The First Son-in-law

C245 I Want the Truth

C245 I Want the Truth

However, Lin Wanjiang would definitely wait and see. He wanted to see what Tang Sidong was trying to do, what he was trying to do, and what drove him to do so.    


Tang Sidong did not expect Lin Wanjiang to not react at all when he heard these words. This made him feel like he had sworn he would not find a partner. He thought that his words wouldn't make Lin Wanjiang angry, but at least he had to let him say something. Lin Wanjiang didn't show any expression at all. He just sat there with no expression on his face. It was as if he didn't exist. This made Tang Sidong's enthusiasm fade a lot. However, when he thought of the decision he made when he came here, he had no choice but to regain his spirit.    


"But, Mr. Lin," he said. All of this was just a superficial phenomenon. After a pause, Tang Sidong continued. "I know," he said. "Whether it is this or that side, it doesn't matter. Everyone feels that the word 'Han' is stuck on my forehead. It is precisely because of this that everyone feels that the word 'Han' is stuck on my head. I'm trying to make sure everything that belongs to me here is done carefully, in this way to make up for the sadness in my heart. I know, outside the rumors about me sharing a wife with Han Province, I don't deny it, it has happened before. Because my wife is Han Qinglian's first girlfriend. I used some means to marry her back then. " Speaking up to this point, Tang Sidong no longer called him Han, but Han Qinglian.    


"This time, Han Qinglian did not become the boss. He has been holding a fire in his heart. He has been thinking of ways to make things difficult for you. I know why that person called the police and the Public Security Bureau ignored him. The real boss of the manor is the young master of one of the elders. " And this young master has already bribed countless people in charge of Zhongyuan Province. "    


"Are you in there?" Lin Wanjiang suddenly interrupted.    


"Yes," Tang Sidong answered straightforwardly. "I dare say that all those above my level in Zhongyuan Province are in there as long as they have some power in their hands. Because everyone has this in their hands."    


As he spoke, Tang Sidong took out a card from his pocket.    


"The money is typed on time. I don't know exactly how much it is. Because I have never checked, but I know. " It's definitely not less than six digits a year... " Tang Sidong placed the card on the coffee table in front of Lin Wanjiang and said," If there is a pie falling from the sky, I think this is one thing. Many officers have never been used, but they have all received this benefit. Especially one of them. Although I don't know about it, I guess what they have received is at least twice as much as ours. "    


"Can they really earn that much money?" Lin Wanjiang picked up the card and played with it. "Do you know how many cadres in the province above your level and how many cadres there are? If each of them is six figures... 'Does he have any profit?'    


"Humph!" Tang Sidong sneered. "He is a businessman. He will never make a losing deal. Although he gave out a lot of money, he took back more. Most of the money he took was from these people."    


"Take the money from these people?" Tang Sidong's words surprised Lin Wanjiang. At the same time, he vaguely felt that he had found another breakthrough.    


"That's right. I just want to take these people's money." Tang Sidong had already thought it through. Since it was like this, he might as well give it his all. He might even get what he wanted. Even if he gave it his all, he could just find a place to retire. He had no way out now anyway.    


Therefore, Tang Sidong told Lin Wanjiang everything he knew.    


"You mean almost everyone has been pinched by the enemy?" Lin Wanjiang's body shook when he heard Tang Sidong's words. If it was really like that, his job would not be easy. There was an empty stance, but the lower part was actually empty.    


"I don't dare to say everything, but most of them are... Especially the male comrades. Who wouldn't be good at that?" Tang Sidong smiled bitterly and said, "And his place is famous for being of a higher level. The waiters are all beautiful university students with high academic qualifications, and they can provide services that no one dares to imagine. Even if a man couldn't do it, he would be able to regain his confidence there. Of course, the most important thing was that it was safe there. Even if he fought three times a day, he wouldn't be able to hit him there. By the way, no one dared to hit him there.    


"Ridiculous." Lin Wanjiang finally stopped suppressing his anger, especially when he thought that his daughter had also been drugged by this group of people and had lost her innocence. Lin Wanjiang couldn't control himself any longer. He casually gave the cup on the coffee table a beautiful parabola and gave it to her for use.    


Hearing the noise in the room, Qin Feng suddenly pulled the door open and opened it. A hungry wolf pounced on Yan Sidong and pushed him to the ground. "Mr. Lin, are you okay?    


It hurt. Pain... As the head secretary, Yan Sidong had never been treated like this before. The pain coming from his body almost made him faint. However, the strength of Qin Feng's hand did not reduce in the slightest. This was because he often saw such scenes on movies and television. The usual signal was to throw a cup or something.    


"Qin Feng, quickly let go of the person in charge of Sidong's secretary." Lin Wanjiang did not know whether to laugh or cry, but he could not say anything.    


Qin Feng was doing this for his own good.    


Seeing that Lin Wanjiang was really fine, Qin Feng let go of Yan Sidong.    


"Mr. Lin, this little comrade is really good at martial arts. Where did you find him?" Although his body was aching, Yan Sidong did not dare to say anything.    


"Haha." Lin Wanjiang did not deny it, but his heart was full of joy. He thought to himself, "No wonder big bosses and rich businessmen like to have bodyguards. So it turns out that there are really benefits!    


"Qin Feng," Lin Wanjiang said. You go. I still have something to discuss with Sidong's secretary." Lin Wanjiang waved at Qin Feng.    


"In Sidong's opinion, what should we do?" Yan Sidong had confessed to Lin Wanjiang. Lin Wanjiang's attitude towards him had changed, but before he could fully believe it, One should know that there were too many sad schemes in this scheme. A slight carelessness could lead to finding someone else's path! It was better to be careful in everything.    


"This is very difficult." Yan Sidong rubbed his chin that was hurt from the fall. His face was also full of bitterness. "These relationships are intertwined and intertwined. If one took a wrong step, one would fall into eternal damnation. Han Qinglian is forcing you into a desperate situation!    


" Does that mean there is no way to solve it? " Lin Wanjiang looked at Yan Sidong with interest.    


"You can't say there is no way. And there are two of them. " Yan Sidong's words made Lin Wanjiang alert again. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that Yan Sidong seemed to be setting him up, luring him into it.    


"Oh, there are two other ways for Sidong to be in charge of the secretary? Then let's hear it," Lin Wanjiang said with interest.    


"One is to tell the boss the truth, and the other is to find a way to bring justice to the victim." Yan Sidong said without hesitation.    


"Which of the two methods does Sidong's secretary think will work?" Lin Wanjiang looked at Yan Sidong with interest. He thought to himself, "You are such a jerk. "You are trying to get me in by going around it, aren't you?    


"I don't think any method will work." Yan Sidong shook his head. "Even if the first one can make the other party back off, our project will be ruined. The second one might be able to protect our project, but it will be too difficult to shake the relationship between the two parties. We might even be able to get ourselves involved."    


Lin Wanjiang was so angry that he almost cursed even though he knew that it would not work. However, he still looked at Yan Sidong at a moderate pace. He wanted to take a good look and see what kind of golden core this guy was selling. "In Sidong's opinion, what should we do?" Lin Wanjiang knocked on the table gently.    


"In my opinion, it is better to let a prefecture take care of this business. This is their responsibility," Lin Wanjiang said. Yan Sidong's words were out of Lin Wanjiang's expectation. However, Lin Wanjiang still scolded Yan Sidong for being a sly one.    


In a sense, a certain prefecture was Han Qingkang. If he handed it over to a certain prefecture, he would hand it over to Han Qinglian. As long as he opened his mouth, a war would inevitably break out between the two of them. Moreover, he was the one who ignited the fuse of the war.    


Lin Wanjiang realized that this Yan Sidong was really something else. He thought that the emotional speech just now was to show his loyalty. He didn't expect that Yan Sidong would dig a hole and lure him into it. You are underestimating me, Lin Wanjiang. I am from the upper class. What kind of people have you never seen before? You are trying to get me into the pit by playing such a small trick. Then I, the big boss, might as well stop doing it.    


However, since the other party had already dug out this hole, wouldn't it be a waste of the other party's hard work if he didn't jump? Wouldn't it be a great disrespect to the other party? Wouldn't it be a waste of the other party's good intentions and good intentions?    


Thinking of this, Lin Wanjiang smiled and said, "Sidong's secretary is in charge. I'll leave this matter to you. Say hello to the related comrades over there. We must find a way to suppress this matter. We must maintain stability. You have to satisfy the comrades above, of course. The most important thing is to maintain stability. If we can't get this project, we can do something else. But if we can't maintain stability, we can influence the overall situation. "    


"If we want to make the other party relax, we have to release enough smoke bombs to numb the other party's nerve lines. Lin Wanjiang knew this very well.    


"In addition, I think some people in the magic system need to learn well. Their job is to ensure peace, not to become tools for some people to gain benefits." Lin Wanjiang felt that this was a good opportunity to get rid of these people who were in the way.    


"They need to learn well. I think it's good to give them a class." At this time, Yan Sidong naturally followed Lin Wanjiang's words.    


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