The First Son-in-law

C266 My Queen

C266 My Queen

At work, step by step, Asking for instructions in every aspect was a common phenomenon. Many bosses were in the position of bosses. Whether it was administration or business, he had to be authoritative. He had to follow his train of thought. It was the boss's line of thought. The correctness of his line of thought was not important. What was important was his authority. As long as it was the boss's decision, The servants had to obey and obey. Some bosses had the mentality of "insisting on having the boss as an expert." They did not start from work. Instead, they prioritized the boss's authority.    


Sometimes, the characteristic of bosses was that they were unreasonable - Because he understands all the reasons you need to be reasonable. He can only use the logic of being unreasonable to deal with you.    


No matter how good his writing skills were, he had to get his secretary to write for him; no matter how good his driving skills were, he had to be driven by a driver; no matter how bad his eloquence was, he had to speak in person.    


This was the so-called boss. "Therefore, in the circle, don't try to walk with the boss by his nose. If that happens, it would be a taboo in the circle. You should know that it's right to always be a step slower than the boss. It's not good to contradict your boss."    


Hanyu talked about some of the true meaning of the circle in Qin Feng's eyes.    


Sister Hanyu, I didn't expect you to have a good understanding of this research. " Qin Feng rubbed a few key parts of Hanyu's body.    


"Humph." He pinched Qin Feng's waist hard. "Don't think that I can't do what Lin Xuemei can do. You should know that we are from a noble family after all. Some small tricks in the circle are not worthy of my eyes."    


"Of course. Sister Hanyu is above us. She came from under the Son of Heaven's feet." Qin Feng flattered her.    


"Humph. Don't mess with these useless things. Do you think I am the same as those department directors? A little bit of flattery can make them dizzy. Let me tell you, I've seen a lot of things. The ink in my stomach is much more than you think. " He rolled his eyes at Qin Feng. Hanyu's little hands were very dishonest.    


"Really? Then quickly tell me!" Qin Feng did not want to be outdone.    


There were people in charge of the court. Without a strong background to support them, they basically did not expect to enter the core level of power. Of course, as a normal person, To be able to rule was already considered a glorious achievement. Wasn't it a popular couplet: Just say you can do it, you can do it. As long as you can't do it, you can't do it, you can't do it, you can't do it, you can't do it, you can't do it, you can't do it, you can't do it.    


This saying that you can do it, you can't do it. At the very least, it wasn't that simple. At the very least, the person who said you can do it has to do it, and then you can do it. If the person who can do it is just an ordinary person, or even a small official without any background, then... Even if he brags that you can't do it, if it is a minister or even a vice state, And the person who holds the power says you can do it, you can try it. It's not far from your meteoric rise. "    


Hanyu also deeply experienced these words. Her husband was an example. When her father-in-law was in power, My husband's promotion is like a rocket, but since a few years ago my father-in-law retired, His husband's promotion speed suddenly slowed down. I've had to find a way to get out of my lair and go down there to find my home, of course. Compared to most people, Hanyu's family was still at the top of the pyramid.    


"That's true." After listening to Hanyu's explanation of the couplets, Qin Feng nodded. "I remember when I was a soldier. There was a soldier of the same year. He was a communications officer in the company. There was a time when a chief from the military came down to inspect the work. At that time, the soldier had a good eye. This made the chief very happy. He patted his shoulder and said, 'Such comrades must be properly groomed!' It was just this sentence. Soon, he was sent to the military academy to study. "    


When he said these words, Qin Feng still felt a sense of pity in his heart. To be honest, before that, He did not expect his teacher to take him away when he came down. At that time, the soldiers in the company were also envious and jealous. They never thought that the soldier behind him would be even luckier. He was directly chosen by the commander of the military. It was said that... His current rank seemed to be the deputy battalion, because the kid was more likely to get into trouble. It was unknown where he found out that the head liked to eat pancakes, so he specially went out to find a master teacher to learn from. Then, he would think of a way to escape to the Bureau Chief's house. Of course. Before he ran, he had invited all the people around the chief, especially the one closest to the chief. He had spent a lot of money. It was said that he had used his yearly allowance to hire that person to serve a dragon.    


Now, he was in a bad situation. If there was anything, there would often be others who would invite him to serve a dragon. There was nothing he could do about it, because he had gotten close to the military district's chief. This really couldn't be said in the same breath.    


Every time he thought of this, Qin Feng would beat his chest and stomp his feet. He secretly thought that if he was not favored by his teacher, he might also be favored by the commander of the military. Now, he might even have stars hanging on his head!    


However, time could not be reversed. People could not stop what had already happened. Regarding the matter of him not being in charge of the army, Qin Feng could only hold his anger for a moment. In the end, he still had to face reality. What had happened now was perhaps a compensation for not being in charge of the army. There are a few women around him, and they are all the best. Especially Lin Xuemei and Hanyu. Not only were their looks top quality, but they were also top quality women. There was also the rising prosperity that was about to arrive. Thinking about this, Qin Feng felt a little refreshed.    


Damn it, the heavens have treated me well. They know that I have lost it once before, and now they have filled me up all of a sudden. Being the person in charge of the army is equivalent to selling me off. Thinking about it now, it is better to be at a more comfortable place. Hahaha!    


Men always like to have fun. Qin Feng was also a normal body with flesh and blood. Naturally, he was no exception. He also looked forward to the things that men generally liked.    


"Is your brain wrong again?" Hanyu rudely stretched out her delicate fingers towards Qin Feng's ribs.    


"No," she said. "I'm not thinking about anything."    


"Humph, you still haven't said it. Look at the saliva at the corner of your mouth. You must be up to something!" Very rudely, Hanyu grabbed Qin Feng's own hand and asked him to wipe the saliva at the corner of his mouth.    


"Hehe, that thing. When I saw you, I couldn't help but think about that thing. Qin Feng felt that his ability to lie was getting better after experiencing so many things. He no longer needed to write a script. He didn't know if this was an improvement or an intrinsic sadness.    


"Alright, you!" Hanyu knew it was a lie, but she was still happy. After all, there was a man who was willing to say something for her. Moreover, this man was the kind of man who could make her want to die.    


The reality was that Qin Feng's phone suddenly rang. After answering the phone, Lin Yi's urgent voice sounded. "Brother Qin, where are you? Come back quickly. The company is going to hold a meeting. The office informed everyone that no one is allowed to take leave. Hurry up. It will start in five minutes!"    


"Alright, I can't accompany you anymore. Let's go upstairs first." Qin Feng got out of the car and ran upstairs quickly. When he arrived at the meeting room on the sixth floor, Xu Mei had already called the names. She raised her hand to signal to Xu Mei. Qin Feng found a random seat and sat down.    


"Same old rule. The Deputy Captains of Section Chief all sit forward. It's not the first or second time. I hope that the Section Chief can take the initiative and run back. How can this seat in front be empty?" When Xu Mei finished counting, Shen Jian held the folder and pushed his eyes up the bridge of his nose. He pointed at the two rows of empty chairs in front of him and said.    


Every meeting, this seat gave people a headache. No one liked to sit under the boss's nose. So, they all chose to sit back. In this way, the space in the middle and the front was empty.    


After hearing what Shen Jian said, those people with a bit of authority in charge all stood up and walked forward. There was nothing they could do about it. In their eyes, Shen Jian had a lot of power. If they said something bad about him at the boss's place, they would not be able to make up for it.    


"Qin Feng, what kind of meeting is this? Why are you asking for so much?" The old comrades in one of the departments pushed Qin Feng's arm.    


"I heard something happened." Qin Feng pretended to be unfathomable.    


"Oh." The man nodded. He had always taken the boss's words seriously. To be exact, he was superstitious. In his opinion, the words of the people around the boss were insider. The inside story was a mysterious existence in the circle. Qin Feng's unfathomable expression made him believe it even more. He put out the cigarette in his hand and sat down in a serious manner. At this time, Lin Xuemei's face was gloomy as she accompanied a few policemen dressed in police attire.    


The people in uniform walked into the venue.    


The meeting time was very short, but the shock it brought was no less than a level five earthquake. It was a deputy president who was taken away. It was said that he moved some of the funds under his jurisdiction and the amount was very large. At the meeting, Lin Xuemei became serious again. After the meeting, there were people who were happy and people who were worried.    


"Every meeting, I don't know what to be afraid of when I sit in front of you," Shen Jian muttered as he returned to the office. However, his face was full of joy. After all, this time, If he didn't have the vice president in prison... His vice president was unknown, but now... That basically meant that he was already in the bag. It couldn't be said that he was certain. At the very least, he had to be sure.    


"Put that chair away a few times, and the number of people in the company will be as many chairs as you can. Do you think it will still be empty?" Qin Feng said angrily to Shen Jian. He did not like people who would laugh at others. They might have made a mistake, but they could not be happy about it, especially when they had misappropriated their funds. What if...    


A terrifying thought came to Lin Qin Feng's mind. When he thought of this, Qin Feng quickly ran to Lin Xuemei's office. He had to get Lin Xuemei ready. Good things don't come out, bad things spread for thousands of miles. With the advanced information technology today, the incident at the company would definitely spread out in a few seconds at a speed of a hundred kilometers per hour. At that time, those people who have nothing better to do will have to find something for themselves to do.    


"President Lin..." When Qin Feng entered Lin Xuemei's office, he found Lin Xuemei, who had sent away the staff, was standing in front of the window looking at the traffic outside. She was holding a cup in her hand. The steam that came out covered Lin Xuemei's face.    


"What, is something the matter?" Turning around, Lin Xuemei looked at Qin Feng in a daze. There was no expression on her face at all.    


"Sister Lin, are you okay?" Qin Feng gently locked the door.    


"Do you think I'm okay?" Lin Xuemei asked. She walked back to the table and sat down. "Didn't Hanyu come? Ask her to come to my office."    


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