The First Son-in-law

C191 I'm Not That Kind of Person

C191 I'm Not That Kind of Person

Qin Feng ran to the water pipe at the end of the corridor downstairs. He turned on the tap and took a handful of cold water. He touched his face twice. The phone in his pocket rang very quickly. Qin Feng didn't need to look. He knew ninety percent of the call was from Director Liu.    


Qin Feng waved his hand randomly and took out his phone. Liu Ming's phone number was indeed on it. He looked at the number that kept flashing on it. Qin Feng felt that his phone was like a time bomb. It was not like he didn't want to answer it. After thinking for a while, Qin Feng finally pressed the button. It wasn't that he didn't want to answer it. Instead, he prepared to face Liu Ming.    


After calming himself down, Qin Feng quickly walked up the stairs. When he returned to Liu Ming's office, he found the bucket of water was being turned over. He didn't know whether he should be glad or sad that it wasn't damaged. If it was broken, he could slip his hand and accidentally knock the door open to cover it. This was good. The bucket was fine. He had to open the door himself instead of knocking it open. Qin Feng braced himself and knocked on the door of Liu Ming's office.    


"Come in." There was a trembling sound inside.    


Qin Feng regretted knocking on the door again. He should have come back later.    


This time, Qin Feng was worrying too much.    


Qin Feng sighed in his heart. Speaking of which, Chief Liu is still able to do it at such an age. He is really the model of men in our generation.    


"Chief Liu, I'll change a bucket of water for you." Qin Feng said as he swiftly took the empty bucket off the water dispenser.    


"Thank you," Qin Feng said. Didn't you go out with President Lin?" Liu Ming saw Qin Feng's nose twitch a few times and quickly opened the window. However, the two of them did not talk about what had just happened.    


"No, I just came back not long ago. Little Xu said that you don't have water here and asked me to bring you a bucket." Qin Feng installed the new water for Liu Ming.    


"Qin Feng, it must have been hard to follow President Lin." Although Liu Ming looked calm on the surface, his heart was restless. He was thinking about how to seal Qin Feng's mouth.    


"It's okay. President Lin is very considerate of her subordinates." Qin Feng picked up the empty bucket on the ground. "Director Liu, if there is nothing else, I will go down first."    


It was so numb. I told you to drag me down and not mention it. I'll just leave and see what you do.    


"Qin Feng, what happened just now..." Liu Ming got up and hurriedly reminded Qin Feng when he heard that Qin Feng was about to leave.    


"What happened just now?" Qin Feng looked confused. "Didn't I come to bring you some water?"    


Qin Feng was also nervous. Qin Feng was the vice president, and it would take him seconds to kill him. If Qin Feng could find something on him, he might be able to kill Qin Feng. Now, although he seemed to have grasped the weakness of the other party, he had also planted an unscheduled bomb.    


However, Qin Feng knew that he could not give in to such a thing. However, he could not use the chicken feathers as an arrow. The best way was to pretend that nothing had happened. After all, he did not have any evidence. If the other party denied it, he could not do anything. He might even be accused of slandering the boss. If that was really the case, it would not be worth it.    


"Oh, hahaha. Qin Feng, you're really smart." Liu Ming was stunned at first. Then he laughed. He had thought it through now. So what if you are the driver of the boss? Anyway, you don't have any evidence. Who can believe you without any proof? Even if someone believes you, this thing can't convict you. But, he also knows that... A dog bites a dog's fur. Then, he would also be in a foul mood. The best way was... Just give him a sweet date, but... I'm just a deputy, and he's followed by a boss. If he wanted something, the boss would be much more useful than him. Did he need to find sweet dates from him?    


However, he had to give the sweet dates. However, what sweet dates could he give him? Liu Ming thought hard about it. What good things could he give Qin Feng in this stall that he was in charge of?    


Thinking of that woman, Liu Ming suddenly understood. He finally found a sweet date that could give Qin Feng.    


"Qin Feng," Liu Ming said. "Qin Feng, come, come. Sit down. Don't leave yet. I have something to discuss with you." Liu Ming stood up and pressed Qin Feng onto the sofa with a smile.    


Although the window had been opened, the smell in the room still did not disappear. In addition to Liu Ming's small eyes, which had been slit in the middle of the maze, Qin Feng seemed to have smelled a conspiracy. However, even though he knew that there was a tiger in the mountain, he still had to lean towards the mountain. There was no helping it, he had no choice. Even if he were to deliver a bucket of water to the boss, he would still encounter such a dirty thing.    


"Chief Liu, I can just stand." Qin Feng stood up and wanted to stand up, but Liu Ming firmly pressed him down.    


"Qin Feng, we don't have outsiders. Just sit." Liu Ming looked at Qin Feng with a smile, which made Qin Feng feel a chill down his spine. Why did it feel like a lamb entering the tiger's den?    


Qin Feng also knew that Liu Ming's sexual orientation was normal. Otherwise, he might have slipped away with oil on his feet.    


The feeling of a smiling man looking at a man made the man very unhappy. Although the sofa under his butt was very soft, Qin Feng felt that the floor was full of bombs of different sizes and colors. He felt like he was going to explode at any time.    


"Qin Feng, this is what happened. Look, this is a public area. " Director Liu put away his smile and said solemnly, "The current outside is the manager of the archive. The manager is not young anymore. Besides, the archive room is also more cumbersome, so... I personally feel that this burden is better placed on you young people. I've thought about this for a long time. But it is only today that I have found the opportunity to discuss with you. How about taking up this external job? "    


Ji Yuanyuan! That person is Ji Yuanyuan!    


Qin Feng did not pay much attention to the matter of external work, but this Ji Yuanyuan's name was in Qin Feng's heart. Qin Feng immediately matched the number. The person just now was Ji Yuanyuan without a doubt. Thinking of Ji Yuanyuan, Qin Feng thought of that woman who twisted his butt like leaves in the wind all day long. It had to be said that Ji Yuanyuan also had a certain charm. Especially her eyes that looked especially seductive, coupled with the flirtatious expression that was revealed by her every move. A person like Liu Ming could easily kneel under her garnet dress. In addition to the fact that they had a direct subordinate relationship, it was really convenient for them to do something. They each had their own advantages.    


"Qin Feng." Liu Ming was very dissatisfied when he saw that Qin Feng was distracted, but he did not dare to reveal it too much. Moreover, he did not expect Qin Feng to be concerned about Ji Yuanyuan's beautiful figure at this moment.    


"Ah, CEO Liu." Qin Feng realized he had lost his composure after hearing Liu Ming's call. He thought about what Liu Ming had just said and quickly said, "CEO Liu. "I think you can be a driver, but you really don't have the ability to run a job!"    


To the public, this was not a good job. At most, they would just follow the arrangement of the higher-ups to do some publicity, volunteer work, and so on. You know, it's a hard and unflattering job. No one was willing to do it. The number of people willing to learn from him was pathetic, like those who won three hundred million dollars in a lottery ticket. The higher-ups had arranged for missions to be completed. Not to mention the better ones, they probably wouldn't even be able to find a person. Even if they managed to find all of them through some means of suppression, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Rather than embarrassing themselves, they might as well not do it at all. Thinking about this, regarding this branch company's external work, Qin Feng had no interest in it at all.    


"Qin Feng, are you not interested in this job?" Liu Ming immediately saw the impatience in Qin Feng's eyes.    


"No, that... I, look... I am just a driver, I can't bear such a heavy responsibility..." Qin Feng had forgotten what he learned from Lin Xuemei and Xiao Yuanshan in the past. In the circle, the most taboo thing was to be happy. If they wanted to learn, they had to learn from the cadres in the circle. Their facial expressions were always calm. Eating and drinking together, even if you could turn a table full of people with jokes. But they still maintained a bitter face, even if you let the wine talk like a basket of baskets. The wine glasses in front of them still don't drop an inch.    


This was the realm of a person in charge. Of course, more importantly, it was their work. However, this was the ability that the circle should have. They couldn't write everything on their faces. Being in charge was different from being ordinary people. When a commoner encountered a good thing, they could whip and shoot. When they encountered an unhappy thing, they could put their hands on their hips and curse. But as the person in charge, he must always maintain a clear mind and a cold face. Only in this way will others not be able to see into your inner world. Only then will you be able to stand in a circle and not be used by others.    


"Qin Feng, as I said just now, We don't have outsiders, so I won't beat around the bush. " I'll tell you what I know. " Liu Ming got up and sat back in his chair. Compared to him, he still felt more comfortable talking like this. He felt like he was looking down on others. It was always better. The reason why he lowered his attitude earlier was because he felt that the other party had something on him. Now that he understood that the other party didn't dare to do anything even if he had something on him, Naturally, he had to recover his true nature. Of course. Liu Ming didn't give up on giving her a sweet date. After all, It felt better to do so.    


"Director Liu, what do you say?" Qin Feng sat in a respectful manner.    


"Look at the Section Chiefs in our unit. They are basically all the same. Especially those positions in the business department. They all have certain abilities. Things like Ge Qing are very rare. As President Lin, It's not like she's going to touch whoever she wants, and she's going to have to think about the impact, too. Most importantly, based on my understanding of President Lin, She definitely wouldn't do something that could be done in a short period of time. Even if she wanted to change it, she wouldn't do it in a short period of time. It must have been just people she didn't think fit to be in that position again, even if that was the case. After careful calculation, the number of positions in the company could be counted on one's fingers, the number of positions in the company could be counted on one's fingers, and the number of positions in the company could be counted on one's fingers. There were only one or two people who had reached the age limit. It would definitely be difficult for you to sit in that position all of a sudden. Moreover, even if President Lin wanted to, she had to consider the consequences. But it is different now. I can advise President Lin. This way, we can set up a single Section Chief seat. However, these elders will definitely not be interested in such a seat. This will create an opportunity for you. As long as you have the experience of a true Section Chief, it will be much more convenient for you to compete for other relatively important Section Chief seats... " As he spoke, He discovered that Qin Feng's eyes were so clear that one could not see the bottom. There was no disgust or desire in them. This made Liu Ming feel like he had failed. When he saw the disgust in Qin Feng's eyes, he was very happy. He felt like he could see into the depths of Qin Feng's heart. But now, he saw Qin Feng's lack of desire. He had a feeling that he couldn't control this young man. How humiliating was this to an old man who had been in the circle for a long time?    


However, Liu Ming didn't dare to be angry. He just felt a chill on his back. If Qin Feng's heart was really bottomless, Then the matter between Ji Yuanyuan and me might just be a heavy bomb. At such a moment when I want to be the second in command, Liu Ming wouldn't allow this bomb to exist, but... The only thing he could do now was to stop it. All we can do is try everything we can to minimize the power of the bomb. He could only try his best to win as many benefits as possible for Qin Feng.    


After listening to Liu Ming's words, Qin Feng's heart was moved. It was a hidden desire that was flowing in his heart. No one was willing to live a life of idleness. Qin Feng was the same. From Lin Xuemei to Hee Changgong. They're all talking about how to get him to the top, but... However, there was no movement for a long time. A huge cake was placed in front of him, of course. It wasn't because of how attractive the boss of the committee was, but because of what Liu You said. The position of the Section Chief that the public occupied was too attractive. With the position of the Section Chief, This was what Qin Feng wanted.    


However, he did not reveal his joy on his face. He knew that he could not afford to let anything happen to him at this moment. He couldn't let Liu Ming see through his thoughts. He had to show that he had no desires. This was the only way to keep Liu Ming's heart in the air. This was the only way to hold Liu Ming's chess piece firmly in his palm. With one more chess piece, he would have a higher chance of winning. The feeling of having a carriage and horse cannon in his hand was definitely different from being a carriage and horse. With a car-horse cannon, there can be a rearguard cannon when the car is gone. If there was only a car-horse, then the car would be gone and only a crippled horse would be left. No matter how happy the horse was, there would be no threat at all.    


"Thank you for your concern, CEO Liu. Right now, I am only thinking about how to serve President Lin well. As for the rest, we will talk about it in the future. I am not familiar with external work. It's not too late to familiarize myself with it first. Just now, President Lin arranged for me to do something. I haven't had the time to do it yet. I have to go now. " Qin Feng was the first to ring the bell to end the conversation. This made Liu Ming feel like he had a fishbone in his throat. He could not swallow it and could not spit it out. It was extremely uncomfortable. However, he couldn't do anything about it. Who asked him to have something on him? Who asked him to have Lin Xuemei as his shield?    


Therefore, he could only watch Qin Feng walk away.    


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