to sleep with a beautiful woman, he would also say that he slept well.    


Turning the car around, Qin Feng drove towards the school.    


When they arrived at the office of the school, Lin Xuemei took out her phone and made a call. "Chief Li," she said. I'm already here. Where are you? "    


"I'm at the entrance of the office building." Chief Li's voice sounded on the phone.    


"I didn't see you!" Lin Xuemei pressed down the window and looked around. She did not see anyone.    


"I was at the door. I did not see your car!" Chief Li was also surprised on the phone.    


"Are you in the provincial capital?"    


"Are you in Baodong County?"    


The two men spoke at the same time. It turned out that both of them had made a mistake. Lin Xuemei was a little regretful. Qin Feng had reminded her just now that she had forgotten to ask first.    


"I will rush over immediately," Lin Xuemei said into the phone.    


"President Lin has to work hard. I have something to do here and can't leave. Otherwise, I will definitely pay a visit personally," Chief Lee said apologetically.    


"It's okay. Supporting Tengfei is our duty. I will rush over now." Lin Xuemei hung up the phone after she finished speaking. Qin Feng, it's the one from the provincial capital. We will rush over now."    


"Okay." Qin Feng agreed. He quickly operated the navigation and looked for the specific location of the provincial school.    


After confirming the specific route, Qin Feng started the car again and drove towards the provincial city.    


"Where did you stay last night?" Lin Xuemei asked Qin Feng.    


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