The First Son-in-law

C221 Did You Really Hit a Mouse

C221 Did You Really Hit a Mouse

"Sorry, I saw a piece of news. I was a little excited." Sensing that she had lost her composure, Zhou Ningmeng quickly apologized. Fortunately, the Section Chief in her department was not bad for her, because Kong Yuan had given her many benefits when he was still in power. This person could be considered to be the kind of person who would repay kindness and kindness. At the same time, he invited everyone to continue working. He casually asked Zhou Ningmeng, "Ningmeng is a person of temperament. I guess she saw something that makes you feel indignant again?"    


"Yes." Zhou Ningmeng also knew that the other party was giving her a way out. She quickly replied and conveniently told her about the matter of a female kindergarten teacher abusing a child that she saw on the Internet not long ago.    


Women were born to be maternal. When everyone heard that the young master actually forcefully grabbed a little boy's ears and lifted them up. When the child on his feet cried out in pain, the young master actually had a smile on his face. When he looked like he was having fun, everyone in the office became excited. All of them condemned the young master for being inhumane. He was not worthy of such praise as' The torch turns into ashes and the tears start to dry '.    


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Ningmeng, the first person to be involved, left the stall and went out of the office. She ran along the stairs to the sixth floor and into the meeting room on the sixth floor. Seeing the scene on the floor, Zhou Ningmeng felt dizzy. If she did not have her hands on the door, she would have fallen down.    


On the floor of the meeting room, Xu Mei's hands and feet were tied up and her clothes were a little messy. The first impression she gave people was that she had been abused by someone. This scene made Zhou Ningmeng have no choice but to associate it with Qin Feng and Xu Mei doing that kind of thing.    


Tears flowed down her face. Her man did something bad but she had to settle it herself. How sad should this be? Zhou Ningmeng forcefully endured the grief in her heart and walked step by step towards Xu Mei who had fainted. Just when she was about to reach out to remove the rope on Xu Mei's hands and feet, Suddenly the phone buzzed and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. Zhou Ningmeng took the phone and looked at it. It was a text message from Qin Feng. Seeing the caller display Qin Feng's name, Zhou Ningmeng had the urge to throw the phone out of the window. However, her reason told her to read the text first.    


The message was sent by Qin Feng after Lin Xuemei arrived. He was afraid that Zhou Ningmeng would lose her mind. In other words, anyone's wife would lose her mind when faced with such a situation. So, he used both of his hands to roughly describe what had happened. She also repeatedly told Zhou Ningmeng not to spread this matter. Although he knew that Zhou Ningmeng did not act like a chatterbox like the gatekeeper. But this matter concerned Xu Mei's reputation. It was better to be careful!    


After reading Qin Feng's text message, Zhou Ningmeng's tears turned into a smile. However, she could not help but complain. She complained that Qin Feng was always shocked. He liked to send her to the clouds and then suddenly pull her down. Speaking of which, this kind of thing often happens when two people are intimate.    


After reading the text message, Zhou Ningmeng knew what she should do. Originally she wanted to untie Xu Mei, but now it seems like... Let him tie her up like this. In terms of strength, she should just let him tie her up like this. He was afraid that he was really no match for her. If something unexpected happened, Thinking of this, Zhou Ningmeng decided to sit by the side and quietly wait for Xu Mei to wake up. At the same time, she was also puzzled in her heart. Isn't it just a Vice Division Chief? Is it worth using my innocence to exchange for it? I should show off my ability. There aren't many undergraduate students in the company. Then he should show the qualities of an undergraduate student and rely on his own body to seek benefits. Luckily Xu Mei could think of it.    


Although she came from a big family, Zhou Ningmeng's thoughts were very simple. Firstly, she did not have any desires and liked to live a dull life. Secondly, her father did not interact much with her. She had never thought that society would be so complicated, so complicated that it could be described as a battlefield. She thought that as long as she had the ability, she would be able to make a name for herself in this day and age. These days, if no one up there says you can, Even if you had the ability to be the head of the Provincial Party, you would not be a department level cadre.    


"I understand. I will settle the score for you when I go back tonight." Seeing Zhou Ningmeng's reply, Qin Feng put it down completely. At the same time, he secretly sighed with emotion. Zhou Ningmeng was really a reasonable woman. If it was anyone else, they would have already been in a mess.    


He was just about to put down his phone and get off the car to chat with his colleagues. He did not expect that the phone's never-changing ringtone would ring. When he took it over and saw that it was Lin Xuemei calling, Qin Feng quickly picked it up.    


"Vice President Lee, are you here? Hurry to the small meeting room on the second floor." A very person-in-charge Fang's words came out of Lin Xuemei's mouth. Qin Feng was confused.    


Vice President Lee, come to the small meeting room on the second floor!    


What did the boss mean?    


Qin Feng's brain began to run at high speed. Is there something that needs to be delivered by me, or is there something important that needs to be explained to me but can't say it out loud? However, these two situations can be solved by sending text messages. Nowadays, the boss who took his phone in meetings was in charge of everything. They're either talking to Mimi or running around on the Internet, or they're sending people around through text messages. It was precisely because of this that the entire signal was blocked during important meetings.    


Qin Feng thought for a while but still could not figure it out. He could only open the briefcase and take out the notebook and pen he prepared for Lin Xuemei to follow Lin Xuemei's instructions to the meeting room on the second floor. Just as he got out of the car and was about to leave, he suddenly saw Lin Xuemei's handbag on the back seat.    


Right, didn't Mr. Lin need something from this handbag and it was not easy to tell him. Women always have more things to do.    


Qin Feng was very familiar with the way he came. He came to the meeting room easily and saw Lin Xuemei sitting at the door. He guessed that the important boss hadn't arrived yet because there was a chattering sound in the meeting room. If there was an important boss, such a sound would never be heard.    


"Come over here." Lin Xuemei saw Qin Feng at the door and pointed to the chair behind her. She waved at Qin Feng.    


"President Lin." Qin Feng tiptoed to Lin Xuemei's back. He did not dare to look at her because he realized that the people attending this meeting were all the heads of several heavyweight units. Any one of them would be very powerful.    


"Yes." Lin Xuemei nodded expressionlessly and pointed to the chair next to her.    


There were a lot of rules. The boss was the boss. A soldier was a soldier. As a soldier, you did not have the right to be on the same level as the boss. Even in such a small meeting room, there will be a hierarchy. As the boss's follower, you have to sit in the back row of the boss. There would never be a chance to sit with the boss.    


"President Lin, I brought you the things you need." Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, Qin Feng put the piece of Shu Bao he just brought into his notebook and handed it to Lin Xuemei.    


Seeing Qin Feng pass him the notes, Originally, Lin Xuemei was very puzzled. She felt that there was something inside. She quietly opened it and took a look. Her pretty face immediately turned red and covered her entire neck.    


She turned around and glared at Qin Feng. Lin Xuemei quickly stuffed the thing into her notebook and threw Qin Feng's notebook back.    


Seeing Lin Xuemei's expression, Lin Xuemei was stunned. Qin Feng knew that he had hit the horse's hooves with his boot-licking. Perhaps she didn't need this at all. Since he didn't need it, why did he come up here?    




I'm afraid I don't have the qualifications to do so. This is a small meeting room. Those who are participating in this meeting are all reputable figures in Baodong County. Any one of them would shake the mountains and shake the earth. Who do I think I am? A small driver.    


However, the boss asked him to come. Then he couldn't just leave, because he hadn't figured out the boss's intentions yet. Qin Feng had no choice but to sit there and do nothing. He wanted to play with his phone and read a novel that his cousin had recommended to him. However, it seemed inappropriate to do so in such an occasion, so he took out the ability he had when he was holding a meeting in the army. He sat up straight and looked straight ahead. Just opposite him was the door to the conference room. To be able to see the scenery of the corridor outside was a form of compensation for the loneliness in his heart!    


As long as a slightly more important boss participated in this kind of meeting,    


The secretary would only invite the boss over after everyone had arrived. It couldn't be helped. The bosses nowadays had a lot of work to do. Who could waste a lot of time on this? Most importantly, it was impossible for the boss to wait for his subordinates in the Heavenly Dynasty. Our national situation was destined to be delusional.    


Qin Feng had just sat down for two or three minutes when a young man came in and scanned the venue. Then, he turned around and left. Qin Feng recognized this man. He was Yang Yuan. It seemed that the standard of this meeting was not low either.    


Less than two minutes after Yang Yuan left, a loud noise sounded in the corridor outside. A few old men and women rushed into the meeting room with red faces and thick necks. One of the old men did not know it. His head touched the door without blinking.    


Qin Feng understood when he saw the situation. It seemed that someone had come to visit.    


However, the standard of such an interview was a little high. In the past, the department in charge of which department would take care of it. That's right. This time, the heads of several units had arrived, and the executive vice was personally in charge. Looks like this is not a normal serious problem! What matter is it that deserves such a huge mobilization?    


Qin Feng quietly looked around the meeting room and found that other than the boss of the city construction department, the boss of the third senior brother of Baodong County was also there. As a result, Qin Feng guessed that it was not too far away.    


The third senior high school had been restructured and restructured a while ago. It was probably because there was a problem with this. Since ancient times, it had been a big problem to deal with scholars. It was no wonder that Boss Zheng had brought all these bosses here.    


"Everyone, calm down. Boss Zheng will come over immediately. When the time comes, let's discuss it together, okay?" Yang Yuan did not dare to speak excessively to these old teachers. The other party was already 50-70. If there really was something that she couldn't bear, she wouldn't be able to bear the responsibility!    


"Alright, you guys stop shouting. We'll see what they say later." An old man among the few old men spoke. It seemed that he was probably the leader. As soon as he said that, the people who were chattering shut their mouths. Qin Feng couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart. This was prestige and ability.    


Just as he wanted to say a few more words to express his feelings, he found that the few bosses who were as steady as Mt. Tai suddenly stood up. Their speed was almost as fast as Bolt, who was flying in the Olympics.    


Subconsciously, Qin Feng also stood up. Reality proved that following the footsteps of the bosses was the right thing to do. Because a figure that didn't get angry had already appeared at the door of the conference room.    


"Let's begin!" Zheng Yedong frowned and sat in his seat. Yang Yuan quickly placed the documents and the cup of water on both sides of him. It was good to be the boss, and there was always service.    


"Old comrades, please tell me what you think first." Zheng Yedong was also weak when he said this. He was probably annoyed by this matter.    


"We don't have anything to say. We just need to compensate according to our requirements," Zheng Yedong said.    


"Yeah. We can do whatever we want with our house. Why did we add so much space for no reason?"    


"That's right. Why? What did you say in the beginning? Do you think your government department's words are bullsh * t?"    




Qin Feng was speechless. Was this still the teacher of the people, the hardworking gardener in everyone's eyes? Each and every one of them looked as if they had just come down from the battlefield.    


Looking at the venue, the few shop owners all drooped their heads. None of them took the initiative to look at Zheng Yedong, afraid that they would be called out by the boss. At this moment, it was better to keep a low profile.    


"Stop!" A dignified voice sounded like thunder in the meeting room. Everyone secretly glanced over. It was still the old man who stopped them. Qin Feng muttered in his heart. It seemed that this old man's prestige was not ordinary. Because the meeting room immediately became quiet after he left.    


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