The First Son-in-law

C168 Are You Trying to Piss Me off

C168 Are You Trying to Piss Me off

The elegant woman extended her arms to welcome Lin Xuemei. Shen Jian, who was standing beside Lin Xuemei, froze. That's right, he froze. Because he was captivated by the fragrance of the wind that rushed towards him. It was as if he had used a stationary movement technique. Even Qin Feng, who was sitting in the car, could feel the fragrance, let alone Shen Jian, who was very close to the girl.    


Qin Feng sniffled. He was considered a man who had experienced three or four women. Moreover, these women were all upper-middle class people. The skincare products they used were all of the best quality. Especially Hanyu. She used the best brands in the country. Many of them were foreign goods, but the fragrance they emitted was not as heavy as words. The most surprising thing was that although this woman's fragrance was very strong, For cosmetics, It wasn't easy to achieve this. With Qin Feng's experience of living for more than 20 years, The cosmetics that could do this didn't seem to exist at the moment. So, what method did this woman use? Was it a demon technique?    


Qin Feng's imagination ran wild. Lin Xuemei and that woman were already tightly hugging each other. Their bodies were facing each other, shocking all the men present.    


"Xiaoting, you are mocking me!" Lin Xuemei laughed and lightly patted the other person's back twice.    


"To our remote town, the people who come are all big bosses." The charming woman also lightly patted Lin Xuemei's back a few times. At this moment, all the men's movements stopped. The few men in Ren town seemed to have forgotten that they should welcome the deputy directors who came down. They all stood there like puppets. Some of them even had something shiny flowing out of the corner of their mouths. In fact, they could not be blamed for this. Anyone with two beautiful women in front of them would be willing to stop the clockwork.    


One was bold, bold, and the other was shy and reserved. The two women of different personalities walked into the building hand in hand. It was only then that the male bosses of Ren Town came back to their senses and hurried up to lead the rest of the people upstairs.    


Qin Feng parked the car and called out to the driver of Ma Liu who came with him. "Brother Lin, let's go upstairs. People like us are not within the scope of their guidance."    


"According to what I said, this is what they did wrong. They all said that they were welcoming him. " Forget about what I said. " No matter what, you are one of our boss's people. Their boss's driver should come out to welcome you, "Lin Yi said indignantly.    


Although he looked angry, Qin Feng could clearly see a trace of mockery in his eyes.    


Lin Yi's words were true. Under normal circumstances, This was really the right way to receive the boss. The driver picked up the driver. The reception needs to be foolproof, just like how the bosses of other units go to the company. Qin Feng had to go down and invite the driver over, even if he was just sitting there drinking water. But your etiquette is here, and vice versa. People would have thoughts and ideas in their hearts. You must say that, in this way, How are you going to stand in this circle? If the word gets in the boss's ears, your position as the driver will be lost. Who would be willing to use an unsociable driver? They wouldn't be able to find out even if they wanted to.    


After Lin Yi said that, Qin Feng said that he might be busy. In his impression, The driver of Ren Town should be a little older than him. Could it be that he did not take him seriously? Or perhaps... This Yu Xiaoting had changed the driver after coming here, and this driver was a novice. He did not know this rule at all?    


Qin Feng muttered to himself as he pressed the remote control to lock the door and prepared to walk into the building. Just as he stepped forward to buy a car, he stopped not far from Qin Feng.    


"Qin Feng!" A familiar voice sounded in Qin Feng's ear.    


"Eh? It's Brother Wang? You're here?" Qin Feng was confused. "Aren't you..."    


"Haha, your brother is very handsome." The man was none other than Wang Fei, the driver who taught Qin Feng how to get oil tickets. He had a way of serving the boss. So, he followed the pretty girl to this remote village."    


"Brother, you really know how to joke. This Ren town is much stronger than that town of yours back then, otherwise... Your boss will come here? Qin Feng was not a fool. Although Yu Xiaoting's town was relatively close to the town, It was a small town and its annual income was limited. This Ren town was famous for being a wealthy town or a big town. It was the boss of this town. In the county, it was usually the head of a big department, and even more so, it was a big town, a big town, a big town, a big town, a big town, a big town, a big town, a big town, a big town, and a big town. To be able to step into the ranks of a higher level, this was a clear example of Yu Xiaoting walking in front of her. She was now the head of the combat division. Although there was not much profit to be gained from the combat division, However, in the few years she had been in the town, she had already arranged for the rest of her family members' lives. The only thing left was to gain fame.    


It seemed that Yu Xiaoting was also ambitious. She did everything she could to come to this town. She wanted to advance further. However, she did not know if she had set her sights on the transportation department or if she had chosen a higher position.    


"Brother, what you said is true," Wang Fei said quietly to Qin Feng. "In the past, when we were in that lousy town, even if we wanted to get some benefits, it was only a matter of a thousand yuan. Now, the countryside is rich. " The boss dares to do it. The boss dares to do it. Of course, my errand boy has lots of benefits. I have only been here for a short time. Brother has already gotten this number... "    


As he spoke, Wang Fei extended a few fingers towards Qin Feng. Of course, Qin Feng knew what that meant. He couldn't help but be secretly surprised in his heart. It seemed that Yu Xiaoting really dared to do something. It was impossible for her not to know because she didn't have her signature permission. It's impossible for the people below to get the money, which only means one thing. Yu Xiaoting seemed to really appreciate this Wang Fei.    


"Your brother is really good." Qin Feng said sincerely. He had been thinking about himself for so long. At best, he could get some gas invoices and stick them on the invoices. Those things were only worth a few hundred yuan. And that kind of thing wasn't common. After all, he had a gas card in his hand. Shen Jian was in charge of buying cigarettes and alcohol. Other people couldn't get involved. There were several times that Wei Dapeng wanted to get a share of the soup. However, Shen Jian used all kinds of reasons to get it. Shen Jian's twenty years of life was not in vain. He knew how to protect the benefits in his hands. Lin Xuemei had just come up, so she could not change the current situation all of a sudden. After all, she had to consider her influence. The most important thing was... Lin Xuemei did not take these things seriously. Money was something. There was nothing she could do about it. Who asked her to have such a powerful father? Qing Zhi County had a hundred thousand snowflakes silver in three years, and now it was a human society. Just the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Spring Festival, these two festivals, the gifts received by the bosses could guarantee that they wouldn't have to worry about food and clothing. Not to mention that their daily expenses weren't even worth a single cent. Other people would do this, but if you didn't do it, If you don't fit in, you won't be able to fly far. Even a rookie like Qin Feng knew about this. Not to mention Lin Wanjiang, who had been around for decades. Although he looked like an official, Qin Feng knew that Lin Wanjiang's true fortune was not something that a person like him could measure. Thinking of this, Money, money! When would he become rich?    


"Let's not talk about it anymore, brother Qin Feng. When I go to the county town by myself, we brothers will have a good chat. Right now, I have to hurry up and deliver things to the shop owners. Knowing that you're coming, the boss asked me to go to the neighboring county to get some good stuff. I'll let you have a good meal later for this. I didn't manage to receive you in time. Brother, you won't blame me, will you? " As he spoke, Wang Fei took out a box from the back seat.    


"How can I blame you? Who are we brothers? When did I come to your place? Didn't you always greet me warmly?" As he spoke, Qin Feng threw a meaningful smile at Lin Yi. "See that? "It's not that I'm not welcome. It's just that he does have something to do.    


People are always so vain. Qin Feng could not avoid it.    


At this moment, Lin Yi's face was red, one white, and one red. Ever since Lin Xuemei became the second in command, he had been peeping at Lin Xuemei's driver seat. There was nothing he could do about it. The first in command Wei Dapeng was not someone he could compare with. His only hope was the second in command. After that old comrade was unwilling to drive, he had hinted to Shen Jian more than once that he wanted to drive Lin Xuemei. He had given Shen Jian a lot of cigarettes and wine for this, but he never thought that it would happen. In the end, the seat fell into the hands of Qin Feng, who had just come to work. Therefore, Lin Yi was not happy with Shen Jian. He hated Qin Feng for taking his place.    


Lin Yi was also an idiot. Shen Jian controlled the wine and cigarettes. He was in need of that thing, not to mention that the things that Lin Yi gave him weren't good quality goods. Unlike Qin Feng, he was just a card when he offered money. In addition to the relationship between Qin Feng and his uncle, Shen Jian would definitely choose Qin Feng. Being able to be a person and earning money, this was the highest realm of being a person.    


"This brother is with Qin Feng, right? Come in together!" Only when he walked up the stairs did Wang Fei 'suddenly' notice 'Lin Yi who was standing beside Qin Feng. He only called out to him, then turned around and walked upstairs.    


Damn it, brother, I'm much bigger than you!    


Lin Yi muttered indignantly in his heart. His face was red and purple. However, he did not have any room for anger. I just don't like you. What can you do? You're just a driver in the office. You can't keep up with the leaders. You're nothing. They don't care about you at all. This is reality. You can be angry, but you can also be unfair. But you can only accept it helplessly. If you have the ability, go and drive the county head. Look at how Wang Fei ignored you.    


Not only will he not ignore you, he will also treat you like his parents. Why? Because you are sitting in a car with a big boss. The reason is so simple, so... Even though Lin Yi was angry that he could kill a cow, he couldn't release it. There was no place for him to release it. It was his fault that all the people in the car were ordinary people.    


Following behind Qin Feng, Lin Yi went upstairs with a belly full of anger. Qin Feng revealed a meaningful smile. "I was just making a joke out of you. What do you think? Are you going to die this time?    


In an occasion like this, it was impossible for the driver to share a table with the boss. Instead, he had a table alone in the room next door. However, the dishes were definitely not small. There was no wine, but Sprite.    


"Brother, we are all steering the steering wheel. We can only think about drinking." Wang Fei turned on the Sprite and handed it to Qin Feng.    


"Of course." Drinking and not driving were Qin Feng's usual goals. He agreed with Wang Fei's words and accepted the drink with a smile.    


"Humph, a bunch of cowards!" Lin Yi looked at Qin Feng with disdain. "It would be great to drink a little wine and then drive a car!"    


"Brother Lin, don't drink. There are still hundreds of miles to go back!" Qin Feng frowned when he heard Lin Yi's words, especially the words' soft eggs'. Qin Feng was very angry, but he could not flare up in front of outsiders. He could only forcefully swallow his anger back into his stomach.    


"It seems like this brother is also a good drinker, but I think we should let him go this time. After all, he is going out with the leaders. It is not good to drive after drinking." Wang Fei smiled and handed the opened drink to Lin Yi.    


"Can't you even afford a bottle of wine in Ren town?" Lin Yi asked. Lin Yi looked at the drink in Wang Fei's hand with disdain. "If you can't, say it earlier. I still have two bottles of 1573 in my car."    


This time it was Lin Yi's turn to have a long face. Last night, Shen Jian had just used this horse cart. He had not had the time to take out the wine he had used in it.    


"1573 is the wine that the leaders drink. A small soldier like us can only drink this Sprite. Wang Fei laughed and placed the Sprite in front of Lin Yi.    


"So there are a bunch of cowards in Ren town." Lin Yi's words were provocative.    


Wang Fei pulled a long face when he heard that. To put it bluntly, in Ren town, Wang Fei was also one of those arrogant and domineering people. How could he swallow this anger? However, compared to Lin Yi, Wang Fei knew that he had to take care of the big picture. The unhappiness on his face disappeared for a moment. He looked at Qin Feng happily. "Qin Feng. You see, not even the three of us can finish this table of food. I want to call a few brothers and sisters over from the office. Do you think it's okay?"    


Qin Feng naturally could not refute Wang Fei's words. Although he vaguely felt that Wang Fei had ulterior motives in doing so, he could not say that he did not agree. Because this was also a way for Wang Fei to build a good relationship with those people. The comrades in the office usually worked hard. It was never their turn to sit at the table with the guests. It was such an occasion. It would be nice if they didn't come to serve at such an occasion, but if they could still be invited to the table to have dinner with them, How could they not be as lucky as a pie falling from the sky and smashing into their heads? It seemed that Wang Fei had studied the art of controlling people. He knew how to integrate himself into a new family as soon as possible.    


With Qin Feng's permission, Wang Fei took out his phone and made a phone call. Brother Wang and Sister Li greeted him. Two or three people came to this room, although they all looked older than Wang Fei. However, each and every one of them was extremely passionate when they saw Wang Fei. There was nothing they could do about it. It was a principle that never changed. Adding the fact that Yu Xiaoting was standing behind Wang Fei, it made him feel even more afraid. This was the current situation of a unit. If not, this person would be fighting to be the leader. Even if he couldn't be the leader, he had to find a way to get close to the leader and be his own people. This is what society does. If you don't do it, people will do it. If people do it, they will step on you. This is the driving force of interests. This is the driving force of interests.    


After they greeted each other and sat down, Wang Fei pointed the spearhead at Lin Yi. He turned to the people who had just come up and said, "Big brother and big sister, you can't come up for nothing. You have to help me greet the guests. This big brother is a person who feels good in wine. You have to take good care of him. Although we don't have a chance to drink 1573, But we're going to have to do something about drinking 1573...    


A few glances were passed over. Those people understood what was going on. Qin Feng knew that something was wrong and quickly stopped them. "Everyone, we still have to rush back in the afternoon. Let's not drink anymore wine. This drink is good. Our main task is to eat, to eat."    


As he said that, Qin Feng kept winking at Lin Yi, indicating for him to hurry up and say a few words. However, Lin Yi's reaction made Qin Feng so angry that his nose started to smoke.    


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